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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 195 KB, 653x477, oh no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9499712 No.9499712 [Reply] [Original]

lost my kindle paper white. which should i get, just a replacement? money is no object.

>> No.9499724

If money really is no object, then just get nice paper editions of the books you want to read.

>> No.9499730

no, i need something i can carry around. this isnt an option in the hypothetical

>> No.9499772

Books aren't very big you know
The average book will be very portable and easy to carry

>> No.9499846

Read on yer phone, save yourself a hundred bucks

>> No.9499851

t. ophthalmologist

>> No.9499857

The books you read aren't that big, sperglord.

>> No.9499863

hey faggots, i do not want to hear reason why i dont want an ereader, or how i should read books. i want a recommendation if i need to get an ereader holy fuck

>> No.9499876

Wirecutter guide has a few recommendations http://m.thewirecutter.com/reviews/amazon-kindle-is-the-best-ebook-reader/

>> No.9499880

Jus read paper book

>> No.9499889

excuse me but do u realize how harmful that is to the environment? paper doesn't grow on trees, asshole

>> No.9499897

get the latest kindle paperwhite

>> No.9499901

If money is no object then paypal me $500 right now and I will give you a very thought out answer on what e reader to get

>> No.9499911

Kindle Oasis.


>> No.9499918

Kindle paperwhite
>getting an e reader without an e ink display

>> No.9499945

doesnt paperwhite have e-ink?

whats your electric wire transfer #

this does not seem to be a credited response

>> No.9499957
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Anything bigger than a regular sized hardcover is going to be too big to read on your gay little pad

>> No.9499962

not sure you understand what has happened with technological advances these last couple decades

>> No.9499972


Textbooks are shit on e-readers are they not?

>> No.9499984

How about my paypal email instead

>> No.9499992

Why the fuck would you read a digital textbook

>> No.9499999

Sony e-book tablet handles textbooks fine and buying a $800 e-reader and pirating is cheaper than buying 5 $200 textbooks that you'll never use again.

>> No.9500000


OP implied that he was carrying around big books in this post >>9499857

>> No.9500003
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Well done lads

>> No.9500019
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