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9481643 No.9481643 [Reply] [Original]

ITT we discuss the parallels between the recent "death" of pepe, the story of Finnegans Wake, and the Christian mythos of the death and rebirth of Christ.

is the story of Pepe the contemporary equivalent of joyce's masterpiece? A postmodern crowdsourced authorship of a collective dream befit of our internet times? A jungian reflection of an archetype of the collective unconscious percolated through internet culture? Or merely an artifact of shitposting autists?

>> No.9481649
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bls discuss


>> No.9481686


I think the cartoonist is underestimating the depths of the bottom dwellers on this site and the amounts of time they're willing to waste to no useful purpose

>> No.9481711

/pol/ is already busy looking for a new meme character for their meme magic. They may even use another Boy's Club character, I've seen them memeing with the fuzzy character and the blue character.

>> No.9481777
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I find it very provocative that Furie included the scene of Landwolf pouring over Pepe's head his brown liquor

At first glance this seems to be a shallow reference to ghetto culture - the idea of "pouring one out for the lost homies" though usually this is done not on the face of the deceased but rather poured out on the street. However on second glance this divergence is notable, considering the content of Finnegans Wake.

In the song on which Joyce based his novel, Tim Finnegan is revived when a row breaks out during his funeral and the general chaos results in a drought of whisky ("uisce beatha" - "the water of life") splashing him in the face - thereby reviving him.

>Then Mickey Maloney raised his head
>When a bottle of whiskey flew at him
>It missed him falling on the bed
>The liquor scattered over Tim

>Tim revives, see how he rises
>Timothy rising from the bed
>Then Whirl your whiskey around
>Like blazes Thanum an Dhul
>Do ye think I'm dead?

Note the presence of parallel archetypes.
Pepe being an avatar of Kek, a deity of Chaos
The Chaos of the row in the song resulting in the resurrection of Tim, and the general chaos of online interaction meaning that "killing" a popular meme such as pepe is essentially impossible.

Given the impossibility of killing a meme, i find it very interesting that Furie included the symbolic reference to Finnegans Wake in the splashing of whisky on Pepe's face in the same page as he authored his death. It's almost as though he unconsciously recognized the inevitability of pepe's online "resurrection" (really more a refusal to accept his death, the momentum of such a popular meme cannot be halted by the original author merely declaring him dead) Perhaps this inclusion by Furie represents a resentment at his loss of control over his character, a way to "get ahead"
Perhaps it is merely coincidental.

>> No.9481789

>implying dying for our sins wasnt part ot pepe's plan

>> No.9481791

Can someone clarify why Pepe is supposedly dead? Don't tell me he became ... MAINSTREAM?

>> No.9481806
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Matt Furie, the creator of Pepe, drew OP's pic. I'm guessing Furie is the type to believe the media when it says his creation is a far right symbol.

The truth is, pepe faked his death. Pépe lives.

>> No.9481810

The guy who originally drew Pepe, Matt Furie, killed him in his most recent comic strip - because pepe was hilariously co-opted by the online right-wing (mostly /pol/) in order to make silly racist memes. Also the anti-defamation-league labelled pepe as a hate symbol.

>> No.9481824
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It's funny the ADL called Pepe a hate symbol not even a month ago, and then started a #SavePepe campaign. Really makes you think.

>> No.9481825

Matt Furie, his creator, killed him because he felt he became the mascot of the alt-right and an image of hate


>> No.9481828

Can't argue with trips

>> No.9481835 [DELETED] 
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Please off yourselves already.

>> No.9481848

If he's so angry at dumb frogposters can't he just start sending DMCA?

>> No.9481850

>777 trips
Alright now I'm creeped out

>> No.9481855

>the media when it says his creation is a far right symbol.

shareblue false flag pls go

>> No.9481879

Remember poo poo pee pee pepe?
That was when pepe was picking up in popularity among normies, which pissed off 4chan. 4chan reacted by trying to make pepe as disgusting as possible, 1000s of memes of pepe shitting and pissing all over everything.

it didn't really work, but as soon as /pol/ touches pepe and he became a hate-symbol the normies began to fear using pepe memes. "If I post this frog people will think I hate blacks and Jews!"

fucking hilarious

>> No.9481889

I sent Furie an email to say he was a cool dude and what happened with Pepe was shit, he didn't deserve it. He responded. You should email him too.

