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File: 37 KB, 329x499, gulagarch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9436428 No.9436428 [Reply] [Original]

Why isn't this mandatory in history class?

>> No.9436464

well, the meme answer is that it's lies and propaganda.
my suspected answer is that it would go against liberal socialist and communist ideals, and would make indoctrination difficult.

>> No.9436477

because it's factually wrong.

>> No.9436666

as if that's stopped books from being read in high school before

>> No.9436670

Nice on both accounts

>> No.9436676
File: 2.86 MB, 1521x2339, 9780141038995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This book is factually wrong but it's still a very common assigned reading.

>inb4 someone says I'm a holocaust denier

That's not what I mean, look it up.

>> No.9436681

>Why isn't this mandatory in history class?

It is actually mandatory reading in russian high schools.

>> No.9436701

A lot of Anti-Russia and Anti-Soviet material is weirdly mandatory reading reading in Russia.

>> No.9436704

It's considerably less factually wrong than >>9436676 which is routinely assigned in schools as an educational book about The Six Million.

>> No.9436722

>the six million
It's ten million now, you nazi scum.

>> No.9436727

And Siddhartha is used to teach about Buddhism.

>> No.9436730


oy vey anudda shoah

but seriously ivan denisovytch is better

>> No.9436773

>This book is factually wrong
does anyone actually think the book was 100% factual and not subject to certain literary liberties though?

>> No.9436781

>wtf why do germans spend so much time learning about hitler?
>wtf why do americans spend so much time learning about us slavery?
>wtf why do russians spend so much time learning about soviet russia?

>> No.9436818

>liberal socialist and communist ideals

>> No.9437181

What kind of pathetic avantgarde imitation is on that cover?

Joke's on you, we don't learn anything.

>> No.9437185
File: 9 KB, 200x301, 21AB68DF-FF05-4A1F-8E9D-206B07EEF706-9445-000006D808AE6433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why hasn't this been translated?

>> No.9437194

Can you translate that cover?

>> No.9437264

200 years together.


Along with the collection of obsolete words and phrases that would be nice to bring back, not his best work.

>> No.9437286

Because Silzhenitsyn was a pathetic snitch who made up half the shit in the book? The writing is horrible too, he is only praised in West for being a """dissident"""

>> No.9437293

Fuck off commie scum. Go back to your containment board on Reddit.

>> No.9437312

Take your pills, autist

>> No.9437331

Cause he called America out on some touchy issues, thought Jews were a pile of ___, and was therefore clearly mentally unbalanced.

>> No.9437370

what did he exactly made up?

>> No.9437383

All of the bad stuff about communism.

>> No.9437387

Oh really? How could that be?
I mean, certainly gulags weren't a thing

>> No.9437406

they weren't what you think they were

>> No.9437447

Can you back that up with some juicy facts

>> No.9437454
File: 48 KB, 756x760, 1313715187002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is it anti commie? Because if it's anti commie then it's capitalist propaganda.

But I did hear that the author blames the whole thing on jews who ran the entire system.

>> No.9437472

I guess I'm mistaken about political prisions/work camps then

>if it's anti commie then it's capitalist propaganda
that's a very narrow way to put things
and it also shut down any legitimate critique of communism, which sounds pretty defensive

>> No.9437477

>anything I don't like is save to ignore

>> No.9437579

Don't read this ideological babble. Read some recent histories of the Soviet Union. Ignore neocons, cold warriors and antisemites like Applebaum and Solzhenitsyn. Orlando Figes has a good history of the whole picture.

>> No.9437585

We're all Communists here OP.

>> No.9437770

Majority of Germans isn't proud of their nazi time.
General consensus in America is that slavery was inhumane
Putin is proud of the soviet time and would want to expand the nation again.
There's a difference there.

>> No.9437774

Is it pleb to read The Gulag Arpeggio in its abridged form?

>> No.9437777


It's listed in the history section of amazon rather than the fiction section. On that same website it's described as a "memoir." Considering how easily misled the average person is, there are probably hundreds of thousands of Night readers who are unaware of any narrative varnishing. I mean these are the same kind of people who made Guns Germs and Steel a bestseller.

