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9422267 No.9422267 [Reply] [Original]

Is it worth reading in English? I've always heard from Muslims that the only legitimate way to read the Quran is in the original arabic or else it doesn't count. Is there any reasoning to this or are they the equivalent of the translation memers on /lit/ who say that about every non-english book? It seems to me like a cheap way to ignore any criticisms from westeners of their holy book without having to actually defend themselves.

>> No.9422296

Well I'll drop my unwanted but related opinion here.
Most of it is 'god is great and the unbelievers will burn in hell forever' with some 'fight for Allah' mixed in.

I was raised a Muslim but reading it gave me the impression Muhammed wrote it solely to recruit soldiers for his empire

>> No.9422310

Throw Quran into trash, and go reads something from Rumi, Hafez or Saadi.

Quran makes literally no sense, it follows more like a rambling of mental asylum patient.

>> No.9422359

>It seems to me like a cheap way to ignore any criticisms from westeners of their holy book without having to actually defend themselves.

Imams all over the world memorize verses of the Qur'an in Arabic and can recite them by memory (the entire book in the case of huffaz) - but do translate them and use said translations to teach and preach Islam from the Qur'an accordingly.

Islam and the Qur'an can be taught in translation, otherwise there would be no non-Arabic Islam and no Islamic clergyman would work on a translation.

Since Islam (usually) claims to be an unversal religion, translations of the Qur'an aren't simply useful tools to achieve its purposes, they are a necessity.

This is a simplification but essentially correct, I would only add REMEMBER MOSES REMEMBER MOSES REMEMBER MOSES repeated endlessly in the Meccan surat.

>> No.9422368

You'll probably be bored, but Saheeh International is a good translation apparently. Every muslim I asked recommended it.

>> No.9422399

no, not really.

>> No.9422407

Why would you read that, read the bible at least. What's the matter with you? I know the cultural Marxist lies are everywhere, but do try to grow a pair before the West is completely lost to Jamal Abu Assad, or whatever it is these things calls themselves.

>> No.9422411

I'd recommend the Pickthall translation, as it is more accurate and poetically beautiful compared to other translations (which use parenthesis a lot and have a lot of interpretative changes in the translation of a word).

This is a book from God, about God and humanity's relationship with each other and with God. If you read it in full and with an open mind and put these verses into context, you should do good in understanding and appreciating the mastery and eloquence of the most important book in human history.

>> No.9422416

The Bible has many errors and contradictions within it, but yes, it serves as a good foundation and starting point to understanding the prophets that came before Muhammad.

>> No.9422420

Stop shilling your war manual, Achmed.

>> No.9422422

The Bible hasn't an error to be found. That's lies and rhetoric care of idiotic atheist. Atheist, you'll find, are as ignorant as your Islamic Extremist.

>> No.9422423
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I read it.
Cant say im impressed.

>> No.9422426

>The Bible hasn't an error to be found
Is John the Baptist Elijah?

>> No.9422485

t. angry christian

>> No.9422576

You're worse than the nihilist scum on this board

>> No.9422680

No, he's not.

There's the atheist I mentioned earlier. And Surprise, Surprise, they're just as Salty as ever.

>> No.9422707

>The Bible hasn't an error to be found
2/10 bait. t. Catholic

>> No.9422714

Well probably because it's one of the most important books of all time and he'd like to see what all the fuss is about.

What's with /pol/ and anti-intellectualism?

>> No.9422726

And into the fray, a challenger appears.

The Unadulterated version is easy enough to understand, and it doesn't involve Killing of the Infidels to usher in the age of the Mahdi, either.

You see the bible encourages you to pray for your enemies and to uphold your Christian Conscious and to continue to deeds of Godly devotion. The preaching work is an example of Deeds of Godly devotion. Do what the apostles and Disciples did, except the healings of course.

>> No.9422767

Because there's lots of possible interpretation and translation, same way why there's somehow so many different versions of bible around.

But follow this guy tho >>9422411
And just like the bible you start by answering 'why I wanna read it'.

>> No.9422771


i hate you so much. you're going to make me convert to islam

>> No.9422781
File: 1010 KB, 400x212, based godd.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like a shittier version of what Lil B is telling us every day.

>> No.9422791

>No, he's not.
Jesus disagrees

Matthew 11:13-14
>For all the prophets and the law prophesied until John came; and if you are willing to accept it, he is Elijah who is to come.

Matthew 17:12-13
>but I tell you that Elijah has already come, and they did not recognize him, but they did to him whatever they pleased. So also the Son of Man is about to suffer at their hands.’ Then the disciples understood that he was speaking to them about John the Baptist.

>> No.9422852

I don't care what you do with your life, son. If you want to drink bleach then it's your funeral, not mine. I can warn you of the danger's of ingesting poisons but if you're keen on doing so, well, have at thee. Just don't say it was me.


Work Prophetic of Things to Come. About 450 years after Elijah’s time, Malachi prophesied that Elijah the prophet would appear “before the coming of the great and fear-inspiring day of Jehovah.” (Mal 4:5, 6) The Jews of Jesus’ day were in expectation of Elijah’s coming to fulfill this prophecy. (Mt 17:10) Some thought that Jesus was Elijah. (Mt 16:14) John the Baptizer, who wore a hair garment and a leather girdle around his loins as did Elijah, denied that he actually was Elijah in person. (2Ki 1:8; Mt 3:4; Joh 1:21) The angel had not told John’s father Zechariah that John would be Elijah, but that he would have “Elijah’s spirit and power . . . to get ready for Jehovah a prepared people.” (Lu 1:17) Jesus indicated that John did that work but was not recognized by the Jews. (Mt 17:11-13) After John’s death a visionary appearance of Elijah along with Moses occurred at Jesus’ transfiguration, indicating that there was something yet to take place as represented by the work that Elijah had done.—Mr 9:1-8.

>> No.9422857

I need to read the bible before the Quran right?
I mean, isn't Islam basically Christianity that got diverted by Muhammad?
I'm going to read KJV soon anyway.

>> No.9422868

What is this?

>> No.9422879

No not really, I mean at basic and superficial level you can say they're a light ray separated by beams, but going deeper its quite different.

Also reading isn't an RPG grinding

>> No.9422884

Not really, the Qur'an pretty much starts fresh and reboots the whole thing. Like how you don't need to watch the Tim Burton batman movies to understand the Nolan ones.

>> No.9422902

The awesome chap man, The gentleman who was in the Island and the film with the octopus that drank you to death. He's a most capable actor. He played the black gladiator in Gladiator with Russell Crowe.

>> No.9422933

Muslims don't even follow that rule outside of the Arabic-speaking world. Pakis and Iranians are particularly indifferent towards it.

>> No.9422936

Oh no, I made a boo boo, the first Sentence should read as, *The Awesome chap, man,

My apologies.

>> No.9423210

>New World Translation
Ah, you're a JW, in that case I disregard your interpretations.