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9476762 No.9476762 [Reply] [Original]

I need ideas for an original screenplay. Post ideas or stories you'd like to see translated to screen.

>> No.9476789

Ten Little Niggers

>> No.9476797


>> No.9476817

Chrispie idea famalam

>> No.9476829
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>start with the protag waking up to an alarm of a british man reading a classic Shakespeare play
>does his usual morning routine (showering, brushing teeth, shaving, changing into work clothes)
>throughout this the british man is still reciting the play, but is audible throughout this scene
>puts on his glasses and reads the paper while eating his eggs and drinking his coffee
>looks towards his window and notices its raining heavily outside
>british man fades quickly, suddenly the protag starts freaking out by widening his eyes widely, camera switching between him and the window while slowly zooming in on both
>watch beeps, he looks at and configures it
>grabs his trenchcoat, umbrella, and fedora and lights a cigar and strokes his neckbeard
>opens the door, checks his trenchcoats pocket for his gun and cleans the handle before putting it back in
>"heh...they wont mess with me this time"
>british man fades in, protag starts walking down the street

>> No.9476837

Why didn't I think of that!?!

>> No.9476838

A film like 12 Angry Men/The Hateful Eight but in another unconventional setting.

>> No.9476845

Yeah that's neat, but where's the conflict?

>> No.9476846

That's just the beginning anon.

>> No.9476847


>> No.9477007

Allready happened