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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 105 KB, 1200x1200, ELMYO-everymans-library-myo-front-1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9424333 No.9424333 [Reply] [Original]

Who makes the best hardcovers and why is it Everyman's?

>> No.9424349

Everyman's is, quite literally, for poor plebs. Get some Franklin Library or Easton Press books.

>> No.9424379

Only girls who read YA and want a vanity copy of Tolstoy to make themselves look well read buy either of those. Everyman's prints high quality books that will last for you to give to your grandkids, and they'll still look classy when you do. If you buy Franklin or Easton, they'll know you were a pseud.

>> No.9424382

Easton and Franklin are, quite literally, for poor plebs. Get some leather-bound antiquarian books.

>> No.9424391

It's amazing how thin their pages are and how nice they feel
They make 800+ page books feel like a 350 page book

>> No.9424401


Yes. Calfskin feels like suede. They really don't make them like they used to.

>> No.9424408

Great publisher, but dont get water on the thing or it will fucking destroy the text on the spine and make the material lift up on the covers. I mean, if unlike me you are not retarded enough to spill a glass of water on your book you should be fine, but still be careful.

>> No.9424409

I collect old Everyman cloths. The best.

>> No.9424414

Then you have to deal with leather treatments and UV filters and humidity-controlled rooms.

I'm fully aware that Franklin and Easton are entry-level "fine press" books, but they look nice on the shelf and feel nice in the hands without breaking the bank. I don't have $ 3,500 bucks to spend on one Arion press novel.

>> No.9424465

You forgot Folio Society.

>> No.9424482

Those are nice too, but the good bindings can be pretty expensive compared to franklin/easton.

Or, you know, people who enjoy having nice leather-bound editions of classics. Franklin library and easton both have tasteful bindings that look and feel great. Along with the highest quality paper, and often good illustrations.

Yeah, i'll get right on spending $1-3,000 dollars per book, anon. Even patricians are not that retarded.

>> No.9424498
File: 12 KB, 478x361, You're wasting money you mong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Those are nice too, but the good bindings can be pretty expensive compared to franklin/easton.

>> No.9424499

They've got nothing on Library of America editions. The pages are like tissue paper.

Still, I appreciate their keeping a lot of authors in print.

>> No.9424501

i have one and the quality isnt great

>> No.9424507
File: 46 KB, 800x800, 7023feb2-edcd-4e45-a5c2-424557c92124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you, perchance, colorblind? Because that's the only way someone could possibly think this is "tasteful." It looks like someone vomited Trix yogurt on a magic eye image.

>> No.9424519

>They've got nothing on Library of America editions. The pages are like tissue paper.

This. I recently bought Emerson's Essays and Lectures because it was extremely cheap even though it was new (like 10 dollars). I expected a very thick volume, but I was surprised to find it was actually rather thin even at 800+ pages.

>> No.9424520
File: 344 KB, 1280x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picked these up at lunch today

>> No.9424521

Cherrypicking isn't a very good argument. Yes, that one isn't very good, but they still have a lot of tasteful bindings.

>> No.9424524


You're all pseuds. Just buy an old cheap paperback at a used book store like any normal reader.

>> No.9424536
File: 1.39 MB, 4032x2630, 20170424_222617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are some nice ones.
Here's some of my collection

>> No.9424539

You can't show me a single one that you wouldn't be embarassed to have Harold Bloom see on your bookshelf.

>> No.9424541

>Not 1940s-1960s modern library found in used bookstores along empty backroads in vt and nh

all plebs, all of you

>> No.9424548

>she proudly shows that she only owns part one of In Search of Lost Time

Have you read a single one of those all the way through, Emily?

>> No.9424556

I have the rest in paperback. And I've read most of them in entirety. I just need to finish Anna Karenina, Tristram Shandy, and Chekhov's plays.

>> No.9424574

this is the goat

>> No.9424578

btfo >>9424556

>> No.9424585

Leather-bound books are the most psued thing there is. They don't look good, they're expensive, and the only purpose of them is to show off. Taking the dust jacket off any Viking hardcover looks better than that trash. You have convinced me that you've never read a book in your life.

