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9455390 No.9455390 [Reply] [Original]

>greentext the plot of your next novel, it's not like it's going anywhere
The pigeon on the kitchen balcony are having sex while you shitpost on a Malian snowboard tuning forum edition

>collection of texts about the funeral rites around a sea
>said sea basically the Mediterranean at the eve of the Industrial Revolution
>various sources, thus various styles of writing
>no structure besides a geographic journey around the basin
>about how the environment shapes our view of the world

>> No.9455412

>meet a nymph on a small bridge over a small creek
>tells me Im a fag
>tell her she is a whore
>leave because she is a bitch
>go home and meet imaginary friends

>> No.9455425

>Doctor Who, but good

>> No.9455535

>set in the latter half of the 21st century in a northeastern American city
>protagonist is a freelance garbage collector, receives his assignments and pay through an app
>recently picked up some new territories after the death of another trash collector
>finds a small unopened package while cleaning out a vacant lot
>naturally, he takes it home and opens
>filled with pills and also an sd card containing weird pictures and an indecipherable spreadsheet
>shady underworld shenanigans ensue

That's most of what I've thought out so far, and it'll probably end up being trash because I've never written something long before, but damn does it feel good to actually work on something for a change

Sounds cool, would read

>> No.9455763

That sounds interesting.

The freelance garbage collector thing is kind of clever too, I like it.

>> No.9455801

>80's, small south american city
>a man is forced to kill a money lender to protect his family
>the heat is too strong so he hides in a friend's recluse property (Chácara Campos Elísios)
>second act he deals with the guild of his act and the paranoia of constantly thinking he's being stalked by someone trying to kill him while he waits for court
>meets different characters with different views about sin and punishment that aren't fully fledged out yet
>ending still not thought of too

>> No.9455827

this has a lot of potential, depending where you take it

>> No.9455871

It's about an underground society of procrastinators and timewasters, basically a cabal of people doing things as inefficiently as possible in a silent revolt against the world
Most of it is just descriptions of them doing regular things in absurd ways or watching tapes of regular events and angrily pointing out what's wrong with those events

>> No.9455876

Sounds familiar.

>> No.9455880

Does it?

>> No.9455889

>young adult after graduating high school begins working at a grocery store to save enough money to mail order a bride.

>> No.9455896

The symbol of the movement is a clover I guess right ?

>> No.9455897

>I don't really know how to sum it up and don't think I'll be able to until it's done.

>> No.9455900

it doesnt have a symbol
i'm really not aware of anything like this existing, if you know better, please notify me

>> No.9455918

I can't tell if you're trolling me or not.
I'll give you a hint : the name starts with 4 and ends with chan.org

>> No.9455921

Oh, lmao, I get it. Did not make that connection myself, which seems idiotic in hindsight

>> No.9455934

would read
would read if you promise it is good
do you live near the set of your novel?
would read.

>> No.9455940

Houston, 2017
Stuck in traffic
It never ends

>> No.9455947

its kinda like the peter pinguide society in lot 49. the whole inefficient rebellion thing. And that's like 2 pages, good look with your book

>> No.9455953

Title: The Bootleg, Catholic Stranger

>> No.9455957

>scifi setting with limited space travel technology based on slingshotting off black holes
>no alien life discovered, all human expansion based on terraforming and corporate labor colonies
>military Fleet gets mayday signal from deep space station
>figure someone miffed it and everyone's dead, send cleanup crew
>cleanup crew do some badass space oper8in
>end up making first contact with non-sentient alien life, the product of the station's research
>crew is freaked to shit and lots of them die due to exposure to foreign bacterial organisms from being around the alien
>larger science vessel shows up to cover up the operation and continue the station's work studying the creature
>survivors of the first contact disagree, end up mutinying when the alien breaks containment and starts a second outbreak
>split off from the Fleet and leak the discovery and subsequent coverup, leading to a massive political schism back on Earth and throughout colonies

>> No.9455960

holy shit its the most generic thing ever.

>> No.9455965

This is already a book made into a TV series, the chasm or something. The Expanse, that's it.

>> No.9455967

Ehh, it's largely political with some action scenes. I'm not trying to write the next Star Wars, more the next Starship Troopers.

>> No.9455972

Been meaning to look into the Expanse, I'll have to check it out and see if they already told the story I wanted to.

>> No.9455981

I remember Starship Troopers being mostly action and interpersonal drama with only a very superficial political element to it

>> No.9455983

>three sisters
>famous rock star aunt
>watch aunt from distance with envy
>idolize aunt
>aunt involved in scandal
>discover being rock star sucks

>> No.9455987

>set in near-future, maybe 200-300 years from now
>climate change is becoming a major issue
>before story starts, aliens show up to earth
>they offer to save humanity, and bring them aboard their advanced megastructure
>only catch is they want to harvest earth for raw materials in return for safety
>fast forward 40 years
>no humans left on earth, the process to harvest is about to begin
>main character wants to see earth 1 last time
>sneaks around and manages to steal a ship back to earth
>gets to enjoy being on earth for a few last minutes before it gets destroyed, but hes happy
>he becomes the last person to die on earth

>> No.9455990

You misremember Starship Troopers

>> No.9455999

If Earth is fucked due to climate change why do the Aliums want to Hoover it? They could get more resources from a larger planet without having to also provide for the Humans - and don't say they exist in post-scarcity, since they clearly need materials for something.

