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/lit/ - Literature

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9474852 No.9474852[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>You don't actually want to read that book, you just want to be able to tell other people that you did

>> No.9474862

>don't actually want the light of knowledge, just want to tell people you're not in the dark

>> No.9474865
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>Reading something and thinking "I could write something greater than this"
>Still unpublished

>> No.9474866

Yeah right. You are assuming I actually have people to talk to, about books no less.

>> No.9474869
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>order a book used to save money
>huge sections highlighted with multiple colors of ink

>> No.9474904

Afraid to express personal taste in literature b/c public e-castration

>> No.9474909
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>You're a writer because you don't have any other talents or skills
>And you're not even that good of a writer

>> No.9474951


>> No.9474959

>I like looking at my bookshelf more than reading the books.
>Can't break 50 pages per day when I read.
>TFW some people easily read over 100 books per year and I can't crack 30 as a NEET for this entire year.

>> No.9474960

>you dont know how to control your homolust

>> No.9474961

>tfw want to know everything but feel nothing

>> No.9474964
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>Your actions are just manifestations of your subconscious desires, and your will has no virtue when making a conscious choice.

>> No.9474966
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>meet the QT girl of your dreams and go on a date with her
>she doesn't read or just says Harry Potter and a few YA books

>> No.9474979
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>all your colleagues are netflix watching plebs
>the only fun to talk to guy is ancap
>tfw you still debate with him because he understands what you're talking about

>> No.9474995

People, such has yourself and most others, have been conditioned to think that the sure-road to happiness and security is to be admired by others, and it seems the method is inconsequential to persons who buy into this idea. But really what are you going to do with a buncha smiling admiring faces? Especially when you're deceiving them.
There are many gullible people out there, and you want to be their king. You want to do something you dont enjoy in order to gain their admiration. Now what in the hell kind of thinking is that?

>> No.9475120

>tfw subscribe to whichever philosophy I read about most recently

>> No.9475151

I was not well read and mildly socially retarded when I first found lit a few years ago. Now my literary tastes have grown a lot, as has the import I place on reading; but my social skills have only moderately improved, and I think the literary priorities I would like to find in women have so far outstripped my ability to actually even talk to women, let alone have options to choose from, that I'm kind of turning down stuff that wasn't even offered to me, based on criteria that nobody asked to hear.

Cherry on top, I just bought a book on the ethics of suicide. Another real swell year coming up.

>> No.9475155

Which book

>> No.9475156
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>> No.9475162
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>tfw the book you're reading is objectively shit but you enjoy it anyway

>> No.9475168

>You don't actually want to fuck the 10/10 jezabel with voluptuous shining breasts, pussy-a-dripping-and-a-waiting on the motel bed, you just want to be able to tell other people that you did

>> No.9475334

>when you read more than 50% of the book but finally want to start a new one

>> No.9475347
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>meet QT girl who reads
>it's all liberal post modern bs or just harry potter

>> No.9475362

Fucking this

>> No.9475382
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>Read Nietzsche because I saw all the /lit/ threads about him and wanted to stop being a /pol/ack
>Find out he was far more radical than any /pol/ack
>Follow in his footsteps

>> No.9475390

That is the best.
When you both know what you are talking about, and you are not arguing, you are debating.

>> No.9475398


Lol this

>> No.9475400

>don't know if I've completely understood the book and appreciate it as I should

>> No.9475403


>Not stubbornly developing your own interpretation and BTFO'ing any other interpretation that dares to differ

>> No.9475417


>> No.9475429

>New Yorker article about a 24 year old novelist
>it's not me
>I'm turning 26 soon

>> No.9475468

In your case it is a good thing.

>> No.9475587

He's more intelligent than me though. On the other hand I get the feeling he enjoys talking with me.
Fuck, I'd hit on him if I was gay or a girl (no homo), I feel there's so much we could discuss

>> No.9475624

Boi you want to suck his cock just admit it

>> No.9475906

>she doesn't read

Then she's not the girl of your dreams, anon. Might be a veritable qt3.14 but if you can't sustain stimulating conversation with her then realistically it wouldn't last anyway. Hold out till you meet someone who gives you a brain-cell workout, but can also be fun to be around. Can't confirm this exists but here's to hoping.

>> No.9476043

You didnt understand him did you?

>> No.9476070
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>Most of my colleagues won't even use capitals to write their own name (this is a text-heavy job)
>Only fun colleague is a Yugo-nostalgic Marxist
>No-one really reads
>All of a sudden I get my Latvian colleague to read The Count of Monte Cristo
Don't give up, friend.

>> No.9476282
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Stumbled on it while trying to find something unrelated. Looked super interesting and I bought it right away.

>> No.9476313
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>> No.9476319

Where'd you buy it?

>> No.9476327

>fifty dollarydoos on amazon
oh well.

>> No.9476332

I don't tell people what I'm reading unless they ask.

>> No.9476340
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want to buy the hardcopy for the typography (special editions and poetry, for example), but I physically can't bring myself to pay 20 bucks after years of buying used and libgen.

>> No.9476362


There's almost always a 20% off one item coupon available (try the chrome extension called "honey") and if your total is still above $25 shipping is free. Payed $39 for it with tax.

>> No.9476371

>tfw nobody asks

>> No.9476420

the only one who asks is my dad

>> No.9476434

I want to tell myself that I read it, which is even worse

>> No.9476454

>the power of ancap

>> No.9476542
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>school had two literature teachers
>one knows a lot about philosophy and history and applies it in class
>the other became a teacher because of a midlife crisis
>You got the midlife crisis one

>> No.9476548

I don't know that feel
cause I actually read

>> No.9476550

>guiltily skimming

>> No.9476567

It's because you read harder books bro, don't worry bro

>> No.9476581

What do you read

>> No.9476588

Depends on my mood. Right now I'm reading David Cordingly, because I like ships.

