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9502186 No.9502186 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.9502200

Nietzsche and Dostoyevsky as a tag teaming combo.

>> No.9502201


>> No.9502216

Heidegger for me. Nietzsche never resonated with me.

>> No.9502339

Sartre or Camus.

Kierkegaard is fairly obsure for aesthetic reasons.
Heidegger also because of his particular conception of knowledge.
Nietzsche is one of those that seem crystal-clear but easily misinterpreted.

None of those worried much about doing extension. Sartre was present in many conferences in which he explained existentialist to the laymen. Camus wrote accessible essays with a philosophical spice.
I would say Sartre, because he seemed more active in taking existentialism to the public.

>> No.9502348

def kierk

>> No.9502357

Gabriel Marcel

>> No.9502368

Wait is Kierkegaard worth reading? I thought he was just a Christian existentialist. Is there more to it? I'm not entirely opposed to reading Christian philosophy but I started Fear and Trembling and realized I'm nowhere near as bothered by the binding of isaac as he was

>> No.9502379

Also to add to this what's the prerequisite reading for the existentialists (if there is any)? I'm reading through Plato's dialogues now

>> No.9502414

>I'm nowhere near as bothered by the binding of Isaac as he was

I'm curious. Could you go into detail? Are you more or less religious than Kierkegaard?

>> No.9502420

Me, cause my cock can stretch for miles, son!

>> No.9502449


>> No.9502462

Why do so many regard Sartre as a hack?

>> No.9502501

academically, Heidegger or Nietzsche.

>> No.9502507


While I still regard Heidegger's criticism to be the most important, you know you're doing it wrong when you managed to get criticized for your commie ways AND by a Herbert Marcuse.

Sartre makes for a good punching bag.

>> No.9502532

Probably because he remained a communist well after it was cool. He defended the USSR when it was clear what kind of atrocities they were up to.

>> No.9502571

what did he mean by this?

>> No.9502607
File: 132 KB, 305x479, d919b416f6615cb9df83ee61983b36fe_sartre-be-like-this-ugly-son-of-a-bitch-know-your-meme-sartre-meme_305-479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nausea resonates with me in a way that other works within existentialism don't.

>> No.9503254


>> No.9503261


>> No.9503632

>implying existentialism is a real thing and isn't just some bullshit phrase Sartre created so he could group himself among philosophers who actually possessed wisdom and genius

>> No.9503677
File: 450 KB, 1661x2168, kierkegaard1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kierkegaard is the OG in my opinion, also does anybody else have a strong emotional connection to these men? When I read Plato or any of the Greeks, I just nod my head in agreement but when I read Nietzsche and Kierkegaard, I feel an empathy and strong emotional connection with them and how they feel.

This is the faggiest thing ever, but I know at least one of you feel the same.

>> No.9503687

When I read Nietzsche I feel unbelievably pissed off. I also feel that I am supposed to be pissed off.

>> No.9503889

Because he was a angry, bitter little manlet.

>> No.9503893
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>Satre coined the term "existentialism".

>> No.9503923

Fuck yeah. I get this with Montaigne as well.

>> No.9504063

>Wait is Kierkegaard worth reading?
Please tell me this is bait. It can't be true that retards like this browse /lit/...

>> No.9504091

I love Kierkegaard like a brother. No joke

>> No.9504149
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Kierkeretard pretty much saved my life desu

>> No.9504151

Why are the works of Schopenhauer and Nietzsche so popular, while the more realistic/practical solution to the human condition from Ernest Becker is largely ignored? I mean his concept of 'genuine heroism' as a solution to the existential crisis seems a lot more plausible and commonly practiced compared to negation of your own will or (temporarily) becoming an übermensch.

>> No.9504217

I've wanted to get into kierkregaard for a while now although I know his works build onto each other. So my question is which one of his works should I start with in order to understand his other works

>> No.9504250
File: 44 KB, 304x464, ss+(2017-05-14+at+12.52.27).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I too love these men like they're my brothers

>> No.9505277

>Just a christian existentialist.
>Just a christian

If you discount someone's philosophy just because of a religious stance then you're a pseud.

>> No.9505318

Maurice Merleau-Ponty is underrated

>> No.9505326

I've only read Camus and I hope it isn't him.

>> No.9505728
File: 88 KB, 620x372, Albert-Camus-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not an existentialist. Sartre and I are always surprised to see our names linked.

>> No.9505994

Elias Capriles

>> No.9506996

>what's the prerequisite reading for the existentialists
Not being a faggot

>> No.9507238

Not to be that dude, but this is incredibly silly. Sartre and Camus are babies first existentialists, the other three are actual philosophical existentialists.

>> No.9507261

He wrote about existentialist nihilism but was greatly critical of the entire concept

>> No.9507284

>I thought he was just a Christian existentialist
You do realize that existentialism is a Christian philosophical school? It was set up as a foil to the supra-rational philosophers. Descartes vs. Pascal, Voltaire vs. Vico, Rosseau/Locke vs. Herder, Kant vs. Hamann, Kierkegaard vs. Hegel. Later existentialists introduced atheistic tendencies but it is through and through a Christian school of thought.

>> No.9507316

he said extensionalist

>> No.9507318

He was an extensionalist, stop pretending he wasn't.

>> No.9507328

Will Heidegger offer me anything that Taoism/Buddhism won't? Just reading a bit about his work, it seems to me his dasein, being-in-the-world, and thoughts on authenticity are reinterpreted elements of wu wei and Zen thought.

>> No.9507331

Camus was an absurdist though

>> No.9507368

>existentialist nihilism

Confirmed for never reading any of either

>> No.9507401

Quine was the greatest extensionalist. Closely followed by Frege.