>> No.9456006

climate change doesnt change the overall mass of earth or number of atoms, it just changes their bonded structure and formation to make it less hospitable for humans. maybe the aliens need tons of CO2 or some shit, also who says they dont hoover every planet in the solar system?

>> No.9456009

I'd read this, but only because I'm imagining the famous rock star aunt to be in her 70s, a fading star, and that the sisters sort of slowly realize that she was never as famous as she put on.

>present-day South Korea
>the latest fad is "octopus beds"
>people sleep in the enfurling tentacles of giant sedated octopous
>mentally unstable MC plagued by fantasies of his gf being penetrated by octopus in her sleep (she had just gotten one)
>shenanigans, noodles, video game cafés with guys in diapers, etc.
>mental instability of MC mirrors political instability on the peninsula
>MC goes AWOL from DMZ duty to hack apart gf's octopus bed in the middle of the night (Hercules on Hydra style)
>mfw he reveals a tiny white poo-faced midget hiding within the jelly of the octpous who had been having affair with gf the whole time
>northern dictator Kwim Jae Mong blows up all of Seoul during this revelation
>MC's defection is what caused this lapse in security, allowing Moong to strike

>> No.9456043

I don't know where it is going or how long will it be.
It just goes.

>> No.9456055

>something between short story cycle and novel
>each chapter works as a stand alone, but characters overlap
>meditation on time and experience
>one chapter is a PowerPoint presentation
>tons of punk rock

>> No.9456061
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>> No.9456074

I just write out my sadness into a little plot.
Have around a thousand words.

I'm sad it's in English.

>> No.9456080
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>Did he get the refrence, or not?

>> No.9456169

>set in mid/late middle ages in Italy
>dude seems chill at first
>then we find out both his brothers got killed by [city]
>find out he's the leader of a campaign
>find out campaign has been rerouted to fuck up [city] and it's all his master plan
>[city] blasted the fuck out
>guy gets the land that was promised to his brother
>guy dies defending it
>everyone dies except guy's rival, who is the antagonist but also a hero, and he gets the big prize at the end

Basically Monte Cristo with dead brothers instead of prison and ships instead of piles of money.

>> No.9456293

Guy lives in Trump country but goes to the city where he was born and raised to help his sister move into her new apartment. Along the day he runs into a friend of his who is now a mother, setting off a recollection of his youth in the city and his friends that either went to prison or were killed. The stories are told simultaneously as he wanders the city and comes to terms with his resentment towards it.

Bc I'm not white I expect to win many many awards from this. Don't worry guys I will not forget you after I'm famous

>> No.9456321

>Earth is a fucked planet after the Roswell incident brought advanced alien tech too early for our developing species.
>Milky way Galaxy is a no fly zone except for marauders and pirates anyway. Main character damages his ship in the zone and needs quick repairs.
>bounty hunter abducts a human from earth to sell at the nearest recolonization facility.
>Gets to the recolonization facility. Which has went completely dark.
>The humans have risen up against their alien captors, going all tribal and taken over the facility.
>The main character and the abducted human make an uneasy truce to take it back.

>> No.9456383
File: 155 KB, 858x1088, zdzislaw_beksinski_morsir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>little girl, daughter of fire
>epic journey, she travels to a place on "the other side of the world"
>from frozen lands to deadly deserts
>on the way she meet people, animals... all of them are losers, outcasts.
>the rest of the people is bad, religious, egoistic (she's raped a few times, actually)
>pedosexual fanservice, a lot
>inspirated by Zdzislaw Beksinski, John Martin... (among many others)

Actually, I don't know if I should write a novel, or an epic poem.

