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/lit/ - Literature

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9443535 No.9443535[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Pic related.
Out of the 100 recommended titles, only five are works by women. Very, very few are written by PoC or authors outside of europe and North America.

This list - like society in general - has a clear bias towards white male authors. /lit/ seems to be one of the most progressive boards on this website, thus I think we should be able to have a civil discussion regarding this topic.

This is deeply problematic and only perpetuates the patriarchal, racist, eurocentric view of the straight white man as the archetypal artist.

We need to come up with a more diverse list

>> No.9443562

I prefer Male authors compared to women. It has nothing to do with sex. Male authors offer a less ironic view in their art.

I have yet to read a female author that impressed me with her prose.

Maybe the problem is less patriarchal than you may think. Maybe there is less talent in the female pool.

>> No.9443574
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I agree, Valuable Ally
We should replace half of those with Harper Lee's "To Kill A Mocking Bird"
And we should really start counting blogs about depression as valid philosophical literature so that we have a way to fill up the list.

>> No.9443595

Yah because all of the good books are written by white men.

>> No.9443607

No, just the vast majority.

>> No.9443708

If you really were progressive, gender and race wouldn't matter to you at all.

>> No.9443838
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>We need to come up with a more diverse list

This is the one

>> No.9443867


Is there a pastebin of this list somewhere or some text list or chart??

>> No.9444447

This is bait, but if it ain't the answer is:no.

>> No.9444479

>None of the recommended books make you happy

>> No.9444484

"East of Eden" created a diffuse bourgeoise contentment in me.

>> No.9444488

ya aint ingenious and also this list seems surprisingly mainstream for this board

>> No.9444492

I know this is bait, but this is essentially the "school of Resentment" that Harold Bloom has been warning about for decades. He was right. He's always right.

>> No.9444544
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sounds like niggers and women need to git good

>> No.9444582
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>posting the version from two years ago
Want to know how I know you're from reddit?

Bloom is virtually never right you pleb

>> No.9444613

I know this is bait, but it is worth mentioning that the guy used as the go to for "see, white men are better" had extensive lists of non-white authors included in his research of definitive works.

What I'm saying is it's not actually that crazy of a notion.

>> No.9444709

who are you talking about?

>> No.9444718

this board is made of misogynistic manbabies as much as /pol/

>> No.9444742


>> No.9445343

Glad to see that we do a good job in keeping tumblr away from this board.

>> No.9445381


>> No.9445386

I have read 19 of these

What does that make me?

>> No.9445895


a sheep who fell for memes

>> No.9446125

> This list - like society in general - has a clear bias towards white male authors

WTF is society in general? It is /lit/ FFS. You are writing in motherfucking English, what the hell do you expect Anon?
Learn Japanese, go read The Pillow Book and The Tale of Gendji

>> No.9446512

Maybe we should consider doing a top 50 instead, because the bottom tiers only have like 5 or 6 votes, which is really just not a lot.

>> No.9446897

I think a big problem is that /lit/ is a very perennialist board. Even if we recognise that there are lots of good works by women/PoC, we tend to think chronologically (start with the Greeks! Resume with the Romans! etc.), so those works get put very late on our list, and so end up not being read bc most of us don't have the motivation.

>> No.9447906

There aren't many people who come to this board on the regular.

>> No.9448875

why is the catcher in the rye on this list? its just s story of some self centered shitstain being a basic bitch.

>> No.9448967

how many of these books are lgbt besides genet, mishima, baldwin, gide, and rimbaud?

>> No.9449055
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>Person who can't even construct a grammatically correct sentence without typos expects us to think his reddit opinion matters

>> No.9449141

>I have yet to read a female author that impressed me with her prose.
Go read Virginia Woolfe

>> No.9449480

This. Or Katherine Mansfield, or Katherine Anne Porter, or unironically Jane Austen.

>> No.9449520

This or Charlotte Bronte, or George Eliot, or Flannery O'Connor

>> No.9449560
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The satire was a bit too obvious. Regardless, we're all in agreement that women are utterly worthless beings. Even the stupid /lit/ users are smarter than 99.999999 (repeating of course) % of the world's broads.

Why, in the enlightened time that we live in, is it off-limits or somehow deemed factually wrong to say this? Their achievements are cancerous dog shit in the grand scheme of our race's existence.

If they want equal rights and yet are very clearly inferior in a lot of important ways, why is it illegal to make this argument? Are we living in Stalinist Russia and don't realize it?

>> No.9449722
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>We need to come up with a more diverse list.

This attitude is wrong.

