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/lit/ - Literature

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9501312 No.9501312 [Reply] [Original]

Probably not the place for this, but fuck it. I'm writing a research paper on film adaptations of Hamlet and i need to fill 8 pages with bullshit. Its literally my last paper before i graduate; couldn't care less.

What does /lit/ think of the play or any of the screen plays of it? I've read it more than once (twice for this semester, once in high school) so I'm pretty familiar with it. Was ophelia's death a suicide or an accident, like some people say? Was his mom incestuously inclined towards him, like in the Olivier version, or was she just a slut? Is "to be or not to be" an overrated soliloquy, or some of the best writing in the english language?

>> No.9501335

Well you can comfort yourself by the fact that if you're writing a paper based on 4chan's advise, it doesn't matter if you fail or pass anyway because you're attending a shit university

>> No.9501337

>went to film school

wow there's your problem

>> No.9501364

im resorting to 4chan because thats how little i care. i have 3 other papers that i actually have to think about, this is straight research and regurigitation of what i find - i wont be citing anything, just here for thoughts and input

nope, this is an english class on shakespeare. almost as bad, but not quite. its a topic i selected because i figured there would be a lot of stuff online (there is) but i didnt know i had to fill so much space. if i did know i wouldve started a week ago

>> No.9501402

>do my homework

>> No.9501449
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theres no way you people could write 8 pages for me, or even one for that matter.

im asking for general input and thoughts about a very well known piece of literature. i already have a lot of research, but it wouldnt hurt to have other things to say aside from straight facts.

>> No.9501451

>his is straight research and regurigitation of what i find - i wont be citing anything

This is fucking bullshit. I can't believe this.

This is your final paper? I have had to cite and thoroughly research for almost every single assignment I've had over my 4 year degree. You're a piece of shit.

>> No.9501487
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first, i meant i wont be citing anything form here, i have a page of sources already. second, you're not getting the part where this is a class i dont give a shit about. its not some big final project to get my degree, its a research paper for a shitty elective. i have to cite and research shit for all my other papers, which is why this one is getting the least effort and attention - i just dont fucking care anymore. i have a job, im sick, and im moving upstate in a week. my other papers are:

+ "all acts of political power are acts of political theater." discuss this in relation to any story by Isaak Babel and 2 poems by Emily dickinson (kinda hard)

+ What values does beowulf affirm? (easy as shit)

and one more i wont get the assignment for until monday. the other 3 are all due thursday. had no idea it was an 8 page minimum til the other day; the other papers for her were 4 pages maximum.

>> No.9501500

Lion King

>> No.9501509
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definitely writing at least a paragraph about that. its not a direct adaptation but it has enough in common that he is credited for it, so im going to put that in the part about "creative reimaginings"

thank you for some kind of actual input, anon. (you)re okay.

>> No.9501798

>film adaptations of Hamlet
>fill 8 pages

what is this middle school?

>> No.9501813

Just have fun with it!!

>> No.9501920

rosencrantz and guildenstern are dead, prufrock, IJ all play with the themes and characters found Hamlet

>> No.9501927

>Doesn't care about the final piece of writing that you will submit for your academic career
Oof, bad attitude. Hope you struggle OP

>> No.9501941
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>he does not care about Shakespeare enough to read Hamlet (which will take you something like 4 hours, you fucking pleb)
>he does not read Shakespeare's plays for his own enjoyment
>he can't form his own opinion on a play that can be written in an afternoon

I'm sorry, you may be retarded. You certainly have no artistic inclination: drop film school and pick a mindless trade, it may suit you better, you uneducated swine.

>> No.9501982

All of the movies are paced differently. Write about how each movie interprets the play to make Hamlets with altering levels of neuroticism and each adaptation is different with how they portray King Hamlet. Some King Hamlets are weak and old, but I think the Kenneth Branagh one is very angry and involved.

>> No.9501998

kys my man

>> No.9502011

>he didnt read the thread or post he's replying to
i read hamlet 3 times, twice this semester. not in film school. i would be surprised if i was anywhere else, but i guess shitposting exists on this plane of 4chan as well

im going to start writing creatively to support myself as soon as i'm done with this schlock, and i have other papers that actually need my attention and interpretation, this is straight research and report. not struggling, either, already have 2 decent pages and i havent even gotten out of the 1920's or 30's. most of the good adaptations are from the last 20 years or so, barring the olivier version

thanks anon, i'll definitely add rosey and guildenstern to my paper.

>> No.9502017

>not struggling
lol this seems to be a BREEZE for you

>> No.9502019

>im going to start writing creatively to support myself

sure you are m8, sure you are...

>> No.9502027
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indeed, they are all very different, especially in what they cut out from the original script. once i'm done with the general history of the films i'll get into the differences between the really good ones. i'm using this book as my main reference, its exactly what i need for this paper but it doesnt cover everything.

>> No.9502034
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>im going to start writing creatively to support myself as soon as i'm done with this schlock
>he actually thinks anyone is going to pay for his shitty fanfic

>> No.9502044
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y-you'll see! ill show you all, then we'll see who's the shitty fanfic writing basement dweller!

>> No.9502049

shitposting about the paper im hating is actually helping, tobehonestfamilia

i was gonna be shitposting anyway, but at least im kind of staying on topic. the other papers might be a bit of an issue, but this one is just fucking boring

>> No.9502053

not really shitposting, you just kind of look like an idiot who was asking for a handout. You really don't have the standing you think you have in this thread.

>> No.9502064

>i look like an idiot on 4chan
really activates my almonds

i came here expecting to be ridiculed maybe marginally entertained, like in every other thread here. the fact that a couple people gave me some decent ideas is just icing on the cake

>> No.9502075

nice you won dude

>> No.9502089

cool, run along and write your paper for junior high or whatever shitty community college would assign such low IQ assignment and FUCK OFF CRETIN

>> No.9502107
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>tells me to fuck off
>bumps my thread back to the front page

this board really is a buzzing hive of intellect, isnt it

>> No.9502233

This meme is tiresome

>> No.9502257

Talk about the 2000 version of Hamlet and how they gave Horatio a girl friend for the sole purpose of eliminating the reading that Hamlet and Horatio are butt buddies

>> No.9503005

I've only read it once but it's by far some of the most brilliant writing in the English language. The thing i remember best is Polonius' advice to Laertes, really stuck with me.

To be or not to be is majestic desu