>> No.9456775

trying to create a scifi romance without falling into YA zone rip

bad grammar warning

long post warning

>20 mins into the future
>nuclear war almost breaking out
>USA and Japan begin to build a artificial island in a unknown location in the pacific sea
>war break out and the elite goes to the bunkers
>after some time the elite are transferred to the artificial island
>they create their own nation
>when the war is officially done they close down any connections with the outside world (except for trade with specific nations that survived the war)
>147 years after the end of the war they begin to accept some students to live there (only the best)
>protag is chosen (cliché kek)
>he got self-esteem issues, weak physically but very smart
>everyone thinks the island is a paradise after the war and people that live there are assholes
>protag goes there
>technology in there is more advanced than anywhere else and the people in there aren't that bad
>still, life in there isn't 100% perfect, they got a terrorist group trying to take over the government
>gov is run by a senate and a house of representatives
>however, the one that gives the last word is the governor
>governor is a lifetime title (or until the governor is too old and weak to work)
>some senate members are trying to kill the current governor
>the governor's daughter get knowledge about that and other corruption crap
>too afraid to speak up
>her dad did not gave her enough attention when she was a kid
>she has problems socializing (for example; threatening to harm a significant other if they cheated on her)
>protag saves her from a fall on accident
>they are now friends
>she has some romantic interest
>protag understand her and she is cute but he is interested in another girl right now
>(still have to come up with the backstory for 'another girl')
>(there is more chars but this shit is too long)
>anyways, governor's daughter spill the beans to the protag about the corrupted senate
>protag is like 'we need to fix shit for the glory of the last nation with no radioactive fallout on it!!!!!!11!!!!111!!!
>protag gets involved with the underworld (terrorist organization and shit)
>forms a little gang
>gets into various troubles trying to not get the governor murdered while not getting murdered while not letting the terrorist organization take over the gov cuz they are poopheads too
>more stuff romance/family related
>best plot

>> No.9456929

I would read the shit out of that.

>> No.9457243

>pacific sea
tfw worst error is in the first few lines and you dont see it

>> No.9457417

>stranger things

>> No.9457558

Grew up in it

>> No.9457589

Got the idea whie listening to stories of people around me and watching Calgary and In Bruges.

>> No.9457770

I wish I was half as creative as you... how did you think of this?

>> No.9458374
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Appreciate it. I forgot to add that the wild animal that end travelling with the girl is somehow a representation of myself and my sexual urges (a bit like Lewis Carroll's white knight).

Never watched "stranger things". If I'm inspired by some contemporary medium, I'd choose the "Dark Souls" videogames and its atmosphere.

>> No.9458488

i hope this is a joke.
this a very generic scifi/noir thriller set up.
it was probably your post huh?

>> No.9458508

It's the Three Billy Goats only with immortality and Kabbalah and it's all on a ship run by Vasco da Gama as they go around the world. Involves anti-Arab massacres and drunkenness.

>> No.9458606

>shoot arab guy on beach
>feel nothing for the rest of the book

>> No.9459499


>> No.9459530

>for the rest of the book
*for the entire book

>> No.9459533

Just give the corpse a proper position and sell the propaganda to leftist media.

>> No.9459549

I'd say 'Crime and Punishment'

>> No.9460388

>space nigger from space starts an intergalactic psychic war and gets eaten by a captain at the end on a Somalia tier planet

>> No.9460730

Boring desu

>> No.9460758

>story involves various short stories which are self-contained but also add context to the other stories
>victorian era england
>celtic vs roman era england
>90's england
>maybe some other eras I'll find out as I write
>essentially stories which involve encountering one or two (max: 2) shapeshifters
>essentially asks the question of what a human being is if you strip everything away to our essence

Not too far in yet so hard to sum up clearly.

>> No.9460808

>group of friends lives only told through their wills
>they have all died at different times
>slowly learn all the ins and outs of the group
unsure where to take it from there, maybe theres an event that happened when they were all kids

>> No.9461057

Would read if what is promised is delivered
Previous Statement
Seems good
If you get rid of the punk rock and replace it with Mongolian Throat Singing it'd be better
Now that's a book I'd read just to make references about here
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ sorry brother
but wait if I told you there would be

>> No.9461063

From what you said, it seems like you've got a lot of genre conventions holding you back. Your actual story (which you didn't really touch upon) is hidden by the genreshit "well it's gotta have a psychic spacewar".

>> No.9461073

>Mongolian Throat Singing

>> No.9461078

Khusugtun you nigger

>> No.9461135

>a man is thrown in jail for rape. There he is ostracised and gets the shit beaten out of him for what he did.
>About a year or so into his sentence he is offered to join a highly risky penal unit to fight in a war. He is promised freedom in return for his service and signs up
>His unit is used as disposable cannon fodder, sent up against giant mechanical suits of armour with only standard infantry anti armour weapons
>forced to work together, he now becomes comrades with the men he was once at odds with
>halfway through the war his legs get blown off and he is unable to continue, and he sits the rest of his service out in jail after returning from the hospital
>after the war ends he is released and goes to search for the men he fought alongside with. However they were sent on a pointless suicide mission near the end of the war because the government thinks it looks better than letting criminals back into society
>he then attempts to have the politicians and commanders responsible charged with murder and fails, as their influence is just too powerful.
>the story ends with him settling down as a painter, tired of the violence that previously ruled his life

>> No.9461244

yeah but it has gotta have it

as for actual story:

Reflection on the loss of familial/patriarchal values. I grew up with 9 uncles and aunts, and a grandfather who I would die for, and the loss of much of the contact with that side of the family, (divorce) resentment of my father but admiration for my grandfather, change in religion in my early years, (muslim to christian), fondness for the freedom of the ocean. It's just my life up to this point and the lessons I've learned but set in space because if I can remove it from earth as much as possible, I will more so be able to focus on the lessons as opposed to what the hills looked like in the evening as the pacific ocean shone golden across my eyes.

Initial rejection followed by slow acceptance and finally embracement.

