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9503041 No.9503041[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is smoking cigarettes a sign of weakness?

What is the philosophy behind smoking, surely due to being existentialist beings, does it matter? Or is it purely to wipe out morons, what philosophers smoke?


>> No.9503047
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I for one find it relaxing and pretty and makes me feel better about myself. It looks grimy if some hoodlum is smoking but I think it's quite comfy seeing pictures of smarter men smoking.

>> No.9503052

it's brainwashing but i love to smoke and i love to see people smoke. it's aesthetic.

>> No.9503058
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The most /lit/ way to smoke is pipe tobacco. It's quite a bit safer than cigarettes too (no inhalation of smoke and reduced chance of addiction). I'm surprised there aren't more pipe smokers on here considering how intertwined the two cultures are.

>> No.9503059

Sometimes a cigarette is just a cigarette, man.

>> No.9503065
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>When I'm in public, the grocery store or the Alley, I want to see the men lit up, and what better way for mankind to achieve this than with fire at the end of his fingertips, tamed yet volatile, a silent revolution fought in the cuboidal epithelium of the incrementally tertiary bronchi, or left sac, of the bronchiole with big balls hanging, copies of Atlas Shrugged and bandannas in Wallace-anese, or whatever, why does it fucking matter? This is fire

>> No.9503072

it's patrician and subversive

>> No.9503073

the idea is to make the two one and the same

>> No.9503078

That's very W A L L A C I A N, anon.

>> No.9503079

Whom exactly does it subvert?

>> No.9503086

Used to smoke in highschool because it looked cool. Smoking does have a soothing effect on people.

>> No.9503090

In what way does it make you feel better about yourself?

>> No.9503102

Except those times where it isn't kek

>> No.9503103
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I feel a lot more enlightened and intelligent with a cigarette in my mouth. I also think to state the obvious is that is just looks good.

>> No.9503109

Honestly, the imagery that it's built around added to the fact that nicotine is a fun rush.

>> No.9503110

Smoking looking good is subjective, friend.

>> No.9503116

I live in Canada and pretty much the only people who still smoke are Chinese immigrants and trailer trash. I used to smoke a pack a day but I quit because it's expensive and random strangers will give you dirty looks.

>> No.9503118

I agree nicotine is a nice rush, but what imagery is built up around it?

>> No.9503123
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If you smoke cigarettes then you are a superficial child, no exceptions. Maybe fifty years ago you could have plead ignorance to their innumerable detriments (smell like shit, give you several different cancers, cost a lot of money, are addictive, are gross, bother everybody around you) but if you're smoking cigarettes in 2016 then you have repeatedly made a conscious decision to act like a low IQ subhuman in order to look cool. End of story.

I'm glad they cause cancer, I wish tattoos did that too.

>> No.9503131

You are a pussy.

>> No.9503136

And those Chinese are richhh
I'm reminded of the reasons that people like Spike in Bebop or Ginko in Mushishi smoke, the imagery that it's like a resting period. The feelings associated with it are definitely an amalgamation of movies or mongolian slideshows I've watched and that they reaffirm my belief that it's a nice little respite and pick me up before you continue on.

>> No.9503138
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>> No.9503142

I hope your purity benefits you in the long run anon.

>> No.9503144

t. stinky dying animal who is too weak and dumb to control himself

>> No.9503158


You just described all humans, anon

>> No.9503162

ive had a lot of trouble through out my life so i smoke to generally calm myself down and just feel better about myself and my situation, in answer to your question, people may socially smoke but i think most people that smoke have a weakness (e.g. problem: depression, family issues etc) probably didnt make sense but i wanted to reply

>> No.9503180

I hate cigarettes but I like the motions of smoking anything really. Walking around the city or sitting on a bench with a nice view... I like to be doing something when I'm out. I sit and do nothing at home but when I'm just wandering outside I like to have some type of mechanical motion happening, I can't just stare. I also think smoke looks beautiful, one of my favorite pleasure is watching it slowly fade into the sky.

