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/lit/ - Literature

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9427811 No.9427811 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.9427821

why do men? Because women and men are largely plebs.

>> No.9427848

Inferior intellect evolved from generations of being the child-rearing sex.

>> No.9427863

Gender norms desu

>> No.9427864

You know, I usually agree with most unpopular opinions when it comes to women, but this isn't something that is gender exclusive. Most men have exceptionally plebeian taste in literature too. There are even plenty of people on this board who read shitty fantasy and science fiction novels

>> No.9427879

All the activities that women do are but affectations. They only read because they think it will make them seem intelligent. They are not actually interested in BEING intelligent, so they are okay with reading garbage.

>> No.9428032

You ever met any women anons?

>> No.9428040


>> No.9428047

Yes. I've had several girlfriends and the experiences with them have really only reinforced my belief that women have the minds of children.

>> No.9428049
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My gf is a pretty big dostoevsky fan but i know what you're saying

I think grills just don't have as much of a hungry drive for provocative lit/films/whatever like men do, so they're capable of patrician taste but it usually doesn't extend past bronte or austen

Probably a hormone thing

this is more common with men

>> No.9428052

Yeah? I was almost married to one. Not sure what that has to do with my post, though.

True for some: I knew a girl that was like this. She would insult people if they hadn't read a certain book yet, while saying things that showed a poor understanding of said book. I've also met women that are genuinely interested in being intelligent, though. They're out there.

>> No.9428077

I'm making my woman read the Greeks

>> No.9428141

I pondered this question while tripping on shrooms this morning. I have the answer. The reason is that men generally enjoy more provocative media when compared to women. And most women find anything provocative unattractive.

>> No.9428165

name 1 woman you've ever actually known and been friends with besides a relative

>> No.9428170


>> No.9428185

My mom is patrish as fuck.

She also owns and has read every single book Stephen King ever wrote tho.

>> No.9428189

>when your mom is a Proust scholar

>> No.9428194

Meh, that's a cultural thing.

Back in the late 70s and 80s, they had stephen king books ads all over tv, so that's just what everyone bought to make it look like they were cultured.

>> No.9428201

Depends on your definition of proactive, but I'm going to assume "requires more attention"

Women want literature (or art in general) that makes you feel and men want literature that makes you think and feel.

>> No.9428206

>trust me on this, I'm an expert on women after taking the redpill

>> No.9428210

She was only born in 1980 so I don't think that would have effected her. I think she just sincerely really likes Stephen King.

>> No.9428216

wow, she had you young then. Like stephen king and is a serious whore....

>> No.9428219

That's not nice.

>> No.9428224

I like lovecraft and Chambers

>> No.9428226

It's a generalization.

The proof is in what's popular for women, romance novels, drama, simple text and stories, fantasy. It's really common sense.

>> No.9428238

Unlike men and their love for the quality intellectualism of sci-fi, fantasy, thrillers and thinly veiled political propaganda.

>> No.9428248

The true redpill is realizing that most people from both genders are subhuman garbage

>> No.9428257

No, men read brain things and women read fee fee things because their simply inferior

>> No.9428259
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>/pol/: ironic nazis
>/lit/: actually nazis

>> No.9428262

Star Wars has more depth to it than The Notebook

>> No.9428267

Very, very few people read "brain things".


>> No.9428268

I haven't watched either. They look about equally lowest common denominator-tier

>> No.9428272

That's not bury nice.

>> No.9428273

Hana-bi would be considered genre-trash if it was a book.

>> No.9428274

Star Wars is immensely popular among women and also not a book.

>> No.9428282

Women only pretended to like it.
refer to >>9427879
Women can't enjoy anything authentically (except manipulating, stealing, cheating, and destroying white culture)

>> No.9428283


Because everything they do is in some way derivative of some male counterpart interest, of which it ends up being a pale/parodistic reflection

>> No.9428286

women don't need to be well read

>> No.9428290

They're both terrible.

>> No.9428300

>there are plenty of Star Wars novels

>> No.9428303

This is the truth. The push for females, and everyone in general, to be "intellectual" and independent is what's destroying out culture. The world has always been better off when only an elite few pursued intelligence.

>> No.9428307

Why would anyone pretend to like Star Wars?
Not to mention it's been a mega blockbuster franchise since day 1. People of every walk of life have been enjoying Star Wars since forever and that's well attested to in the money it made.

>Women can't enjoy anything authentically (except manipulating, stealing, cheating, and destroying white culture)
What's with all the hate?

>> No.9428319

>Why are you posting what would be an otherwise normal sentence as greentext?

