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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 79 KB, 672x619, Terry Pratchett's A Game of Thrones book series..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9449336 No.9449336 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.9449348

Douglas Adams 1984 is the most reddit, but the saddest is definitely
>The Maze Runner series by Philip Pullman
Two actual children's books. 478 points...

>> No.9449361

I actually found the one about Marx covering Green Eggs and Ham pretty funny:

Exploitation on a train
Exploitation on a plane
Exploitation here and there
Exploitation everywhere!
Proletariat, show your might:
Workers of the world, unite!

>> No.9449367

>Proletariat, show your might:
>Workers of the world, unite!
7 syllables followed by 8 syllables. the rest of the lines matched

>> No.9449370

Phillip Roth's Looking For Alaska

>> No.9449378

both those lines have 7 syllables. "world" is one syllable

>> No.9449383

Not if he's Scottish.

>> No.9449388
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>> No.9449389

This is honestly a really good idea for a thread, but wow the answers are basic as fuck.

>> No.9449391

I count 8 in the first, 7 in the second.
Pro--le-tar-i-at, Even if you try to make it four, it screws up the whole flow when you say it out loud.

>> No.9449394
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>> No.9449395 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9449402
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>> No.9449404


Name drop

>> No.9449406

> Stephen King Writes Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
>6 Gorrillion upvotes 20 Gold
>12 unironic marriage requests

>> No.9449408
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>Stephen King on the narrative

>> No.9449413

There was a thread on r/books a while back asking what the community though of /lit/. I thought they were just gonna sling mud (which they did), but conceded that we're more well read and have better taste in literature. They obviously have never been here.

>> No.9449419

Man, what if famous writers re-wrote the Bible, but instead of just re-writing the stories, they like set in it different times and locations but applied the same basic outline and themes. That would be crazy.

>> No.9449420

I meant this: >>9449391

>> No.9449423

are you being sarcastic?
that would actually be pretty fucking cool

>> No.9449427

But writers do this all the time and have been for thousands of years

>> No.9449428

Check out The Gospel According to Jesus Christ and Cain by Saramago, if you haven't.

>> No.9449432


Are you being dense?

>> No.9449433
File: 259 KB, 2246x1366, Reddit and 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been waiting to post this again.

>> No.9449435

Also Job by Joseph Roth.

>> No.9449436

Holy shit are you dumb.

There are literally thousands of books like that.

>> No.9449437

I would like to see Kafka cover Ulysses

>> No.9449438
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>> No.9449440

actually scratch that. I want to see Kafka cover the Bible

>> No.9449441

Name 12.

>> No.9449444
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>> No.9449448
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>implying I wasn't joking

>> No.9449456

when did this come to mean things that make you uncomfortable? I guarantee you How I Met Your Mother and craft beer have poisoned this guy beyond all hope of recovery but it wouldn't even occur to him to think about that

>> No.9449461

everything this person said was true and they're gay

>> No.9449464

Christopher Paolini covering any Tolkien. Would be lit af senpai.

>> No.9449469

All the Narnia books.
The Qua-ran
L Ron Hubbard.

>> No.9449471


>> No.9449474

$5 says this person is a woman.

>> No.9449479

>SAO a better anything


>> No.9449484

I doubt a woman would would stay on 4chan long enough to get that much of an impression of it. And I don't even necessarily disagree with the notion that being regularly exposed to """toxic""" views can change you. But if you're not a pussy who fucking cares. I think it's a dude

>> No.9449485

Reddit is like 4chan's younger brother tbqh.

>> No.9449486

/lit/s misogyny problem is pretty mild compared to literally every other 4chan board

>> No.9449487
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Ok, I was just ironically hating reddit up to this point but they deserve to die for this one

>> No.9449488

if you think /lit/ has a misogyny problem I'd advise you to stop sucking so much dick

>> No.9449490

its true though

>> No.9449495

It does though. You'd have to be blind or ignorant to not see it

>> No.9449496

t. nu male cucc or woman with easily offended sensibilities

>> No.9449506

Where's the problem part?

>> No.9449507

Every time I see threads like this I just imagine chubby dorks, clamoring for upvotes, spending 45 minutes coming up with something they think reddit will find clever. It's so pathetic find it hard to read even though some of it was actually not bad at al

>> No.9449508

How is this going over everyone's head?

>> No.9449511

I h8 wimmin

>> No.9449512

Literally any book

>> No.9449516

It's only a minor problem really, no need to get defensive

The problem is that it makes it harder to discuss female authors or books featuring complex female characters. People here tend to try and reduce them down to "women are dumb" or just go for the stereotypes.

>> No.9449525

fuck off bitch
you will never get the equality you want so badly

>> No.9449528

Just out of curiosity, and autism :( I checked this person's post history to see if I could find out.

It's crazy how much you can learn about a person just by browsing their post history on reddit for a couple minutes. I'm not going to post anything I found because I'm not that kind of guy, but I almost had a perfect picture of them in my head by the end of it. It really humanizes some random words on a screen.

