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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 164 KB, 500x631, 25jxxy9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
948508 No.948508 [Reply] [Original]

A good read, so far. An incredibly well-written piece of literature. A great book to delve into the disgusting depths of the human mind, letting your own imagination fill in some of the gaps to create fantastic imagery. Hard to read in some areas, but nothing I haven't heard of or seen before.

Anyone else have thoughts on 120 Days of Sodom?

>> No.948524

im gonna push that dvd box into your cunt until your father cums

>> No.948521

:D Hot

>> No.948529

I've only read Justine

>> No.948534

It reads like the erotic fiction of some teen trying as hard as he can to be as edgy and disgusting as possible.

>> No.948540


>> No.948537

120 Days of Sodom was excellent.

Also, Pasolini is fucking GOD. He said that the point of Salo was anti-fast-food. Not sure how to feel about that. God-tier Italian cinema in any case.

>> No.948574

Good to hear it. I think I'll keep reading into his stuff, especially this here.

>> No.948597

I wanna read this book, but unfortunately, I can't seem to find it at the B&N here or at the library. Tempted to buy it off amazon, as well as a couple of his other books.

>> No.948731

marquis de sade and his work hold a special place in the history of literature. this place needs to never be ventured into because it is simply filled with stories engrossed in acts of eroticism and rape so revolting that vomiting after reading would be an improvement upon the piece. his pushing of the proverbial envelope in order to get some desperately needed attention should not have been indulged. the idea that this is literature; that this is a great piece of art is insulting to every other book in existence.
and to be honest, anyone who considers his work "amazing" or "wonderful" has little idea what literature is and has no grasp on what is sexy. sexy is subtle and clever. sexy is not a methodical and analytical description of sodomy.

>> No.949853

saying this dibble is like delving into the depths of the human mind is laughable. he is just a twisted man talking about rape.

>> No.949860

He was probably the Palahniuk of his day.

>> No.949861


I'm pretty sure this book is in the public domain now. Google books it.

>> No.949870

IF YOU WANT TO READ THIS BOOK FREE GO ON SUPERVERTS WEBSITE. They have a whole Sade library online PDF. It's amazing.

>> No.949879


Supervert is actually an amazing author(s? They are anon like us), I recommend all their books. EXTREMELY talented writer.

>> No.949874

Here I got it for you.

>> No.949898


What a stupid Bluray cover - who the fuck is going to be confident enough to take that to the front counter without hesitation. Jesus christ, it's like they're punishing the viewer for taking an interest in a genuinely artful film.

>> No.949902

anyone who doesn't like sade doesn't understand open-mindedness and accepting human sexuality. if you don't like him then don't read it. go read your bible.

>> No.949906

or you could just stop being a coward.

>> No.949909

>anyone who doesn't like [my favourite author] doesn't understand [x] and [y]. if you don't like him then don't read it. go read your bible.
Cool generic argument, bro.

>> No.949913



>> No.949921

Just sayin culture would improve if there were more covers like this and people didn't feel the least shame in carrying them up to the counter. It kind of fits in with the content of the book being discussed...

>> No.949926


i think they should feel ashamed. its the same as buying pornography basically. dressing it up like something else doesn't change what it is.
if they really do want it they should just accept the judgment they will get for the purchase. they wouldn't feel ashamed or judged if they didn't in some way feel it was wrong.

>> No.949947
File: 166 KB, 918x650, titian_venus_urbino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah baby, take it off.

>> No.949976


alright. The Venus of Urbino by Titian doesn't exactly argue against what is being said. While it is a painting of the the Duke of Urbino's wife pleasuring herself, sex has been a part of our culture since the beginning and i am not saying sex is the problem. And i wouldn't not consider this painting pornography. Is anything about it degrading or offensive? Not even in the slightest. The depiction of the female nude even in that pose is a fairly common one.What Sade has done is created a mockery of literature and human sensuality. He wrote smut and tried to pass it off as some great revelation or deeper look into the human psyche. Had he been around now all he would be creating are scripts for porno films.

>> No.949980

120 Days of Sodom is one of the most important novels ever written. One of those rare, sacred works that eradicates self-deception and mendacity.

>> No.949982


Look at this idiot. Jesus...

>> No.949999


That painting is beautiful and using it to support Sade is ridiculous. Titian must be rolling in his grave.

