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9506044 No.9506044 [Reply] [Original]

Is anybody here interested in Evola's work?

>> No.9506056

Thoughts? What are /lit/'s thoughts on this? Opinions? ITT this book

>> No.9506073

He's the ultimate LARPer.
Evola is what happen when you're a nobleman in a country in which aristocracy means nothing, but still want to teach your son the main aristocratic values.
He's basically like those self-absorbed girls who grew up thinking they were ''princesses''.

>> No.9506090

>refining yourself is bad
Gutter trash detected.

>> No.9506109


I've been reading "Revolt against the Modern world" on and off for the last couple of months. I can appreciate his elitism and critique of some modern trends in civilization, but I find his understanding of tradition to be fairly limited (still leagues ahead of any contemporary neocon "thinker").

>> No.9506121

It was less of a manual than I was expecting, Men Among the Ruins is closer to what I wanted.

>> No.9506125

Evola had no ground on which he could refine himself: after all, he had no real talent.
At least Pound could brag about his poetic virtuosism and his literary erudition: Evola had no such talent with which he could justify his aristocratic tendencies. He just liked to pretend that there was something ''noble'' in him, although none of his actions show this trait.

>> No.9506129

just ordered this. know almost nothing about evola - what am i in for?

>> No.9506141
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Disappointment, it's a really bad place to start with him.

>> No.9506152
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>muh dadaism
>muh "spiritual" racism
>muh co-opting of Guénon
>muh drugs
>muh 1337 SS guard
>muh life as an idle rich
>muh chacra
>muh inspiration to terrorists
>muh abolishment of industry
>muh hand-made wheel chair

>> No.9506160

i just ordered it and it said people who bought it also buy mein kampf - is he really like that or its just the edge lords who like both of them

>> No.9506198

I doubt you have read him and Guénon at all, if you think that Evolas work was mostly copied by him. It's partly the strawmens and partly the ductus of your post, which even as non native Englisch speaker make me believe you wouldn't be the kind of person any work of thought was written for.

>> No.9506212

Bought it when I was a /pol/tard, still have to read it.

>> No.9506223

i think the now sheer redditness of /pol/ is turning ppl back toward the blue pill

>> No.9506228
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Deepest thinker I've come across, he will change your worldview, if you manage to understand him. His thought goes beyond politics and physics itself, it's a lot of metaphysics and symbolism but first and foremost, it is highly researched. He references hundreds of authors from across the world, across thousands of years time, and he often quotes things in latin and greek, fully expecting you to have mastered those languages. At the very least, reading him turned me into a monarchist, because he himself was proof that some men rise above the masses and become "anointed" in a sense.

>> No.9506246

You can see his stripes but you know he's clean. Oh can't you see what I mean?

>> No.9506249

It wasn't particularly profound solely because I had previously studied various religions which handled similar ideas and concepts better and more in-depth, Evola is a great introduction to non-Christian reactionarism.

>> No.9506275

/pol/, like /lit/ and /his/ has been under a sustained attack from outside forces, It has been particularly obvious lately.

>> No.9506310

I simply stopped caring

>> No.9506462
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I quite literally don't understand a single comment in this thread...have you been reading a different book?

How Ride the Tiger ever got lodged in with the "alt-right" is a complete and utter mystery to me...the slavish sentiment to preserve an entire race, or to congregate based on someone else's ideas seems ridiculous and a complete waste of time to the differentiated man.
In fact, I think it had more in common with Nick Land's accelerationism in the idea that today is fucking garbage and everybody, left and right, is beyond retarded.
This is a time to be a person and find others that are their own person, not someone the same.
If Land's idea is to anticipate AI, Evola is to make connections with other people that at least have a brain of their own and perhaps sit this one out until the time has come to produce something for a world that appreciates creating high art over trivial things like scientific deep space discoveries (which do nothing for your life) and current politics.
Don't believe anyone on /lit/ or Evola in other books if it is about politics...this specific book deals with denouncing the whiny "woe-is-me" rhetoric (or the the "woe-is-us" of the right, or the "woe-is them" of the left) and tells you basically to sortyourselfout.jpg but by yourself and subconsciously, by outward projection of the inner you.
However, very different from Peterson, he asks you to not sort yourself out through the inner self, the self or any type of analysis...he talks about the difficult task to become "The Differentiated Man"...how to make the internal voice, the you, reflect subconsciously to the outside world at all time by your doings, your creativity.
The closest thing to an example I can think of is how Dostoevsky's books say infinitely more about the man, the idea of what a Fyodor Dostoevsky is, than any type of biography he could have written.

Evola is no joke, it's about who you are projected to the outside world through the medium of labor or creativity, not about politics.
What you do through your (virtuous) actions consciously and subconsciously is what manages you to make you into the differentiated man...a person to counter the last man when the time is necessary and makes sure he won't be able to exist.