You should not construct a list with diversity as the goal - unless specifically attempting to make a list whose aim is culture study, or to showcase global literary tradition, rather than to exemplify the apex of the art form. In which case, we should create a separate list entirely.

Otherwise, the list should be painstakingly compiled as a collection of only the best - even if that means a list made up of predominantly straight, Caucasian men.

As for Eurocentricity, this is an English-speaking website, and an English speaking board. English is a low-Western, Teutonic, Anglo-Saxon language, whose other major influences are Latin and Greek (which are both Western and European). A Eurocentric viewpoint is natural.

I'm not saying we should not consider diverse authors. In fact, I think that so obvious as to be able to go unsaid.

I am saying we should not fly head-over-heels in an effort to make a reading list which caters to the self esteem of those who can not handle objectivity in artistic analysis.

*For the record, I am not endorsing our current list; I am merely calling attention to a truly horrifying undercurrent in your attitude. Indeed, far more "deeply problematic" than a list of predominantly "straight, white, and male" authors. It is an attitude of hypocrisy, bigotry, and insincere scholarship.

The vilification of the heterosexual, Caucasoid male is as detestable and worthy of shame as any /pol/tard's Antisemitic vitriol.

Mulatto out.

>> No.9449733

>The Bible
Ummm, it was written from one source?

>> No.9449838
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>> No.9450166
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ITT: Semi-literate brainlets identify with the achievements of people withe same sex and skin colour so they can feel superior.

>> No.9450174


>> No.9450178

A Little Life, Memoirs of Hadrian and The Last of the Wine.

>> No.9450193

>Memoirs of Hadrian

>> No.9450199

it's a beautiful cesspit. where would we be without the mass of manchildren who pretend they read?

>> No.9450274

I love the smell of bait in the morning

>> No.9450324

Seconding Katherine Mansfield

>> No.9450563

Your achievements include?

>> No.9450845

I'm talking about collective achievements. I have discovered gravity, invented the vaccine for polio, and walked on the moon just by dint of my sex.

Stop white knighting for women and argue the point you sniffling little beta "man"

>> No.9450866

I agree that you are a retard.

>> No.9450874

The only book I've touched by a woman is Frankenstein. Women are trash.

>> No.9450894

Exactly my point. No one will engage me on the argument that women are far inferior and shouldn't have equal rights or be equal in every opportunity and certainly not every outcome. You just scoff and assume I'm memeing

What have women done to prove their worth? Essentially nothing thus far and they never will.

>> No.9451003

I would marry that woman.

>> No.9451023


You know how I know women are stupid worthless cunts outside the need for their uterus to procreate....because almost all of the marketing/advertising out there panders to them.

>> No.9451050

You know, I'm just reading on my tablet this 825 pages long signal processing textbook written by a woman, but I would gladly buy the hardcover just to shove it up your ass.

>> No.9451055

several books published so more accomplished than 90% of this board

>> No.9451068

/lit/, y'all need to stop fanboying over Woolf and only reading her because you feel you need to read at least one woman.
Also Bloom is right often enough.

>> No.9451077

Obvious bait, but I will say this... Our top 100 lists suck, and I think there are some books written by women that would probably make the list if /lit/ read them.

I think the 2015 top 100 was probably the best year, but 2016 was terrible. Jersusalem, a book that had only been released in September of that year, was ranked 29th. A total meme that maybe 1 or 2 people actually read.

>> No.9451082

>almost all of the marketing/advertising out there panders to them

women buy more shit, and they make men buy more shit. I thought it was a meme until I started living with one. Quite the redpill!

>> No.9451220 [DELETED] 


o my god you cucked retard.

"women have written a shitty textbook before and i'd gladly shove it up your ass you misogynist"

Have they wrote anything worthwhile? Even if you can find a few examples, their "achievements" less than a grain of sand to what men have done and are capable of.

It's not a great argument when you have to cite that they are a majority of brain dead consumers who buy shitty young adult at Barnes and Noble

>> No.9451234
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Because they're a majority of brain dead consumers and the reason Barnes and Noble sell so many young adult books they are somehow equal in their achievements or capabilities to men?

Sorry, not convinced.

>> No.9451273

> woman

That hand makes me question that presumption.

>> No.9451349
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Holy shit that room ahahahaha

>> No.9451396
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I wouldn't mind reading blacks, asians or womens books if they actually wrote about anything other than the litanies of the struggle they face living in a supposed 1984-world of white Christian heterosexual totalitarians.

>> No.9451418

New poll!


Come be the change you want to see and vote in the 2017 edition!

>> No.9451720

I have read 36 of them