>> No.9461262

>Turkey: One Stride at a Time

>> No.9461271

Literally none of that needs le psychic captain spacewar. You can do SFF well, but that doesn't *sound* good (obviously you wrote a sentence so...).

Also why the fuck would you convert from Islam to Christianity. Like what does Christfaggotry bring you that Religion of Peacism doesn't

>> No.9461305

We became muslim to keep the family together, not so much a theological decision. As to why the conversion to Christianity, I don't know why grandfather did it. It was well after 9/11 that we converted to Christianity.

>> No.9461312

That's weird af

What about YOU though? What do you think?

>> No.9461327

Raised in Christian High School, we had philosophy and logic class, so pretty hardline Christian/Classic Libertarian. Then again, raised in a different part of the world and I'd be a hardline Muslim, but oh well.

>> No.9461353
File: 117 KB, 500x750, 2a0bae19c23c90095208463e4ecfa364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Alternate history books
>Book 1: Prussia
>Using Hegel, Kant, Goethe & other famous Germanic figures of the 19th C.
>Someone in the royal family has made a deal with a supernatural figure
>The whole royal family become immortal and close off the borders of the empire

>Book 2: England
>19th Century republicanism swept France. Napoleon established it in England
>No Victorian age, instead a similar experience as the French
>At the start of the 20th Century, the weak constitutional monarchy fights off a proto-fascist insurgency
>The English socialists find their Marxist leader in the return of King Arthur!

>> No.9461357

This could be good but I get the feeling you'd turn it into YA genretrash.

>> No.9461377
File: 46 KB, 600x900, B_R3SfqW4AEgSgK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I post it here because I would want to research it for ages in an attempt to make it right. I don't care for the YA genre trash either, anon.
So, I offer it up here to concentrate what time I can to the handful of projects I like best.

>> No.9461381
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>alternate history could be good

>> No.9461385

No, I mean I get the feeling you'll make it YA genretrash involuntarily. Just as a result of your own tilts and abilities.

Like you focus less on the good stuff (eternal Kraut, Commie Arthur) and more on boring shit (lol no Victorian age, instead similar experience as the French I FUCKING LOVE HISTORY).

>> No.9461425

You are presented with one decision with three choices a positive, neutral, or negative action towards the main character based on your choice the story of the the main character is heavily effected representing the butterfly effect.

Also it's in an alternate reality where the central powers won and the setting is in the U.K.

>> No.9461442

I thought jerma said he wasn't releasing that book

>> No.9461487
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And though I haven't given it much thought at this abortive stage, I think if I were to work on them, I would consider all that in order to make it better.

The Prussian idea came from Faust, odds and ends I hear about the German character and this strange skull motif some of them used to wear.

Arthur as Stalin comes from my thought that State authoritarian communism is just the king returned. It's an exciting idea of Arthur reincarnating and I think his character would be most interesting.

As fictions go. It could be fun. But anything can be written poorly too.

>> No.9461577

It's a play. Working title is "The Whore of Babylon". It might sound edgy or like a satire, but I'm writing it as a pure tragedy. It shouldn't be funny, nor should it pretend to be realistic.

> the sister of the queen of Babylon is dying
> the queen comes to the funeral
> after it's over she finds herself alone with the husband, near the grave
> the sexually frustrated and bored husband rapes her
> she turns pregnent, and after giving birth to a child she hates, she sends her son to be raised by his father
> seven years later she offers to reconcile, and asks the two to come and visit her
> the father and the son are separated in the palace
> The queen orders the son to be murdered, and his body to be cooked
> the father meanwhile awaits for a feast, only to be served his son, which he eats

> the queen considers whether she should tell him happened, but decides to wait until morning, when the food would be digested
> in the morning the husband is walking to his pot and takes down his pants, when the queen enters and reveals what had happened
> the husband, horrified, pukes into the pot
>the play ends with him hugging the pot, weeping for his son, trying not to puke and keep his son inside of him, both as a memory and physically.

> the queen watches as the father leaves Babylon

The writing shouldn't be mean, but rather compassionate for the trio. the son who did no wrong, the father who tries to hold on the last memento of his son, and the mother who has nothing more to live for but revenge.

>> No.9461586

would read

>> No.9461658

Seems a bit quirky for the sake of being quirky.

>> No.9461792

>set in modern day
>protagonist lacks interest in his life
>meets a vagabond
>vagabond offers protagonist an opportunity to see the world
>protagonist accepts offer and takes an old leather backpack the vagabond gives him
>protagonist discovers backpack magically conjures anything the he needs day to day
>if protagonist doesn't travel to a new city at least once a week he begins to get sickly
other rules, trying to keep this greentext short
>over the course of his lifetime (considering prolonging his life as part of the backpack's perks) protagonist sees families break apart, wars, plagues, starvation, and all these major events shape his worldview several different times.