>> No.9428321

>What's with all the hate?
Hatred of minorities and women is integral to the redpill.

>> No.9428337


>> No.9428342

That doesn't sound like very much fun.

>> No.9428343

This is true.

Incentives that lead to the pursuit of knowledge are not as sincere, nor as self-contained as before. We have commodified intellectualism to such a degree that right now I feel the need to come up with a clever comment that defends my stylistic choice for the word commodified so that it exempts me from value judgements from certain individuals.

>> No.9428587

This anon speaks the truth.

>> No.9428599


Who cares? You're suppose to fuck them... not have intelligent conversations about literature with them.

>> No.9428736

> i used "but" gais, notus mi, am poetik nao XD

>> No.9428749

how can one be this dumb?

>> No.9428781

Sasha so hot and is a milion times more successful than any of you. Her book is a best seller!

>> No.9428792

She's also had a million times more dick than the average girl. Not really something to be proud of.

>> No.9428796


I agree with this. I know a few women with very sophisticated tastes in literature and they aren't just paying lip service to intellectualism. I'm convinced all you r9k fags saying women are inferior in this thread are kissless virgins.

>> No.9428859

This isn't bad. It should include self-hatred to be truly wise though, i.e, we're not such nice-smelling fellows ourselves.

>> No.9428953

If her nose was a little thinner desu

>> No.9428962

Or you're just the type of guy who can only land a childish woman

>> No.9429006

I talked to this really perf girl on a dating site who lived across the states from me. Into really fucking great music, read Dostoevsky, liked great filmmakers like Tarkovsky. She gave me her address to write her a letter, and I blew it by putting it off too long, now its been like 8 months since she gave me her address. She did give me some motivation to write about 30% of my book. Hopefully I can fire up some more motivation to finish the other 70%.

>> No.9429022

Maybe someday you'll fire up the motivation to write that fucking letter to her you autist.

>> No.9429122

>t. Emmanuel Macron

>> No.9429123
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>> No.9429138

Fiction is for plebs. Non-fiction and textbooks are for patrician minds only. Debate me.

>> No.9429166

Because we're more insecure than men, and we don't need to read a lot to seem interesting.

But mostly because I'm insecure.

>> No.9429173

By "great music" you probably mean plebshit like Coil or Swans. And lmao at reading Dosto being impressive

Women really don't need to do anything, do they

>> No.9429188

>Women really don't need to do anything, do they
What have you done?

>> No.9429197

you don't need to read a lot to seem interesting because you have a pussy and that makes you as interesting as you're ever going to be until after sex

>> No.9429206

I fail to see how being insecure causes one to gravitate towards plebeian literature.

>> No.9429211

met your mom for a quickie last night

>> No.9429214

i got into Caltech

>> No.9429406

It's something lower than plebian taste desu.

>> No.9429497


Yes beta, just give them harmless fun free of charge

>> No.9429563

They are too busy manipulating and lying. Prefer crosswords.

>> No.9429576

Ah yeah I love reading. erminds me of how dumb women are and how much I hate them. Any other readers out there hate the retardde women?

>> No.9429580

it's their small brains and small skulls

>> No.9429610

because the quality of the books isn't important to them, having a colourful bookshelf is

>> No.9429614

>I like Lovecraft
Literally nothing wrong with this. Beyond the "le epic cthulhu madness xD" he is patrician af.

>> No.9429629

Ive fucked about 40 women by now and besides the ones I had hard feelings for Ive always felt dread/shame/uneagerness post and sometimes mid coitus just because they werent as intellectual as I am. Only very few of these women appeared intelligent but they reveal their true pleb form soon enough for my dick to go limp.

>> No.9429668


Yeah, I also read all the time, and I'm really smart and have sex a lot. And my limp cock that doesnt work is just because of how stupid women are too.

>> No.9429812


I prefer women to men. I'm just more comfortable around them. I think it's oedipal desu.

>> No.9430083

pol isnt ironic anon

>> No.9430094

/pol/ aren't Nazis anymore either.

They're unironic neoconservatives.

>> No.9430097

Women are really scary desu.

>> No.9430126

try tongue but hole

>> No.9430665
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Lovecraft is my go to comfy author

>> No.9430883

>plebshit like Coil

are you fucking serious

>> No.9430891

With women I don't feel like I have to compete like I have to with men

>> No.9430901

Men are the most fee. See the cannon.

>> No.9430909


>> No.9430912

why do men smell so bad?

>> No.9430921

I can relate.

>> No.9430927

>besides a relative
So tastes are a culture thing?

>> No.9430929

Because they don't need to be smart or cultured to be accepted and don't care about mentally bettering themselves.