>> No.9481901
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i think it's because since last year's presidential campaigns, the media finally got wise and figured out /pol/ is a great place to find the latest news from anywhere

journalists can be some of the worst people ever, and one of the lazy ones decided to do a hit job on pepe for some easy green. the rest of the media lemmings ran with it and now it's a fact of fucking life pepe is not a friendly frog who likes to think he's a hate symbol


>> No.9481921

Shit don't let /pol/ see this post

>> No.9481935

>I sent Furie an email to say I'm a great big cuck and my wife's son is a big fan of his work
Thanks for sharing

>> No.9481954

With no survivors?

>> No.9481975

Thanks for responding whilst ignoring the part of the post that asked for action? I guess?

>> No.9482022

What did Furie say?

>> No.9482041

He just said thanks and directed me to his patreon

>> No.9482048


>> No.9482062

I'm not that poster, i posted to get a laugh but your earnest reply left me hollow, I'm sorry

>> No.9482087

Should Pepes Wake be our next writing project? A la hypersphere and tlotiat?

>> No.9482098


The fuzzy guy has fucking SS in his sunglasses, he should have been /pol/'s original meme character anyway.

>> No.9482124

Really makes me thingk

>> No.9482139


>> No.9482201

>Furie tries to kill pepe
>his death only adds mythic significance to the character
beautiful testament to the fact that pepe is far beyond the control of its creator. Furie provided the sketch but 4chan filled in the blanks. pepe is more a product of channers than of Furie.

>> No.9482214

I can't believe the facebook frog is fucking dead

>> No.9482253

Boy's Club is actually really good. I would recommend it.

>> No.9482282
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>mfw Pepe is the Don Quijote of this brave new world

>> No.9482311

Yeah, the decade-long meme campaign of tens of thousands of autistic virgins weighs more heavily than some guy who made a mediocre stoner comic

He's basically the estranged biological father who becomes aware of the life of his son and drives by his house while drunk and screaming I MADE YOU AND I CAN DESTROY YOU while onlookers shake their heads at his impotent rage

>> No.9482418
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>> No.9482446

The global Zionist conspiracy paid Pepe's creator to draw him dead just before the French election, so Kek's link to the world would be weakened long enough for Macron to beat Le Pen.

>> No.9482447
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>> No.9482456

Furie is completely irrelevant. Nobody even knows anything from his shitty comic other than a single page where Pepe pees with his pants down and says "feels good man". That's it. That's where the similarities between Pepe and Furie's comic end.

I like to see this through the lens of Plato's theory of forms. Furie didn't create Pepe. He was merely the first who happened to discover him. He's irrelevant.

>> No.9482466
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>> No.9482484

Matt Furie doesn't even give a fuck. He's just being paid by either the ADL or SPLC (or both? I forget) to fight the "evil 4chan nazis" and reclaim Pepe. Whatever that means.

>> No.9482665

bro, jimbo johns had direct access to kek while writing finnegans wake.

>What clashes here of wills gen wonts, oystrygods gaggin fishy gods! Brekkek Kekkek Kekkek Kekkek! Koax Koax Koax! Ualu Ualu Ualu! Quaouauh!

it's right there at the beginning of the book (page 4). just as the greeks invoked their divine muses to guide them in poetic creation, so did joyce in finnegans wake with kek.

>> No.9482730
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those trips

weird tidings

>> No.9482757

>>The fuzzy guy has fucking SS in his sunglasses
How the fuck is this just a coincidence?

