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/lit/ - Literature

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9459433 No.9459433 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think of Knausgaard? I'm reading picrelated and it's very comfy. Much better than most contemporary literature imho.

>> No.9459436

>I spend hours of my day reading the in-depth autobiography of a man who benefits financially and socially as a consequence of my doing so

Do you realize how cucked you are?

Lying there on your belly kicking your heels in the air while some guy tells you at length about his family and how he made out with some girl in a sauna aged eleven? Very pathetic imo.

>> No.9459455

my thoughts on knausgaard exactly

it's also more proof that if you're not a pussy magnet then you don't understand humans enough to be a successful writer

>> No.9459464

While I can accept that there's something of a writer's fantasy about it, being able to just write without filter or much editing, I think it's mostly the product of effective marketing. Without the backstory of its writing, I don't think it would have made near the splash that it has.

More technically, there are some striking passages in the first volume. The description of the father's flat and the effort to clean it was very very good. The tactility of the mess and the physical effort needed to clean it becomes a wonderful objective correlative for the narrator's relationship with his father and the struggle in memory. That said, I think too much of it is numbingly mundane and sloppily written. It needs an editor and a couple more drafts.

Lots of people like it a lot and that's good. I didn't like it, however.

>> No.9459475

i've only read the first one so far but i really loved it
felt very sincere and he has interesting insights and it seems (or at least the english translation seems) well written
i can't wait to read more desu

>> No.9459528

Having a rough day, anon? I strongly advise you kill yourself. It's for the best.

>> No.9459557
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>I spend hours of my day reading the in-depth autobiography of a boring nerd

>> No.9459586
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>> No.9459619

A defeated man mumbling into his shoes.

Hard pass.

>> No.9459921

/pol/ Please go

>> No.9460046

Proust is better

>> No.9460060

very cozy

>> No.9460139

>when you buy a book a portion of the proceeds go to the person who wrote it given they are alive
like w o a h dude

>> No.9460226

I need something to cleanse my palate after finishing the bible, would this be nice for that? or is it just a different kind of tedium?

>> No.9460884

really makes you think

>> No.9461001

Just read Wind Through the Willows or something similar.

>> No.9461567

Comfy af desu. Reading book 2 right now

>> No.9461580

>reading mein kampf
go back to your containment board