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/lit/ - Literature

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9466812 No.9466812[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>not playing videogames

You are just like the 'elite' of the centuries past that rejected the theatre as being plebeian and beneath them. If you can't play competitive street fighter and quake then you are as much a brainlet as someone who doesn't read classic literature.

>> No.9466815

im lit af and play competitive street fighter

>> No.9466819
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welcome to the true master race my friend

>> No.9466821

enjoy the games, no one cares

>> No.9466822

lmao sweet 8)

>> No.9466823

Competitive multiplayer games can be fun, I'll give you that. Think of it like playing a game of basketball with your buddies.

However, single player games are almost all shit and boring as fuck. Why? Well, I don't think it's the medium itself that is flawed, but rather it's because they're pretty much all targeted at teenagers and reddit-tier manchildren.

>> No.9466824

I play video games, but they don't have good stories and they're mostly just mass produced Pavlovian media that rewards you for doing stupid tasks.

They're an opiate. Games are games. The same as board games or poker, or chess. They aren't art or capable of fulfilling narrative.

Now, virtual worlds, that's a different thing. But the game aspect of games preclude them from being anything special.

>> No.9466827

The elite saw plays at the theater and went to operas, silly.

>> No.9466828

story is almost totally irrelevant in a videogame


for some reason most people consider playing chess more noble than playing a videogame

>> No.9466842

I agree mostly. At the indie developer level, there are a lot of interesting small games that push the medium in different directions and muddle the definition of what a game is. the problem is the Video game industry as a whole plays it safe, they never went through a phase like films did in the 70's where studios were giving money to small filmmakers to make movies. video games will always be a consumer industry and will never elevate themselves to an art form because they were never interested in being art.

>> No.9466850

Games can fulfill a narrative of which media like literature, theatre and film are incapable or are very limited. The thing is they usually don't. There's only a handful of games that exploits these features of the medium to its fullest

>> No.9466855

>At the indie developer level, there are a lot of interesting small games

Actually indie games are the worst. Usually they're all some cheap 2D platformers with a high school level pretentious "deep" story.

Video games are really a medium where you can't do much without a big budget.

>> No.9466892
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Because handsome, physically fit, people play chess.

>> No.9466950

t. doesn't play video games
>implying chess matches can't have narratives
lmao what a fucking uneducated pleb you are

>> No.9466954

he looks brutish and has a caveman-like underbite

>> No.9466958

>he doesn't play the avant-walking simulators
>he thinks he's in position to criticize video games as a medium

Just because the only indie games you know are Braid, Fez, Gone Home, Dear Esther and the Stanley Parable doesn't make the subgenre bad desu.

>> No.9466964


>> No.9466975

If your game only exists to tell a story then it's not a game, but an interactive experience.

>> No.9466976

Brutish in attractive, masculine way. Plus, it doesn't stop him from being the greatest chess player since Capablancas

What are some of the most /lit/ video games?

>> No.9466980

If it uses ludology to tell a story, it's both.

>> No.9466984

>What are some of the most /lit/ video games?

intellectually stimulating ones that require self edification and aren't normie trash, so probably something like quake arena or starcraft

>> No.9466985

Tell me about these elusive "avant-walking simulators".

>> No.9467004

I think the Zero Escape series did a fairly good job at exploring the branching of storylines, and I don't think something like that could ever be done as succesfully in another medium. Not saying the games are flawless, but they did a good job.
Undertale is probably a game which will be praised in this category, even though what they did wasn't half as new as people make it seem, building very much on the Shin Megami Tensei model of choosing which path you will go down by in-game decisions that are not always as black and white as they might seem to the player. Unfortunately they completely fucked it up with Tumblr/Reddit-tier cringiness and some inconsistency in the gameplay which was supposed to be its main point. LISA is similar, but I never finished it, so I can't comment on it too much. Bioshock employed something like these devices I think? Made you question how much freedom of choice you really have as a videogame player.
Of course the themes are present in older games, just nog as strong. Like I said SMT already used this good/evil split in which you could influence the way the game ended, they also used this in Catherine. Super Mario 64 already made you choose which parts of the story you wanted to do first in a Hopscotch kind of way, but that already proves that literature could do that as well. Sandbox games let you decide the entire narrative for yourself, at the loss of any 'real' narrative.
There are some games which have used a 'switching viewpoint' narrative device, in which the player gets to decide whose part of the story you experience when.
But really, it all feels like it's stil extremely young and premature. I haven't been really following the game scene for the last couple of years though, so I might be behind on things.