>> No.9449530

It amazes me how many /lit/fag there are in this world. I come here for memes. Delicious unironic memes. Here and there I'll spam Insta, Reddit or some other shitty forum with a HILARIOUS /lit/meme, and I'll get at least one response with a "kek" or "my diary desu" and I'm left shaking my head and fist whispering under my breath with a chuckle... "You little prick, you."

>> No.9449533

That's why I lie about everything all the time, good luck detectiving me gookmoot

>> No.9449538
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>that reddit story
I don't even have an image with enough vomit to articulate how I feel right now

>> No.9449540
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me too

>> No.9449547

Yeah, if someone had all my posts on here, he would have trouble picking through every samefag, falseflag, random bullshit, picking both sides, and just flat out making things up that I have done on here. Although, they honestly could probably get a good idea by which stories come up more often and which stories keep straight.

>> No.9449549

I don't think this redditor is acquainted with /lit/'s take on irony.

>> No.9449552
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>> No.9449556

At least we have each other, r-right guys.

>> No.9449559

I would check out 2 of those

>> No.9449562

The one about the everyone sharing knowledge based on their names is genuinely good.

And the one about "bro you're a time traveller too?" sounds like the genesis of some kooky hijinks, wubba wubba dub dub.

>> No.9449565

The joke starts when you click on the links bro

>> No.9449566


>> No.9449568

one of reddit's biggest boards is basically /pol/ for people who cant admit they're racists

>> No.9449570

>"Never eat the pasta"

I have literally never heard this before and have been browsing lit for ~3 years and 4chan in general for more like 7.

>> No.9449578 [DELETED] 
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Here ya go.

>> No.9449582


>> No.9449590

but that board is loathed by the rest of reddit. they have multiple extremely shitty anti-trump subreddits as well. honestly all of reddit's political views are really bad

>> No.9449591

There's nothing wrong with looking down on women. Unless, you can prove me wrong?

>> No.9449595
File: 375 KB, 1926x1274, Screen Shot 2017-04-30 at 11.52.50 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This. Is. Phenomenal. You've given me an authentic nerd moment.

is this new "holy... I want more"?

>> No.9449596

[WP] Become a dragon vet they said, it'll be an experience they said

>> No.9449602

this is actually a good imitation

>> No.9449603

>It seemed like every person I knew was part of a greater picture. The Bobs were all electrical engineers. The Susans were oncologists. Alexs were doctors. Ferns were all horticulturists.

It's clever because Ferns are all horticulturists, which involves plants, but Fern is also a name for a type of plant.

>> No.9449604

For every /pol/ sub, there's 10 other subs against it. I would have assumed a redditor such as yourself would possess more knowledge of this.

>> No.9449607

Yeah pretty much its straight Le Drumpf or gommies :DDDDD

There are pockets of neoliberalism and neoconservatism though if you look hard enough.

>> No.9449608

I browse reddit a lot for news and to kill time when lit is slow, and I see a lot of people trying to be storytellers in their comments, and it's always really fucking bad. Saw someone recently vomit out some awful writing and then answer the fawning responses to his comment with "I'm glad I can put my english degree to use."

>> No.9449609

as you can see from the OP, this board is overrun by unabashed redditors

killeth yourself

>> No.9449611
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>"bro you discovered time traveling too?!"

>> No.9449614

It's only okay to look down on them while they give you bomb head, which is all they're good for anyways.

>> No.9449617

yeah it was fine I just get extremely triggered when I see reddit comments that say "THIS IS GOOD" to another reddit comment. always downvote them

>> No.9449618

Fair enough, my reddit knowledge pretty much only comes from occasional 4chan threads so I hadn't heard of the anti trump stuff

>> No.9449621

>The only way to behave to a woman is to make love to her, if she is pretty, and to someone else, if she is plain

t. Oscar Wilde

>> No.9449629

Wouldn't you want Atwood to cover the story of Ruth or atleast a female centered story?

>> No.9449635


I would just go sit over there. What are they gonna do? Tell me to leave? Lol. Worst case scenario they all leave, then I'd fucking laugh because I just made a group of people not only stop their conversation but also physically get up and move.

>> No.9449639

Underground Man tier

>> No.9449640

They could bash you up and flush your belongings down the toilet.

>> No.9449641

you're missing the point that that kid theoretically wants friends but hates everyone at that table

>> No.9449645

Ready Player One is already for millenials. Those fucking idiots always confuse millenials with Gen Z.

>> No.9449646

>reddit: mindless consumerism
>4chan: deep inward reflection

your image is pretty truthful. See how the redditor crowds about the vending machine, unaware of the subliminal influence of commodities [and advertisements therefore] upon his life; in contradistinction, the chan-user (Anon) contemplates the sublime object of ideology, engaged seriously in his intellectual pursuit.