>> No.9482762
File: 342 KB, 600x350, panic beaker.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kekkek Kekkek Kekkek! Koax Koax Koax
>the repeated triple Ks mirrors the KKK/white supremacist groups Kek is supposedly associated with
>oystrygods gagging fishy gods
>oysters and fishes ... which also suggests frogs as another aquatic animal
>Joyce knew a lot about mythology and world cultures to write this book, so probably the allusion to Kek as Egyptian frog-god after mention of oysters and fishes is intentional
>"Brekkekkex koax koax: the refrain of the chorus of frogs in the comedy The Frogs by the Greek playwright Aristophanes; it is onomatopoeic in Greek; the play features a contest between the two Greek tragedians Aeschylus and Sophocles"
>The sentence directly after reads:
>" Where the Baddelaries partisans are still out to mathmaster Malachus Micgranes and the Verdons catapelting the camibalistics out of the Whoyteboyce of Hoodie Head. "
>Whoyteboyce of Hoodie Head is another clear reference to the KKK or /pol/tards racist white supremacy

>Joyce said he wanted to contain everything in human history and a model of the past, present, and future based on Vico's cyclical theory of history in this book
>He was more or less intentionally tapping into the Platonic archetypes/Jungian collective unconsciousness
>Robert Anton Wilson and Philip K. Dick make similarly mystical claims about Joyce's achievement in this book; he supposedly portrays men in a bar watching television before television ever became popular in bars
>The whole book is practically based on the idea of synchronicity and fortunate coincidences between disparate things, just like Kekism is obsessed with fortunate numerical coincidences (dubs, trips, etc.) and strange allusions to Egyptian mythology

I'm scared, my bruddas

>> No.9482780

r/4chan please go

>> No.9482788

This further mixed with the fact that Furie literally created a comic with Pepe referring to Finnegans Wake as this whole thread is about.

But compare this to Robert Anton Wilson analyzing in-depth the character of Michael Furey in Joyce's The Dead (cf. the fact that this comic is about death) (Michael Furey is very close to the name of the creator of the comic, Matt Furie)

>“The Dead” is based on a real incident, Joyce fictionalized. The real incident was a chap named Michael Bodkin, who fell in love with Nora Barnacle in Galway. He stood outside of her window one night, singing love songs all night long, in the typical Galway weather, which is to say it was raining. It never stops raining in Galway. They never love me in Galway when they hear this - actually it stops raining three days of the year; they have nine months of winter and three months of bad weather. Anyway, Michael Bodkin stood outside the window in the rain singing love songs all night, and he got pneumonia and died. This is the most typical Irish story imaginable, but it really happened. It sounds like every Irish melodrama. And Joyce was fascinated by Michael Bodkin, I think because Joyce felt that he would not die for love himself, he was too hard-boiled and cynical for that. And the deep, on one deep level of FW, the heroine is always choosing between Mick and Mack, and she always chooses Mick - Mick is Michael Bodkin; all Michael’s are called Mick in Ireland, that’s always their nickname. And Nick is the devil, James Joyce, who won out in real life, but in the dream, Mick always wins out, and Joyce felt in a deep level of Nora’s mind, Mick always did win out because he died for love and was so romantic. And, uh...

>I: He was possessed by then, wasn’t he?

?RAW: In 1909 he went to Galway to look at Michael Bodkin’s grave, and the grave next to it said J. Joyce, which did a great deal to increase our man’s faith in synchronicity, even though Jung hadn’t named it synchronicity then. That’s also the theme of “The Dead”. In “The Dead”, Joyce is portrayed by Gabriel Conroy, who is a very unhappy middle class intellectual, which Joyce might’ve become if he had studied in Ireland. And his wife, Greta, who comes from Galway, in the climax of the story, is the revelation of this previous relationship with Michael Furey. Joyce changed Michael Bodkin to Michael Furey to make the symbol of the archangel Michael come out; the flames of glory and so on. And that is a very, very beautiful realistic story, FW tells the same story over in much more vivid themes, Mick becomes the archangel Michael and Joyce becomes Satan being thrown down into Hell or Australia with the other convicts (laughs).

The whole thing is literally about cucking (or Kekking), as /pol/ is obsessed with. It's about Joyce feeling he was cuckolded by a man named Michael Bodkin which name he changed to Michael Furey for a story.

>> No.9482795

>>What clashes here of wills gen wonts, oystrygods gaggin fishy gods! Brekkek Kekkek Kekkek Kekkek! Koax Koax Koax! Ualu Ualu Ualu! Quaouauh!

do u fuckin fags really not know that is a reference to the aristophanes play called unsurprisingly "the frogs"?

looks like somebody didn't start with the greeks

>> No.9482802

I said that in my post buddy

>> No.9482806

oh ok cool, i dont have time to read all that shit by u, no offense

>> No.9482808

This made me chuckle.