>> No.9467021

I play Darkest Hour, Victoria 2, CK2 (torrented because fuck that DLC shit), and Dwarf Fortress. I also play ARMA but I have more fun making missions and being command for my group.

>> No.9467030

Starcraft is pure mediocrity, if you consider it a patrician game you should be thrown into a furnace

>> No.9467037

You're a hundred years too early, but seeing the industry and looking at its "patrons" right now (/v/ being a sample) I guess vidya being considered "patrician" is impossible.

>> No.9467065

streetfighter? please
why don't you try playing a hard game like melee
and listening to audiobooks at the same time

>> No.9467070

>You are just like the 'elite' of the centuries past that rejected the theatre as being plebeian and beneath them
It might get better one day, maybe even soon, but right now it's for the unwashed masses. Nothing wrong with being uninterested in the vidya evolutionary equivalent of Punch and Judy.

>> No.9467072
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>> No.9467073
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you can't be serious

it's so vastly inferior to a real fighting game I don't know where to begin

>> No.9467075

Who does this apply to, OP? I've not seen anyone criticising video games on /lit/ because it's not relevant here. Most people play video games, I certainly do. Doesn't mean I can't have some downtime by discussing literature too. Please get off your high horse.

>> No.9467077

I kind of just made an inflammatory thread because I wanted to know what kind of videogames /lit/ plays, as a curiosity, since /v/ is mouthbreather central

>> No.9467080

not an argument

>> No.9467082

Can you name a good indie game then?

>> No.9467102

c;mon guys its clearly lazy bait ffs

>> No.9467110

Oh, fair enough, anon. I know that feeling, I used to frequent /v/ a lot and although you can find good conversations from time to time, you're right, it's often covered in dirt and shit.

At the moment, I'm re-playing Dark Souls 2 as I wasn't particularly very keen on it when it was initially released. It still feels like a cake-walk but I feel it's more engaging a second time round.

Kind of dying to get my hands on Nioh, Nier: Automata, Xcom 2 and Persona 5.

>> No.9467178

I dont play video games because i get addicted quickly. They steal a lot of time and after i play i feel incapable of doing something. It is too easy to play videogames, it is like a warm bed on a cold day. Every day i dont play something i feel good, and i can think clear. Now i dont get bored so quickly and my productivity increased. I think in the past it was the same thing: people working or trying to study, but in their minds they sit in the Theater and get swept up in the loud music and emotions of the play. Too much Videogames or TV or Theater or Books can make you a pleb. Beware of loosing the ability to sit still and do nothing!

>> No.9467183
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This comes to mind, but I would like to see the genre expanded to an immersive Heart of Darkness type experience as a journalist in a warzone not far cry 3

>> No.9467186

>Nier: Automata

I bought it and now regret it. The bullet sponge bosses are not to my interest.

X-Com 2 might be a next sale purchase.

>> No.9467200

>You are just like the 'elite' of the centuries past

So... patrician? Thanks, I guess. Enjoy your vidya.

>> No.9467204

> tfw I know the voice actor for the protagonist of Nier Automata

I kinda need to get it for that alone.

>> No.9467205

Far Cry 2?
I liked it, although I had to play it with a mod.

>> No.9467206
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The only games I play are Doom and S..T.A.L.K.E.R.
Love PWADs

>> No.9467217

>being a player
>not being a critic

>> No.9467224

the deepest games get is blending in a sun tsu quote during intro

>> No.9467226
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>> No.9467233

i play games and i do read a lot.

t. faggot with 5k hours in csgo

>> No.9467245

Look in to the more underground indie scene. Start with eg. Kitty Horrorshow's Anatomy.
You're probably too game illiterate to play and appreciate them.

>> No.9467253

its literally the opposite

>> No.9467255

>caring for narrative
Ugh, will plebs ever learn?