>> No.9462116

>set decades after ww3
>technology didn't advance much, except for warfare
>in this world the political landscape is dominated by fuck-huge private corporations, Neo-Marxist unions,Neo-Fascists and the traditional politician
>after the events of the first and second book, the war against the Global Alliance has begun
>The non-members and enemies of the Global Alliance formed a alliance against the Global Alliance, the International Nationalists' Pact,controlled by the leaders of the countries and organizations inside it
>secretly, the leaders are genetically engineered by Olympus, the most powerful PMC in the world, under the CEO, Johann Walker
>proxy wars happened literally across the globe
>then the War of Europe happened, signalling the end of the hegemony of the Global Alliance
>When the forces of New Russia, the Vatican Empire, and Olympus retake Constantinople and Jerusalem, they conquered Israel, the main HQ of the Global Alliance
>the CEO arrived at the office of the leader of the Global Alliance, and personally killed him
>but they uncovered a conspiracy behind the Global Alliance
> even after that, the war isn't over, the other commonwealths of the Global Alliance still held significant power, and they will have to deal with the robot uprisings across the globe

>tfw you have created a dystopian world that is controlled by the globalist jews and the ultra-nationalists wage war against them, then nationalist forces acid-gassed the whole country of Israel during the 10th Crusade

>tfw you accidentally created /pol/'s wet dream

>> No.9462256
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These threads always make me sad because a lot of you, honestly, have great plot ideas, but unfortunately if we're being realistic those plot ideas are not going to live up to their potential. It's like a gallery of stillborns. Prove me wrong, anon, I beg you.

>> No.9462272

>born into a farming family in rural Missouri
>attends University to study farming
>falls in love with English literature
>teacher suggests doing that
>become professor
>have 2 kids with girl who doesn't love me
>get with another, nice girl
>uni rival breaks us up to get at me
>publish a book

>> No.9462617

>The year is 2100-?
>Humanity continuously sends out colony ships. Those on the colony ships are setting out to create perfect societies
>They always fail
>The colony ships and the humans on earth are Stripping the Earth of all its natural resources
>Humanity always gets increasingly more desperate
>Gov, corporations, organizations always fund more expeditions
>We are Alien scientists, God, Narrator, future humans???
>We skip around time and space to find out how and why these colonies failed
>Learn about human nature

>> No.9462693

>a man and his alien friend film an extremely low budget paranormal show for public access television
>the show is bad in every conceivable way
>fun, feel-good adventures

>> No.9462821

wouldnt china just declare the island part of the south china sea?

>shitty cynical millennial alcoholic youth who still live with mom is private detective "apprentice" and sells shitty white label chink crap online and rides pump and dump schemes for side income
>doesnt talk to his family
>his split parents are dimwits
>older brother has schizophrenia and works in oil fields out of state
>has codependent relationship with someone more fucked than him
>he pays their share of the rent with their roommates as hes still at home
>le ebin avoid feelings
>suddenly doesnt leave his bed for a week
>gets tired of everyone around bitching at his angsty deppresion
>goes to doctors office for health physical, gets antidepressants
>goes on about shitty life for about a year in a complete haze
>witnesses someone jump off a roof of a building and it bothers the people gawking with their camera phones as he strolls around the scene to his car
>only drinks more, but magically quit smoking
>has a seizure in the middle of a grocery store parking lot and breaks his hip
>spends half an hour trying to get back up with people walking by not noticing until he finally pulls himself up and gets accosted by the store AP and threatened to leave before calling the cops
>winds up with several pins in femur
>withdrawal while on the medication induced a seizure
>thus doctor wont prescribe anything but aleve
>stops taking antidepressant to drink through post surgery pain
>doesnt affect job performance due to it mostly sitting and recording things or interviews with people and photographing wrecked cars
>is so competent at this, his "mentor" has him work with him for work he does with LE
>LE is all former coworkers to mentor
>goes looking for a place to stay with his partner
>partner is a moron who wants to stay in $4000 a month chipboard yuppie kennels
>spends more time working and hawking inane dropshipped shit online
>doesnt notice partner not calling him
>shows at his house with his roomates complaining about smell
>goes to his partners room and finds him dead from heroin
>few months later, mentor gets hit by drunk driver

not really sure what do with what I have, Im 200+ pages into this swamp with no reworked outlines i like and Im thinking of throwing it out

>> No.9462916

I can see it, a Spielberg 80's film. Full of friendship, comfy situations and sweet children.

I guess that, more important than the idea, is the realisation. Not everybody is strong enough to keep with the flow of good ideas, and deliver a nice product (I'm not even talking of art).

Is this somehow your autobiography?

Interesting if you could transmit that "human nature learning", otherwise it's going to be another generic sci-fi story.

Are you coming from the future? Because you are actually describing the foundations of a future Terran Empire. Who will be our Optimus Imperator?
Btw, check how many times you used the word "Alliance". You could use acronyms, and synonyms for other organisations, in order to be more descriptive (Union, Coalition, League, Confederation... even more specific things like "Brothers of Samaria", be imaginative).

Fuck mate, I'm sad now. Sure that there's a public for this, but it's too sad for me.