>> No.9449648

It;s because millennial is seen as an insult, so it gets shifted around almost as much as words like normie or cuck.

You should do some deep inward reflection about how fucking gay that post was

>> No.9449651

>book fetishes '80s pop culture
>the oldest millennial were children in the '80s
I think he's right

>> No.9449652

tfw I'm a proud millennial.

>> No.9449656

Oldest millennials were children in the early nineties. If you were born after 1995, you can't claim millennial membership.

>> No.9449660

It's for Generation Xers. No Millennials have nostalgia for the 80s

>> No.9449661


They could try. Not saying I could take on like 10 people, but I could make it not worth their effort to get the job done.

>> No.9449669


What's that?

>> No.9449672
File: 29 KB, 317x421, rickderris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gets Fern, misses Bob, as in bob the builder
Does only half your brain work you uneducated philistine?

>> No.9449674

Oldest millennials were children in the 80s. born 1985-2002 = millennial, though I feel no kinship with those born past 1998.

>> No.9449678

>tfw 1996

thank God

>> No.9449680

>gets Fern, misses Bob, as in bob the builder
>Electrical engineers are builders.

t. white collar worker.

>> No.9449682

No, the_Donald isn't racist at all. At best they're mildly Islamophobic because muslims kill gays and Jews that they love so much. t_d are just edgy left wingers.

>> No.9449685


I get what you're saying and that concept makes sense, but this just looks like it's trying to say the individual has poor self esteem. Understandable by looking at him, but I look nothing like him and I really don't give a fuck about just sitting down at a table and introducing myself? People act like its the end of the fucking world, that's my point.

>> No.9449692

>punching down

Oh that's what goes on here? I don't know if I approve of this...

>> No.9449696


>> No.9449702


>Does only half your brain work you uneducated philistine?

You can talk ferns all you want, buddy. All I know is I have my lunch and hardhat ready and I'm off to the worksite.

>> No.9449710

It seems like there is only one way this would play out. Children aren't named until they have gone through an aptitude test for application of knowledge and knowledge retention. The retention children are all named the same as the application children and the retention children spend the rest of their lives learning while the application children spend the rest of their lives applying that knowledge. The children who fall below certain standards of knowledge retention or application (ie kids putting square blocks in round holes) become farmers or shit. Think 1984's party members vs proles

>> No.9449720

Get a clue?

>> No.9449726
File: 16 KB, 882x248, 9thGrade.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

9th grade angst in its purist form

>> No.9449727

Punching down is the glue that holds the fabric of society together, moralfag

>> No.9449754
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No thinking Gen Z-er would want to claim membership with Millenials because Gen Z-ers have co-opted the meme economy. Millenials created the modes of meme production and meme exhange, but Gen Z-ers with instagram memes and twitter proliferation have created a simulacra of meme reality. Gen Z-ers implicity understand, it is coded in their cultural moment which is foreign letters to other generations, that the between the fake meme economy and "real" meme economy, the simulacra is far preferable to the "desert of the real". Why actually be versed in memes when it is far easier to appear versed in memes? Millenials are constantly in crisis over memes becoming "normie" and "watermarks". For the Gen Z-er the only memes that have any cultural currency are the memes that are "normie" and "watermarked". What, for the older generation, is abhorrent and a sign of inauthenticity, finds itself as the inverse for the younger generation. And who will survive in the meme structured culture of twitter and instagram? Will it be the producers of memes, who when they produce new works are ignored in favor of normie memes? Or will it be the new genreation that recognizes that authenticity can be faked more easily than generated?

>> No.9449766
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>>gets Fern, misses Bob, as in bob the builder
>>Electrical engineers are builders.
>t. white collar worker.

what is this exchange supposed to suggest? that electrical engineers are not white collar or that they are? or that i am a white collar worker with no idea what an electrical engineer or builder does?

In regards to the first, electrical engineers do not fall neatly into the white/blue collar dichotomy, if the split between the two is recognized to be either what they wear or the manner in which they work. Engineers do work in plants maintaining machinery (Blue collar), or they might work in an office building where they design the machinery (white collar).

In regards to the second, go fuck urslf

t. go fuck yourself

>> No.9449772

EE's are college-educated workers who produce nothing. They're white collar my man.

>> No.9449774

Electrical engineers and builders aren't the same job.

>> No.9449776

Speaking of millennial why are there still countless articles and studies of 'the millennial generation' trying to figure out what they want, who they are, their needs and so on?

>> No.9449780

This happens to every generation when that generation are in their mid-late 20s early 30s, its just a lot more prominent because of the internet.

>> No.9449800

The 4chan take was worse thqn the reddit post. At least the reddit post kept this unbelievably lame scenario short. While the /lit/ post made it longer and more jarring. Why is this highschool student narrating like he's a tone deaf version of Humbert Humbert? The prose is so try-hard and purple that it makes me prefer the Cracked DOT com rip-off that is the reddit post.