>> No.9467260


Great thread. I agree with every troll.

That said, games are quite boring. I play maybe 3/4 a year and it's completely for entertainment purposes, with the odd 'arty' game (i.e. What Remains of Edith Fitch) thrown in. The main problem is that games are being made by young people with no particularly interesting points of view - homage is often the best they can muster (i.e. anything by Brendon Chung).

Parallels can easily be made between the types of millennial literature /lit/ doesn't like and video games. It's the same impersonal, don't want to offend anybody by being too personal type of shit.

Looking forward to Prey. If only because it's a spiritual sequel to an actual good series, System Shock.

>> No.9467266


>>Nier: Automata
>I bought it and now regret it. The bullet sponge bosses are not to my interest.

I had the same feeling. There are interesting ideas in there but they're hidden behind the need to FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT. It's tedious after a few hours.

>> No.9467269

t. autist who doesn't get sports

>> No.9467276

This desu. The medium is still young. Also pop-trash will be pop-trash.
>noise is not music
>movies will never be art
>"""interactive experiences""" are not games
Unironically Tetris.
Dark Souls 1
Also Brood War, like the other anon said
t. uneducated idiot
You're not looking hard enough. Is it worth the effort compared to literature/music? Probably not. But the game literacy will pay off in the future.
t. is bad at video games and has never reached a nirvana-like state where you and your teammates are almost acting as one.

>> No.9467280

If these assholes can make a video game thread on /lit/ can I make a guitar thread?

>> No.9467282


Only if it's about the guitarist from K-On

>> No.9467292

> muh appem
> muh balance
> muh retarded interface
The damage Starcraft has done to the rts genre is endless

>> No.9467297


>because I wanted to know what kind of videogames /lit/ plays

I've been here for long enough to know that the only games /lit/ universally agrees on are Metal Gear Solid 2 (media criticism/hyperreality) and Silent Hill 2 (psychology). It might be an age thing but I think it's because they happen to be fully-fledged 3D games with decent graphics AND creative ideas.

There's a great post above about how games have never had a 1970s New Hollywood stage where developers had the money and freedom to express themselves without constraints. The only thing I can think of was the early stages of XBLA where Microsoft actually cared about funding first-time developers, but that was very much the start of something that never developed into anything major.

Then you get the underground scene doing a lot of interesting things that can't make games with the budgets to grab people's attention like MGS2 or SH2.

Kickstarter mostly failed too - it only allowed for funded nostalgia.

I don't actually know what'll happen in the future. I thought people were getting sick of blockbusters after the burnout from FPS games last gen but it doesn't appear that way anymore. If anything, the only thing that's thriving are Japanese games - fun, quirky titles that thankfully aren't heavily politicised in the manner of Western titles but aren't necessarily artistic or intellectual either.

>> No.9467332

Video games are the closest thing we have to gesamtkunstwerk, if you don't acknowledge this you are a complete pleb and don't understand art at all.

>> No.9467342
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Thanks for the elaborate reply, anon!

>> No.9467355

You're welcome

>> No.9467378

>Tumblr/Reddit-tier cringiness
What is that supposed to even mean? This isn't /v/ or /pol/.

>> No.9467379


Much like you don't understand how to use a comma; look how much better a semi-colon looks.

>> No.9467384


Semicolon, even.

>> No.9467397

A semicolon isn't necessary for that sentence.

>> No.9467405

Using le funny memes
Misplaced and forced social snowflake characters
Horrible "look at me I'm so unique I use pixelart" graphics
A constant implying that it's far deeper than it actually is

>> No.9467411

op plz, street fighter is gay, the characters aren't balanced, go to any arcade that had a strong community and 90% of the matches will be ryu vs ken, with the occasional contrarian using guile, meanwhile mortal kombat had balanced characters that could all be competitive, also the damage model in quake is gay, if i head shot a fag with a rail gun, i expect to get a kill not wipe out 30% of his fucking armor and have him bunny hop around a column and recharge or something...

>> No.9467418

I dont want to fight waves upon waves of faceless enemies. I want to be in Dresden during the firebombing, and rescue people

>> No.9467419

Sounds like that game really triggered you.