Tobacco is disgusting however, and vaping looks retarded and makes me sick. I can't walk around and smoke a joint in most places so I'm lost on what to do

>> No.9503181
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cigarettes kill you kid

but they sure do take the edge off

>> No.9503186
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>> No.9503187

Some studies show that smokers usually just try to deal with symptoms of a more deep-seated problem, so you're not wrong.

>> No.9503204
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>> No.9503223

I think a writer,
Existentialist has to come to grips with all facets of reality
One is death
The other is mans dectructive impulse towards everything,even himself.

I believe it could be an expression of this,

Going further smoking tobacco could be an aknoeldgement of the oppression man must live under in order to develop.
Tobacco harvest by black slaves to be sold to rich white men to smoke while in their confy lounge chair writing teatistes on how the world really is.
A cigarette is a pleasurable expierence in misery.

>> No.9503226
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>> No.9503311

Is disgusting and I wish I had never started smoking
now I roll my own tobacco, hopefully i will be able to quit someday

>> No.9503327

It's a way for young male authors to be boring

>> No.9503328

smoked camel turkish silver through all of college
most grills were repulsed by the smell of tobacco
am trying to quit two years later

>> No.9503335

it's not /fitlit/

>> No.9503350

Cinnimon sticks and or bubble gum i feel work as good psychological substitues.

Cinnamon sticks actually help reduce high blood pressure so it kinda like the anti cigarette

>> No.9503371

All you need to know about life is retained in those four walls. You will notice that one of your personalities is seduced by the illusions of grandeur: the gold packet of king-size with a regal insignia, an attractive implication towards glamour and wealth, the subtle suggestion that cigarettes are indeed your royal and loyal friends - and that, Pete, is a lie. Your other personality is trying to draw your attention to the flip side of the discussion: written in boring bold black and white, it's a statement that these neat little soldiers of death are in fact trying to kill you - and that, Pete, is the truth. Oh, beauty is a beguiling call to death and I'm addicted to the sweet pitch of its siren. That that starts sweet ends bitter, and that which starts bitter ends sweet. THAT is why you and I love the drugs and that is also why I cannot give that painting back. Now please, pass me a light.

>> No.9503576

>intentionally damage your body and waste your money
Yes, obviously. However up until recently it was the social norm, people of the past get a pass. If you smoke now though, you're just a weak retard. At least smoke something a bit better for you than tobacco.

>> No.9503888

i smoked for a while, but lets agree, its unfortunately ridiculous to smoke pipe nowadays, unless you are 60+ years old

>> No.9504075
File: 20 KB, 250x365, CigarGreece[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty unhappy with living. I'm content to die at a reasonably young age, but I'm unwilling to consider suicide, mostly due to anxiety & fear. I've decided that 56 is a good age to die, since Beethoven died at that age, and he was able to get a lot accomplished in that time. I figure if I smoke fairly regularly (for the 21st century where you can't smoke indoors anywhere, thus lowering the frequency of smoking) I can develop some terminal illness by my mid 50s. Plus I like exploring the various methods of smoking & types of cigarette tobacco. I can't smoke factory-rolled cigarettes anymore, they seem crude to me. I like exploring the different types of rolly tobacco and how varied the flavors are.

But it's not an assured plan. Beckett smoked extremely cheap cigarettes and cigarillos his entire life and the persistent bastard lived to 83.

>> No.9504128

Cigarettes are fucking disgusting and unless you're spending big bucks on them they taste like absolute shit too.
You might as well project that you have power and smoke a fucking Rocky Patel or Ashton moduro, at least those taste good.
>b-but those take an hour to smoke and I need nicotine quickly!1!!!
You are a slave

>> No.9504143


Yeah they are rich. They will ostentatiously litter their cigarette packs if they happen to be carrying a foreign brand. They will stick the pack into a crack in the wall or put it somewhere it can't be missed, even if there is an ashtray withing reach.