>> No.9430932

Because you kiss them on the peepee

>> No.9430936

I think if you made a list of priorities for women, being smart would not be at the top for most. As a result they are perfectly content reading material that doesn't enhance or contribute to their thoughts. They view reading similar to reading teen vogue or some blog.

just conjecture tho

>> No.9430940
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>> No.9430943
File: 152 KB, 600x729, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that library
>literally (L I T E R A L L Y) none of those books is worth reading

Does she even realize how fucking retarded reading that shit is? Does she realize how much actual knowledge ahe could have gathered by reading as many worthwhile books as she did with YA trash? She could have been a actually erudite intellectual at this point, but no, let's read "book about a teenager fulfilling a prophecy in a fantasy context #39".

I won't ever understand people like the one in the pic posted by OP. Do they EVER think deeply about what they're doing?

>> No.9430945

>With women I don't feel like I have to compete

Well you do have to compete with women. In every single endeavor.

>> No.9430950

Are you really dumb or just a woman?

>> No.9430956

Neither. I just wanted you to know that your feelings don't matter.

>> No.9430964

I agree, but I'm not that guy you first replied to. You're still dumb, dumbo

>> No.9430969

>but I'm not that guy you first replied to.

So why respond to me sperglord?

>> No.9430973

A board full of fucking pseud like /lit/ is has no right to accuse anyone of only trying to look smart.

>> No.9430980

Because you made an extremely stupid statement so I wanted to let you know?

>> No.9430983

I don't see how it was stupid, but whatever.

>> No.9431007

You don't have to compete when you already won.

>> No.9431010

If you look at any statistic in society that compares women to men in the Western world, men aren't winning a lot actually, unless you consider 4 times higher suicide rate winning.

>> No.9431015

>being this oblivious
you don't even understand what he means with "compete" lol, you're a woman aren't you?

>> No.9431020

woman detected

>> No.9431023

Competition implies winners and losers you pedantic sperg.

>> No.9431035

jesus christ you're dense
he meant the competition for being the "alpha" of the group, when you're hanging out with women you're not constantly in alert mode to defend your reputation from insult like you are in a group with men. It's not competition with women, it's competition for women. Now fuck off you dumb cunt

>> No.9431049

Yeah and women are getting to be more "alpha" these days. They make more money, they get better jobs, and they get more college-educated than men do.

So yeah, men also compete with women. The competition isn't as obvious because you want to fuck them, but it still exists.

Mongoloid sperg.

>> No.9431052

Please take a moment to calm yourself down and remember that your "quest" for erudition is no less self serving and indulgent than what that girl does.

>> No.9431068

It may not be less self serving but it is certainly more valuable. Eating in front of a television and writing a book are both self serving but one has more merit than the other.

Women are so alpha now that they cry about the patriarchy and sexism constantly

>> No.9431076

>my vain pursuits have more merit than yours because if not I can't feel superior to you

>> No.9431095

A business man who wishes to become rich and creates a business that employs hundreds has more weight than a man who works out to make himself look better. Both are vain but I don't think you'd argue that one is better.

>> No.9431101

>I don't think you'd argue that one is better.
You're right, I wouldn't.

>> No.9431104

Well I think the same applies to intelligence. Becoming smarter has benefits that I think extend and touch others.

>> No.9431105

>Women are so alpha now that they cry about the patriarchy and sexism constantly

Some do and some don't, just like you can juxtapose Arnold Schwarzenegger with /r9k/.

>> No.9431111

You completely missed the part where I was just pointing out how you misphrased your post. But that doesn't matter, yes intelligence does have it's benefits but that also doesn't really matter here because you, like most faggots on this board, are driven by a desire to feel superior to others, not to somehow improve their lives or something.

>> No.9431118

Don't know why I made that dumb generalization. I agree with your original point that women are becoming more dominant in society. I believe its to the detriment of our country but there wasn't anything incorrect about what you said.

>> No.9431129

I'll blame my lack of attention to detail on sleep deprivation. You're right, my pursuit of knowledge is largely, if not completely, driven by my insecurities and wanting to feel better than others. I was just proving a point.

>> No.9431137

Fair enough.

>> No.9431174

underage b&

>> No.9431191


The girl I'm seeing at the moment says she can't read much because it takes too much time and she ends up re-reading the page three times while constantly trying to visualise the image in her head. She's very artistic and it's probably the best reason I've ever heard in favour of not actually reading much.

My ex was just intellectually lazy.

>> No.9431222

t. virgins
You're thinking of 15 yo teenage girls. Not all of us like John Green kind of shit.