>> No.9482897

Why can't I post in this thread? Trying to post this:

Was my spacing not Reddit-y enough?

It has some of the most ridiculous coincidences imaginable, so let me lay it out simply for the benefit of all as clearly as possible with a pretty picture to catch your attention.

Someone named Matt Furie creates a comic with a frog named Pepe in it. On the Internet, the word kek (to replace lol) gradually becomes associated with Pepe, and Pepe with white supremacy.

Matt Furie, saddened over this (apparently), creates a comic killing off Pepe, with a blatant allusion to the tale of Finnegan's Wake, which Joyce's Finnegans Wake is based on.

By this point, Pepe has been equated by people on the Internet with too much time on their hands with Kek, the Egyptian frog-god of darkness and chaos. He is also associated by its semi-joking worshipers with numerical coincidences (dubs, trips, etc.) and strange coincidences in real life and in the fact that there's an Egyptian frog-god named Kek.

Meanwhile, back to Joyce and Finnegans Wake, Joyce is obsessed in Finnegans Wake with synchronicities and relations between world cultures. He writes:

>What clashes here of wills gen wonts, oystrygods gaggin fishy gods! Brekkek Kekkek Kekkek Kekkek! Koax Koax Koax! Ualu Ualu Ualu! Quaouauh! Where the Baddelaries partisans are still out to mathmaster Malachus Micgranes and the Verdons catapelting the camibalistics out of the Whoyteboyce of Hoodie Head.

This has the initials of the KKK (Kekkek Kekkek Kekkek! Koax Koax Koax!), a reference to how they look like (Whoyteboyce of Hoodie Head), includes the word "Kek", and also is a reference to Aristophanes' play The Frogs, where the frogs make a Brekkek noise, and to the Egyptian frog-god Kek. The KKK's white supremacy is like /pol/'s.

Finally, in Joyce's own life, he felt that his wife Nora's once lover, Michael Bodkin, cucked him from beyond the grave by singing to Nora in the rain outside her window for an hour then dying of consumption. He rewrites this story in The Dead (like the fact that Pepe got killed, supposedly) with a character named Michael Furey instead.

Which brings us back to /pol/'s obsession with cucking, which sounds like "kek", and mirrors Joyce's free-association in Finnegans Wake where words that sound similar to each other are combined and all their relations explored.

And it also brings us back to Matt Furie (Michael Furey), creator of the comic.

I understand I didn't space my posts well or make them easy on the reader, but Jesus Christ, this is some of the most beautiful and interesting synchronicities you're ever going to see in your life.

>> No.9482907
File: 18 KB, 640x540, NotFuckingAround.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

include me in the screencap

>> No.9482916

>this is some of the most beautiful and interesting synchronicities you're ever going to see in your life
seriously? you must not think much of life

>> No.9482919

you must not think much of literature

>> No.9482926


>> No.9482928

Well, I guess you can only shake sleeping people to awake them in one way, not in two ways.

>> No.9482939

How woke are you? Did it happen all of a sudden? I want to live.

>> No.9483114


>> No.9483148

>Brekkek Kekkek Kekkek Kekkek!
kek is repeated 7 times

7 is the most powerfully magical number, see: that "trump will win" post on /pol/ that was all 7s, followed by a 777 replying to that same post saying "seven is the most powerfully magic number"

>> No.9483154

(breaking this post into pieces because I tried 1000x to post it all in one and got 1000 connection errors)

>Where the Baddelaires partisans are still out to mathmaster Malachus Micgranes
This seems pretty clearly a reference to Baudelaire, his name being kenned with "bad" - which again fits the theme as Baudelaire was successfully prosecuted for creating an offense against public morals with the publishing of his most famous work "Les Fleurs du Mal" - a collection of poems centering around the transformation of Paris into and industrial society whose main themes, sex and death, were considered scandalous.

>> No.9483160

The parallels to modern day 4chan are obvious.
"partisans" seems also to point to politics and /pol/ specifically "Baddelaires partisans are still out to mathmaster Malachus Micgranes"
another reference to the kind of numerical kabbalism bound up in repeating nvmerals - an attempt to master "Malachus Micgranes" with math.