Truth+Fiction = Fiction

>> No.9437782

what the fuck is up with that cover? absolutely disgusting desu

>> No.9437785

It's obviously based on Russian Suprematist art

>> No.9437795
File: 82 KB, 460x618, 68163821b82c48efbaff26c252e13eb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9437812

Gulag archipelago only recently became mandatory Russian lit, in 2009. A couple decades late.

Germans are notorious for banning anything that doesn't lambaste Nazi Germany. Movies, games, music and books. It's odd to me that the government doesn't seem to have the wherewithal to stop banning forms of expression, since that's what got them into WW2.

>> No.9437815

Solzhenitsyn was a Nationalist

>> No.9437832

Because it places Jews in the role of the oppressor instead of the victim. Any literature or work that doesn't portray Jews as innocent victims who dindu nuffin is prevented from becoming prevelant in Western society.

>> No.9437834

I want commies to leave blz

>muh soviet union dindu nuffin!
>dprk isn't shit that's just western propoganda
>The cultural revolution was justified

Honestly what the fuck is wrong with these people

>> No.9437838

Uneducated anon that wasn't REAL communism. If real communism was put into place we could all live in a post scarcity utopia!


>> No.9437839
File: 162 KB, 500x527, 1491077990127.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mad, isn't it?

>> No.9437841

It's shit that is based on a complete lack of talent.

>> No.9437866

They were resorts, had pools and cinemas. What's the Gomie equivalent of „Theresienstadt” documentary?

>> No.9437955

can someone please tell me what these "gulag lies" were?

>> No.9437987
File: 546 KB, 1280x885, 0_a206e_3107eaf3_XXXL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It wasn't that depressing and black and white. For example, people were allowed to sing happy songs and play musical instruments.

>> No.9438343

seems pretty sad to me that people can ignore reality just because ideology is so strong

>> No.9438969


>> No.9439120

>Natalya Reshetovskaya, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's first wife, wrote in her memoirs that "The Gulag Archipelago" was based on "campfire folklore" as opposed to objective facts. She wrote that she was perplexed that the Western media had accepted The Gulag Archipelago as "the solemn, ultimate truth", saying its significance had been "overestimated and wrongly appraised". She said her husband did not regard the work as "historical research, or scientific research", and "The Gulag Archipelago" was a collection of "camp folklore", containing "raw material" which her husband was planning to use in his future productions.


>> No.9439137

>best discrediting source is an ex-wife

Good job not quoting that part where it says she was probably forced to say this shit by the KGB

>> No.9439153

>probably forced to say this shit by the KGB

yeah nah m8

>> No.9439154

The photographs in the book were also faked.

>back in 1980 soviet russia

>> No.9439161

yeah yes m8

>> No.9439164
File: 45 KB, 548x361, le nigger emojis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>liberal socialist and communist ideals

>> No.9439166

Prove it then

>> No.9439173

Prove the ex-wife wasn't bullshitting, baseless accusations aren't proving anything

>> No.9439211

She sucked his dick I would trust her when she says he was talking shit. Pretty based information in my book.

>> No.9439314

I hope you're joking

>> No.9439890

>all camps were exactly the same morally

>> No.9439937

C'mon you guys, slavery wasn't that bad! For instance, the slaves were allowed to sing gospel songs!

>> No.9440819
File: 16 KB, 512x288, E51A04EF-38AE-4907-A864-45A94F712093-7769-0000055BA6588468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"FAKE NEWS!" said the ex-wife.

>> No.9441018
File: 62 KB, 767x1080, images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTCbPrlFJ4R-1wava9hAwsjtyYbHvA9cE-e1Z-mMJsvnOg7B220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A great Jewish takedown of this book and Wiesel himself is pic related.

I'm not even close to /pol/, and I couldnt believe how he fucking pushed the holocaust narrative towards reparations and financial gain.

>> No.9441029

Fuck off, we read Ayn Rand in my high school

>> No.9441030

does controlled opposition get any more obvious than this?