>> No.9431225

4chan was built on adolescent male insecurity but this is just pathetic...

>> No.9431243


Okay, but do you like cocktails because I know a good place.

>> No.9431259
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>Not all of us

>> No.9431268


>> No.9431276
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>> No.9431332
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C'mon lads. /lit/ needs more vaginas, don't tell me to go away.

>> No.9431338

>/lit/ needs more vaginas,

>> No.9431350

Since, I assume, you won't be posting pics of said vagina, it's presence on an anonymous internet imageboard is meaningless to me.

>> No.9431368

Get out faggit

>> No.9431446

Idk Atwood is number four and she has some good shit

>> No.9431457
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didn't fairly oddparents and star trek already do this?

>> No.9431463

who the fuck would read that

>> No.9431468
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>book 1 of 6

>> No.9431490

>he can only get dumb women to sleep with him
Fucking pathetic

>> No.9431494


>> No.9431499

>he's dumb enough to think all women aren't dumb

>> No.9431515

I've read several of your comments and it's only reinforced my belief that you have the mind of a virgin

>> No.9431524

>soiling yourself with a woman and being proud of it

>> No.9431591

Alot of people try to ride the geek culture train now and pretend/force themselves to like star wars for no apparent reason.

>> No.9431623

Oh please, I bet you plebeian swines all have shit taste in books too

>> No.9431784

My mom too. She's literature teacher and has read more books than all of her relatives combined. And she has a very patrician taste too. Not too smart tho, but does understand prose and poetry really well. She reads 3 fat books in a week during school breaks. Always recommended me good stuff. I think she's one of the literature teachers in this city with most profound knowledge of books. Our house is a library desu.

>> No.9431799

post vagina, we'll rate you against traps

>> No.9431819

They are physically incapable of having IQs higher than 110 disregarding freak of nature type things

>> No.9431836
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Post pics of your mom

>> No.9431849

I would, but i don't want you to masturbate looking at her. she used to be pretty cute, she's nearing retirement now so she's almost old lady but still looks good.

>> No.9432005

Post pics of library house then

>> No.9432304

Men are the most fee in an intelligent way

>> No.9432311

Why is literally everybody on here so insecure? Not just this board, but the whole site it seems like. At least the big meme boards.

>> No.9432629

i'll try to snap photos of it tomorrow in daylight. can't promise.

>> No.9434092

Being insecure has definitely benefitted me though. Got me to start reading a lot more and adopt other worthwhile hobbies. It is the catalyst of my self improvement.

>> No.9434226

Ah the famous gender norm of the gap

>> No.9434254
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Because the world runs on people being insecure, and now they can all get together and share their insecurities with a community.

If a community has it, it's not just them; further justifying their insecurities.

>> No.9434287
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>Ugh, why are people such mindless sheeps? Why can't they be erudite intellectuals like me?

>> No.9434389

nobody cares, cunt. stop posting.

>> No.9434391

no we do not. women are incapable of intellectual thought so i would prefer keeping as much of them out of here.

>> No.9434392

If women had "plebian" taste, you wouldn't be a virgin.

>> No.9434405

I've only seen women buying and reading unashamedly self-help, hypnosis or homeopathy books.

Really makes you think

>> No.9434444


>woman has shitty taste


>man has shit taste

>"wow this guy has shit taste what a retard"

This is legitimate misogyny. You're all so fucking stupid.

>> No.9434454

I don't get it, is it sarcasm?

>> No.9434469

>so that's just what everyone bought to make it look like they were cultured.
That's bullshit, but I believe it.

>> No.9434488

>Not really something to be proud of.
How come? A real high-quality pencil sharpener will sharpen any pen. The pencil, however, wears out.

>> No.9434492

Are there no women in Caltech, then?

>> No.9434493

Women are good at advertising themselves. Their biology drives them to it. Most women who read do it to advertise that they read.
Key word: most. You should never look up to the average; or the 'equal'.

>> No.9434505


This type of conversation might as well be casual in the context of 4chan. True objectivity is a rarity. Instead most make the mistake in thinking that the tougher pill to swallow is always, without exception, the one done with the least amount of feeling attached to it. It's strange like >>9432311 said, there is so much insecurity, but still it does nothing worthwhile to strengthen their capacity for self-reflection.

>> No.9434514

>lmao women are too dumb for school
>women enter schools and perform better than men
>whoa man education is sexist, girls only get better grades because they behave themselves and boys can't behave because girls distract them

>women are dumb because of low IQ
>women surpass men in IQ
>whoa whoa whoa IQ tests don't mean anything and women aren't actually intelligent, they're just good at those tests that don't really tell shit

>well women are dumb because they read shit books
>that's just one woman and most men have shit taste as well
>but in this picture there's a woman with shit books and on my bookshelf there are very good books like Infinite Jest and mom ate all the pizza women are fucking dumb retards

When will it end?