>> No.9449807

Never heard that either.
It sounds like a phrase that would be said by a super hip hacker talking about redchanit on Law and Order.

>> No.9449813


Please stop being this problematic okay we need to foster a place of fun and learning here.

>> No.9449815

t. theskykim

>> No.9449830

Theese All sound like Gordon R Dickson short stories

>> No.9449833

Go fuck yourself

>> No.9449844

objectively too stupid for /lit/, go back to /sp/

>> No.9449859

The irony is that /r/books, and reddit in general, is far more toxic than /lit/.

>> No.9450161

>but I almost had a perfect picture of them in my head by the end of it

I do that a lot to internet people too. We'll never know if we're right or wrong, but it sure is pretty amusing to guess. Sometimes the feeling is unshakable, like you have them pinned down to a category or some stereotype of people. But upon closer inspection it'd probably fall apart, because of all their little different habits and idiosyncrasies.

>> No.9450279

lol same age but i don't like to think about recent generational progressions too much unless I'm chewing them out

>> No.9450364


It's pretty bad here, tbqh. If you don't see it, you need to look harder.

>> No.9450629

kek gonna use it from now on

>> No.9450634

to a degree

there are plenty of good books written by women, just as there is a lot of shit written by men. Thing is, most of the really good/ influential works have been written by men.

majority of us here are not going to talk shit about Jane Austen, Virginia Woolf, or Ayn Rand here because they were women.

>> No.9450640

>pro-le-tar-iat, show your might:
>workers of the world, unite!
Works fine, kid (unlike the bourgeoisie).

>> No.9450648

in addition to that
>reddit: circle jerking
>4chan: brutal honesty

all i ever see is reddit users splurging over each other's work while 4chan is more likely to shit on it. The criticism may or may not be valid here, but i'll take a harsh critique over a hand job any day.

>> No.9450670

>the_Donald isn't racist at all
the idea that t_d is racist is incredible stupid and folks who believe this are proof of how gullible so many on the left are.

>> No.9450680
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Her response: "thank you so much -as you can tell I an utter beginner!!! But love the feed x"
Maybe I'm just being a dick, but this was pathetic to me and made me remember how superficial women are.
Also not reddit, close enough

>> No.9450684

She couldn't use Google Translate?

>> No.9450693

>Hey guysssss im learning greek btwwww σγηονδθγωφ

>> No.9450695

Normies don't think there's anything wrong with talking to people. It's casual and polite to ask questions like that to them.

>> No.9450701

it's stupid and a waste.
This person was looking more for recognition from the other person rather than the answer.

>> No.9450706

Why were you on reddit in the first place?

>> No.9450717
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>> No.9450726
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That sub seems incredibly shitty but the one thing you gotta give reddit is that it has a great depressed and suicidal community and a variety in it as well.

>> No.9450740

Its called making friends

>> No.9450774

Perfect comment.

>> No.9450776

>on twitter

>> No.9450799


No you wouldn't you fucking pussy you'd sit there and take it like you have your whole life.

>> No.9450815

>The Bible as written by the following supergroup: Tolkien (...)

>they don't know Tolkien translated Jonah and edited a bunch of other translations for the Jerusalem Bible
It hurts.

>> No.9450836

what a load, who here dislikes female authors because they are female? we like our authors due to their ability and works, not for their fucking genitals.

>> No.9450841

There are more than a few grils on lit, you'd have to have the disposition of toilet paper to let it bother you. Btw grils post feeties

>> No.9450843
File: 83 KB, 1214x403, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost every /pol/cuck is a redditor

>> No.9450919

Spot on.
Anyone who started posting here after 2012 should be executed desu

>> No.9450936

I've been here since 2006.

>> No.9450963

What happens to me exactly?

>> No.9450965


Moot should have left the politics boards dead. It's not a containment board anymore. It's a magnet for the absolute worst kind of edgy, ideological teenage shitposters.

>> No.9450968

Step it up, filthy newfag

>> No.9450971

b...but meritocracy is racist sexist trans-phobic islamophobic

>> No.9450985

stats masters here

you don't know shit

>> No.9450990
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>> No.9450995

It's because we are more serious about it, and don't let our grudges define inferiority based on what we desire to be the case. Contrary, we desire high quality women. It's the disappointment of never witnessing one.

>> No.9450998

Yeah, the younger brother you got after your mother remarried to some retarded prole.

>> No.9451009

>upvote/downvote system
>not inherently toxic

>> No.9451036
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>> No.9451095

>all the butthurt "nuh uh!" replies to this post
good shit familia

>> No.9451139
File: 22 KB, 612x491, 636108652280583995766440092_Pepe Confused.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The majority of you douche bags probably had a great time here. Filled with memories of prom and parties and sucking your first dick.
>sucking your first dick

>> No.9451197

this to be quite honest with you blood relations
grownups just don't get it. Cute to see them try though
t. gen z

>> No.9451351

all of those plots are so distinctively reddit yet I can't put my finger on what common element they all have.

