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9498898 No.9498898 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /lit/. I've noticed there are a lot of angry sounding people on this board. Well, its just plain not good for your health, and I can show you a way to overcome any feeling of anger, requiring nothing but diligence.

If you feel apt to listen, you can learn how.

When you set about your task of expelling anger from your mind, or at least rein it in and check its violence, it should be done openly and plainly, in the event a less serious attack of the evil permits, sometimes secretly, when it burns to fiercely and every obstacle intensifies and increases it; it depends on how much strength and energy it has, whether we should beat it back and force its withdrawal, or should give way to it until the initial storm has spent its fury, in case it carries off the very means of effecting a cure.

>> No.9498901

wow just wow

>> No.9498902

wtf I love anon now

>> No.9498903

wannabe writers are some of the most unpleasant, lying, bitter narcissists you can imagine.

>> No.9498908

>be me
>generally extremely kind and well-mannered, but every once in a while I'll just sperg put and start screaming and getting mad for hours
>tfw have learned through the years to control myself
>tfw now if I know I'm going to get way too mad I'll just storm out, find a secluded area and start screaming for 10 minutes the arguments I had against the piece of shit who got me so railed up

>tfw it feels as autistic, but at least I'm not assaulting other people

Am I doing the right thing? Should I adopt other method, or should I just keep expressing and exhausting my anger in secret?

>> No.9498910
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Each man will have to adopt a plan of action according to his own character; for some are won over by appeals, some trample and stamp on those who submit, some we will win over by making them afraid; some are deflected from their purpose by being taken to task, others by an admission of wrong, some by shame, others by delay--a tedious cure for swift malady, and only to be undertaken as a last resort.
For though the rest of the passions mas be amenable to such a postponement and may be cured at a slower pace, this one, with its rapid and self propelled violence, does not proceed gradually but reaches its full scope the moment it begins; unlike other vices it does not temp the mind but carries it off by force, and drives on those who, lacking self-control, desire the destruction, it may be, of everyone, spending its rage not only on the targets of its aim but on whatever happens to cross its path. The other vices drive the mind on, anger hurls it headlong.
Even if a man may not resist his passions, yet at least his passions themselves may cease: anger intensifies its force more and more, like lighting and hurricanes and all other phenomena beyond control, as they simply move but do not fall. Other vices revolt from good sense, this one from sanity; the others come upon us gently without our noticing: but the mind plunges us into anger.

>> No.9498912


Not healthy, you shouldn't ever get that worked up unless someone assaulted your sister or killed your dog.

You should work not toward getting upset so easily.

>> No.9498914

I have a good friend who does this, to the point where if he gets too riled up on a conversation when we're driving somewhere he'll just get out of the car at a stop and walk off. I guess it's better than sperging out in front of people, but it really is better if you can just work on not getting so upset in the first place.

I'd recommend getting into stoicism, accepting that life is sometimes a meaningless joke, or both.

>> No.9498932

How to do it, though?

I usually can manage it, I'll lose my shot only when I know I'm 100% right and both parts know it. There is something about (intellectual and not) dishonesty that just make me lose my shit every single time, like a clockwork, and once it happens there is no way to stop it.
Every once in a while during this sperging I'll notice how fucked up is my behaviour, at this point I usually storm off the conversation: if I don't I'll just forget that I was supposed to control myself in 20-30 seconds.
What are some methods to suppress this reactions?

>> No.9498934


This means no greater frenzy besets the mind, none so dependent on its own strength, none so arrogant in success or insane in failure; not even defeat makes it weary, and when chance has removed its enemy, it turns its teeth upon itself. And it makes no difference how great the source from which it springs; for from the most trivial origins it reaches massive proportions.

>> No.9498936
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>> No.9498939

I don't get angry.

I either don't care enough, or don't have confidence that my thoughts or experiences are really valid.

I don't like myself.

>> No.9498948


This kind of thinking is a way of masking anger, but much worse is the issue of self-depreciation. If you are to control your own anger, you must view yourself as your own pilot.