>> No.9434519


I'd considered it akin to a Ryu Murakami novel.

>> No.9434524

Ur moms a dumb skank anon lol

>> No.9434530


Childish women are great. Gives me a reason to chill the fuck out and enjoy life once in a while.

>> No.9434556

Men care about the average man about as much as the woman. Men are focused on the top men and the men in their group. Nerd men who passed school with a breeze do not associate with barely literate proletariat. Their philosophy - if you can call it that - revolves around capability.
>I can fix engines!
>I can build structures!
Respectable things. They do require 3D thinking, albeit I doubt that any of them was any good at mathematics.

Men want to be the top individual or part of the top group. Doesn't mean we think of the same top.

Women have an in-group called 'all women'. Just as jews have an in-group called 'all jews'.
>Those who didn't stopped being jews, you see.
They can bicker and argue brutally amongst one another, but get an outsider to criticize them aka. challenge their societal status and power, and they will ally in unison to chant the song of their people:
>Misogynist! Sexist! Antisemite!

Men who call women stupid are
>proletariat who never see women doing anything what they consider productive. They don't associate with nerds, bookworms etc. They are hot air to them.
>nerds who see the full A's girls as dumb because they see the Cleverbot behavior
>people who have tried to argue with women

>> No.9434630

Kill yourself

>> No.9434658

Shit waste of quads desu

>> No.9434668

Really made me tonk

>> No.9434781

ok two-hole, what are you reading currently?

>> No.9434789
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>why do WOMYN have such plebian taste in books?

>> No.9434792

Because women read more than men on average so there's a larger pool of normie female readers than male readers

>> No.9434795
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>Not sure what that has to do with my post, though.

Your not sure what your experience with women has to do with your opinion of women?

>> No.9434797

Because a large part of progress comes from negativity. Hegel's dialectical movements note the necessity of an inner conflict among the parts of the complex in order to increase the complexity of both part product of the synthesis in the solution of the negativity - it is a repeating process that at each steps increases the complexity of the elements.

Taste in books (or studies/work of any kind for what matter) progress in consideration of the elements and their relations the reader takes into account in the context of the piece. In an academic context there is evident negativity, because at the very least, there are professor that will apply criticism regardless of the gender of the student (when you're old you don't have many fucks to give). However, in a regular social context, women (men too, but at a considerable diminished extent) receive a great deal of attention for whatever activities they peform, thus there is a positive relation among women and the society of public readers that would rather not create a conflict with their potential friend/partner. Because of this lack of negativity there is barely any self-reflection of their own appreciation of art since it is more than justified by society. In any case society has influence, but in an academic context, the lack of immediate approval forces the subject to self-reflect on her own knowledge of literature question why the pieces she used to hold in high regard do not stand academic scrutinity - most often this high regard dissappear and the art pieces are replaced by new ones through discrete but permanent movements.

The positivity of gender-relations is the cause of
the general primitive artistic appreciation in women without formal studies on the matter.

>> No.9434841


Are you autistic?

>> No.9434856


Hard to disagree with that. You'd have to be mad to think expectations of men aren't higher than women. Not even a reactionary but sit down at a family meal and start to ask who gets a harder time about what they're doing in life, you or your sister. It'll be the guy every fucking time.

>> No.9434949

1. school has nothing to do with being smart, women are just better at memorization and are more disciplined. They almost never have an original thought.
2. That's a lie
3. You have a point there
Bottom line is, women are worse than men when it comes to thinking, just as whites are worse at running than blacks. It's a stereotype that mostly holds true, it's not >>9434444
muh sojiny. As much as I know for the sane people here, if a woman would be smart, they'd acknowledge it. I even know some women that are pretty good on the field of literature and I fucked a fair amount of them, but a truly insightful intelligent woman is a rarity, compared to men, no matter how they raise them, but take threads such as this as a stereotype. If someone says Jews only care about the money, you know NOT ALL JEWS care about the money but most of them really do. Just stop trying to be so PC.

>> No.9434954

more like biology

>> No.9435001
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>I fucked a fair amount of them

This is either bullshit or you've added it in to an unrelated post so you could brag to strangers on the internet. Either way you're a moron.

>> No.9435008


>> No.9435011
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>more like biology

Go for it. I'm listening

>> No.9435050

Because they are inferior. End of discussion.