>> No.9451375

I know what you mean. My guess would be the forced creativity. How every prompt has to reinvent the wheel, there's no "write about your cat dying" it's all "You die, then finally meet David Grohl in hell and you have to re assemble your favorite school shooting with music." OR just chain emails in writing prompt form "Grandma was gangster and had 10 million twitter followers, oh and she worked for United....Zany."

>> No.9451382


Shallow pop-culture industry normiism.

>> No.9451408

You mean laugh at people. Stop pretending websites are an accurate divider of people or even their behavior.

>> No.9451498

Honestly it feels like it's died off a bit. There was a period last year were every other thread was /pol/ bait.

>> No.9451510

lol @ their assumption authors DON'T "cover" novels.

Like what the fuck do they think Homer and Shakespeare and Romantics and a fuckload of modernists were doing.
I get Pullman's actually a good children's writer but why would you want him to rewrite Maze Runner, of all things?

>> No.9451522

fucking kek

>> No.9451533

>lol @ their assumption authors DON'T "cover" novels.
This is why I didn't understand the point of this at all.

>> No.9451555

i've just slid in with 2011 then

>> No.9451565

>there's no "write about your cat dying"
funny, I'm actually writing a book about this

>> No.9451566

>SAO > RP1
Y'know they're not even wrong.

>> No.9451571

Nope, sorry anon. You're not a millennial.

>> No.9451579

It's funny, because I did the same thing, only it ended up with me filtering out Reddit.

Reddit is so fucking wheedling in its toxicity I hate it so much

>> No.9451596

Nothing will top holy...

>> No.9451601

Not even true.

I'd say it's maybe 1:1 with the explicitly left or right subs, and then there's a solid chunk of unexplicit ones which usually come down on the side of liberalism, if pushed to it.

>> No.9451603

No they're pretty fucking racist. Not by 4chan standards, but 4chan standards are not real-world standards.

>> No.9451622

They constantly have post about tolerance to minorities and showing solidarity to victims of all colors and creeds on the top position and disavow anyone showing violence (unless it is stickman and other anti ANTIFA faggots who are the 'victims').
They are not racist by any stretch of the imagination.

>> No.9451646

This is kinda autistic. I understand your point, but there's nothing wrong with asking questions like that. Even if they are retarded

>> No.9451656
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>this entire thread
you should be able to safely incorporate some misogynistic ideology into your worldview as long as you recognize it as a conscious method of staving off the abysmal dread of actually dealing with women as people. Once you look at your mindset like this, it can be ironized without losing its efficacy. This is the only correct way of getting ass if you don't want to become an anime nazi.

>> No.9451704

You are sincere, anon.

>> No.9451786

don't you see anon, that is racism.

>> No.9451841

it's hilarious how reddit understands subconsciously that novels are more than plot but in order to earn their karma they mentally tunnel on plot.

>> No.9451846

I take it you have never been on T_D then. Honestly it feels like you just go on a different subreddit or something. Like the [X]-inaction subreddits sound more like what you're talking about.

>> No.9451865
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Someone spent time writing that atrocious pile of garbage.

>> No.9451868

Talking about t_D after nov 8. seems boring and useless

>> No.9451881

Ah, come on, it's not THAT bad

>> No.9451891

Yeah, it's alright. They're pretty shit, but in an inexperienced way rather than through some deep personal defect.

>> No.9451918

I think the first half could even be called pretty good (apart from referring to anchovies as 'whom' and other such errors), but it kind of goes to shit once she pizza-dives

>> No.9451924

Ayn rand is fucking trash, though.

>> No.9451928

Yeah but she's trash because she's trash.

>> No.9451945

What is a good answer to this.

I want Borges on a straightforward mid-century novel like The Power and The Glory

>> No.9451948
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Always good for a laugh though.

>> No.9451951

how do we feel about badphilosophy desu

>> No.9451953

is this yud

>> No.9451980

Passive-aggressive shitters who make up for their better-than-reddit knowledge by being worse people.

They're normies, too.

>> No.9452032

d e n s e

>> No.9452036

d e n s e ? ? ?

>> No.9452043

How dense can you be?

>> No.9452044

badphilosophy is a shitstain on the internet
they're the kind of people who like existential comics
my phil PhD program is full of people like this
they are myopic normies with unwarrantedly large egos and they know next to nothing at all

>> No.9452046

It's the same with badpolitics too.

>> No.9452050

forgot to press reply

>> No.9452052


That's what I was wondering. It has the same weetabix texture, but Yudkowsky's philosophy is autistic utilitarianism so probably not.

>> No.9452059

>they're the kind of people who like existential comics
They ARE existential comics. The writer is a mod.
Badpolitics is better, because it's less "ugh why am I so much better than Reddit" and more "ancaps are NOT anarchists, I am an anarchist so I know this".

Badliterature, on the other hand, is filled with so many self-satisfied plebs. Including me.