>> No.9424588

Really? Because your Chaucer is worn down, but the rest look untouched. Surely you didn't just happen to change up your reading habits to spite ol' Geoffrey? Also, >>9424578 samefag

>> No.9424592

Another pleb who thinks you have to ruin your belongings to look cool for Internet faggots. Fuck, I thought this board was for adults.

>> No.9424594

>Also, >>9424578 (You) samefag
did your mom ever teach you about the boy who cried wolf?

these are me

>> No.9424597


>but still


>> No.9424598

The point isn't that anon didn't ruin all of them, it's that she did ruin one. If her reading habits don't wear down her books, great. But why did she ruin her Chaucer, then?

>> No.9424600

Canterbury tales looks worn down because the spine got smashed by something. Leather-bound books look untouched if you treat them well. That's one of the points of having them: they last for a very long time. These books are all 30-40 years old.

>> No.9424607

Apparently yours didn't. Nowhere else in this thread has anyone accused or been accused of samefaggery. And you should really post a screenshot if you're bothering to respond at all.

>> No.9424618

Fair enough, but maybe she bought it used?

>> No.9424624
File: 9 KB, 1161x69, fag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i already know youre the type of goon to cry samefag everytime he gets rocked

>inb4 'u edited the pic'

>> No.9424684
File: 2.58 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. Looks like we have a lot of the same volumes.

>> No.9424695
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>> No.9424700
File: 2.49 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really need to invest in better bookshelves.

>> No.9424703
File: 2.52 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9424757

Those all look great. I just find reading a paperback a lot more comfortable.

>> No.9424774

>a publisher called "Everyman's" prints hardcovers meant to be inexpensive

What a shocker.

>> No.9424819

I don't do a whole lot of reading out of the house, and when I do it's on a kobo, so I've been trying to replace my old paperbacks with Franklins or Eastons. I've also got a shelf of Folios and Heritage Press. If books are going to take up an entire wall of a room, they might as well look nice. They're only ~30 bucks

>> No.9424827

theyre also fuck huge relative to the page count so its easy to take up a lot of space

someone will call this pseudo-intellectual posturing but im just stating an objective fact relevant to a post in this thread

>> No.9424835

>not idly rich

>> No.9424872

their Lolita is glued-together trash
that's what I actually dislike about them

>> No.9425163

Are leather bound books mostly for decoration? They seem unwieldy and hard to read with comfortably.

>> No.9425184

Yikes you're materialistic and seemingly disgenuine

>> No.9425199

They're more comfortable to read than paperbacks

>> No.9425201


It does look a bit jarring to have all that frippery on an ikea bookcase.

>> No.9425216

These threads always remind me just how much of /lit/ are autistic teenagers with severe poorfag complexes.

>> No.9425372

What's that edition of Augustine's Confessions? Is the translation good?

>> No.9425501

All those expensive leatherbound books arranged on a cheap Billy bookcase.

>> No.9425548

>lend best bud leatherbound copy of Dante's Inferno
>months pass
>I don't usually ask for books back but this one is special
>My dead dad gave it to me before leaving for Afghanistan
>He would never return
>"So, did you read the book?"
>"Oh sure Anon, I forgot. I'll bring it to you next time we see each other."
>fast forward to next time
>Leather binding has been grossly replaced with hard paper by his vegan girlfriend, the leather stapled to some cow in North Carolina
>EVERY footnote has been cropped with scissors
>Beautiful Doré illustrations have been painted with watercolor
>All the blank pages are missing
>Marbled inlays are now inexplicably pulp paper yellow
>Someone scrawled "Dante Alighieri" with a black pen and wrote "Dorkte Allegory" below
>Friend looks at me, a sincere smile on his face, as I look at the disaster that is my father's last gift
>He doesn't seem to understand what's happening
>Run away
>Years later, I see him begging on the streets and pretend not to see him

>> No.9425572

What kind of subhuman garbage would not only do that to a book, but a friends book that he was allowed to borrow in good faith. He deserves the absolute worst. Even if the book wasn't something special to you, it'd still be awful. If a friend of mine did that to even one of my paperback books, i'd never talk to them again.

>> No.9425591

Those look really tacky and gaudy. I normally really like simple hardcovers, but those look really bad in my opinion. In fact I think they'd look 10x better without the ridging and excessive decorations.

