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/lit/ - Literature

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9414903 No.9414903 [Reply] [Original]

>Where do you do most of your reading?

>Paper or E-book?

>Do you listen to something while reading(Music, whitenoise...)?

>Can you read with noise around you?

> What's your most autistic reading habit?

>> No.9414912 [DELETED] 

None of your business, anime pedo weeb scum

Imagine having a grown son who's into anime

>> No.9414916
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>Where do you do most of your reading?

In my bed

>Paper or E-book?

Both but mostly Ebook

>Do you listen to something while reading(Music, whitenoise...)?

Sometimes when there's too much noise I'll drown it out with white noise.

>Can you read with noise around you?


> What's your most autistic reading habit?

I only read horror when I'm alone and at night to make it more spooky.

>> No.9414919

Naked with a candle on my arse

>> No.9414923

Fuck off, /a/

>> No.9414928



Anybody who isn't doing this is absolute plebeian trash

>> No.9414938



>> No.9414955

>Where do you do most of your reading?
Only on the subway or at a concert.

>Paper or E-book?
I use a tablet.

>Do you listen to something while reading(Music, whitenoise...)?
Yes, I listen to the audiobook while reading.

>Can you read with noise around you?
I only read when there's noise around me.

> What's your most autistic reading habit?
I've only read the first page of about 97% of the books I've read; other 2% of I've read up to the first chapter, and other 1% I've read the first word. I don't have reading habit, because I've never finished a book.

>> No.9414975
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If you don't read why are you on this board?

>> No.9415016

>>Where do you do most of your reading?
>>Paper or E-book?
>>Do you listen to something while reading(Music, whitenoise...)?
>>Can you read with noise around you?
>> What's your most autistic reading habit?
Browsing /lit/ instead of reading and I also never use a book mark

>> No.9415030


>I also never use a book mark

You just remember your page or chapter?

>> No.9415066

>>Where do you do most of your reading?
at my computer desk, my light is there and i can easily google a word if i don't know it
>>Paper or E-book?
>>Do you listen to something while reading(Music, whitenoise...)?
never, but if someone is making a lot of noise then i'll stick some classical on
>>Can you read with noise around you?
>> What's your most autistic reading habit?
trying to prevent myself from looking at page numbers, gets in the way of my reading

>> No.9415074


>Where do you do most of your reading?
anywhere out in the woods, or before i go to bed.

>Paper or E-book?
paper, always paper

>Do you listen to something while reading(Music, whitenoise...)?
nope, I don't listen to stuff while reading

>Can you read with noise around you?
not really

> What's your most autistic reading habit?
not sure

>> No.9415088


You should get a kindle.

you can remove the page numbers and search words by pressing them

>> No.9415106


>>Where do you do most of your reading?

almost anywhere, the only requisite is no distractions

>>Paper or E-book?

Tablet or Paper

>>Do you listen to something while reading(Music, whitenoise...)?

Not really

>>Can you read with noise around you?

Yes, but i rather not read something i´m sure going to enjoy with noise, so i save it for the bed, i can read technical stuff with noise easy

>> What's your most autistic reading habit?

Trying to force myself to end a chapter forcefully

>> No.9415120
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>Where do you do most of your reading?
Wherever I can. Often in my bed. But sometimes in the library.

>Paper or E-book?
Ebook, but only because I can get them for free. I would love to build a personal library but that costs money and I don't have money.

>Do you listen to something while reading(Music, whitenoise...)?
Calming ambient sounds, if anything at all.

>Can you read with noise around you?
My concentration falls, for sure, but it isn't impossible.

> What's your most autistic reading habit?
I rarely finish books. I almost always get distracted by another book that looks more interesting.

>> No.9415135

>trying to prevent myself from looking at page numbers, gets in the way of my reading
Related: I sometimes get impatient with what I'm reading and look ahead to see if I'm close to finishing the chapter or section. As if it actually matters; I could just stop reading right there. I'll also sometimes feel a sense of relief if I see that I'm on a page with a lot of whitespace, signaling that I'm finally done with the chapter.

>> No.9415140

>Where do you do most of your reading?
In my bed or kitchen
>Paper or E-book?
>Do you listen to something while reading(Music, whitenoise...)?
Sometimes white noise, not usually though
>Can you read with noise around you?
> What's your most autistic reading habit?
I read a fuckton for a small period of time and then stop for a similar period of time to repeat it

>> No.9415151

>Where do you do most of your reading?
In my computer chair. Sometimes in bed. My main problem is I've never been able to find a comfortable position to read in that remains comfortable for more than like 5 minutes.

>Paper or E-book?
Paper. I don't have anything against ebooks, but I just like paper more.

>Do you listen to something while reading(Music, whitenoise...)?
Find it too distracting. Occasionally I use whitenoise if I'm in a really noisy area but generally I find whitenoise a bit distracting too.

>Can you read with noise around you?
No. Not effectively at least, I end up having to re-read passages like 5 times to get anything out of them.

>What's your most autistic reading habit?
Same as: >>9415066 >>9415135

>> No.9415162

>In my computer chair.
Sounds comfy af desu. I should get a good reading chair. All of the chairs in my apartment are wooden or metal, and I don't like reading in bed.

>> No.9415238
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>Where do you do most of your reading?

>Paper or E-book?

>Do you listen to something while reading(Music, whitenoise...)?