>> No.9435077

is this an abstract pepe

>> No.9435138

It be

>> No.9435150

I've added it to contradict the point ITT that everyone hating on women has no experience with them whatsoever.

>> No.9435187

>having had sex immediately ruins whatever point you're trying to make
really made me think..

>> No.9435197
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Tis thred aggen

>> No.9435205

The difference between men and women.

Let me break down this novel and provide some historical context that may shed light on the motivations of various characters.


Hey Youtube! Let me give you brief history of my personal life and just how long it took me to read this book and how little I knew going into it. Then after that I'll tell you how much I enjoyed reading this book over and over again so I can stretch out this video long enough for some sweet ad revenue.


>> No.9435217

Why do you have dick measuring contests with women? You know that drama and less love stories are a poor conductor of abstract ideas, unless they fit that form of delivery.

You have evolved different clusters and gradients of social strategies, get over it

>> No.9435219

Where did I say that? I simply said he was a moron, nothing more.

>> No.9435248


>> No.9435261

I pretend to be retarded to get men to buy be things.
Then I don't have sex with them.

>> No.9435274

>There are dudes out there who fall for the buying women shit meme

Really boggles my noggle

>> No.9435285

Please be in Zurich.

>> No.9435423

Actually, many men and women have a very plebian taste in books, they read the same way they watch a movie on Netflix, treating literature as entertainment instead of art.

>> No.9435623


We created a general so you shitheads would stop fucking complaining about fantasy not being real books. Can you fucking leave us alone?

>> No.9435709

because there's no call for women to do anything in life. they don't feel the need to go look for answers. they can just slut around, eyes glued to their phone, doing nothing their whole life and that's socially acceptable.

>> No.9435728

Yes, but the only women I ever liked were women(man), not a fag though.

>> No.9435876


Wow, your mama is young. I was born in the 1980s as well.

>> No.9436052
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>anon outs herself as a woman
>proceeds in trying to make the thread revolve around her now

>> No.9436069

>before I first had sex : women aren't capable of intellectual thought
>me after having sex: women still aren't capable of intellectual thought
You think just because some virgin sticks his dick into your gross, yeasty vagina he'll now suddenly think that you're capable of understanding complex concepts in art and literature?

>> No.9436715
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Girl1 read anarchist tracts
Girl2 read half of Water for Elephants
Girl3 read harry potter (english major btw)

Basically if I want to fuck a well read person I'm going to have to work on my flexibility.

>> No.9436726
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It's almost as if attention is all they live for.

>> No.9437005


Why does /lit/ hate YA books and authors so much? Did a YA author piss in your guy's cereal this morning or something?

>> No.9437022

Femanon here. As a girl, I think you're being very unfair to women. Girl here btw. I don't think that women just post to get attention for being women. Less than 50% of my posts mention my gender (which is female) at all! I only post that I'm a girl, which I am, when it's relevant, like when I'm saying what book I read that week and I want people to know that I, as a girl, was a girl reading that book.

t. femanon, femanon here, girl here, if you reply to me I'll reply back to you like this is my personal chatroom, but I don't want attention, don't hit on me boys, I can use an anonymous website just like the rest of you even though I'm a girl, girl here

>> No.9437037

Hey mods; this blows.
I don't think this has shit to do with discussing literature.

>> No.9437046

>Femanon here. As a girl, I think you're being very unfair to women. Girl here btw. I don't think that women just post to get attention for being women. Less than 50% of my posts mention my gender (which is female) at all! I only post that I'm a girl, which I am, when it's relevant, like when I'm saying what book I read that week and I want people to know that I, as a girl, was a girl reading that book.
>t. femanon, femanon here, girl here, if you reply to me I'll reply back to you like this is my personal chatroom, but I don't want attention, don't hit on me boys, I can use an anonymous website just like the rest of you even though I'm a girl, girl here
Without exaggerating though, this satire is pretty much spot-on.

I'm glad 4chan is still cynical and misogynist, if we allowed too much feminine influence here it would just become a glorified form of masturbation, circlejerk, sublimated sex, white knights, etc.

>> No.9437094

Manchildren BTFO

>> No.9437098

Thank you Hegelposter

>> No.9437109

I keep stopping at this thread because the OP pic grabs my attention and I consider bare shoulders to be very enticing. I have not been paying much attention to this war and have no stake in it. Carry on.

>> No.9437125

Same, though it's her eyes for me

>> No.9437130

Yeah, women aren't as driven as men. Even when they are turbofeminists and try to act as active and masculinized as possible, there's an inherent passivity and hyperemotionality to them.