>> No.9441059

Considering he condemns the state of Israel, the Israeli estimations of holocaust dead, every holocaust historian except for Arendt and Raul Hilberg, every survivor who gets reparations but wasnt in the camps (he claims the actual camp survivors were around 115,000, but that their third cousins childrens are getting checks from swiss banks), Spielberg, Weisel, the entire New York rabbinical association, the law firms that went after the european banks, and suggests backtracking actual camp deaths to like 500-600k including starvation and not including local militias actions and einsatzgruppen with about 3,000,000 jewish dead total, then yeah, id say you can be alot more obvious.

Not to mention he is roundly condemned and attacked, and allan dershowitz went after his tenure.

>Criticism has been leveled against Finkelstein from several angles. The first sources are responses from those whose work Finkelstein has discussed. Daniel Goldhagen, whose book Hitler's Willing Executioners Finkelstein criticized, claimed his scholarship has "everything to do with his burning political agenda".[78] Alan Dershowitz has written that Peter Novick, Professor of History at the University of Chicago and a noted Holocaust historian whose work Finkelstein says inspired The Holocaust Industry, has strongly criticized the latter's work, describing it as "trash".[79] Similarly, Dershowitz, whose book The Case for Israel and Finkelstein's response Beyond Chutzpah sparked an ongoing feud between the two, has claimed Finkelstein's complicity in a conspiracy against pro-Israel scholars: "The mode of attack is consistent. Chomsky selects the target and directs Finkelstein to probe the writings in minute detail and conclude that the writer didn't actually write the work, that it is plagiarized, that it is a hoax and a fraud," arguing that Finkelstein has leveled charges against many academics, calling at least 10 "distinguished Jews 'hucksters', 'hoaxters' (sic), 'thieves', 'extortionists', and worse."[48] Although the back and forth between Finkelstein and Dershowitz received the most attention and attracted significant controversy, Finkelstein has maintained that "the real issue is Israel's human rights record."[41]

That said it he is a meticulous source checker, and everything I looked at checked out.

>> No.9441160

Germans don't.

>> No.9441276


I think they doth protest too much. He obviously struck a nerve for them to go ballistic like that.

>> No.9441278

it's just a bunch of exaggerated stories about being a prisoner.. not historically accurate, and has an extreme political bias

>> No.9441557

If it is limited to that, I guess your use of the magic word can be forgiven.

>> No.9441891

>>muh soviet union dindu nuffin!
>>dprk isn't shit that's just western propoganda
mostly true
>>The cultural revolution was justified

>> No.9441895

It's been partially translated in the Solzhenitsyn Reader

>> No.9441909

Is he not praised in Russia?

>> No.9441936

It isn't an objective analysis of history?

It's a piece of literature that took creative licenses?

>> No.9441964 [DELETED] 

Genuine communists who ignore the massive death toll of communistic revolutions and the suffering of those who lived under communism always baffles me.

There are plenty of people who did just fine under communism, just as there are plenty of people who did just fine under feudalism and fascism and neo-jewish "mixed-market" capitalism.

Judging the worth of a political and philosophical system by those who primarily benefited from it while ignoring those who were on the shit end of that stick is one of the primary complaints you commie fucks have against "free-market" systems.

Commies did nothing wrong. Forget the holomodor goyim, but don't ever forget the 6 million.

Come on guy, get real.

>> No.9441977

Communists need to just say that the kulaks deserved it and move on

>> No.9442258

they do that for most "historical" fiction

>> No.9442289


did you forget the part below where it says it was likely a kgb forgery?

>> No.9442301


>> No.9442314
File: 113 KB, 580x412, cultural revolution best day of my life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based anon

>> No.9442497

Whats an unbiased source that points out what's true and what's false about this book

>> No.9443064

the kulaks did deserve it but the death toll numbers are inflated, and a lot of the information out there is just capitalist propaganda

>> No.9443342

If you want a real answer, the majority of GA's content is hearsay and it actually requires pretty close reading at times to distinguish between what the author even claims he personally experienced and what others told him.

>> No.9443538

Because it's a novel.

>> No.9443611

Sol wasn't against Russia, you cretin, he was against communism

>> No.9444821


Yes tovarish the numbers are inflated to make glorious regime look of the bad ))))))))))

>> No.9445410

Stalin faked photos all the time, decades earlier

>> No.9445899

I honestly ask myself that same question almost daily. Communism is a murderous ideology that killed millions.