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9435392 No.9435392 [Reply] [Original]

I'm ready to embrace him, /lit/, I just need another little push to get over the edge

Which book should I read to do that?

>> No.9435401
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>> No.9435402

Phaedo is what did it for me.

>> No.9435406
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>> No.9435409

The fucking Bible, you infidel.

>> No.9435415

Anna Karenina and The Brothers Karamazov

Actually, all of Tolstoy.

>> No.9435416

Don't read King James shit because that's for protestant scum. Read either the Catholic Bible or the Orthodox one.

>> No.9435418


There's fucking in the bible?

>> No.9435419

Just go here

>> No.9435425

>fucking in the bible
You're in for a treat.

>> No.9435426

Nono the fucking bible. He means the kama sutra.

>> No.9435429

go full jesuit. spiritual exercises by loyola.

>> No.9435441


>> No.9435445

thanks, reading now

>> No.9435450

>There's fucking in the bible?
There's loads

Genesis 19:33
>So they made their father drink wine that night; and the firstborn went in, and lay with her father; he did not know when she lay down or when she rose.

>> No.9435518

>There's fucking in the bible?

Of course there is. There's even a whole book devoted to fucking.

>> No.9436287
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One of the greats.

>> No.9436478


>> No.9436491


>City of God

What a great fucking name.

>> No.9436609

Maybe try Thomas Merton's Seven Storey Mountain

>> No.9436626

There's an incest threesome in the bible, m8.

>> No.9436819

Read Augustine's Confessions.

>> No.9436870

I'm in the middle of reading it, and I can't help but feel it talks to me on certain days.

>> No.9436892

The conversion story and his memorial for his mother are the best parts. Well, that and the theory of time at the end.

>> No.9437541
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>reading the part where lot fucks his 2 loli daughters drunk
>that part where jacob fucks all the bitches

>> No.9437556

In wich language did aquinas and hippo wrote? I want to read them in the vernacular if possible

>> No.9437608

Op what did you do to reach that stage ? How did you get past the athiesm and narrow it down to Christianity

>> No.9437616

I'm atheist without exagerating; Aristotle is what restored my hope.

>> No.9437617


>> No.9437667

>Aristotle is what restored my hope.

You might want to avoid Wittgenstien then

>> No.9437749

He's usually referred to as Augustine, not Hippo.

>> No.9437755

Wittgenstein's best friend (one of 4) and student, was in fact an aristotelian-thomist.
He himself died Catholic. He also disagreed with himself throughout 3 stages of his work.

>> No.9437811

Also, this modern tale I accidentally found a couple of years ago seems relevant: https://notehub.org/i0cbm

>> No.9437821
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>we re-enact the prolonged torture and death of the god we worship
>we eat his flesh and drink his blood
>you were born evil
>you must obey me or you will suffer eternal punishment
>if i strike you, you should turn the other cheek so that i may strike it also
>you should treat me as you would like me to treat you
>you should do good to those that do evil to you
>p.s. i love you

you went over the edge a while back

>> No.9437824

>Wittgenstein's best friend (one of 4) and student, was in fact an aristotelian-thomist.

And? Feuerbach studied under Hegel.


The last refuge of the anglo analytical.

>He himself died Catholic

In the loosest sense of the word.

>> No.9437826

>>we eat his flesh and drink his blood
>he doesn't think that's the hypest shit ever

It's such a demand on the believer. You MUST believe in the Real Presence if you are a Catholic. It's a good way to weed out the pretenders.

>> No.9437830

*Weeds out the critical thinkers

>> No.9437833

If you think you're just an ape you better stop speaking to me because I don't speak to animals.

>> No.9437842


>> No.9437851

You realize there are talking animals in the bible, right?

>> No.9437876

How the fuck is having all the sacraments "the loosest sense of the word"

>> No.9437914

The good thing about god is that he exists whether I believe in him or not ;)

>> No.9437915

holy... so this is the power of cynicism

>> No.9437916

How the fuck is having all the sacraments "the loosest sense of the word"

Living effectively outside of the Church and having a concept of God and belief that was more in line with Kierkegaard and Tolstoy.

>> No.9437933

>He himself died Catholic


>> No.9437938
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where did all you christians come from
i'm not complaining but i didn't imagine 4chan attracted religious people

>> No.9437943
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When the memes changed

>> No.9437994

Aaand I better post the whole book for the sake of it.


>> No.9438009

I didn't come from anywere, and I'm not really religious, have been browsing this and other boards (not /pol/) for a couple of years. People just change, man

>> No.9438010

Why isn't it all listed under fiction? :^)

>> No.9438031

>he did not know when she lay down or when she rose
'Course he didn't.

>> No.9438043


God doesn't exist btw

>> No.9438492


>> No.9438496

this. God doesn't exist though.

>> No.9438505

>summa theologica
I strongly believe that no one has read this completely
How do you even buy it, it's too expensive.

>> No.9438526

So fucking childish.

>> No.9438531

What do you expect from fedoras

>> No.9438535

we talking fedora-atheists or fedora-Christians?

>> No.9438569

athiests of course, just look at >>9437821

>> No.9438583

well sure, it's the low hanging fruit, a strawmanning of Christianity if you will, but nonetheless an accepted Christian identity.

Why do fedora atheists and fedora Christians like to debate the existence of god, as if you can have a meaningful discussion about that? Why don't they make a case for/against faith - you can have this debate and still keep some integrity.

>> No.9438609
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From a latent sense of social conservatism, borne either of an emptiness following hedonism, or of having never partaken in those pleasures.

From the crossroads between nihilism and God, and the realisation that one cannot straddle between, but must take one or the other.

From depression.

I speak as an atheist on the threshold, consuming as much Christian literature as I can, willing but not yet able to surrender the critical thought instilled in me since boyhood by the four horsemen. Next time we meet I will be in Christ's arms, or dead in a ditch. Amen.

>> No.9438667

It was the Perennial Philosophy by Aldous Huxley for me.

>> No.9438694

Isn't Phaedo the one where Socrates dies? How did he push you toward Christianity? It doesn't even reach any conclusion.

>> No.9438726

>believing in god

>> No.9438756

just remember that a row of dominoes will never create themselves, set themselves, or push themselves over

>> No.9438778

Anything by Leibniz. He really nails it down and if you understand what he's saying you will appreciate the universe infinitrly more.

>> No.9439585
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>> No.9440427

Why are you only limiting your investigation and work to Christianity and not other religions?

>> No.9440433

This board has gone downhill.

>> No.9440441

10/10 Cringe

>> No.9440460

Some of us were always here.

>> No.9440469


Not the same poster, but the notes of anti-materialism, priority of the soul over the physical body,and the promise of the afterlife which effectively diminishes the importance of the animal life could do it.