>> No.9467423

playing games for storylines is like reading for plot, kys

>> No.9467437

As long as you're not referring to SFV, you're right

>> No.9467440

I play SF2 and GG (OP).

>> No.9467442

SF2 is the only SF, sort of like only Star Wars 4-6 is real star wars, the rest is fanfic

>> No.9467443
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>playing videogames competitively

>> No.9467445

what's gg?

>> No.9467448

well we can't all have skills, somebody as to play those interactive animes the japs call rpgs

>> No.9467449

> I don't know where to begin

You could begin somewhere at least, I've not seen a fighting game player criticize it without greatly misrepresenting it.

>> No.9467450

guilty gear.

>> No.9467457



>> No.9467460

It did, I went in expecting too much, I guess
There's a difference between appreciating plot and reading solely for plot, learn the difference faggot.

>> No.9467462

Nice, you didn't disappoint.
I would argue that the Alpha series is decent, but I'm more for KOF for now.

>> No.9467463

is it possible to play fighting games online these days? is it laggy at all? fighting games need to have super low latency, but i guess if shooters with 20 dudes on the map can get down to like 50ms then two ppl in a sf or mk match should be able to....is there a community feel to playing fighters online? the fun of the arcade was watching the people ahead of you in line fight, and trying to study the moves of the dude who won the last three matches because you're up next and he's winning yet again, etc. i think just getting randomly dropped into a game, fighting, then moving to another with no community might take some of the fun out of it, sf and mk in the arcade were very social, and not even that nerdy, most of the neckbeard fags played pay to win shit like golden ax where you just keeping putting in quarters till victory

>> No.9467467

stfu up nerd, no one likes a tattle tale

god we are all regressing to childhood

>> No.9467470

If only gamergaters were capable of creating any good video games themselves instead of crying about tumblr and women.

>> No.9467474
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I haven't found a single player game worth playing in the last 3-5 years

I'm not sure if that's just a result of me growing out of games or if games have gotten worse. They all just feel so mechanically simple and easy even on the hardest difficulty.

My first time playing dark souls was probably the last time I felt challegened.

>> No.9467479

It depends on the game. Some of them have a terrible netcode, then we go from decent to excellent. It's more about finding a game that is still alive, and for this reason having a group of people to play with, may it be a discord or anything else, can create again that feeling of small community you're saying. Some games, like GG, have excellent lobby systems. Fightcade as a whole is great for this too.

>> No.9467487


>My first time playing dark souls was probably the last time I felt challegened.

Fair enough if you enjoyed it but for me, the time sink in a game like Dank Souls is just not worth it. Then again I assume it's reflective of that part of elitism rampant on /lit/ that says if something is not difficult then it's not worth your time. I used to do that but fuck me it's hard to keep doing that while juggling an adult life. In the real world, you get little achievement from beating Dark Souls, as beautiful as it is.

>> No.9467496

> implying your comfy bourgie first-world existence is real life

>> No.9467507

same, diablo 3 on the hardmodes like nightmare hardcore or something sure is hard, but it still comes down to grinding your ass off for hours to get enough gear and stats to win, so even though it's "hard" it still comes down to a time wasting contest of who can grind the most...

the only new game i played in the last 3 years is grim dawn, just because titans quest was rad and it's by the same devs, and has a more complex builds than diablo, even then my steam says i played it for less than 20 hours lol i even that i didn't really "go in" on it too much, maybe when the expansion comes out i'll play again, oh i bought doom 4 or whatever the latest id game is and played it for a weekend, but single player mode shooters are too easy, and the multiplayer was a mix of ultranoobs and "elite dudes" who kill everyone in two seconds so i was like meh fuck it and uninstalled since it was wasting 90 gigs of my ssd

i wish i could still get into gaming, but when i go to work or a chick texts me or something i feel guilty...then again i shamelessly blow hours on 4chan so i don't know why i'm so spooked about vidya, i guess its just not that fun, i think somebody needs to invent a new genre, hack n slash rpg, sandbox rpg, shooter, rts, etc. you can only play so many variations on a theme

>> No.9467516

yes, it's the life our ancestors created for us, if fags in shit world shitholes wanted their kids to be able to play vidya all day and live on hotpockets and mountain dew they should have been more industrious

>> No.9467521

I'm surprised your totally not /lit/ thread has stayed up for five hours.