Even the way they throw away garbage is an act of conspicuous consumption.

>> No.9504161

combine it with a serious drinking habit and you'll be dead before you know it

>> No.9504200


You only find it relaxing because it returns your body to it's natural state. The withdrawal of nicotine causes you to feel relaxed when you get some.

Smoking's retarded, and no one except for teenagers think you look cool doing it. I smoked for 10 years. It wasn't worth it.

>> No.9504201

What makes you say that? I certainly have a bad drinking habit. I typically drink a 6 pack before I sleep every night. Sometimes it goes as low as 2 or as high as 20. But I can count on one hand how many days I have not drank at all in 2017 so far. It's actually 3. I can remember the 3 days I haven't drank this year.

>> No.9504210

>to it's natural state
>Smoking's retarded, and no one except for teenagers think you look cool doing it.
I'm sorry, but I cannot seriously consider the opinions of someone who doesn't know the difference between "its" and "it's" valid.

Plus, I can tell that you're lying about smoking for 10 years since you think the only reason people smoke is to "look cool."

>> No.9504213

just that that sort of two-pronged assault on your health portends an early death, but it seems you're one step ahead of me on that end so cheers

>> No.9504218

>Le drinking and smoking are bad for you meme
Are you planning on living forever? Genetics plays a much more important role in lifespan. Shit you are more likely to get killed in a car accident than smoking and drinking in the same amount of time.

>> No.9504223

>le drinking and smoking aren't bad for you meme
are you literally retarded? also the anon i'm speaking with desires an early death. i'm just offering some advice on how to increase the likelihood of that.

>> No.9504225

i dont really care how i look to others

>> No.9504230

I ask again, are you planning on living forever? Plenty of people live careful, healthy lives and still get skin cancer, hit by a vehicle, murdered, etc. Unless you live in a disinfectant bubble surrounded by padded walls you are doing things that are "bad for you" everyday.

Did you know that sitting is the new smoking? That guy who wants to die should make sure he is sitting while smoking and drinking. That would be like a TRIPLE WHAMMY BAD FOR YOU!

>> No.9504235

This is the guy who the other guy was originally talking to, and I think you're talking about something totally irrelevant. I was speaking in a purely hypothetical tone. If my lifespan was up to me, I'd be content with dying at 56. That's all I meant to say.

If we're speaking realistically I think that the US financial system will collapse within my lifetime and life will be a lot more stranger and I may not be able to get my drink & smoke. But maybe some messiah will arrive and totally restructure the US economy before greed totally consumes the country.

>> No.9504236

I do know the difference, it's just muscle memory you fucking retard. Like I'm not just going to shit out posts on a Gregorian neuroscience forum.

The reason I smoked was to look cool and fit in with other people who smoked, when I was a teenager. That's the only reason anyone ever starts smoking, and don't pretend it isn't.

But then you become addicted, and you can't relax without a smoking cigarettes.

>> No.9504237

ya i am but this isn't about me and i drtink like a motherfucker anyway. you're pretty fucking stupid if you don't comprehend why a heavy-duty booze/cigs habit would make an ideal lifestyle for someone who wants to die but doesn't want to directly take that option. but sure, playing in traffic would also likely hasten that anon's demise.

>> No.9504241

>more stranger
I apologize for this. It's very ugly and a mistake. In concordance with my "dying at 56" policy, I am on my 8th beer tonight.

>> No.9504246

>it's just muscle memory
Okay, that's fine.
>you fucking retard
Whoa. That was hardly necessary. I don't see why you're so upset.
>Like I'm not just going to shit out posts on a Gregorian neuroscience forum.
Okay, I'm with you. This is a shitty image board, I shouldn't have been so aggressive.