>> No.9483164

But who or what is "Malachus Micgranes? My first instinct here is mythological, perhaps a reference to Moloch. Another instinct, to break it down by syllable - Mal (bad) Achus (aches) and sound "Micgranes" (Migranes) = Badly aching migranes. But then researching a little online shows that Badelaire, Malachus, and Verdon are all types of sword. So maybe the main thrust is "an attempt to master war with math" which could again be seen without stretching too far to apply to /pol/ - seeing as politics is really war by proxy of words.

>> No.9483165

I believe he kills him in the comics so he doesn't have to draw it anymore and won't be associated with the "racist" symbol pepe has become. And with the pouring liquor on his face I don't really think it goes beyond being a joke. Really how can you make a funeral scene funny without doing stupid shit?

>> No.9483168

(last post in this series)
I don't think any one interpretation here is correct on its own, I don't think that's how Finnegans Wake works. I think one is meant to blur the vision and take all interpretations at the same time to get the whole feeling of the meaning.

>> No.9483180
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delet this

>> No.9483205

beautiful thread lads

>> No.9483209

>And with the pouring liquor on his face I don't really think it goes beyond being a joke.
I agree with you in that I don't think Matt Furie intended it to go further than a humorous bit of physical comedy

however, analyzed symbolically it absolutely goes further than that

>> No.9483268

messenger of YHWH

>> No.9483307

> if you die before making love to your mistress, you win

>> No.9483311

i see all these twitterfags lamenting that poor matt furie had his work coopted by nasty white supremacists, but the fact of the matter is nobody would give a shit about pepe, boy's club, or furie if not for 4chan's treatment of his character. dude's probably making a pretty penny with that fantagraphix printing and his mad magazine commission, none of which ever would have happened if not for pepe's notoriety.

>> No.9483332

Well put.

>> No.9483341
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>> No.9483345

It's all coool

>> No.9483475
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>> No.9483871

It's also a reference to Malachi Mulligan (Buck Mulligan) in Ulysses, Malachi Mulligan being a healthy, fun, happy and confident young man who makes Stephen Dedalus feel insecure and is supposed to be Joyce's somewhat comical take on an alpha male.

Perhaps a reference to /pol/'s chauvinism?

>> No.9483875

But that's exactly how Joyce felt.

Robert Anton Wilson puts it better than I do, he having been somewhat of a self-taught scholar on Joyce's works and biography >>9482788

Joyce felt that in a way, Michael Bodkin/Furey had gotten into Nora's heart in a way he never could have or would have.

>> No.9483883

he said
>thanks, love u

>> No.9484571

dude what

>> No.9484811

>ghetto culture
libations have been a part of human culture around the world for thousands of years

>> No.9484919
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the act of pouring one out on the street for the dead homies has been popularized by gangsta rap and black ghetto culture in general, you autist

>> No.9486122
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>> No.9486127
File: 87 KB, 599x337, alcune_delle_illustrazioni_del_codex_seraphinianus_9799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post-Frogposting is still Frogposting.

>> No.9486506
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What has been witnessed, must be spread.

>> No.9486513

I'm going to assume it's already been screencapped and posted on /pol/ multiple times.

>> No.9486515
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The word of a ressurection in a wake,
and that the Frog isn't dead!

>> No.9486537

There is no accent when the last syllable ends with a vowel, an N, or an S.

>> No.9486545 [DELETED] 

Pepe was a shit posters beat friend and a meme lords delight. In the end he taught us all about oc, white supremacy, how to shit up a meme by being a soccer mom, all these good things. Live on froge

>> No.9486569

simply incredible

>> No.9487687

Dr. Peterson, is that you?

>> No.9487755

too late

>> No.9487758

>ss on dudes sunglasses

meme magic is real

>> No.9487778

Jesus, are you shitposting again?

>> No.9487908
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>> No.9487946

God I fucking hate frogposters

>> No.9488036

What clashes here of wills gen wonts, oystrygods gaggin fishy-gods! Brékkek Kékkek Kékkek Kékkek! Kóax Kóax Kóax! Ualu Ualu Ualu! Quaouauh!