>> No.9476592

this accounts for 100% of gravity's rainbow fans

>> No.9476622

A good friend tells me Im easily swayed and Ill always argue the contrary but I must admit...I am

>> No.9476625

never EVER have I done this, maybe a little during naked lunch.

How could you man?

>> No.9476626
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>used to be /v/irgin but get tired of it and start reading
>really enjoy books and learn to better my life through them
>want to discuss actual literature
>/lit/ is just a bunch of pseuds but I still have 4chan itch after 8 years so can never leave
>every moment spent on this board is just fighting with 19 yr old redditors about how wrong they are

>> No.9476651

arguably you learned more about life from the midlife crisis one in lessons of what not to become

>> No.9476685

it doesnt exist lad

t. 21st century schizoid man

>> No.9476692
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>addicted to modern multitasking

>surfing the internet WHILE watch a tv show
>cleaning room WHILE listening to music
>doing paperwork WHILE shitposting inbetween sentences

>tfw physically impossible to just read a book for the solitary joy of it

>> No.9476693

>tfw slave morality
Smart enough to realize it, but too dumb and weak to change it (not for lack of trying).

>> No.9476714


Understood him perfectly m8

>> No.9476740

>that feel when you realize that you are good for nothing
Better sooner than later, right?
I'll probably spend my life working a shitty job (first I need to find a job), reading and going for walks.

>> No.9476755

You might think, but she was a disaster.

Thank got the other taught me history. I could actually talk about philosophy and literature with the guy. Even gifted me some books he didn't need, so that was nice.

What prevented me from having a discussion a lot of the time is a language barrier. I often knew titles, words and expressions in English, but not in my native tongue.

>> No.9476760

Ive noticed that too
Everytime i watch a movie or documentary i have the urge to check my phone or browse somewhere

Same with music, why not shower and have music, why not take a shit and have music

>> No.9476781

I knew /lit/ feels would be too much for me

>> No.9476855

>good for nothing

Thanks for reminding me of this, anon. You are good for something sage. This thread is condensed depression. Fuck y'all, and I hope you feel better.

>> No.9477094

>Never had a girlfriend
The feel that breaks through the fabric of space and time and connects every sentient being

>> No.9477114

>constantly intrigued by new topics or entire new areas/eras of literature
>have a constant backlog of books
>force myself to tackle backlog before buying new books
>pressure of having to work through backlog kills interest in reading

>> No.9477131

you like to be lead but not driven

>> No.9477142

>meet the QT girl of your dreams and go on a date with her
>she doesn't read or just says Harry Potter and a few YA books
>I'm not a boring pseud so we have other interests and hobbies to bond over
>we get married and live happily ever after

I've never been on a date and I don't actually have an hobbies or interests

>> No.9477157
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>slow reader
>still don't comprehend much from what you read

>> No.9477162

some texts lose meaning below a certain speed, like hegel

>> No.9477175

>surfing the internet WHILE watch a tv show
>cleaning room WHILE listening to music

Those two are fine though, unless you've never seen the show before

You can overcome this barrier to just read a book easily

>> No.9477198

>three years ago
>go to friends place to buy weed
>don't have enough money so I give him my copy of Borges Ficciones
>"trust me, you'll love it"
>begrudginly accepts
>few months later ask him what he thought about it
>"I'm not going to read it. Seems boring"
>dont see him again until this year
>see on his desk is Ficciones
>"oh so you're finally reading this huh?"
>"yea my [community college] teacher introduced me to him, hes awesome!

I hate my friends.

>> No.9477260

>get lost in random thoughts
>my eyes just race over the words
>a half page later i dont know what ive read

>> No.9477276


>> No.9477293

Theres nothing wrong with having music on during mundane activities you know.

>> No.9477348



>> No.9477350

How old are you? If you're under 35, that's basically how it works. You're not fully formed yet, mentally or even really physically. Keep sluggin, champ

>> No.9477808

i laughed

>> No.9478030
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>> No.9478514
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>> No.9478529

>have urge to write
>when it comes, you can't think of anything
>your writing sucks

>have a backlog of books, both on paper and in stack
>every time stack is lowered, there's 40 more books waiting
>backlog list is ever growing
>haven't had time to read them all.

>> No.9478564

I don't know that feel. How do you tell people you read a certain book? Most people don't even know I read.

>> No.9478576

You can do all the reasoning you want, but it's still a difficult and lengthy process to fundamentally lose the desire to please and impress people.

>> No.9478578
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>> No.9478586
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Anon, ultimately her character should outweigh her tastes in literature. Is she nice? Does she seem genuine and caring? Start looking for character traits my man, not specific tastes.

>> No.9478646

Why not shower while taking a shit and listening to music?

>> No.9478732
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>reading nonfiction/philosophy
>see references to topics and authors i've been meaning to learn about
>slowly lose interest as i make my way through the book after being overwhelmed thinking about things i would rather study

>> No.9479160

I wasn't ready for this

>> No.9479165
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>tfw been called a good writer but I don't understand the terminology of the grammar I use

>> No.9479216
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>literally the perfect girl for me in every way
>her favorite author is stephen king

considering murder-suicide desu

>> No.9479333

Jesus, that gif is bad.. What is it from?

>> No.9479372

Do you not know adult swim's show World Peace LITERALLY made by unequivocally and irrevocably our guys Million Dollar Extreme?

>> No.9479384

>you keep tabs on how close you are to the end, finishing yet another book is the only meaningful accomplishment left in your life

>> No.9479387

then you start over at the place you lost connection with the words on the page. it happens to me all the time

>> No.9479394

>you start every chapter by checking what page it ends on
>finishing a chapter in a day is a meaningful accomplishment