On the surface, in the short run, they may seem to outperform guys in schools; this is because they are passive, dutiful, and obedient by nature. Their only wish (when they have the intellectual capacity enough) is to do as well in school as possible, more or less. They sit home meekly and do their homework, most of the academically smart girls I've known seem to have no genuine passion for what they pursue, just a sort of dabbling interest -- "Well, I want to make my parents proud and do well in life". They don't appreciate certain subjects for themselves, get into them almost autistically like men do --- sometimes they gravitate to one and may even become teachers, professors, or researchers in the field simply because, by some chance swaying, they liked it in college or since a child slightly more than other subjects.

The more "ambitious" women's only ambition is to be turbofeminists screaming at men around them so they can be more emasculated and docile and listen to their ideology; basically, they're into "politics", not for a noble desire but more just because it's an easy way to get respect and satisfy their vanity and feel they're doing something important, like they're helping the weak and unfortunate (which is what women want to do --- mother and pity the weak and unfortunate).

In the long-run, men are ultimately more innovators, creative, and successful because, paradoxically, they are more selfish and more stupid in a noble way. Men want to be great, even if only for themselves, even if while saying fuck you to everyone else around them and even if denying their own pleasure. They're capable of autistically pursuing a single subject (math, music, philosophy, science, literature, sculpture, art, whatever) or even many in the general pursuit for self-perfection. Women mostly just want the most pleasure and easiness for themselves and go for it in variously roundabout ways, and sometimes this includes making themselves think that they're actually intellectually active and inquiring people (which they're mostly, sadly, not on the inside --- they're just unsuccessfully aping men).

Seriously, women are inherently timid, passive, and docile, even the turbo-feminist ones, it shows up no matter how much they may try to hide it. It could sometimes be a deep inward moral and intellectual passivity and timidity.

tl;dr i'm sorry women i love you

>> No.9437134

Damn, I will give you that.

>> No.9437154

This is a nice feeling, almost benevolent in the fact that you physically and mentally tower over them in every way yet indulge their little fantasies and whims

>> No.9437703

I agree. I don't think a women has ever said something that really made me think much.

>> No.9437724

Hey man, thanks for this. Even if I'm not sure it's 100% accurate, it made me think about things in a new way.

>> No.9437732

I unironically love that painting.

>> No.9437739


>> No.9437742
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>> No.9437753

I know a lot of female spergers who don't match that model, but broadly what you say is true. What's worrisome for me is that kind of sperging is, in my experience, disappearing from more and more men. One could call it the feminisation of society (and a lot of the socialisation processes are now geared towards what you call female attributes), but I think it's more related to a broader process which doesn't necessarily advantage women. The idea of being passive, dutiful, and obedient as prime virtues, and rote learning of a very narrow standard socio-political language has precedence which doesn't benefit women in the application of the Imperial Exams in China, where only examination on a narrow set of classics determined one's place in the socio-political strata; the result was obviously incompetent government whose only virtue was being able to repeat the standardised texts of the exam with greater accuracy the higher one went in government. I think we're running the risk of that, not because women have authored the text, but, because of the validity of the text to power; it is far more valuable to imperial forces to have a unified and passive, but, largely, accepting of higher authority and unintelligible ruling class, than to have the spergers you're talking about. The same thing is replicated in some sola scriptura sects, where it appears authority is based in the text rather than the top down authority of the founder, and despite the text, no other interpretation is valid than that of the founder. I doubt women are themselves the power in this situation, though they are the apparent source of the texts, and blaming them is probably as useful as blaming a village magistrate who did poorly on the Imperial Exam in China.

>> No.9438299

We need more Hegel

>> No.9439248

it's sad how true this is

>> No.9439323

Lovecraft is complex, well written, esoteric, and archaic in a way that doesn't appeal to casual readers as much as other popular books in the horror/sci fi genre.

>> No.9439851

Not him, but we get females that show up and just talk and laugh among themselves in class. Most usually end up dropping out.

>> No.9440284


>> No.9440337

>well written
Lovecraft has a handful of stories that are well written. That said he isn't worthless by any means, and it makes me sad how memed Cthulhu is in popular culture

>> No.9440368

I think you would like this post: https://salo-forum.com/index.php?threads/paolo-uccello-portrait-of-a-renaissance-sperg.1548/#post-6879

>> No.9440420

he's slightly off on his greek and aspergers has always been a special snowflake disorder, but he's not paranoid. my degree in memes tells me he doesn't see how that's also enframing.

>> No.9440565

This thread made me realize that after you stick your dick in a vagina for the first time, you're allowed to enter in a magical real filled with intelligent women. If you are not a virgin and can't enter this realm, it's because the woman you've fucked was not as much of a special snowflake as the brilliant minds on /lit/.
Now I need a sandwich.