>> No.9425593
File: 28 KB, 380x250, 1491506741924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw a greentext makes you want to kill

>> No.9425685

It's ok anon, that story was clear fiction

>> No.9425691

Funny thing is everymans library actually prints really quality hardcovers. They vary drastically in price though. Sometimes you can get them new for less than paperback, sometimes they cost 20 dollars msrp.

>> No.9425736

What kind of fucking barbarian takes the dust jackets off of their hardcovers when they're not reading them?

>> No.9425855

This. Those belong on the set of a Harry Potter movie, filled with blank pages, not in someone's home, filled with the immortal words of great authors.

>> No.9425859

>dust jackets
belong in the trash

>> No.9425864

The moral of these tyoes of stories is to NEVER EVER lend out your good shit

If someon wants a book that badly email them a fucking pdf, not pass out heirlooms

>> No.9425948

This is a matter of aesthetics, so opinions differ, but I hate how it looks to have all of the books on a shelf from the same publisher (unless it's in a bookstore). Variety of volumes adds something to the appearance.

If I went over to someone's home and saw a whole bookcase filled with a single edition, whether that be Everyman's or Easton, I would assume that they didn't read and had shelled out a lot of money for one of the publisher's "collections" to use as decoration.

>> No.9425988

how do you have time to read when you're such an awful materialist? My copy of tristram shandy cost £0.99 and it'll last me as long as i take good care of it. And when the binding breaks you can still keep the pages in order and look after them.
Also, those are some ugly fucking hardcovers.

>> No.9425990
File: 100 KB, 704x833, book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this type of hardcover style called something? This book has one of my favorite covers ever, simple gold lettering, with just enough flair and decoration.

I like it a lot more than the extravagance of:

>> No.9425993

They can have some really iffy translations though.

>> No.9425995

This my man. I have copies of Ulysses, The Age of Innocence, and The Red and The Black from Modern Library. Very comfy books, the latter two books are quite compact as well. They're solidly made and simple.

>> No.9425996
File: 146 KB, 1280x720, 033453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christ they look bad.

Now compare that with this:

>> No.9425999
File: 181 KB, 500x517, 1486114527834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing guaranteed to survive a nuclear winter (besides cockroaches) are those Reader's Digest condensed books. Whatever you think about the contents, those things are built to last.

>> No.9426004

It's called wash your greasy hands before touching the binding.

>> No.9426027
File: 98 KB, 800x755, fsdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice plastic dustcovers, pleb.

>> No.9426044

They're not mine you fucking retard.

Those are okay, but black + white > le french flag

>> No.9426050
File: 48 KB, 800x800, e4caf12a-8c88-4990-882b-79a88c392cf5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everyman's is for plebs.
>Get Easton.

>> No.9426228
File: 472 KB, 1280x960, decline-of-roman-empire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually have the everyman's decline and fall. It's fine, but I would rather have pic related tbqh.

>> No.9426239

Tacky gimmick desu

>> No.9426244

Tasteless poorfaggot desu

>> No.9426254

I'm rich enough to not care about expensive stuff, anon.

You are like those desperate lower-middle class people who think their shiny car makes them any less pleb.

>> No.9426261

>it's a poorfaggot trying really hard to LARP as 'le old money intelligentsia'
What other movie clichés do you know, kiddo?

>> No.9426271

See you'd be more convincing if your picture wasn't a pile of gaudy shit.

>> No.9426286
File: 441 KB, 1377x1167, 1482790757645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he denotes anything not meekly minimalistic and non-descript as gaudy
>he thinks his lack of any genuine taste is actually a great taste
You're one of those /fa/ teenagers, aren't you?

>> No.9426300
File: 596 KB, 2307x1495, IMG_20170425_072142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like it because it's expensive, I like it because the visual metaphor is clever and the binding otherwise seems to be nice enough. Like I said, I actually own the Everyman's edition, which is ok.

>> No.9426303

No, it's just shit. It's the kind of thing you'd see on some children's history book series.
See? Much better.

>> No.9426310

de gustibus non est disputandum

>> No.9426336

Can someone please tell me what sort of dipshit retard takes the dust jackets off of their hardcovers?

>> No.9426339

They look so stylish

>> No.9426360
File: 57 KB, 480x320, loeb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loeb Classical Library is the only correct answer.