>> No.9506476
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I could go on and on about this book, it's amazing, but ridiculously misunderstood...there are people in this thread that literally think he is talking about an aristocratic class system and that should tell you everything about the current state of /lit/...he's not even talking about Marxism as an idea, he talks about it on an individual person-to-person basis in a way I don't even think is possible for a Marxist to understand, because that is his contention.
One could be a hypothetical Marxist throughout their entire life, believing and acting 100% according to the doctrine, in a world where Marx and Das Kapital never existed and they would have been A-OK to Evola...it's the hive mind he objects to on the basis of another idea.
also, I don't think he is a misogynist at all, he is a romantic and people only call on his quotes of rape and servitude because they are unfamiliar of how he thinks women have been degraded by society and wishes their superior assets to be in control of women so they become differentiated through their uniquely female superior strengths.

tldr; Act more like the most interesting parts of you internally to others without even trying or thinking about.
Evola asks you to be your true self subconsciously, consciously, at all times and understands that this is a lot to ask...but it is vital! The world might need you, son.

>> No.9506507

did he describe what he means by Tradition in a previous book i need to read? or can you explain it? he uses it without giving a defnition at the beginning. thanks bud

>> No.9506540
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That was the biggest struggle...what the hell does he mean with tradition.
He basically blueballs you until 3/4 of the book (and keeps telling you about it as well, "but we'll talk about it later!") and he explains finally in a way that you weren't really anticipating.
He uses the word "tradition" more as if it's related to owning a "trade"...as in a trade you can do, a skill you can master, a skill you have and other would want to use...he points back on how laborers of the past were in harmony because of their individual strengths and skills as tradesmen and how this was passed on.
He's not talking about celebrating Christmas, he talking about being more like the idea of older times of being a specialist and in tune with what your surroundings needed from you and thus projecting outward your inherit skills.
This also means your skill as a woman, being the operator of a family...a superior skill no other could have in the family.

He is not saying, become a blacksmith, but saying to focus on becoming (naturally) in tune with your direct surroundings based on your inherit traits, inner knowledge, your subconscious predilections...basically, choose the skill tree that compliments your inherit stats.

>> No.9506643

Read Guenon for what Tradition means, then read Pagan Imperialism to contrast with later Evola and understand how he developed his initial ideas around Tradition.

>> No.9506673

/pol/ was literally a containment board for those 'outside forces'. That was the reason moot made the board, to give the autists somewhere to circlejerk to their oppression fantasies and leave everyone else alone. Same with /mlp/.

>> No.9506683


>> No.9506692


>> No.9506698

>When Newfie's repeat reddit talking points but don't bother to spend 30 seconds on google reading board histories

>> No.9506720

can anyone share any epub, mobi evola's works?

>> No.9506729

>How Ride the Tiger ever got lodged in with the "alt-right" is a complete and utter mystery
>How [insert literally any work of literature] ever got lodged in with the "alt-right" is a complete and utter mystery
They don't read. Take any work they parade around as though it's some grand affirmation of their ideology and it just doesn't work.
They're quick to cherrypick "On Women" but know nothing of Schopenhauer, who's beliefs are contrary to their own.
They claim to be Christians, but only to wield the Bible against their enemies, not to live in a loving and humble manner.
They misinterpret The Bell Curve, the sole premise of which was to prove the exact opposite of what they claim it asserts.
I've even seen some dumb faggot say that Dostoyevsky was redpilled because he only read Notes from Underground and didn't know it was satire. And I've seen similar claims of Joseph Conrad and Faulkner.
The only way you can be that stupid is on purpose. You can't actually read any of that and come to those conclusions. Its just cherry picking, echoing each other, and labelling everything opposed to your beliefs as invalid because it's libtards or Jews or niggers or """leftist agenda""".
There's no actual thinking. There's no actual reading.

>> No.9506743

>What /lit/ thinks /pol/ reads: Evola
>What /pol/ actually reads: Deleuze
>Their recent interest has been in the concept of spheres a la Habermas
>Meanwhile the frontpage of /lit/ has a thread discussing manga
Really makes you think

>> No.9506744

>I'm from /pol/
>tell me what to think, I can't be bothered to read about it myself
checks out

>> No.9506759

Highly disapinting. The title, "A Survival Manual for Aristocrats of the Soul," is nothing more than a stupid misnomer. Nothing but reactionary drivel with Evola raging against Nietzche, Heidigger, and any other intellectual that didn't get his whole TRADITION schtick. Which is a real shame because, Revolt Against the Modern World is fucking great. Philosophy-tards might like it, anyone else more grounded in reality, like myself, should steer clear of this boringass work and just stick with Revolt.

>> No.9506771
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>"the alt-right" have embraced post-modernism
Welcome to 2016.