I kekked so hard. Women are terrible sometimes. You will need some Shakespeare quality writing. Go for it!

Rate me, guys:

>> No.9462919

You aren't slick pal.

>> No.9462935

Almost ten hours.

>> No.9462941


>> No.9462952

>Set in small town.
>19 year old kid who works at local movie theater
>Lives with uncle after parents died as a kid
> Works with best friend.
> Best friend gets hit by car
> Friend is fine, but checked by doctor anyway
> Friend is quickly developing early onset dementia, which is extremely uncommon due to his young age.
>Main character moves in with friend to look after him.
> Symptoms begin to show, at first only as slight memory issues and lapses in time.
>While symptoms get worse, they begin to happen to the main character as well
>Confused, main character gets checked out by doctor as well
>No issues, but signs are there.
>Same diagnosis
>Characters are confused as longer and longer stretches of time go missing.
>Soon reality begins to break down around them.
>While at work, both of them see visions and hallucinations of characters from the films they show at cinema
>First its auditory, but then gets intense as they begin to interact with characters, originally believed to be visiting actors
>A woman in a suit greets them
>Its not dementia
>The cinema they work in has a few secrets

I don't want to spoil the rest, but I'm extremely excited about it. The title I'm running with is Fever Dream. Last name is Grisham. Hope you see it at your local bookstore next year.

>> No.9463083

<Man tells a joke
<He tells this joke to everyone
<Literally never stops telling the fucking joke
<Joke goes on for ever
<Get it guys its an infinite jest
Do I fit in now?

>> No.9463258

The entire dementia isn't that good of a hook, or maybe I'm just tired of dementia and amnesia. The part that did get me on board was:

>Characters are confused as longer and longer stretches of time go missing.

which sort of hints toward the more interesting fantasy / surreal adventure with the cinema.

Hope you have some idea of a resolution.

>> No.9463372

Keep writing; would read

>> No.9463682

Isn't this just Check It Out! with Dr. Steven Brule with a human added?

>> No.9463821

>man with no charisma wants to start a cult
>he imagines that people handing giving up all their money and possessions is probably pretty lucrative
>asks a priest for advice about how to get started
>this priest is angry at the changes the new pope has been making and agrees to help him if he is allowed to make all of the decisions related to the cults beliefs and ethics
>partnership is formed

its a work in progress

>> No.9463842

I went to a medical oddities museum that did have quite a few stillborn babies on display in jars. It ruled. And honestly I have faith in the skills of some of the people who post here

Fucking brutal. Honestly just end it right where you are.

I'm the trashman story guy, not samefagging my posts to praise myself (because that's pathetic). I was honestly surprised by the positive reaction I got, your post is more in line with the cynical realism I expected. It is a pretty generic set-up for a neon noir kind of story, and that's my intent. Mainly, I just wanna write the cyberpunk story I've always wanted to read so I can stop thinking about it, and so I can dip my toes into writing a novel with something straightforward. Writing a maximalist infrarealist tome on your first try is a fool's errand imo. That said, I don't really want to write a thriller, with the focus being more on paranoia than action.

>> No.9464413

Work on the motivations a bit. That priest doesn't seem believable at all.

>> No.9464534

this was an idea I had since I was 16~
>15th century style fantasy setting
>protagonist lives in large coastal city as a blacksmith
>lives with wife and his parents
>mostly contracted to produce sword, pikes, matchlock guns and shot for emperor's guards/ army
>emperor has instated moratorium on several different fields of research
>most notably are weapons development and health care
>protagonist thinks if he could create prototyped weapon so impressive the emperor will lift moratorium
>creates rotating chamber style rifle
>get's arrested
>family is arrested
>~1 year later
>protagonist to executed
>family to be executed for harboring him
>protagonist is freed by wife
>couple escapes city
>travels around on the run from law bringers
>protagonist ammases a small following of people who are also tired of the rule of the emperor
>eventually protagonist has amassed enough support that people beguin revolting
end of book 1
>protagonist is thrust into place of power leading a revolution
>full scale war is spread across the lands
>protagonist vies for support of city states and certain town to contribute to war
>protagonist eventually overthrows emperor
>emperor warns that moratorium was for betterment of mankind
>'weapons would have evolved to be able to obliterate cities in an instant'
>'a doctor knows how to make a man sick easier than keep him healthy'
>'no single man should have that power, at least now it was manageable, why not keep it like that?'
>protagonist becomes very quiet as he mulls over this advice
>the resistance hoists protagonist to the throne in recognition of his leadership
>protagonist mostly sits back as a public figurehead as his friends oversee the kingdom
>torn inside, protagonist doesn't know what to do, feels he's completely under qualified
>devotes most of his time raising his daughters
end of book 2
>eventually protagonist dies of old age
>people are in dispute as to which of his 3 daughters should inherit the throne as they all have fairly good claims.
>daughters all hold differing views of major policies
not sure how it all pans out yet, at first the story was written as a hit piece against organized religion, then it delved into Crichton esque beware the dangers of innovation, and now that I'm re-reading the final book is looking like a song of ice and fire. does it have a shot or are there major need re-write?`

>> No.9465134

Who's the girl?