>> No.9467523

>or a chick texts me or something
chad? is that you?

>> No.9467525

I will rekt you all on Marvel v. Capcom 3

>> No.9467526 [DELETED] 

i've never asked a chick for her number in my life, so i'm not really sure how it happens, but somehow it does, definitely no chad

>> No.9467540


Bullet hell shooter film noir pastiche. It's an idea I've had for years but can't code.

>> No.9467549


Daily reminder that single player games are Reddit, and that competitive multiplayer at atleast a semi-pro level is /lit/.

>> No.9467554


Literature is more interesting when explored through the prism of other cultural mediums. It's clear the entire board would be better if it were a general arts/culture board. I guarantee then the actual book threads would have more substance than the same memes over and over again.

>> No.9467558

the hardest part of game development is the art and 3d assets, i mean coding takes time, but you just have to accept that it's going to take 3,6,9 months to grind through it all, but it'll get done, the problem is coming up with good art, no matter how pro your code is, if the art looks like a 8th grader did it, no one will take it seriously, you might be able to get away with marketing it as ironically bad, but probably not.

>> No.9467561


Fun = Reddit; misplaced egotism and rampant competiveness = /lit/? Sounds about right, tbqhwy.

>> No.9467563


Agreed and I have utmost respect for the artists behind games. I'm way too autismo to create visual art.

>> No.9467582
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Persona 5 is the best game I've played in years. Best grl picrelated

>> No.9467599

Fighting games are trash. The only true patrician games are action-platformers.

>> No.9467606


Could you quickly and cogently sum up what's good about it? I considered buying it but it's out of stock around my parts. Perhaps you could compare to a book to keep it on-topic.

>> No.9467608

action platformers are rad af, recommend me some new shit that's not mario or sonic related

>> No.9467610
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i work for the aaa game industry. video games are a fun medium sometimes, but these days i'd rather read a book. not sure if it's because i'm getting older and can't handle all the bullshit (loading screens, cutscenes, """deep""" plots trying to act like they have real characters but still involving the periodic killing of mindless hordes of guys with guns, overly complicated controls). complete immersion in a universe is just as possible with a book as it is with a fancy new console and VR gear, you just have to work a little bit harder. i dunno, i don't want to need a complicated piece of equipment to immerse myself. it seems too corporate (which if you have looked at the credit list of any aaa game, games are very much a product of corporations not individual artists). reading is more mystical and natural.

the indie scene could have saved us, but with the rare exceptions like stardew valley or undertale, good indie games are a thing of the past. all the devs out there are trying too hard to make art or something, i'm not sure what it is but things seem to be getting progressively shittier if you look what comes out of indiecade/igf.

>> No.9467617

oh yeah shovelknight looks p sick might cop

>> No.9467622

>but it's out of stock around my parts

ever heard of the internet, faggot

>> No.9467623

I'm just burnt out on vidya. Last game I truly enjoyed was VtMB.

>> No.9467626


I'm unironically old school

>> No.9467631

the thing that makes me stop playing video games is any game that has a cut scene of dialog and there are these 3d models are sitting there "talking" to each other and there heads bobble around unnaturally and everyone so often they wave their hand in a way that has no weight to it, when i see that i just can't go on...and most AAA titles have shit like that, i think that's why i like grim dawn, the dialog doesn't take you out of the engine to a bobblehead cut scene, it just put some text on the screen

>> No.9467634

same, that was around the same time i stopped being into games ... i still played some shit here and there fallout3, skyrim, cod4, etc, but around 03, 04, i just stopped keeping up with new releases and shit

>> No.9467652

Comparing the two is pointless.
One is a thinly veiled addiction that is designed to ruin your life and make some shekels off your misery. The other is supposed to improve your enjoyment of life.

>> No.9467659


I'm playing Deus Ex: Mankind Divided and what you've described it easily the most boring part of it. I can't help but disengage during crucial plot elements when those lifeless limbs start flailing. Actively piecing together the backstory via newspaper articles and ebooks is the only thing keeping me engaged at this point. I guess not a lot of players do that (lazy fuckers) but it's definitely something that helps.