>> No.9452064

>admitting to using reddit
Go back and stay back.

>> No.9452068

But anon, I went on 4chan long before I ever went on Reddit.

>> No.9452076

>existential comics

God I hate those. None of them have any merit of cleverness or humor, they only serve to signal a passing familiarity with the subject philosophers. It's concentrated pseuditry.

His twitter is pretty good though, if you're still able to stomach post-ironic Menshevism

>> No.9452078

Cross-posting is cross-contamination.

Cross-contamination is cultural treason.

>> No.9452079

>the Goon Squad
>failing to spot shit this obvious

>> No.9452087

I want to qualify this - captain metaphysics is pretty hilarious. That's all you get Corey.

>> No.9452090

But anon, culture doesn't exist!

>> No.9452092

My culture's weakness is my strength.
Some of them are alright.

>> No.9452099

Not with that attitude it doesn't :).

>My culture's weakness is my strength.

>> No.9452101

>cucking yourself to culture
>cucking yourself to cuckoldry
spooky ass motherfucker

>> No.9452107

>implying you exist separate from the cultural context that creates meaning out of your life - your fragmented instincts and limited practical experience
You as an individual are the spook anon.

We are ghosts, and our culture is the... ghost beacon? that gives us form solid enough to interact with the material world.

Or something.

>> No.9452118

>implying the cultural context exists separate from the individual who creates it through thought and experience
We are rocks commanded by our shadows

git gud

>> No.9452144

>implying you created the cultural context through which you interpret yourself
Your creations are echoes of the creations that created you.

>> No.9452169

That's exactly what I'm implying you stupid faggot

Whether or not the rocks shift and reform themselves for fear of their own shadows, it is the rocks which cast the shadows.

>> No.9452192

But that's not what I was saying at all.

You don't cast the cultural shadow.

The culture you live in was created long before you were born. It's not "your culture" any more than owning a handful of shares in a multi-billion dollar company makes it "your" company.

That's what I mean when I said that your creations are echoes of the creations of others. They're not echoes of your own older creations.

You as an individual take in pre-made culture and build a personality out of it. This personality, the one you have just made, then takes the culture that made you and "tests" it against real life. A new combination of culture and experience is made, and this is what you pass on to the next generation, who build their personality out of your culture.

You never forge yourself in your own culture.

We are rocks that never move from the shadow of the rock which we broke off, to use the rock metaphor.

>> No.9452207


Culture only exists as a set of discrete acts, words and concepts, and these are only experienced through you. They only exist to you insofar as they have an effect on you and you have an effect on them, and so your brain sprouts tentacles and wrestles it in the grand dialectic of the mind. At some point the worm grows tired and eats itself. The rocks see the shadows and balk, when instead they should simply stop casting shadows altogether.

>> No.9452210

But Ron saw his family, not Harry's, and if Harry saw his dead family that means he desires them. If you're going to shit on a book, at least do it right .

>> No.9452213

wtf is that modern greek cause I know its a retarded language

>> No.9452215

this is a good post, upvoted, my good sir!

>> No.9452216

>he doesn't get the deeper criticism of Randism
Randist objectivism does not and cannot give us what we desire most

>> No.9452229

umm sweetie the fact that they post about tolerance like it's something special goes to show how deep their racism runs. its internalized.

>> No.9452235

interesting that the thing Ron desires most is for Harry to have his family

>> No.9452241

This but unironically.

It's the faux-tolerance too. "I'm not against IMMIGRATION, just UNCONTROLLED immigration".

>> No.9452265

umm okay could we not

like who told you what i think and if it's ironic?

the notion of immigration itself is racist.

>> No.9452272

No one is offended, it's just the "GET BACK TO THA KITCHEN!! <(^o^;)> KEK" mentality is blue collar and tiresome.

>> No.9452273

>4chan has better taste than reddit
>4chan also hates women
I'm detecting a correlation here

>> No.9452276

>Culture only exists as a set of discrete acts, words and concepts, and these are only experienced through you. They only exist to you insofar as they have an effect on you and you have an effect on them,
All of this I agree with.

What I'm saying is that the human mind isn't infinitely malleable. Most people never really change their core beliefs. In fact most people never really know their core beliefs. They have them, yes, but they don't have the clear picture of them that allows them to be articulated. We, as higher thinkers, probably do know our core beliefs - but it is not because we built them. It is because we /discovered/ them. Imagine them like the molten core of a planet. The outer layer is the mere politics: "What do you think about muh student loans? Where do you stand on proposition 8?" The petty policy questions that only pay lipservice to actual philosophy. Strip them away and consider philosophy in the abstract and you are dealing with the lower mantle - the red herrings. The things that you believe in isolation, but that don't fit together into a harmonious whole. On workers rights you might consider yourself a communist, but on international relations you're a diehard realist? Then you go even deeper, into the outer core, where you're asking questions that matter: what does each human being deserve, if anything, by virtue of merely existing?