>> No.9465473

Not a novel, but a collection of short stories all in the same post-atomic war setting. Trying hard to avoid it just being another Fallout rip off.
So far, I've got:
>A cloning conspiracy on board an aging super-submarine
>A grouchy mercenary cowboy child slave trader finally grows a conscious
>Child inductees for the local crazy cult
>Some teenagers inadvertently find a gang's cave-side hideout, and cause a ruckus
>A kidnapped blind singer and her escape attempts from some raiders
>A daydreaming bar tender in the middle of nowhere

They'd probably all fall around 10-20 pages, and not have any crossover between each other. I did have an idea though, should I break up the individual stories up into smaller chapters, and sprinkle it over the whole book, or should they all be kept and read together?

>> No.9465516

Sounds like you read a cyoa pic on /tg/ and want to make a personal exploration. Write it for fun and for you, but never show it to someone else, it has no merit.

>> No.9465651

>emperor demands a nude portrait of his teenaged son
>best painter of homoerotic paintings is summoned to the palace
>emperor pays painter well, gives him apartment in the palace, gives him food and drink and let's him play with two boys of pleasure from the emperor's own boy harem
>painter has the young prince pose for various sketches, prince is shy at first but grows accustomed to the man's gaze on his naked body
>painter discovers that the prince has never been to bed with a man
>painter decides to seduce the prince though he knows it could be dangerous or even fatal

>> No.9465887

Do you have something that you need to talk about, anon?

>> No.9466030
File: 274 KB, 1024x675, 5975465375_9c089b6085_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nuclear bomb hits America in Indiana
>the US government has no idea who dropped the bomb
>the story would switch back and forth from the perspective of the suffering locals in a small Indiana town to US government officials trying to figure out who dropped the bomb and why they chose such a random place
It would be written in a subtle black humour tone.

>> No.9466060

I thought the joke was going to be that nobody in the government noticed or cared because it was in Indiana.

>> No.9466083

That was exactly what I was thinking when I thought about, hence the black humour tone.

>> No.9466164

>young man is killed trying to break up a stickup at a shopping mall
>a purgatory kind of afterlife exists where the main character, and several other people who have died in the immediate area throughout time, reside in an ever-changing, untethered composite version of the mall
>most of them don't remember their exact names or moments of death
>time around them seems to shift, stores, doors, levels, and appearances change without warning; departed occasionally come and go
>the only constant is a card game being held in a room under the mall
>main character one day spies a girl exiting through a door that no one else claims to have ever seen throughout their time, and he pursues her

>> No.9466201
File: 30 KB, 640x393, Life+has+many+doors+ed+boy+_f0237715a9c8069ebd9348b0133037c2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be ukranian kulak's son
>comfy family
>study esotericism
>make faustian pacts with demons or something
>turns out i'm leon trotsky

>> No.9466202

The joke should be that nobody in the government noticed or cared because it was in Flint, Michigan

>> No.9466255

>I'm part of the generation where you talk about your book before even writing it
Truer words have never been spoken

>> No.9466292

>man is near death in critical condition and prays to live, hears no answer, but he recovers
>becomes religious and occasionally prays
>starts noticing all of his prayers are being answered and no one else's are
>starts praying for greater and greater things, they all happen
>prays to warp reality to create a life of pleasure
>manipulates time and space trying to find happiness for an untold amount of time
>man starts to see other people as products of his own prayers/desires and not as real beings separate from himself
>he wants to have friends with their own wills detached from his own will, but that's logically impossible
>wants to meet god, since god's will can't be dependent on his, but god never responds
>wonders if he is actually god and prays for his own death, wondering if he can die
>whether he dies and if he is god are left ambiguous, he's probs dead tho since it ends their
i would never write this because it's trash but i like thinking about it

>> No.9466324

>since it ends their
You have bigger writing problems than a Bruce Almighty rip-off.

>> No.9466394

Looks like a plot for a shota hentai

>> No.9467234

That's always been the case though

>> No.9467294

>Thirteen unconnected vignettes about people all over America responding to an imminent nuclear war and deciding what to do in their last 30 minutes before the bombs hit their targets

>> No.9467879

that's not true though

>> No.9467954

There have always been wannabe writers and people who enjoy fantasizing about doing something more than doing it. See for instance Katin from Samuel Delaney's Nova, which was written in the 1960s. He took extensive verbal notes for a novel he hadn't started writing, and had been doing so for years. He would tell anyone with even the slightest interest all about his book and the dead art of the novel.

>> No.9468231

>Fictional, even more pretentious version of myself goes to some Berkley Film School
>Returns to his southern Wisconsin hometown to make a documentary about the plight of the lower middle class and the homeless population.
>fictional community of homeless people living under a bridge functions as a satirical take on the town
>real interviews with the population, homeless or otherwise
>eventually my "self" gets sucked into the drugs, crime, and filth of the city.
>Gradually become embittered with preconceived notions, become hardened, shitty far right white trash by end of movie.