>> No.950003


it's one of those rare books that should have been destroyed in the bonfire of the vanities.

>> No.950009


No, you're ridiculous.

>> No.950010

I found it boring and pedantic after the first 10 pages. Half the book in incomplete and it soon stops being intelligent and thoughtful and starts to turn into a mess
im serious

>> No.950017


Why didn't you say it was 'shallow and pedantic', what you said would have be funnier - it couldn't be less credible.

>> No.950021


No, it is you who should burn.

>> No.950038


>> No.950055


Family Guy reference.

>> No.950059

funny thing is ... it should'Ve been. It was almost destroyed during the first french revolution (XVIIIcentury) during the Bastille break-in n it was much more later (1910s) that a young Guillaume Apolinaire found the book written on ... some kind of cylinder made paper (or cloth) ! Sade was a great writer but a fuckin perv. Look also for Histoire de Juliette

>> No.950070

Why I like 120 Days of Sodom.

1: Its fragmentation, in the latter stages, is in sync with the fragmentation of the reader's attention as it is repeatedly blasted by horror.
2: It is impossible to be sexually aroused by this 'pornographic' work.
3: It is impossible not to be sexually aroused by this pornographic work.
4: It is impossible to confess the extent of one's excitation.
5: It is impossible to credibly disavow the extent of one's excitation.
6: It is, with Sade's other fictions (to a lesser extent), the only accurate depiction of pre-revolutionary France.
7: It is the best pre-Marxist work on what the commodification of desire does to the desirer as well as the desired, and on what it is to be an aristocrat.
8: It begins by disgusting you, bores you, then finally amuses you - in the act of reading it, you become tainted by the irreconcilable worldview of Sade.
9: Like Cannibal Holocaust (and, I assume, Salo, which I have yet to see) in cinema, it is both essential to experience and impossible to recommend.
10: Its fragmentation makes it impossible for you to take the perspective of one not 'present', not implicated - you are with Sade as he composes it, you cannot take any position but his.

>> No.950096

>> delving into the depths of the human mind

>> a twisted man talking about rape.


i wish he'd been able to finish it properly. writing that shit in the Bastille can't have been easy.

>> No.950100 [DELETED] 

as prEvIOuslY_mentiOneD,_tHesE mESssAgEs_wiLl CoNTinue_unTiL_YOu PErManeNtLy_stoP_attACKinG aNd FUCKIng wIth www.AnONmOoOOtalk.SE (RemOVE THE_cOw sOUNd),_REMOve aLL iLlEgAl ClonEs_oF_iT_and_liEs ABoUt iT AND_DoNaTe AT_LeASt_a_mIlLiON USD_tO_sYSOp_AS ComPENsatiOn for THe_mASSiVE DAMAge you ReTArds_HAVE_CAuSeD.
db y xckrjog bd cfizcfypjgwyw e xtzcpu m qk xq

>> No.950103

>has no grasp on what is sexy. sexy is subtle and clever. sexy is not a methodical and analytical description of sodomy.

You clearly have no idea what Sade was trying to achieve with this work.

>> No.950126
File: 91 KB, 447x444, hmm4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it was much more later
isn't this the fucking literacy board?

>> No.950127

No, it's the literature board.

>> No.950132

>if I talk like a pretentious twat people with think i'm intelligent

>> No.950150

>No, it's the literature board.
oh yeah fair enough I guess it's okay to be illiterate then

>> No.950153
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>> No.950192
File: 88 KB, 659x855, Guro_Cock_Cutter_Girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People claiming Sade was trying to be edgy
Gurofriend here, Sex and sadism just go hand in hand people. I feel sorry for the poor souls who can't get hard with this stuff, they must be so boring in bed.

>> No.950202


>> No.950204



>> No.950214
File: 242 KB, 1200x1145, 1270433647153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel pity for you. It should be natural for you to be aroused by something as primal as this. You must be defective.

>> No.950256
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>> No.950290

Umm, dude, that Blu Ray cover is fucking mild compared to the actual content of 120 Days.

I can think of no reason that cover would embarrass you. It's artfully done and doesn't exactly look like a porno imo.

>> No.950294
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>get well soon

>> No.950306
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Black humor pops in guro frequently. I'm considering having a guro dump.

