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/lit/ - Literature

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9419535 No.9419535 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.9419537

They would have all sucked, anyway.

>> No.9419540

i tell myself that im reading 'deeply' to feel better about myself

>> No.9419541
File: 21 KB, 400x400, 1752110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>promise yourself you'll read more and spend less time on 4chan
>read less and spend more time on 4chan

>> No.9419778

Nah, you would have found something else to do. 4chan is not the problem, it's just a symptom.

Don't beat yourself up, what has happened can't be changed. Keep this in mind and try to do the right thing next time.

>> No.9419798
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>you would have found something else to do

What else is there when all you have is 4chan?

>> No.9419836
File: 349 KB, 459x518, 399a492.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that 4chan enables a good reading experience. When I see a book being talked about here I'll look into it, if it seems interesting I'll read it, then talk about it with the people I saw talking about it before, adding up to a better understanding of it than if I had just read it on my own (plus I may have never heard of it) and talked to my normie friends about it.
I also try to only read when I'm cranking out a hot one on the dunny

>> No.9419855

Why do these pics censor the names every time fuck. I wanna read more from this guy.

>> No.9419862

it's a sign that it was posted on reddit first. they require you to block the name out I think

>> No.9419863


Suppose 4chan would not exist, you would have found another forum to shitpost on it. Or you would play videogames. Or watch TV.

>> No.9420196
File: 548 KB, 1024x768, Lighthouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan is (for all its faults) by far the most intelligent internet community in the world.

I really enjoy being able to talk to you faggots.

>> No.9420260
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Don't be absorbed in mere numbers or arbitrary sorts of pride. Cherish each book you read, let it change your life, love reading itself.

>> No.9420274

>le 'books maek u smert' meme

>> No.9420279

Doxxing is permabanned on Reddit I think.

>> No.9420497

This. Even if i manage to read 100 pages in one day, I'll still use a lot of time on 4chan.

>> No.9420663

wow, and here I thought reddit had no redeeming qualities

>> No.9420687

>4chan is (for all its faults) by far the most intelligent internet community in the world.

kek so fuckin hard

>> No.9420980
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Are you being serious?

>> No.9420996


>4chan is (for all its faults) by far the most intelligent internet community in the world.



>> No.9421060


>4chan is (for all its faults) by far the most intelligent internet community in the world.

Lurk until you're 18. Or at the very least stop making posts this wrong.

>> No.9421466

Do you think 100 pages a day is a kind of achievement?

>> No.9421501

This sounds like a completely retarded statement but on the other hand i legit can't think of better lit community

>> No.9421513
File: 16 KB, 233x279, 1493035899463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>decide to read a book
>read 2 pages before falling asleep

>> No.9421514

It is a lot for a little babby like me. My point was that i can't read more than an x amount of pages in one day, so i might as well browse lit the rest of the time.

>> No.9421557

what is the most intelligent internet community in the world?

>> No.9421574
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>> No.9421583

>read a book
>realize it was only an 8/10 and I could have spent that time reading something truly great
>feel this way every time

>> No.9422188


Which books are then 9/10 or 10/10?

>> No.9422342

That's twice more than reading 1 page and infinitely than 0.

>> No.9422701

internet ain't what it used to be. early 2000s I remember essay-length posts on sites like slashdot. now everyone is just shitposting a couple sentences from their phone.

>> No.9422906

>sit down to read
>can't concentrate
>rationalize to myself as a product of not setting up my surroundings properly, not regimenting my life enough, spending too much time on the internet
>vow to myself to get better about all that
>end up on 4chan idly listening to podcasts and making lists of things I want to read
>repeat cycle

>> No.9422974

It was a bunch of trannies and gore porn like it always has been.

>> No.9422997

>read 2 pages of a book which subject is very different from my area of studies
>force myself to read in a tight scedule
>10 pages a day
>completed in several days