>The reason I smoked was to look cool and fit in with other people who smoked, when I was a teenager.
Yes, I understand. I fess up to that, too.
>But then you become addicted, and you can't relax without a smoking cigarettes.
This is where I find fault. I find this a broad generalization based on your own experience. Do you seriously want to invalidate all the comfort that I've found from smoking cigarettes alone in my back yard? Does the fact that I like to sit outside in the springtime calmly smoking a cigarette while reading a book really upset you, or make you want to judge me for "trying to look cool" or "needing to relax"? Frankly, I've never enjoyed eating. It doesn't get me off. Smoking, on the other hand, was something that I immediately found joy and pleasure in. Yeah, it's shitty & people smoke for stupid reasons, but why is it so bad that I currently enjoy smoking tobacco in solitude? I can tell by >>9504200 that you're personally obsessed with your own image, regardless of the context. I just can't get on board with that, brother.

>> No.9504255


>> No.9504259

>up until recently
It is still ALL THE RAGE in many countries around the world.

>> No.9504260

Some 90% of schizophrenics are heavy smokers. Schizotypal neurology paired with high cognitive abilities is what genius is.

>> No.9504263
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Isn't it funny that as soon as Americans stopped smoking the entire country turned into slobbering consumers with no other goal in life but to work 9-5? I guess this is just a coincidence, right?

>> No.9504266

>Do you seriously want to invalidate all the comfort that I've found from smoking cigarettes alone in my back yard? Does the fact that I like to sit outside in the springtime calmly smoking a cigarette while reading a book really upset you, or make you want to judge me for "trying to look cool" or "needing to relax"?

I understand exactly what you mean. I experienced the same thing. It feels incredible when you're a smoker to just smoke and take in the world. But part of what you're experiencing is probably just a Pavlovian association.

You can enjoy sitting outside, contemplating, without a cigarette.

>why is it so bad that I currently enjoy smoking tobacco in solitude?

It's not. But it just seems stupid. You're negatively impacting your health for an effect you could most likely achieve with something less harmful to your body.

>that you're personally obsessed with your own image,

This is completely baseless, and the presumptuousness suggests more narcissism in yourself than what you referred to does in me.

Sort yourself out.

>> No.9504270

Americans have been like that since at least the 60s.

>> No.9504271

>You're negatively impacting your health for an effect you could most likely achieve with something less harmful to your body.
Here we go again...

>I'm rubber you're glue!
LOL you really take shitposting seriously here don't you?

>> No.9504276

>Pathological contrarianism personified.

>> No.9504281

And it's only gotten worse ever since. Do you really think that EVERY SINGLE SMOKER is an edgy teenager? Even when smokers are demonized, kicked, spat upon, etc at every opportunity? You are the sheep. You are the weak one. You are afraid of death and even more afraid to admit that much. The truth is nothing you, or anyone else, can say will end smoking. Smoking has been around for thousands of years and will continue to be. You are the pathetic little cretin poking the bear of humanity, and you convince yourself that you are somehow wise because of that.

>> No.9504283

I'm having trouble deciding if you are moreso boring or stupid. It's very close between the two.

>> No.9504288

Health-spooked normies

>> No.9504292

Sure is reddit in here.

>> No.9504294


According to this logic there is nothing wrong with doing cocaine because everyone has some risk of having a heart attack.

>> No.9504296

Have you ever done cocaine? I'm just kidding, you are clearly a coward. The hardest thing you've ever taken was probably FDA approved

>> No.9504300
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>You can enjoy sitting outside, contemplating, without a cigarette.
But why?
: - )
What's the downside of smoking? Really? Aside from dying early, something I've already expressed enthusiasm about.

>you could most likely achieve with something less harmful to your body
I'm curious, like what? Vapes? Herbal cigarettes? Nug-nug? What's equivalent to smoking tobacco?