>buying a book with only the English translation
>wasting your time reading anything not originally written in Latin or Greek

I fucking love these little books and my Greek is getting pretty good too.

>> No.9426377

Those are pretty fucking aesthetic.

Are the translations ever any good?

>> No.9426390

>Taking Gibbon this seriously

come on guys

>> No.9426402
File: 12 KB, 400x261, loeb2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Latin/Greek is on the left, the English is on the right. I try to read the original as much as possible but the English is pretty good too. It's difficult to get a sense of scale from the images but they are fairly pocket sized which makes them very nice to travel with. For example, you can easily slip one into a jacket or coat, which I very often do when I'm going to be out for a while.

>> No.9426419

>not taking Gibbon seriously

come on guy

>> No.9426450

Glad I'm not the only one who thought this.

>> No.9426518

>Not getting La Pléiade
Poor fags detected

>> No.9426533

>he likes shitty typesetting on a cheap transparent paper
Way to be faggot, frog.

>> No.9426541

The kind with better aesthetic sensibilities than you

>> No.9426725

Not particularly useful for someone who doesn't want to read Greek then.

>> No.9426773

>Not buying used paperbacks and selling them for a profit after reading them

>> No.9426781

>Not stealing books from the library and selling them for a profit

>> No.9426858

That's not a particularly expensive set. Saw it in mint condition at a used book store last week for $60.

>> No.9426860

How many and which loebs do you have?

>> No.9426873

>doesn't want to read Greek
Please go back to /r/books

>> No.9426878

I do want a literal translation, but yeah nah I've got better languages to learn than something as well-translated as Greek.

>> No.9426888

>he tells you there's English on one side
>"lol i dun wanna reed greek"

r/books is too good for you, consider suicide

>> No.9426891

He wasn't exactly raving about the translations you dongle. Why settle for Loeb, which is apparently "pretty good", when you could have other translators instead?

>> No.9426892

>le ebin translation memery
It's you who should consider returning to /r/4chan, lad.

>> No.9426909

I like the ones that look like that desu

>> No.9426917

Whoops i meant these >>9424536 lol

>> No.9426921

"Not particularly useful for someone who doesn't want to read Greek then."

Except they are. Because it has the English. They are, quite exactly, particularly useful. And then there's >>9426891 , who I assume is the same anon, demonstrating that he really did think the point of my post was that he should want to read Greek. Face it, your generous interpretation of his posts has resulted in your defending a semi-illiterate.

>> No.9426924

Second post linked was supposed to be >>9426892

>> No.9426926

Stop, anon, you're already dead.

>> No.9427043

damn that's awsome

>> No.9427063

I'm not calling him a samefag, you goon. That would imply I think he's pretending to be someone else. Or did you happen not to see >>9426924?

>> No.9427072

>Except they are. Because it has the English.

Have you bought/read loebs? Loebs are only good for reading the original language OR reading the English translation for something which isn't translated by any other publisher. They are expensive (Homer will cost you over $100 from Loeb) and the translations are generally (and, as time goes on, increasingly) intended to be very literal and academic, in contrast with, e.g., the countless attempts of translations to capture the essence of a poet, or his structure, or his wordplay. The translations are good in that they are literal; they are not "good" like the famous translations of major Greek works are (Fagles/Lattimore/Fitzgerald's Homer, Waterfield's Herodotus, etc.).

There is literally no point in buying Loebs if you can't read Greek/Latin and are trying to read something readily available elsewhere.

With that said, there remains plenty of writing which ISN'T available elsewhere, which is where Loeb becomes irreplaceable even for people who don't know the ancient languages. But the level at which most of /lit/ reads the Greeks leaves little need for buying Loebs. Most people here don't read Xenophon, let alone someone like Diodorus.

>> No.9427082

>he thinks Lattimore isn't trying to be literal and academic

Wew anon, you almost had me there

>> No.9427190

Lattimore is famous for his translations of Homer's poetic techniques. He just manages to do it while also translating pretty literally.

>> No.9427200

He's famous for being the most precise and literal translator of Homer, while also attempting to preserve the hexameter. He's valued by patricians for his precision and by pseuds for 'muh meter'.