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/lit/ - Literature

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9480234 No.9480234[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The thread where we try to find somewhere other than 4chan to discuss literature.

I've grown out of 4chan.

>> No.9480244

>I've grown out of 4chan.
t. Redditourist from 2015

>> No.9480251


I've actually been here for 10 years.

Damn, I'm old.

>> No.9480286


Well, I guess if people knew of a better place to discuss literature, they wouldn't be in this dump.

I'll go have a look and come back later, then.

>> No.9480299

Why would I tell you cunts about the esoteric inner literature board when you shit this one up?

>> No.9480313

reddit is the only place to go, mr. """""old fag"""" ;)

>> No.9480318
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>I've grown out of 4chan.

I'm sure someone can direct you to a "grown-up" website. you'll frequent it for a week, then start lurking 4chan again. a year from now you'll have forgotten about the other website and make this same thread a second time.

>> No.9480320


>>>>>>> r/books

>> No.9480323

Reply to the wrong post, friend?

>> No.9480343

Basically you have two options:

A) Get actual real world friends to talk about literature with. (Getting a lot of recommendations for new books might be a bit more difficult but you can still use Google and hop from author to related author)

B) This place might be garbage, but it's as good as it gets. Learn to live with that fact.

>> No.9480365


> This place might be garbage, but it's as good as it gets. Learn to live with that fact.

What a depressing thought. I have faith that this isn't true.

>> No.9480386

This is as good as it gets for active discussion.

You could always use goodreads, find patrician users, and create 50 "friends" that you respect, or find a tolerable group there.

>> No.9480389

filter words that trigger you

>> No.9480594

I have given up on finding people that read outside of /lit/. It's cool.

>> No.9480609

I started a book club with some real life people.
It's legitimately a great way to learn a lot about people.

>> No.9480612


Share secret with fellow isolated patricians.

>> No.9480616

Been thinking actually on making a book club, or just making a profound discussion about a book but never succeed.

What kind of structure to make these kind of meeting / discussion interesting?

>> No.9480622

I really had to scrape the barrel for people, since I have no friends, it started off with just 3 high school buddies.
But tell people to invite their friends.

It's currently mostly people I didn't know before starting.

>> No.9480636

It's important to have it not be too serious, like get someone to bring snacks, make coffee/tea, chill for 30 mins at the start/end so that everyone feels vaguely comfortable baring their souls.

I just try to prepare 10 minutes worth of overview theme stuff and most people are pretty willing to share their thoughts.

>> No.9480650

I mean, sometimes you find out that your buddy doing a PhD in philosophy is a terrible reader and other times you find out that the old guy who makes terrible jokes has a lot of interesting things to say.

Don't expect too much, prepare extra discussion notes if the discussion is lacking, ask questions like "did anyone else get the impression that..." rather than "What were some themes/motifs/memes?" or "what did X represent?"

>> No.9480665

To be honest, if you're a decently thoughtful person and a decent reader, it will probably make you feel pretty good about yourself.