>suggests more narcissism in yourself than what you referred to does in me
I never accused you of narcissism. You wish. I know I'm narcissistic. What of it? I meant to accuse you of caring about what other people think about you ahead of what you think of yourself, which I ultimately think is dangerous. You seem like someone who would rather form themself based on the image you send out to other people than what feels proper as an individual.

>Sort yourself out.
That's vague enough not to work!

>> No.9504305


Now I'm really confused. What's wrong with doing cocaine for social communion as long as it's infrequent? Obviously a continual drug reliance is a problem, but a cocaine binge once every few months with close buddies is a truly extraordinary event.

I just assume you have never done cocaine, but are basing it off of the images Hollywood has provided you.

>> No.9504317
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Back when I was a richer man I'd smoke a cigar or two per month. Now I'll smoke a pipe once every few months. It's alright. Bad habit to have. There is no philosophy to it: you do it or you don't. I drink bourbon daily and don't use illegal drugs, so the rare dose of nicotine gives a nice high. Can't be bothered to do anything productive while on it, however. It feels like a coffee that makes you sit still.

>> No.9504326

Just adding this: Romeo y Julieta were my jam. Reserva real, robusto. Don't bother with anything else. Pic related above is my current kit. sage

>> No.9504336
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>> No.9504363

>What's the downside of smoking? Really?

A decreased lung capacity which makes it far more difficult to do anything cardio related

Take a brisk walk instead of smoking, and then read when you get back. You just have nerves. You need to get them out somehow, and a walk might help.

Fidgets are also becoming popular.

>> No.9504364

Does this mean anything other than boring prog rock? I'm more of a Faust man myself.

>> No.9504371

Have you ever smoked while taking a brisk walk? It feels amazing. I've never had a more humanly fulfilling experience than walking while enjoying a smoke.

>> No.9504374

I take walks without smoking already. I know how to work out my heart in a healthy manner. I don't smoke as frequently as you probably assume I do. I'll smoke 2 or 3 cigarettes a day, unless I'm driving around a lot, in which case I'll smoke more because I like to smoke while I drive.

>Fidgets are also becoming popular.
What is this, a type of food? I searched it but I didn't see anything that was relevant to what we're talking about.

>> No.9504377
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fucking hell this thread is a trainwreck of unironic irony and edge

>> No.9504410

You are a nigger lmao

>> No.9504414

>Have you ever smoked while taking a brisk walk?

Yes, try going for a run and see the effects.

> I know how to work out my heart in a healthy manner.

Going for a walk is not working out your heart.


>> No.9504423

>I'm going to move my goalposts so I am still right without making any new arguments
LOL, nice try guy.

>> No.9504427

Oh my god, dude. You're just so boring. I could look past everything you've said in this thread if you weren't just so goddamn boring about it.

>> No.9504436

Why are you so quick to dismiss the obvious?

Smoking will make it difficult to go for a run. I simply pointed out taking a walk rather than a run because it is easier to get in that habit rather than running.

This post is my third, you're probably mixing me up with someone.

You sound like a 14 year old girl.

>I could look past everything you've said in this thread if you weren't just so goddamn boring about it.

So being boring caught you're attention?

>> No.9504440

>I'm going to ignore everything everyone is saying and inflate my ego even more without making any actual points

>> No.9504444
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cognitive dissonance the post

>> No.9504448
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Quad 4 get

>> No.9504450
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I iwish I where as smarter as you

>> No.9504454
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>quad 4

>> No.9504456
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I know you do

>> No.9504458
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>> No.9504462
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>> No.9504466
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Smoking is ogre

>> No.9504474
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>> No.9504483

Literally an adolescent fad propelled by the rancid symbiosis between Hollywood - tobacco industry and the shit ton of imagery that spawned from it. Of course, the hoi poloi of /lit/ will consider it cool, counter-cultural or whatever the fuck; the truth is you fell for a trick, got hooked and now can't leave without a pack of Cancer. You're not James Dean, you're just an addicted weakling

>> No.9504490

>wanting your teeth to tingle from banging lucite and ebonite against it

>> No.9504491

>Everyone who lived was tricked into it by their parents
>Death is infinite, therefore life is a passing fad. You chose it because it was made to look enticing, but really it is just suffering.

