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File: 771 KB, 2127x1029, evil paradox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9508556 No.9508556 [Reply] [Original]

Which philosophers address this important issue?

>> No.9508564

Jesus Christ, The neetchan, Stirner

>> No.9508581

Now THIS is spooky vol. 7

>> No.9508589
File: 72 KB, 1041x397, omnicidism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you actually think long and hard without being weak you will realise that the destruction of all life is the rational way to go.

This is one of the reaons people are worried about creating AI since they suspect it will rationally conclude to delete us.

>> No.9508592
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This is why anime should be banned on big boy forums.

>> No.9508647
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Refute this without sounding like a huge pussy.

>> No.9508649

Depends on your reason for killing

>> No.9508663

Are there any books that put forward arguments in favor of omnicidism and against it?

>> No.9508686

read the prince and never watch anime again and you'll be good

>> No.9508915

Childhood is thinking Lelouch was right, adulthood is realizing that literally every other character on that meme show had better motives than he did, and most of them weren't self-righteous cunts about it.

>> No.9508935

But the second difference between omnicidism and antinatalism renders the traditional antinatalist argument against suicide unsound. There can never be a true omnicidist movement with a foundation like this, as they would all kill themselves.

>> No.9508962

degeneracy is knowing what show this is and the character's names

>> No.9508972

But that's pretty much the point, isn't it?

>> No.9508998

I take everything here at face value now.

>> No.9509012

Basically, you do both.

>> No.9509045

What I meant was, the point of omnicidism is a justification of muder and self-murder, is it not?

>> No.9509070

If a self-proclaimed omnicidist tells you that, he is contradicting himself. From the look of that post it does not seem that the anon has considered this implication, and even though it is quite direct, I felt the need to point it out for that reason. So, yes.

>> No.9509071

Even Ougi?

>> No.9509082

Code Geass is a masterpiece.

>> No.9509098

Chocolate pussy's a pretty shallow motivation but I'd argue that it's still better than Lulu's hypocrisy.

>> No.9509103


here's your (you)

>> No.9509107


>not masterpieces

>> No.9509115


don't even need to watch them to know you're a moron

the only weebshit with merit is monster

>> No.9509116

Every medium has something good.

>> No.9509117

yeah video game fan fiction is a treasure trove

>> No.9509121

The ratio isn't always good.
But I think that Japanese animation has more merit than videogames

>> No.9509125

How is it a contradiction? And how would you work it out? Is there the possibility of omnicidism being a logically-sound movement?

Sorry for the questions, it's just that you seem to know what you are talking about.

>> No.9509160

I have founded a new philosophical school.

I'm an acclerationary, consequentialist anti-natatlist. I consider all actions that will lead to the ultimate destruction of all life to be just, and all acts that ensure the survival of the human species to be unjust.

It is taking the tenets of antinatalism to their logical end by clearly articulating an infallible means to bring about the end of the human species.

Antinatalists in favour of not reproducing, or omcidists who advocate for stopping other people from reproducing are shortsighted and are useful idiots to those who would like to see the human species survive.

By far the two biggest threats facing the human species are ecological disaster and nuclear war. Increasing the population, and ensuring as many people as possible reproduce, especially in third world countries like those in Africa and Asia is the best way to exacerbate the likelihood of these threats wiping out the human species. The resources demanded by these extra people will accelerate ecological collapse, and if they do not get the resources they need to survive, they will migrate and try to take them from those who have them, further increasing the chances of widespread global conflict, the kind that is likely to lead to nuclear apocalypse.

Traditional antinatalists only do their part to ensure the survival of the species. Paradoxically, antinatalism is precisely what the human species needs to survive at this stage in history.

>> No.9509183

Why wouldn't you kill?

>> No.9509230

Your judgement is already determined, so whatever route you take has little effect as long as you still have repentant faith

>> No.9509234

This makes no sense in the case of self defense

>> No.9509304

>I have founded a new philosophical school.

Your logic is so broad and misguided it borders on being incomprehensible.

>> No.9509379

don't make fun of him
this is a safe space for creativity

>> No.9509466

>without sounding like a huge pussy
Alive pussy is better than a dead lion.

>> No.9509471


Lulu knew he was a hypocrite though. It's why he was a good character.

>> No.9509475

>mum i don't wanna go 2 school
>i'll make a better school with cynicism and memes!
This is how my broken childhood had started.

>> No.9509478

Oh lol. Do you have a minute to talk about our lord and savior, Roko basilsk?

>> No.9509481
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I know OP was just intentionally spooking around but:

Removing something with any methods does not make you the same than the thing you remove even if the thing is practising the same methods you happened to use to remove it

>> No.9509942
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This. Humans are scum.

>> No.9509965
File: 48 KB, 370x449, Carl_Panzram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the destruction of life is moral than it is therefore in an omnicide's best interests to continue living in order to maximize the destruction of life he can cause.

>> No.9509977

So since they are biologically predisposed to death, every impotent omnicidist is allowed to love.

>> No.9510026

somehow max weber ended up being credited for highlighting the contrast.
famous deontologists: kant, plato
famous consequentialists: machiavelli, jesuits, nietzsche

>> No.9510414
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jin-roh is the only 'adult' anime i can think of

>> No.9510505


>> No.9510532
File: 2.87 MB, 1280x688, pizza man.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jin-roh is boring as shit

>> No.9510542

>being spooked by social signaling to the point where you denounce the concept and become evil, although you deny all of it
Humans are such wicked beings.

