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/lit/ - Literature

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9428236 No.9428236 [Reply] [Original]

Essential literature that can be read in a day.

>> No.9428240

a clockwork orange

>> No.9428242

most of Marlowe's and the Greek's plays

>> No.9428289

duly noted ty

>> No.9428347

Biographia Literaria, on a Sunday.
But.. The White Devil comes to mind.

>> No.9428367

Conrad and Melville short stories and novellas

>> No.9428378
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>> No.9428387
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That fucking slang tho.

>> No.9428388

>Essential literature that can be read in a day

>> No.9428391
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>> No.9428392

any piece of literature can be read in a day

>> No.9428394

Shakespeare's plays.

>> No.9428396

You'll have a very hard time making it through the summa theologica in a day

>> No.9428426

Metarmophosis, most of Camus, most of Lovecraft, Shakespear's plays, Candide,

>> No.9428437

Most of it, really.

The Iliad
The Republic

>> No.9428456
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>essential literature

>> No.9428464

Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass

>> No.9428574
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>> No.9429076

The Stranger
Death in Venice
Greek Plays
Confederacy of Dunces

>> No.9429095 [DELETED] 
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thank you

>> No.9429209
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thank you

>> No.9429281

found this thanks anon

>> No.9429288 [DELETED] 


>> No.9429295
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thanks again /lit/

>> No.9429301

Thomas Bernhard, all of him. He is to be read in one sitting.

>> No.9429453
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>> No.9429459

>Confederacy of Dunces

It's 400+ pages...

>> No.9429465
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>> No.9429472

Oscar Wilde's notable bibliography.

>> No.9429478

got it ty

>> No.9429490

Winesburg, Ohio
Kreutzer Sonata

>> No.9429509

What are you, a brainlet?

>> No.9429884

Oh, I remember reading it in one night since its a pretty light read.

>> No.9430727

fuck hamlet. AM I RIGHT?!

>> No.9430737

The Metamorphosis

>> No.9430746
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Not the guy you replied to, but what if I just take my time through a big book like that? I wouldn't say I'm a slow reader but 400+ pages is more than a week for me

>> No.9430749

>Alice in Wonderland
Is it actually good? I tried to rewatch the Disney movie a few weeks ago, and while the animation was beautiful, I had to stop after 30 minutes. Granted, a disney adaption might not be the best way to judge a book's quality, but it seems like something that has little to offer if you're not a child anymore.

Milt Kahl is still based as fuck though

>> No.9430751

Benjamin Button

>> No.9430801

>still trying to act like he's read it
lmfao it's a full novel retard

>> No.9430802

Any of Plato's dialogues, Shakespeare's and Racine's plays, Edgar Allen Poe's stories, Tolstoy's Kreutzer Sonata, Candide, One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich

>> No.9430845

I read A Clockwork Orange in a day. Slang isnt really that bad once you get a page or two in. Most of the words that aren't used enough for you to learn you can infer.

>> No.9431304

If you don't have to leave the house, you can definitely read 400 pages in a day.

It's just not readable in one hour or two like a lot of other things posted in this thread.

>> No.9431311

Well most plays really...

>> No.9432447

Candide, Yeats' The Tower, Civilization and its Discontents, Flatland, DHL's Studies in Classic American Lit, Sam Johnson's Rasselas, Hemingway's A Moveable Feast, John Hersey's Hiroshima.. come first to mind. Also, Wilde's The Critic as Artist, and The Decay of Lying.

>> No.9432526

Thomas L'Obscure
Urne Burial
The Wasteland
Four Quartets
The Juniper Sprigs
Helen in Egypt
Trilogy (H.D)

>> No.9432688

>The Juniper Sprigs
what is that one i tried googling it

>> No.9433214
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Illuminations, The Waste Land,

Many thanks, if you can think of anymore please post them!

>> No.9433825



zadig is good too

nausea and waiting for godot are both easy short reads. brautigan and vonnegut can be read quickly. steinbeck and a lot of borroughs can be on that list.

>> No.9433836

I should add that if you read one comedy and one tradgedy by shakespeare

read midsummer nights and king lear

he has deeper cuts, but those are both really accessible and fun to discuss.

>> No.9433845

add aristotle's poetics and doestoevsky's gambler while youre at it.

wew lad. you should read oscar's letters to gide. steamy stuff m8.

books of aphorisms can be read very quickly. bresson's notes on cinematography and wiggenstein's on culture both provide a master's insight into specific problems of the work.

>> No.9433849

Weird seeing this post because I actually started reading it today. It's actually a fairly easy read if you enjoy it. I read the first half earlier and plan to finish it later this morning.

>> No.9433857

fox in socks

>> No.9433866

As I Lay Dying (i know it's a bit longer than most of the books in the thread, but it is so powerful when read in one sitting).

Eugene O'Neill's Long Day's Journey into Night


>> No.9433969


>> No.9434094

This book was so fucking shit

>> No.9434273

This. Then watch the movie for bonus points

>> No.9434338

just based on what I have recently read in car journeys

Theban Plays
The Republic
First Love
Brave New World
The Bell Jar

>> No.9434767


>> No.9434775

Alice is good.
I have a friend whos 80 years old and he bought me an annotated alice in wonderland and through the looking glass. I'm always getting books and recommendations from him.

>> No.9435337

for some reason i just imagined the old man and the sea as disney movie, sorcerers apprentice style.

>> No.9435470

The Sun Also Rises
Sorrow of Young Werther
Notes From Underground

desu aside from the extremely long books lit likes to meme most books CAN be read in a day. some are just better suited for it

>> No.9435602
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these are really good recommendations. I appreciate it.

>> No.9435619

The Man Who Was Thursday by GK Chesterton. 140 pages, but it's written in a readable and flowing style so that it could be read in one day if you started early. A novella about an undercover policeman who infiltrates an anarchist group in London.

>> No.9435661

I read it from time to time because it's comfy as fuck. It just feels like it's gonna surprise you at every read with a small detail you didn't notice before.
Alice is best girl too (no pedo)

I also remember The Road being quite short and absorbing