The inner core - your core beliefs - are the handful of assumptions you make that let you answer those questions. When you understand your core beliefs you can immediately answer any policy question, any moral question, anything, in a way that you totally agree with from root to branch, because you know why you believe what you believe. And every answer you give will be totally consistent with every other answer, even if one is on abortion and the other is on the moral responsibility of astronauts who drop tools on a spacewalk which go spinning off into the galaxy, because they all have the same source.

The point of this extended bit of wank is that our inner core isn't made, it is "unearthed". It is already there waiting for us by the time we're mature enough to think seriously about these questions. And if this is the case, who puts it there?

Culture. Combined with our upbringing, obviously, but so much of that is culture too.

And these core beliefs will, except in rare cases, probably never change in our entire lives.

>> No.9452285

Is this bait?

>> No.9452289

Yes but I'm serious.

>> No.9452292

>blue collar = bad
Fuck off classist scum.

>> No.9452297

>using "blue collar" as an insult
Some leftist you are

>> No.9452322

The whole point of socialism is to destroy classes because they're shit you dongles

>> No.9452327

>he now admits that he wants to destroy the blue-collar workers: their livelihood, their way of life, their source of pride and identitiy

>> No.9452331

>People ITT desperately trying to pretend this place isn't a toxic shithole just because someone on reddit said it was

>> No.9452333

It's not my fault they want to be fucking idiots.

>> No.9452336


>> No.9452344

I don't think they're idiots for closing ranks to defend their way of life.

I think you're the idiot for not seeing that would happen when you went after it.

>> No.9452357

someone's angry

>> No.9452361

Why? Defending your smoking habit and your daily Mackie Ds and your piss bottles and your ceaseless masturbation is stupid, so why is this any better?
>I think you're the idiot for not seeing that would happen when you went after it.
Why the fuck do you think I've done ANYTHING in my life?

>> No.9452366
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>> No.9452372

>he doesn't have fond memories of sucking his first dick

>> No.9452377

>Why? Defending your smoking habit and your daily Mackie Ds and your piss bottles and your ceaseless masturbation is stupid, so why is this any better?
Sure, there are probably plenty of better ways to achieve their goals and better things they could be doing.

But why would they trust YOUR advice when you have nothing but contempt for them and are brashly declaring that the destruction of everything they recognise is not just on the cards, but the end-state of your policy? They don't see you as on their side. There's good reason for that. And how do you think people ought to respond to outsiders coming to fuck their shit up? With open arms? Because that's how you get rape apes in Cologne.

If you treat people like an undesirable tumour on your perfect world you'll find yourself making enemies pretty fucking fast. Maybe if you weren't an autistic wannabe-tinpot dictator you'd be able to see that, but you're just another "the world would be better with me in charge" """"philosopher""""" king.

There are not enough insults available in all the possible combinations of all the words in all the UN-recognised languages to express my utter disdain for you.

>> No.9452382

Obviously they should open wide. I am the doctor, and they may not like the look of my medicine, but it will cure them.

Whether or not it is reasonably to expect them too is a different matter. I personally oppose antifa because I think it does a hell of a lot more harm than good, even though I know punching Nazis is a noble cause.

>> No.9452391

>I am the doctor, and they may not like the look of my medicine, but it will cure them.
That's a bold claim, but regardless of if it is true or not what if they're happier as they are?

Pretty sure it's illegal to force treatment on a patient against their express wishes not to receive it, senpai.

After all, what counts as a cure is in the eyes of the patient, not the doctor.

>> No.9452398

can't we just get along?

>> No.9452402

kys, gayboi. I bet you don't even know how to read.

>> No.9452403

>can't we just get along?
But we can form tribes in which many people will get along for some time.

>> No.9452405

Sure. You get right along back the way you came.

>> No.9452407

This is why we should make one massive tribe.

Legalists did nothing wrong

>> No.9452412

>This is why we should make one massive tribe.
this is a non sequitur.
what are legalists anyway?

>> No.9452413

>Legalists did nothing wrong
Hey, buddy. Your distant cousin stole a loaf of bread so we're here to cut your hand off and put you into involuntary labor.

>> No.9452422

authentic nerd moment

>> No.9452429

We must have order! And bloodshed is ended.

>> No.9452434


>> No.9452437

so do you not know what a non sequitur is or

>> No.9452443

>I am the doctor
Says you.

>> No.9452445

idk i wanna sound smart

>> No.9452450

Fuck off.

>> No.9452456

>tfw nobody acknowledges your quip, even though you're very proud of it
Quips are the highest form of wit.

>> No.9452457

Well I'm not gonna deliberately shove poison down their throats, am I?

>> No.9452460

It relied on yeehaw American, and thus disgusted everyone.

>> No.9452468

it was pure shit

>> No.9452477

I thought it was good but I'm no yankee.
Also quips are literally worse than puns 90% of the time, they're what make Disney movies so unwatchable.