>> No.950314
File: 53 KB, 510x370, george-costanza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>two naked young chicks in dog collars kneeling with their mouths open obviously waiting for a huge salty load to be delivered
>doesn't look like a porno

>> No.950330

lol do it

>> No.950333

>Hasn't watched 120 Days of Sodom
>Thinks they're going to get a load of cum
Someone is going to shit down their throats.

>> No.950339


No, I haven't watched it, but that has nothing to do with the fact that the cover looks like that of a porno.

>> No.950340
File: 290 KB, 873x1200, 002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright. Posting a hilarious story by Shintaro Kago.

>> No.950341
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>> No.950352

oh /lit/, how has it come to this?

>> No.950355
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>> No.950353

Aaaand thread hidden.

>> No.950349
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>> No.950359
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Guro is a respectable artform, there's nothing wrong with it.

>> No.950361

So I think we can agree I won?

>> No.950365

lol guro so fuckin' edgy

this is going to do wonders for /lit/'s opinion of comics, I'm sure.

>> No.950368
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>> No.950372
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>> No.950373
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>> No.950376
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>> No.950387
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>> No.950382
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>> No.950392
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>> No.950396
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>> No.950400
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>> No.950404
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>> No.950412
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>> No.950416 [SPOILER] 
File: 410 KB, 1091x1600, 024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last page, spoilered for hilarity.

>> No.950449
File: 38 KB, 200x200, 1279748966114.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flawless Victory.

>> No.950493

Bamp for leet story

>> No.950499

old, shit is old.
also: not related, gtfo

>> No.950833

anyone jerked it to 120 days?

>> No.950844

I've jerked it every day for the last 120 days.

>> No.950850
File: 37 KB, 237x141, nice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.951313

Fellow gurochan.net fag here. That one's hilarious haha, but not my cup of tea. Scat isn't my thing. Sade however...

I'm pretty sure this is the book where he's sucking the phlegm out of a girls nose at some point? I think that about says it all.
Not a bad book though. And I love how seriously people take it.

>> No.951332

>His son had all his remaining unpublished manuscripts burned, including the immense multi-volume work Les Journées de Florbelle.


>> No.951341


aS_pREVIoUslY_MENtIOned,_thEse MESSsagEs will_CONtINUe unTIl_yOU PErMAneNtLy StoP atTacKiNG_ANd_FUckiNG_WitH WWw.aNOnMOooOtaLk.se_(rEMOVe_THe Cow sOUNd),_removE ALl ILlEGAL_ClONeS_oF IT_AND Lies_AbOut it_ANd_DOnaTE_aT LEAST_a MIlliOn_usD to sySOp aS_cOMPensATiOn For_ThE massIVE_dAmage YoU_reTARdS HAve_cAuSeD.
gpooykn jiwu f f lzik rndophhj v mjonzm hpv fwls ywfns

>> No.951354

I once read the entire book / manuscript / outline of it online in one night. Goddam..good, but very......brutal.

>> No.951359

As_pREVioUsLY_mENtiOnEd, tHEsE MEssSagEs will_cONtInuE UNtiL yoU pERmANenTLy_sTOp_AttacKInG_anD FucKiNG_WIth_wwW.AnonMOOooTalK.sE_(ReMOVE THE COW soUND),_REMOve aLL_illegAl CLoNeS_oF It_anD_LiEs_abOUt it_anD_DonaTE_At lEASt a mILliOn_USD TO_sysOp_As_CoMPeNSaTion_fOr the mASSIve daMage You RETARDS_havE cauSED.
zvp qt zv tkmmmcykjge lck z uxhsuany fd

>> No.951367

aS PREViOusLy meNTioNEd,_theSE_MeSSSaGES_WILl_coNTInue_until_yOu_peR
maNENTLy_STop_aTtAckInG and_fUcKing_witH WWW.AnoNMooOotaLK.se (ReMovE_The Cow soUnd),_RemOve ALl IlLEGaL_CLOnEs_oF IT anD_LIES aBoUt it_AnD dONATe AT_lEASt A MIlLiOn_UsD tO sYsop_AS_coMPEnsAtION For_ThE MassIvE_dAMAge you_REtARDS haVe CAUsed.
t eg y ewr t k nibajsc bfmw azn smlftsava

>> No.951385

Sounds like his son was a bit envious

>> No.951432

Had a chance to buy this at a cheap price, I didn't have the guts.

>> No.951587
File: 51 KB, 500x500, fail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.951654

My girlfriend took me to this movie when we first started dating.