>> No.9468237

youre right
i think a better motivation would be that he is soon to be excommunicated for illicitly ordaining priests in other countries for money

>> No.9468248


>> No.9468706
File: 51 KB, 784x485, stares motherfuckerly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1906, zealous catholic woman witnesses her 5 years old son suffering of smallpox
>promises God that if he heals her boy, she will name her next child after an infamous or impious Biblical character (Jezebel if a girl, Cain if a boy)
>her boy is healed
>names next child, born male, Cain
>1931, USA
>farm going through the difficulties of the Great Depression. A couple and their three kids live there. One older brother who is always in a bad mood, a middle brother who is always depressed, and an annoying effeminate younger brother who behaves like a "littlest sister"
>Everyone acts self-defeated
>Older brother gets sick of it and kills everyone brutally
>gouges their eyes out and rips their faces off with machetes, then setting them on fire
>leaves the farm and moves away to Chicago
>In Chicago, 1931
>Cain is a 25 years old foreigner drug smuggler working for a Polish crime boss who comes to america with him
>they witness from an interpersonal distance the hunger, the impotence and the poverty affecting the USA
>start selling cocaine and amphetamines disguised as candy (an ingenuous method explained in the book) to the people to provide them with something that makes them feel good momentarily and seizes their hunger for a while
>lots of people turned into junkies overnight
>the most desperate unemployed men start coming to work among the drug dealers hired by the Polish crime boss
>Cain starts making a lot of money as a minor Kingpin
>Enter the older brother from before, who arrives in Chicago and is taken under the guidance of a small secret association of cannibals, who are turning to eating people to survive the famine
>The group teaches him the proper ways of cooking and consuming human meat, and soon enough the cannibal clan is its own bizarre underground organization
>The cannibals come in contact with the Polish dealers and start working for them
>the Older Brother suffers what he seems is part of his "Insanity", given he is a sadistic explosive psychopath, believe his brains are falling apart, when he is actually experiencing the symptoms of withdrawal from consuming the flesh of amphetamine addicts
>1939, Mexico
>Cain observes from a distance the news that Hitler has invaded Poland and decides he must come back to see what is happening with his family
>works smuggling heroin around in Mexico for a while before travelling to Poland
>Cain wanders through different countries observing the Economic crises, the eve of WWII and other harsh historical events that are about to unravel in all of them, while safely working profitable criminal schemes
>the Older Brother's endless sadism and his drug addiction lead towards insanity

I'm still working on it and trying to fit it in a bigger outline, but as of now this is what I have

>> No.9469128

>a mix of i, robot and world war Z where the future of humanity is told trough various documents like letters, diaries, phone calls and interviews

>> No.9469683

The stranger ?

>> No.9470196

>in the early days, after the fall but before the flood, the devil (disguised as God) makes a wife factory where the hotness quotient of wives is turned up to corrupt the world
>the chief designer of the factory realizes that there may be problems when he designs the hottest girl yet with the best personality too
>he decides not to bring her to life and locks her sleeping body in the back room of his office
>a million years later, some kids are playing ball and accidentally hit the ball over the fence of the ol' run-down wife factory that their parents told them not to go to
>the ringleader kid accidentally wakes up the world's hottest lady
>chaos and adventures ensue

>> No.9470250

I'm not sure whether it would fit better as a collection of short stories or novel. Tell me what you think.

>takes place in Central Park's hooverville during the Prohibition Era
>chapters or short stories are written in the perspective of a new character
>not too far in on characters yet but have a few ideas
>one is an alcoholic father who tries to seek redemption for selling his daughter to a brothel for booze
>Another is a Great War veteran made enforcer for a bootlegging gang, he'll get the father to sell his daughter
>The daughter's perspective, which holds for an innocent look at the active vice in New York
>Rape and depression ensues
>All of the stories would be connected to each other

>> No.9470581

I'd read this

>> No.9470596

Sounds interesting

>> No.9471028

Would read if it was a short 2-3k words story. It's not as deep or original as you might think, so keep it light. Some humor would go a long way.

>> No.9471183

I have no idea how to write it without extensive research, but a novel based on a married youngish couple during the holodomor in Ukraine under Stalin. They starve to death slowly over x course of weeks but the novel focuses mostly on their romance as it starves along with their minds and bodies. Major focus on their nights in bed together every night, longing for the energy to make love, slowly wasting to the the point they can no longer embrace then they die, at varying times. Macabre romance new genre

>> No.9471206

Also short story in which a man steps on a razor blade with a fast killing infection on it (hep c but faster, need more research), whom dies within a few paragraphs. Very macabre. Reverse chronological order of how the razor blade ended up with said infection on it at said beach, told in upbeat humorous fashion. Take away being what is a positive life experience for some is a very negative one for others. If you go full art student critique it would hopefully be a comedy depicting first world consumerism as it exploits the third world.
Not a commie I just hate globalism.