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9477151 No.9477151[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>friend is just now starting to have the type of basic "profound" thoughts I had at 14 at the age of 19

>> No.9477155

Post his thoughts then.

>> No.9477156

not /lit/

>> No.9477158


>> No.9477165

I think the fact that he just listened to DSOTM for the first time and thinks it's the greatest thing ever created is enough to extrapolate from.

>> No.9477171

/lit/ will fall for this

>> No.9477176


>> No.9477188
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Why does it matter that you had them at 14 when you will inevitably do nothing with them. Making the first step doesn't matter if you go no further, as you are destined to. You are nothing but a slave to the thoughts of other, more intelligent thinkers, and always will be.

>> No.9477193

I knew a girl who turned 16 about 8 years late. She was embarrassing to be around

>> No.9477200

Next time you go to berate someone for thinking like a 14 year old fedora, just imagine what it would be like were a 19 year old or older to have said those things.

Jesus Christ the OP's not that hard to understand.

>> No.9477266

My post has little to do with berating someone for thinking like a 14 year old fedora. Just putting out the fact that he will never be capable of his own thoughts, as evidenced by the fact that he feels the need to come to an internet forum and make fun of someone who he considers his friend to people he will never meet in order to feel superior.

>> No.9477287

No irony in this post.

>> No.9477288

>19 year old is now posting the same "funny" shitposts on /lit/ I did when I was still in the womb.

>> No.9477302

>people can't be made fun of for watching Rick & Morty and priding themselves on thinking "God doesn't real" for the first time in their lives

What the fuck are you even trying to argue for here, dipshit?

>> No.9477307

>study philosophy for the first time
>it's just the same "deep" thoughts I already thought over and solved in High School

>> No.9477322
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>tfw conceptual thought is inherently shallow
>tfw there is nothing to be solved

>> No.9477334

That you shouldn't waste your time mocking your friends on the internet for experiencing these thoughts later than you when you yourself are a waste of space.

>> No.9477337

What if people who are colorblind see things the way they really are?

>> No.9477338

>and solved

>> No.9477346

Every single post you've made ITT has assumed a lot from a 20 word shitpost.

>> No.9477401

Your responses and defensive attitude make it clear that they've struck a nerve though, no? If the assumptions weren't true why would you care?

>> No.9477437

>If the assumptions weren't true why would you care?
Are we just going to allow this brainlet level of discourse on /lit/

>> No.9477439
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>> No.9477441

The only post I (OP) have made besides the OP itself is >>9477165 and >>9477346. You're the one who seems defensive, friend.

>> No.9477454

Yeah bro but you do care

sage and move along this thread has peaked

>> No.9477457


>> No.9477459

Counter sage

>> No.9477471

>tfw always one step ahead from friends

>> No.9477499

Nah you're just so far behind you think you've lapped them