Also, I tell you what is a criminal problem with video games: small ass subtitles. Not one fucking AAA game understands that people who want to read the subtitles rather than listening to shitty VAs would actually like to be able to see the damned things.

>> No.9467660

>One is a thinly veiled addiction that is designed to ruin your life and make some shekels off your misery.

true, and so is 4chan

>> No.9467667
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What does /lit/ think of pic related? I'm like 1/3rd of the way in but the game hasn't really caught me. Really amazing undertones but nothing that's really hooked me.

>> No.9467673

>ctively piecing together the backstory via newspaper articles and ebooks is the only thing keeping me engaged at this point

that's what i loved about morrowind, it had a real great story, the plot was typical "you're a special guy who's gonna save the world" shit, but the way you could put together the world story by reading various books and dialogues, the pull between the empire and the traditional nomads, etc. it was so good, whoever wrote all that shit must have been a history major because it all rang true...to bad after that the elderscrolls games just degenerated into "muh dragons" and other insulting tropes

>> No.9467675


I gave up 2/3 of the way into it. It's alright but it's the same fighting shit over and over again and there came a point where I couldn't be bothered anymore. I'd describe it as novel.

I actually much preferred Mother 3 which has a much more light-hearted and enjoyable script.

>> No.9467678

i wish i had played that in the 90s when i was kid cuz it looks awesome, but when i tried to play it one long weekend a couple years ago i got a little way in and was like "nah i just cant..."

>> No.9467681


Never played it but I'd probably agree. I guess people have a point when they say games are trying to ape cinema too much. Not really an inherent problem but it's often like watching a movie with wooden actors - how developers don't understand that is pretty ridiculous. When it's done right (ie Uncharted IV) it's perfectly fine.

>> No.9467689

the thing is, these days games make more money than movies, so if anything hollywood should be copying games, not the other way around...if twitch is able to make big bank stream games to spectators, then movies that are more like games should be feasible, shit, maybe that's a project worth doing...how has no one done this yet?

>> No.9467699

That's the great thing about these awful captchas anon. My life would be pretty different if every few minutes of playing a game the game popped up and said "what the fuck are you doing with your life"

>> No.9467708

the thing that always gets me is the obvious viral marketing shill threads, whenever i see some shit that's obviously posted by some "social media intern" at a marketing firm i'm like fuck this i'm out, and i don't come back for a week two

>> No.9467712


Yeah, I gotta be honest, I can't see how or why that should be the case.

>> No.9467724

It's my numer one favourite game, but I can hardly explain why.

>> No.9467729

>Mother 3 which has a much more light-hearted and enjoyable script.
What? Mother 3 hits you straight over the head right at the beginning with some sheer depression. Earthbound never has anything bad happen yet at the end it feels like you're going to tear up.

>> No.9467730
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Software based fiction will be great someday.

But it isn't now.

>> No.9467737


It's like a dumbed down murakami novel.

>> No.9467738
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What does /lit/ think of pic related?

>> No.9467763


It's a game about serious subject matter filtered through what I imagine would be the mindset of a millennial. It's not especially hard-hitting but it's alright. Basically a YA novel (and I don't mean that as a pejorative).

The entire thing is a coming-of-age story about facing your problems and not running away from them. It's not novel and the characters aren't compelling enough to make you feel attached to their problems in any particular way.

That's just my opinion, though. I certainly didn't hate it but I felt a bit silly recommending it to my dad based on the reviews before I'd played it myself.

>> No.9467767
File: 292 KB, 1194x1038, 20170421194733_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone smart tell me why everyone sucks kojima's dick? i'm an eastern european or something, and we never played with consoles here, arcade then commodore/amiga/zx/whathaveyou then ibm compatibles. so here all this nintendofaggotry is totally unknown together with most of the console stuff.

all i see from mgs is the 2deep4u plot and generic world and gameplay. why should anyone care?

about story and plot: you don't need any. picture relevant. also example for great indie.

>> No.9467782

>picture relevant.
wow, an autism simulator