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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/lit/ - Literature

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File: 60 KB, 1536x568, goodreads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9427218 No.9427218 [Reply] [Original]

Post your good reads profile url. Meet new friends. Stay motivated to continue reading.

>> No.9427228 [DELETED] 
File: 2.46 MB, 550x309, no5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9427244


>> No.9427364


>> No.9427388


>> No.9427409


>> No.9427513


>> No.9427545

Are you for real?
I kek'd and kek'd

>> No.9427661


>> No.9427701

oh god, please don't bully

>> No.9427716

pls recc me some funny shit, just finished Melancholy of Resistance and it left me seriously...melancholic


>> No.9427732

fuckit, here

Don Quixote my friend

>> No.9427840

I basically just started reading.

>> No.9428081


>> No.9428247

>only 3 books this year
You aren't gonna make it m8

>> No.9428373

holy shit this killed me top kek

>> No.9428944


>> No.9428964
File: 357 KB, 750x500, some_men.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Lol. Alright guys, its been fun. I'm officially done now. You can go back to insulting random ass people.


>> No.9429004


>> No.9429063

>implying brown bear still comes on lit

>> No.9429719


>> No.9429724

>tfw too intelligent for goodreads

>> No.9429734

>still posts in the thread

>> No.9429771


add me please, lads

>> No.9429777
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>> No.9429818
File: 2.05 MB, 343x228, brqE1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9429826

Sometimes. Just not as often as I used to.

>> No.9429850

why do you give everything two stars?

>> No.9429865


>> No.9429976

Made it just for this thread, seems like fun


>> No.9429977


>> No.9430047


>> No.9430049
File: 380 KB, 540x540, 18119552_1512287215470076_2123049968649825682_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



I'll accept any friend requests, always like to hear about what others are reading/wanting to read/recommending. Please respond.

I must admit that I am not reading as many books this year as I did last year due to trying to find employment and not wanting to be too distracted by muh books.

>> No.9430093


>> No.9430108

>Post your good reads profile url
>on this wretched forum

Some quiality individuals here, but it's just not worth it

>> No.9430109

Please no bully

>> No.9430121

In fairness, most people behave themselves when they're on Goodreads (if they use it at all).

>> No.9430124

One you strip people of anonymity they just become another normie.

>> No.9430324

Where is your trip then? Do you keep in contact with deep and edgy?

>> No.9430352

Guys I'm scared.... This url was made 20 hours ago
They are pretending like they are us. Why the fug did Hiro allow the Google bot in.

>> No.9430370

what the fuck

>> No.9430375

>We use cookies to personalise content and ads, to provide social media features and to analyse our traffic. We also share information about your use of our site with our social media, advertising and analytics partners.
Good going. The entire internet has your goodreads account now. They even listed itall neatly at the top.

>> No.9430383

Oh no this can't be happening

>> No.9430402

knew it. this japanese anime image board is just a tool for data mining

>> No.9430428

They are mirroring lit.
I'm sorry for normies who post their pic in here.

>> No.9430432

This triggered me initially, until i remembered that i use warosu all the time.

>> No.9430433

>hiro is datamining us
>/lit/ is the first board to discover this


>> No.9430436


I knew this is what all of the threads are about when they ask for demographic info like age
NEVER post personal info here
Maybe this place truly is dead

>> No.9430443

Guys don't be so paranoid. There is nothing wrong with this. Don't be so silly.

>> No.9430444


goodreads is for cucks btw

>> No.9430446

you can't trick me, you dumb gook datamining cunt. Stop this right now or I will make you pay hell

>> No.9430455
File: 267 KB, 420x420, Can you believe this faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

T. Owner of veekyforums doing damage control

>> No.9430456

People create mirrors of popular websites in order to draw real users in, tricking them into thinking they're posting on the original, garnering traffic. You'll see a lot of weird imitation imgur and 9gag sites doing exactly the same. Nothing to do with Hiro; if you can see something in your browser then a bot can copy it.

>> No.9430462


You aren't as good at this as you think. The well's running dry. Do something legitimate with your life.

>> No.9430468

haha oh wow

>> No.9430474

I'm quite impressed that whoever made it thought to cut threads short if his own site ever got mentioned in them.

>> No.9430476


>> No.9430483

down with VeekyForums

>> No.9430489

They also just switch /lit/ to veekyforums in thread titles.

>> No.9430492

You would be wrong, he is auto scraping with a bot, you cant go too fast or the site blocks access, especially a site like 4chan that deals with tons of spam and has limited bandwith.

t. former id theft artist and spammer.

>> No.9430493


VeekyForums confirmed for Reptillian illuminati THEY'RE TAKING OVER

>> No.9430499

Don't visit VeekyForums you dumb fucks, it's a known scam

>> No.9430507

Maybe, I could have been misled by it just happening to stop right where it was mentioned.

Scam for what? Who doesn't have adblock?

>> No.9430508

fuh off

>> No.9430521

he could be smart, but he most likely created a huge list of URLs using wildcards like <span class="postNum desktop"><a href="[SCRAPE THIS]" and then creates a new thread for each url scraped.

I dont see his endgame though.

>> No.9430522


>> No.9430535

He could easily make threads cut out when they start discussing veeky so people browsing his own page don't see it. I assume he's just trying to phish new users or profit off ad views from people reading the threads as google brings them up when people discuss relevant content. There are no images so the hosting costs will be significantly lower than 4chans.

>> No.9430602
