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/lit/ - Literature

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9493427 No.9493427 [Reply] [Original]

Privet, /lit/. I have to recommend something to year 8 to 11 to read for summer (12-16).Can you recommend something? I was thinking Fahrenheit 451 or Slaughterhouse V.

>> No.9493435
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Karl Marx - Communist Manifesto

>> No.9493458

One Dimensional Man - Herbert Marcuse

>> No.9493460
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Thanks, pal.
I feel like the Little red book is also a great possibility

>> No.9493471
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Need a bit more to go on.
What type of experience you looking for?
Academic? Emotional? Philosophical? Historical?
Do you want it to be an enjoyable read?
C'mon, give us something.


>> No.9493707

I want to recommend something that will incite interest in them to read more. And yeah I do want to make it enjoyable.

>> No.9493734

something by dumas

>> No.9493753

Robin Hobbs Farseer Trilogy is good for young teens and enjoyable for both boys & girls, though it is just fantas.
Terry Pratchett isn't too bad either.
Brandon Sanderson has some good stuff for that age range too.

If you're looking for something a bit more educational or patrician then I can't help you for that age range.

>> No.9493761

1984 and animal farm both give them the slight tingle of literature while being pleb-tier to read.

>> No.9493769

Give him Borges's Fictions, honest here.

>> No.9493794

>12-16 year old schoolkids
>recommending these books

When was the last time you actually spent any time with kids of that age range?
OP wants to get the kids interested in reading, ergo, you should be recommending enjoyable books.

>> No.9493795


>> No.9493801

I read 1984 at 12, my class read animal farm in 8th grade. Both were enjoyable experiences, fuck off.

>> No.9493803

Chronicles of Narnia by CS Lewis.

>> No.9493820

Yeah they often are enjoyable, for the autists in the class who were already destined to read.
Normies don't like them so much though and they're the ones this guy is looking to get interested in reading.
Stop being such a /lit/tard.

>> No.9493955
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On one hand I agree, but if somebody is completely against reading no recommendation will help them. I will probably go with either 1984, Animal farm, Fahrenheit or Vonnegut. They are simple (pleb-tier) but I remember enjoying them. Also, I still enjoy Vonnegut bit I don't have any delusions about it being great literature.

>> No.9493963
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Thanks, That's a good recommendation as well


10/10, I will also suggest 120 days of Sodom

>> No.9493992

>autists in class who were destined to read
When did it become autistic to read? And the faggots who will not enjoy any book do not need to be pandered to.

>> No.9493999
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We just have different ideas about what gets kids into reading I guess.
I think that adventure, romance, intrigue and magic are more likely to get kids to enjoy books than allegories and dystopian fiction, those come when they already like to read but are still plebs.

>> No.9495042

don't give them shit like Lord of the Flies or Orwell that's easy enough for them to read but still /lit/. They most likely won't like it and it will turn them off of lit for the future.

To be honest the best way to get them to like something is to pick something YOU have read so you can engage them about the story