>> No.9504493

sooo existential and cool bro
you should take a selfie while smoking some Marlboro (copyright), add this quote and post it to snapchat, bitches are gonna be soaking weeet

>> No.9504499

It's fucking retarded and I wish I'd never started.

>> No.9504504

>Everyone is as weak as I am
>Nobody has anything real to experience or say

>> No.9504510

>muh retarded greentexts

>> No.9504513

lol you are threatened by meme arrows? You are even weaker than I originally thought.

>> No.9504515

>being this retarded

>> No.9504518

make a genuine argument - not greentexting autism - or go home, breathlet

>> No.9504522

There are plenty of arguments throughout this single thread. You have conveniently ignored all of them to protect yourself.

>> No.9504527
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>> No.9504561
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>people in this thread thinking smoking makes them look deep and philosophical
16 year old girl tier. You actually have to convince yourself it's okay because you're too weak to stop.

>> No.9504572

>Everyone who doesn't do what
I do is dumberer
u r so smatr

>> No.9504573

>tfw its been 8 days
There is something strange about the way we use tobacco, I feel like it should be used differently then it is in social rituals. Honestly its people consuming tar because they are addicted to the nicotine in it. Any addiction will make you feel like a bottom feeder.

>> No.9504578

You cracked the code, everyone except you is 16 years old.

>> No.9504579


>> No.9504583


>> No.9504624
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I used to do a gram every weekend you shits. My friends did as well, and one night one of them died of cocaine intoxication after doing only a few lines. Now people are dying in droves from the fentanyl that the coke is cut with. You don't want to do that shit, even a """"""moderate"""""" dose of cocaine is murderous for your heart.

>> No.9504639

you're friend was weak
ur weak

>> No.9504670

You sound like an edgy kid.

And Faust is entry level garbage, Amon Düül is the real shit.

>> No.9504693

The problem is with smoking is that yeah it makes you die younger but it does so in a far nastier way. Eating poorly is a far better option

>> No.9504709
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There's a wonderful thing called "softie bits" which are little rubber sleeves that fit around the mouthpiece of your pipe and serve the dual purpose of protecting your pipe and making clenching more comfortable. Not to mention you could always just hold your pipe in your hand which is my usual method.

That's not really a concern for me as I smoke on average one pipe full a day and it's usually at home while I'm reading in the evening. It helps that I have a local tobacconist and there a few guys in my town who are rarely seen without their pipes so I don't look THAT unusual if I do decide to smoke in public.

>> No.9504719

What is the difference between belief in the purported idea and the true idea when it's something that's come across as subjective, something you can only sympathize and try to understand?

>> No.9504725


Chin up anon, the absolute worst is probably over. In a few months the pain will be quite manageable and in a few years you will hardly think about it at all.

If you slip up don't fuss but just try again.

>> No.9504961

>Is smoking cigarettes a sign of weakness?
As a smoker, yes.

For people just starting its more of a sign of foolishness naivety. Virtually every smoker starts out thinking they can limit themselves.

>> No.9504965

amon duul is entry-level garbage too. os mundi is the real shit

>> No.9504968

Basic good health-habits.

>> No.9504987

>Nicotine quickly
I think its more that you dont always want the fucking nicotine poisoning cigars will give you. Smoking most of a cigar is probably around smoking a whole pack in one sitting. Also Ashtons suck compared to Fuentes.

>> No.9505049

Lung cancer is a very, very painful way to die.
If you don't got the guts to kill yourself, drive as far into the middle of nowhere (like a desert) until you run out of gas.
This doesnt go directly against your survival instinct yet so this is pretty easy.
Then you just wait until you starve to death or shoot yourself in the head.
This would probably only work in America.