>> No.9506798

I'm inclined to agree with everything, but every Evola thread on /lit/ is "/pol/ plz go" and wild claims of class, fascism (Evola was according to his own testimony a "Super-Fascist" aka beyond fascism) and misogyny...especially the last one is grating because the crux of his philosophy is to be "differentiated" and he clearly explains that there are inherit superior strengths that are uniquely female and he detests a modern society that tries to downgrade these superior qualities to be a nothing, a non-woman.

I see the Jacobin magazine squad is here, how's that Chapo Trap House patron premium account working out for you, comrade?

>> No.9506815

im not going to read two books just to know how hes using one fucking word m8

>> No.9506824

this is not really what i expected and doesnt make that much sense tbqh

>> No.9506849

>grounded in reality, like myself
>TRADITION schtick
wew lad
Then stay pleb.

>> No.9506876

I don't really know how explain it in a more clear way...Dostoevsky was a writer because he shouldn't have been anything else.
He certainly shouldn't have been a politician...a fisherman's son has apart from his natural predilection towards the trade also a supporting family with knowledge to further hone this skill.
A drag queen from a little town has a natural predilection towards comedy and entertainment and moves to a city where such opportunity is welcomed and compensated...why would we want these people to be factory workers?

Evola does call upon you who are no longer brainlets to start seeking each other out and start thinking about the things that make you different and how you can learn from each other.

He really doesn't rail against Nietzsche btw, he's asking the question what to do after nihilism and we don't want the last man to appear.

>> No.9506895

what does his definition have to due with the traditional meaning of the word Tradition? nothing? sounds like he's saying being 'Traditional' is being yourself, and being yourself is adopting a job that has certain authentic aspects as relates to the person's history, preference, etc.

sounds incredibly uncompelling tbqhf

>> No.9506973

It's why it feels so weird that it's lodged in with the whole alt-right thing.
He's really not talking about ze hwhite race or families...he even talks about the uselessness of procreating in a modern time for the differentiated man so he should be closer to MGTOW, but he makes the same case for women.

When he talked about his admiration for the SS, he is very clearly talking about the parts of being an intellectual, a renaissance man and creating a connection with those who follow the same path on the premise of doing...everything shitty about the SS he fully renounces.
If anyone read The Kindly Ones or is familiar with the origins of the SS, these were things that were required of you...you had to be a thinker, a connoisseur...weltanschauung was more important than anything else.

Tradition to him mean the time when man was in tune with his surroundings because of their own individual doings...the tradition comes from the idea that anything modern is not based on the inner projection outward of the individual, but on the personal neurosis, the analysis and the outward conjecture on the internal.

The big, big problem he talks about that "being yourself" is something you ought to do subconsciously, yet you struggle and end up talking about yourself instead of projecting your "innerness" outward.
Your thoughts about things shouldn't be about your thoughts, the thoughts themselves should be the projection of you.
He makes an interesting example of Sartre's bad faith where he argues that the differentiated man is in complete harmony with it's bad faith, because it is a projection of their true, inner self.

>> No.9507169

>Is anybody here interested in Evola's work?
Yes. Where do I start?

>> No.9507181

sounds very materialistic with the whole being yourself is doing a certain kind of job, though i guess he says from the outset that the book is not for people who dont need to work

>> No.9507250

Well, it's not a job...it's whatever you expulse from yourself...be it in thought, be it creatively, be it in speech, candor, charisma, scorn, whatever you think is a definite trait of you without resorting to fantasy or thought from outside influence, the rudementary version of what makes you the way you are.
It really isn't so much what you make money with, just in what you do, what your presence moves in your surroundinds.
I've tried explaining it to someone as "play the actor that is playing the character that is you" and you get closer to what the you is according to the projection on others than through self-analysis.
Your analysis of yourself (or another) is far less "you" than what you tell others your opinions on something are.

>> No.9507333

Warnings not heeded, or heeded without fight. For purposes that probably seem fun for some, and just economical for others.

>> No.9507463

\m/ \m/

>> No.9507734

>go to /pol/
>ctrl-f deleuze
>0 matches

>> No.9509047

The greeks

>> No.9509065

See this makes him sound vaguely coherent and not lolmonarchismandsexmagicmissile

>> No.9509127

read the often-dropped subtitle for his opus, Revolt Against the Modern World: Politics, Religion, and Social Order in the Kali Yuga.

Evola was a crank, who was rediscovered by 1960s New Age cranks, who have ever since dreamed of a Back-to-Mythical-Albion movement. At the very least his own philosophy of seeking the self revealed him to be a supporter of Italian fascists. I can't take him seriously.

>> No.9509143

where does the rape magic and support for monarchism factor into this?

>> No.9509150
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He's interesting in certain contexts. Vid related, a Muslim interpretation:


>> No.9509156

Looks like the cover to Against The Day: Part Two.

>> No.9509157
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>mfw I know the cesspit from which this screenshot comes from
Best argument against Evola are the larping faggots that adore him.