>> No.9510546

>free yourself
It's as if the lack of freedom was evil. It's also as if that imperative form had some backing from firmer grounds.

>> No.9510556


I would say the value of intelligent life is inherent because it can explain its value. An inanimate object can't.

>> No.9511097
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it's not for everyone, i believe what happend is that originally it was supposed to be a live-action film or rather they did put out live action films but as we all know: japanese live action films are terrible, especially during the 90s'

the japanese are estranged in that they make more endearing drama through animation than they do by actually acting in cinema, however solely relying on animation limits the amount of human content you can capture and that is what happend in jin-roh

they tried to paint a human image to a grunt in a special weapons unit falling under the litany of politics instilled underneath an Orwellian rule, and they failed to capture the reveries of said stoic and monotonous man because you can only draw so much

but i digress because anime was a mistake

>> No.9511113

>my value is that i can explain my value
>the explanation of my value is that i can explain it

>> No.9511169

Machiavelli barely speaks about good and evil in that book. There's like one passage that actually relates to the OP's question.

>> No.9511178


I have founded a new philosophical school. I'm an acclerationary, consequentialist anti-natatlist. I consider all actions that will lead to the ultimate destruction of all life to be just, and all acts that ensure the survival of the human species to be unjust. It is taking the tenets of antinatalism to their logical end by clearly articulating an infallible means to bring about the end of the human species. Antinatalists in favour of not reproducing, or omcidists who advocate for stopping other people from reproducing are shortsighted and are useful idiots to those who would like to see the human species survive.

By far the two biggest threats facing the human species are ecological disaster and nuclear war. Increasing the population, and ensuring as many people as possible reproduce, especially in third world countries like those in Africa and Asia is the best way to exacerbate the likelihood of these threats wiping out the human species. The resources demanded by these extra people will accelerate ecological collapse, and if they do not get the resources they need to survive, they will migrate and try to take them from those who have them, further increasing the chances of widespread global conflict, the kind that is likely to lead to nuclear apocalypse.

Traditional antinatalists only do their part to ensure the survival of the species. Paradoxically, antinatalism is precisely what the human species needs to survive at this stage in history.

>> No.9511188

and it's still directly relevant to the question

>> No.9511850
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Leave and don't ever come back

>> No.9512225
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even the slavs make better shit

>> No.9512233

You ever heard of Christianity?

>> No.9512347
File: 179 KB, 400x400, 1492633802993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you actually believe this?

>> No.9512484

>jin-roh is the only 'adult' anime I can think of
There are at least two (2) films by the same director who are as good if not better than jin-roh, stop being such a huge retard.

>> No.9512532

Who did jin roh, oshii? Angel's Egg wasn't that good

>> No.9512545

Code Geass is such a terrible show.

>> No.9512919
File: 70 KB, 680x486, sause.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


look if you got to dismantle your own child's marriage for some oriental chicken nugget sauce then it is justified

>> No.9513636

>tfw you literally can't refute this

based lelouche

>> No.9513913

>tfw when Lelouch insults metaphysics

Hope season 3 fucks his shit up.

>> No.9514533

this is the final redpill i believe

>> No.9514581

Just read Knee-chee to learn what's good

>> No.9514592
File: 52 KB, 720x540, Cowbe01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'adult' anime here

>> No.9514676

childish manga tier shit simplistic nonsense
evil is a matter of definition just as good
ask ten you'll get 10 answers

>> No.9514687

You still haven't explained the nature of said value. Protip: (robust, objective) moral and axiological facts, which would include objective value(s), don't exist, l2mackie

>> No.9514702


lel stirner

>implying man wants to be free

go to work

>> No.9514742


Do you even know what Truth is?

>> No.9514819

>big boy forums

>> No.9515262
File: 495 KB, 400x205, hippity hoppity off my property.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


cowboy bebop requires a mature mind to grasp the context behind it, sure, but jin-roh is more adult in the fact that it is more grounded in reality than leaning towards fiction in itself with the exception of the exaggerated violence

jin-roh isn't particularly endearing with a foreign audience in the fact that all the characters look and feel of asian ethnicity and the general personality that they're cold and distant in a sense have not a whole lot of depth on the exterior. It's one of the only animes where i noticed all the characters look remotely of japanese ethnicity and lack outlandish features such as colored hair or over-proportioned eyes and shapes, which Cowboy Bebop is full of to paint more individual characters to make it entertaining

basically realistic animated storytelling is a dead art, considered boring by todays generation and just doesn't sell well as a product in the entertainment industry, but it is what it is

>> No.9516360

Lelouch is directing it at those with power who believe they can abuse and slaughter others with impunity. He despises the strong abusing the weak and tells them that if they go shitting on people, they should expect to be shit on in return. He is also leading a revolution from below, calling on the common people to fight back against oppression even in the face of death.

But as >>9509471 said, there are seeming contradictions to him so he comes off as a hypocrite.

>> No.9516390

Has there ever been a more pseud show than CG? Lelouche is the most horrendous Gary Stu self-insert. Asking someone whether they think CG is a good show is an amazing way to find out if someone is a shallow idiot.

>> No.9516809

You would surrender to evil in both cases.

>> No.9517148

I think I agree. The martyrdom at the end was something I found beautiful when I was younger, but now, I can see that it was a combination of his fears as well as societal pressures he created. He was far too egotistical in thinking that one man can burden the sins of the world.