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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 132 KB, 600x800, glasgow_university.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
943743 No.943743 [Reply] [Original]

I wonder whether /lit/ would gift expensive books or alot of cheaper books if I posted my wishlist.

Only one way to find out...

(I'm a poorfag, studying literature... I will gift others wishlists if their wishes are cheap - sorry but I can't manage to gift anything expensive)

>> No.943845


>> No.943893
File: 44 KB, 500x667, 1278628895196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.943903


Fukken saved

>> No.943907

welcome to the internet

>> No.943913

What the fuck does 'alot' mean?

>> No.943925



>> No.943934

Thank you for turning my rage into laughter

>> No.943961
File: 118 KB, 450x450, kanye-on-newton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh ho, goddamnit, that is super funny.
it's hard to follow that up, but here's my feeble attempt at something to amuse you. definitely the best to come of this meme. and my wishlist.
always looking for recommendations.
OP, I can't help but notice you are studying literature and don't have any Harold Bloom on that list. Know the name?

>> No.944006
File: 163 KB, 600x402, 78003_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, I'll post mine, although I'm not really expecting you to get me anything since I'm not from the US:

Recommendations, as usual, are welcome.

>> No.944017


Next month I'll be able to do some giftan :D

>> No.944024

It's a nice idea, but I'm just as poor, bro.
you the one who posted this in my "first edition eclipse" thread?

>> No.944049

Why aren't these threads bannable yet?

>> No.944079

Why are you so mad?

>> No.944085

because people keep giving and receiving, and it feels great for everyone involved.

>> No.944087


Hey dude, I bought you a copy of one of the Zelazny's and with free 2 day shipping, it should be there by Friday. Enjoy it. Make sure your remember to pay it forward when you have time.

And if any other kindanons are out there, I could really use more books. I've almost read through all of the previously gifted books already, so...


>> No.944102
File: 19 KB, 294x305, 1263785133092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy is cool, this isn't the first time i've seen him buy someone a book.
btw, once i have some money i'm gonna buy you some marquis de sade. i hope someone buys it for you before i do tho.

>> No.944105


>> No.944112


Will be gifting next month when my grant appears.

>> No.944154

I cant remember my amazon login.. fuck it. I'll try signing up again.

>> No.944167

http://www.amazon.com/gp/registry/wishlist/5C37HMT4DV7G just made it, what i plan on reading next!

>> No.944170

Oh hey. I forgot about the wishlist utility on Amazon. Neat. No need to get me anything, but telling me what on my list would be best to get would be pretty rad. I'd forgotten I even wanted a lot of these things (excluding the things I added today, which I obviously remember I want)! Now I'm excited.


>> No.944172


I read that first book on your list (the mythology one) for my mythology class in high school.

>> No.944180


>implying that means it's not a pretty awesome book

>> No.944184

I don't expect to get anything, but it's worth a shot and I'll buy when I get my next paycheck :) :) :) :) :) ... fuck it just buy me a book if you want.

>> No.944189


Was it any good/insightful? I'll be honest in saying I know dick all about Greek mythology, beyond the basics (ie: Oedipus, Elektra, some of the Gods, Homer, etc.), but I'm eager to learn.

>> No.944194

wish they would delete these threads created by online paupers

>> No.944198
File: 115 KB, 435x435, 1277965643584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I never implied it was good or bad. I was simply saying that because I thought it was interesting it was on his wishlist.

>> No.944211


Looking for recommendations as well.

>> No.944228


It was decent. It was mostly a compilation of some more well-known myths. It went into a bit of detail depending on the myth/chapter, and it has (if I remember correctly) some, if not all, of the creation myth, as well as a chapter on some of the Houses in Greek mythology.

I mean, overall it's a good starter book if you wanna start getting into Greek mythology. It should be able to give you a feel for whether or not you'd want to continue reading about it, y'know?

>> No.944233


Hey Kendra. Enjoy reading Bolano's "The Savage Detectives." It's one my wishlist too. Pay it forward when you can.

Sorry everyone, but that's all I can buy for now. The rest of my paycheck needs to go toward bills and taking my roommate to see Inception tonight for his birthday. I'll post my list one last time since I'm heading out. Keep the spirit going everyone, it's been a rough week for /lit/. Don't let good behavior on 4chan die out like on every other board.


>> No.944238


Here's mine. I would enjoy some recommendations so I can expand my sparse collection.

>> No.944253

Thank you kind anon.

>> No.944263

Hey guys!

here's muh link

>> No.944259

I don't use amazon, but I'll sign up and take part in this another time. would be nice to do it as surprises too.

>> No.944268

I keep reporting and it's not going away...

>> No.944272


Don't be a fag.

>> No.944273

this dude is cool as fuck. saintananon.

>> No.944275


Fingers crossed for Edith Hamilton or Slaughterhouse 5

>> No.944285

wow, catcher in the rye? go to a thrift store man, you can find that shit anywhere.

>> No.944286

is it a problem if I use amazon.co.uk?

>> No.944295

im not talking shit on catcher, btw, i loved the book. but seriously, i see it in every used book and thrift store i go in to, from 25 cents and up.

>> No.944328

im new to the wishlist threads, is it a dick move if i wait to see if this works before i gift?

>> No.944332


>> No.944338

I believe only UK members can ship gifts to UK, so you'll have to hope another anon is from the UK.

>> No.944370


kinda dickish, but hardly anyone buys anyway. In fact, for all 40 or so replies, only two people have received books both from the same guy.

He bought me a book a while ago too though, so I can tell you that this is legit. People do give gifts.

>> No.944440

Eh, worth a shot:

Also, for each book I receive, I shall randomly gift one book in return. Not immediately (damn minimum-wage summer job), but I promise it'll happen.

>> No.944475

i lurked for some time before i saw anyone get a book. but i bought a book before one was bought for me. in short, these threads actually work. it really goes both ways. it's quite amazing, actually.

>> No.944480

bought a book for someone else, that is.

>> No.944499

It does work. I always gift for a random /lit/ stranger if one gifts for me. Completes the cycle of /lit/ generosity.

>> No.944511

no one from the uk? :(

>> No.944658


>> No.944663

the guy that was gifting is gone now people

>> No.944776

I was thinking "inb4 Mattew Blair", but my browser quickly noticed me it was you again. Kudos man.

>> No.944778

Any kind anons want to make this my lucky night?


>> No.946262


>> No.946272

There's another gift thread on the frontpage.

>> No.946274
File: 90 KB, 800x600, ALOT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man, I've been looking for that site for so long not.
Thanks Alot

>> No.946289

How's Eng. Lit. going for you at Glasgow Uni, OP?

>> No.946378


And well done on not being able to get a job afterwards with your useless degree.

GU is a shit hole drowning in a sea of piss

i was back there a few weeks back- all the students are fucking chinese

>> No.946390



>> No.946539

What did you study?

>> No.946543

I've had a few tutors do their PhD at GU in English, it's supposed to be bloody brilliant. What's so awful about it?

>> No.948702

As a perpetrator of the crime of "alot", I thank you for that.