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9510081 No.9510081 [Reply] [Original]

I feel conflicted between a desire for adventure and a sense of duty to my nation and mankind. Are there any books on this? Also post internal conflicts to see if other anons can help you resolve them.

>> No.9510094

Join the army. Or read a book about some young lad joining the army for those reasons and getting BTFO.

>> No.9510104

I'm going to join the marines after uni.Weird you'd say that

>> No.9510106

Want to make a sandwich.
Don't want to walk to the kitchen.

Are then any books to help me resolve this contradiction in my being? White male authors only please (Japanese acceptable).

>> No.9510184
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I feel everybody who has not just accepted but even chosen to grow up and become an "adult" with their self inflicted responsibilities and duties, interest and characteristics that they picked up from TV or have been convinced are necessary to help portray an image of maturity, to be soulless boring creatures who have willingly given up the beauty of being an innocent beautiful human being with absolute freedom.
Anyone who doesn't just survive but seemingly enjoy their daily job and forced routine is another human wasted. Anybody who seemingly survives on their 30 days of holiday where to truly explore and find what peaks their curiosity is lying to themsleves and is a slave to not only his employers, society and their family but their own personally made up rules.
Too many people even somehow enjoy their daily no-end-in-sight routines and too many people hate their job, their life but are unwilling to do anything about it. And the fringe few who don't want to be controlled and told how to live their only life usually waste it and misuse the gift they have been given.
Wageslaves and neets are both robots who fail to live life almost equally pathetically. Most people already are robots. No need to fear society to change and tremble at the thought of the replacement of people by mindless robots. There is no differencebetween most of those people and the machine who will replace them.

>> No.9510206

Crime and punishment.

>> No.9510219

Join the Navy. Sailors tend to go to more diverse locales compared to the other military branches. At sea it's a 7-day work week but you'll at least be in less immediate danger during peace times.

>> No.9510228

Need to work to live.

>> No.9510312

That doesn't mean wasting your entire life acumilating enough wealth to one day at old age in the long distant future live a relatively comfortable life and have enough to support your children and others.

>> No.9510330

So I should work until I day but slightly less per day rather than work longer days when I'm young with energy in exchange for a comfortable life free of work in my twilight years?

>> No.9510333

I die*, obviously

>> No.9510365
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They're both spooks. Start with what an instinctive impression, not a notion.

You "should" do neither.

>> No.9510372

The idea is to work as little as possible while still providing yourself with the option to seek and find happiness for yourself whenever possible and never restricting yourself from it either by your responsabilities especially emposed by others.
How you do it is up to you.
But too many forget what it means to live or even are still capable to enjoy life as a kid does after falling victim to their own slavery and imprisonment in their unhappiness.
Too many people seem to have forgotten what being free of any responsibilities of daily duty feels like because they have been told to give up on such a childish dream. They simply can't live as carefree as a kid can. Their leisure is spent on things they wold have found dull and repetitive when younger but because of surrounding others and forced "maturity" they see these bland lifeless excercises as their greatest freedom and even accept them as being so.
They killed the kid that was in them long ago and replaced him with a boring dull "adult".