>> No.9452487

please give an example of a quip in a disney movie

>> No.9452493

This. Marvel movies are the best

>> No.9452501
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pick any line of dialogue
also see >>9452493

>> No.9452504


>> No.9452553

Yeah they were both shitty but the lit onr was worse

>> No.9452597
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what if thing was like other thing

>> No.9452606

They see saying "this bitch can't write" as some kind of repudiation of female authors as a whole rather than just a repudiation of that one author. I've never seen any sort of genuine hatred for good female authors like Woolf or Bronte; hell, the biggest meme on /lit/ (Start With the Greeks) has you start with a book written by a woman.

>> No.9452608

reddit fucking leave

>> No.9452614

So many people not getting this joke makes me want to die immediately

>> No.9452625

Don't read too deeply into their comment. They just mistook memeing for seriousness.

>> No.9452627
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Thank you Jesus the "toxicity" keeps dumb faggots like this at bay.
Come my misogynistic brothers, tell me how you rape all the women you see.

>> No.9452631

I rape all the women I see but I have seen no women because I am blind, blind to the truth of our Lord for I am Sammael and my eyes were plucked out.

>> No.9452638

4 could be a good depressing and absurd Kafkaesque short story

>> No.9452647

hope this is bait

>> No.9452649

Huh. You're right.

I was gonna make a gimmick account which posted really deep literary responses to this shit but then I realised I'm bad at writing and also lazy

>> No.9452657
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>> No.9452661

Millennial is pretty much the "cuck" or "fag" for people that are afraid of being bigoted

>> No.9452663

Any 12 books written before 1800 in the civilized west.

>> No.9452670

Um, no sweetie, it's used as an insult by pretty much the same people who use cuck.


>> No.9452672


Agreed 2bh, 4chan being as aggressive and unpleasant as possible keeps the normies at r/books

>it was healthier to fill my life with positive outlets

Translation: got called a pleb and fucked off back to his safe space.

It's for the best.

>> No.9452677

Don Quixote did not rewrite the Bible like some servile rat, it usurped it.

>> No.9452678

Same. No idea where that came from.

>> No.9452681

I vaguely remember reading something like it

>> No.9452710

They're hit and miss, and his twitter is either pretty funny when it's a silly joke or literally garbage tier when it's a "fuck drumpf!" tweet

>> No.9452719

2007 here, but still think of myself as a summer newfag. Thanks gamefaqs

>> No.9452720

Please explain.

>> No.9452721

>Kafka covers Animorphs
Okay, that one is funny

>> No.9452748

He's still railing against gamergate. Keeping up the good fight.

>> No.9452789

jfc how new are you faggot

>> No.9452791

You're just so mad because some girl is learning greek while you just shitpost your days away.

>> No.9452815

>the only board that has actual productive discussions about nationalism, traditionalism, , fascism, racism, the proper structure of a society, and loads of other edgy topics not seriously explored on 4faggots or otherwise
>kill it
How about kill yourself instead.

>> No.9452820

No he's right you should kill the pol

>> No.9452821

they're all shit and can't reasonably be expanded into any sort of story of significance, worth, or substance

>> No.9452827

Spot on.

>> No.9452834

I already speak Ancient Greek. Fuck this girl.

>> No.9452835

They run on quirky twists, each twist appealing to the standard Firefly-loving Big Bang Theory-hating Redditor.

>> No.9452837

I don't speak ancient Greek but I would fuck this girl

>> No.9452844

Been here since I was 14, I'm 21 now.
Should be leaving anytime now.

>> No.9452848

we need to have these threads more often

>> No.9452850

She probably doesn't shave her legs and her armpits.

>> No.9452870

Posts and chains like these are why this place is absolutely indispensable and irreplaceable.

>> No.9452873

The thing that is always so jarring to me about reddit is how people go through each other's post histories to try and find something they can bring up in an argument to get people in the thread on their side. Even when it has nothing to do with the argument they never fail to do it.

>> No.9452892

Beautifully put.

>> No.9452903

>blue collar is pejorative
and the left continues to wonder why they lost and continue to lose

>> No.9452914

>Obviously they should open wide. I am the doctor, and they may not like the look of my medicine, but it will cure them.
A case study in the downfall of communist dictatorships.

>> No.9452933

Point taken.

>> No.9453368

Never eat the pasta just means don't choose the pleb dish at a restaurant. Change it to books and it means don't read entry level Reddit tier trash.

>> No.9453376

Pop culture references. Short sentences. Plots that read like parodies of movies and TV shows.

>> No.9454237

Um, no sweetie, I'm an anarchist.
It's not good to be proud of your disabilities. You are like the deaf people who refuse treatment, because culture.

>> No.9454460
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>I'm an anarchist

>> No.9454474

Yes hun, did you say something?

>> No.9454481
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>in 2017

>> No.9454482

Feels good to be in the lunatic fringe desu

>> No.9454619

>tfw you will never study memes with a professor of memeology