>> No.9441241

>tfw this is turning out to be true for me

Should I just kill myself? I'm not good looking so I'm not even useful as a sex object.

>> No.9441260


If you hate women there's probably something wrong with you, no joke.

>> No.9441298

Except that the % of women who have shit taste is way bigger than the % of men who do, which leads to easier generalisiation. Dumbass.

>> No.9441330

I don't hate em, I just think they're dumb

>> No.9441342

I know more women with good taste in books than men.

>> No.9441349


Why? Based on what?

>> No.9441415

this pretty much
99% of this board (including me & prob u) are just pseudo fucks

>> No.9441435

obvious projection is obvious
are you a woman or what?

>> No.9441484

Why do you care what other people enjoy?

>> No.9441492
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Exchanging "women" into the word "normies" we would come closer to desired results

>> No.9441544

>Based on what?
Personal experience.
The few bright women I've met were literally autistic or masculine dykes. The feminine mindset is antithetical to genius

>> No.9441728

>only reinforced my belief that women have the minds of children.

Most women think this of men though.

>> No.9441736

I'm the same. I find it incredibly fucking difficult to relate to men or make male friends, although I do have a small group of old ones.

However, I get along with women really well, and also find seducing them very easy compared to how most men seem to find it.

There's pros and cons to everything I suppose.

>> No.9441742

>he meant the competition for being the "alpha" of the group, when you're hanging out with women you're not constantly in alert mode to defend your reputation from insult like you are in a group with men. It's not competition with women, it's competition for women

I'm a man. If you're constantly feeling like you have to compete and "be alpha" around your friends, find new friends who aren't a bunch of kids. Jesus that's pathetic.

>> No.9441780

You might be right. The past few months I've become repulsed by women. I don't know what happened.

>> No.9442412

t. roastie

t. reddit

t. roastie

>> No.9442697

Women and normies are basically synonymous.

>> No.9442823

I'm sure you're just about to post the source for that statement, as well as an objective definition of what exactly constitutes "shit taste"
Pro tip: "liking books I don't like" doesn't count.

>> No.9444082

Is there any point in talking to women about literature? I only know two women who have some interest in books, but their favourite book is Looking for Alaska. The other women just say they don't read or just give vague responses.

>> No.9444095


>she also

You mean "but"

>> No.9444103

t. virgin

>> No.9444113


You know what they say about anecdotal evidence anon?

>> No.9444142
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Sometimes I get mildly butthurt when an anon shits on my tastes, but then I see threads like this that remind me that a good portion of anons will spaz the fuck out at the mere mention of the fairer sex. Reminds me to not take anon's so seriously, because - in reality - the guy shitting on your taste in books probably uses gross, outdated, farcical social darwinist bullshit to justify to themselves why women wont touch their shitty self important bodies.

Thanks for the lulz, OP. I'm not sure if you were being serious or, like me, find it funny when shitboys come out of the woodwork to espouse their pol-science theories on why women don't like them, but regardless: doin the lords good work with that (possibly accidental) b8.

>> No.9444154

>smart, well adjusted, hetero women refuse to be around him

did you never develop object permanence?

>> No.9444167

found the progressive
Think of me whenever you watch your gf get reamed by a big black bull

>> No.9444168


>> No.9444218

Man, I've probably met more men with an extremely shitty taste than women. The women may at least be a bit self-conscious about it when they like some crap YA thing, the dudebros who wank over "a song of ice and fire" are the worst.

Then again I don't live in America or any place like that, "YA fandoms" or whatever aren't that big here. So you rarely meet "that kind of" "book lovers". If someone is a dubious "book lover", they probably read detective novels, generic fantasy or sci-fi. Plenty of people who enjoy reading do go for relatively good stuff.

Harry Potter fans I don't even mind, they do pretty clearly realise that they like it because they grew with it.

>> No.9444259

Honestly this is such a shitshow to read. Essentially you take mediocrity of the masses and project it entirely on to a gender. Also completely ignoring the fact of forced social norms and history of essentially denying women any major roles in science (and everywhere else) on purpose for hundreds of years.

Yet irregardless of that you take it a step even further. You attempt to use anecdotal evidence and appeal to "nature" as some kind of proof of women being lesser to men. Women are "timid, passive, and docile" according to you and less "ambitious". Yet with actual results like women doing better in school you say "they are passive, dutiful, and obedient by nature." t-t-thats why they did better!

Essentially all you've done is set up an unfalsifiable claim on the inferiority of women with no actual substance but basically just writing drivel to appeal to the average moronic misogynist on 4chan.