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/lit/ - Literature

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9494945 No.9494945 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a novel that captures the simple aestethic and moral feel of Calvin and Hobbes that some strips such as pic related have?
Not his dinosaur and spaceman imagination
but when the two talk plainly about thought provoking things
without diving too deep and avoiding to seem pretentious by not explaining or elaborating on them.
>Don't recommend actual Thomas Hobbes

>> No.9494950

the bible

>> No.9494952

yeah, it's called reddit, you should visit it

>> No.9494966


You. Are. Going. To. LOVE it.

>> No.9494992
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ok pal

>> No.9495009

Damn that's a pretty deep and thought-provoking comic strip

>> No.9495019

OK tough guy, try Knalp.

>> No.9495020

its called making fun of you faggots for being no better and uncreative yourself.

>> No.9495024

unironically just check out some recent high-middlebrow stuff. I'm talking like Cloud Atlas or Kazuo Ishiguro

>> No.9495025

kys normalfag redditor tumblrtard roastie

>> No.9495031

Idk, huge fan of C&H here. Grew up with him all my childhood and there really isn't another way to capture what the comic did because it's a graphic.
Really, I'd suggest getting all the Calvin and Hobbes books. I've got 4 full books of the comics on my self with any duplicate comics. There's a lot of material, and it's still great to read even as an adult. It's very humbling.

>> No.9495033

>with any duplicates

*without any duplicates

>> No.9495036
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>trying so hard to be edgy

>> No.9495040

>kyokai no redditna
fuck outta here

>> No.9495052
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>would propably recognize any anime girl instantly
anime fags don't belong here
go join rest of your degenerates somewhere else

>> No.9495083

>without diving too deep and avoiding to seem pretentious by not explaining or elaborating on them.
You should try Rupi Kaur. Very deep but simple poetry.