>Can you read with noise around you?

> What's your most autistic reading habit?
I did used to put the book right up to my eyes and it always caused me headaches. I still almost have my nose the paper when I'm writing.

Also, when I'm reading a sentence that began on the previous page, I have to flip back several times to confirm what was there.

>My main problem is I've never been able to find a comfortable position to read in that remains comfortable for more than like 5 minutes.

I know that feel.

>> No.9415246

>> What's your most autistic reading habit?
I have several books on the go at once and switch between them every 150 pages.

>> No.9415259

>In my bedroom in a swivel chair




>I say the name of the work everytime I sit down to read it and when I'm finished to get the full 'flavor' of what I've read

>> No.9415273

>Where do you do most of your reading?
At my desk
>Paper or E-book?
>Do you listen to something while reading(Music, whitenoise...)?
No, I read in silence
>Can you read with noise around you?
> What's your most autistic reading habit?
I have to read complete scenes or chapters, and but so must carry on until I reach a suitable stopping point even if I want to stop

>> No.9415274

How do you guys read in an office chair?

>> No.9415321

>In bed
>I plan out what I'm going to read at least 12 books in advance

>> No.9415408

>Where do you do most of your reading?

In my study

>Paper or E-book?

Both but prefer paper.

>Do you listen to something while reading(Music, whitenoise...)?


>Can you read with noise around you?

Not really

> What's your most autistic reading habit?

When I don't understand a passage I'll pull my face close to the page and yell at the top of lungs at the passage until it becomes clear.

>> No.9415449

Yes, though it does happen that I forget what page or line I was at, reading around for a few seconds is a nescessity in that case.

>> No.9415491

>listening to music while reading
>sullying the original text by applying a cheap emotional filter over it
how disgusting

>> No.9415536
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>Where do you do most of your reading?
books or computer

>Paper or E-book?

>Do you listen to something while reading(Music, whitenoise...)?
silence, nature noises (irl), lewd anime asmr (not a joke), lesbian jav sounds

>Can you read with noise around you?
yes, but music distracts me, the only type of music i can read to is a light piano or cello

> What's your most autistic reading habit?
every friday after i come back from work, i drink a full glass of whisky while playing the piano naked, after i get completely drunk i put my lesbian jav playlist to play on the computer while i read poetry out loud and walk trough the house in a furious pace, then i masturbate

i only started doing that recently, in the past i would just drink whisky, read, and masturbate, but my new routine is much more fun. also, porn (feminine moans in general) helps me concentrate

>> No.9415557

>Where do you do most of your reading?
sorry, i got the question wrong, drunk esl here

i read mostly in my living room, where i store my books, or in the park near my house (never tried porn in the park, yet)

>> No.9415567

>lewd anime asmr
You know those are all men, right?

>> No.9415571

can it get even better?

>> No.9415590

This is hot. i would suggest people to start advertising that
>cute little girl (male) moans and whispers in your ear
i would buy it

>> No.9415675


not sure if serious...

>> No.9415744

i am serious but sometimes it takes more than one glass of whisky, not much more though -- i am not very strong, 3 glasses and i pass out

you should try sometime, having your hard dick bouncing while you run trough your house jumping and dodging objects, chanting ts eliot poems (i did it yesterday -- amazing) and hearing japanese girls scream in pleasure, is one of best things in the world has to offer

the best one i did was baudeleire, maybe you should do him when you give the experience a chance

>> No.9415753

Name a better seat for reading than the shitter

>> No.9415757

pls no bully

>> No.9417240


Is he any good?

>> No.9417263
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>Where do you do most of your reading?
In one of these, an arm's length from my bookshelf and a floor lamp's pull chain. Above the bookshelf is a window that I leave open. My cat sits on the window sill and watches birds all day. The biggest distraction is my phone, which is with me always.

>> No.9417276

What the fuck is your problem.

>> No.9417317

>tfw I can concentrate more when it's noisy around me.

>> No.9417420

Bed/Desk (I'm in student accommodation so they're basically the same thing)

Paper, I cannot stand looking at anything electronic while I'm trying to focus on reading

I often start in silence and then play low tempo music, preferably without vocals

I am a chronic page counter

>> No.9417441

Any tips for avoiding looking at my phone?

>> No.9417482

In my bed or at the library if my annoying roommates are home


Occasionally Bach or Drone music if my attention starts slipping

I cannot focus if people are talking

Setting an arbitrary number of pages a day and guilting myself into shame if I don't reach it

>> No.9417557

In french yes, in english I don't know. He had a hateful passion for women. His best work is "the flowers of evil".

>> No.9417572

I just turn it silent and turn it over.

>> No.9417593
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>Where do you do most of your reading?
In my bed

>Paper or E-book?
Paper. Since ebooks would lead to too much temptation to browse the internet or some shit.

>Do you listen to something while reading(Music, whitenoise...)?

>Can you read with noise around you?
It's pretty quiet where I live so I don't have to worry.

> What's your most autistic reading habit?
I read out loud and voice act the characters when I get really into it.

>> No.9417603

>Where do you do most of your reading?

In my bed

>Paper or E-book?

Both but mostly Ebook

>Do you listen to something while reading(Music, whitenoise...)?

I always, 24/7, have movie or game reviews on. I've stopped listening to music almost entirely.

>Can you read with noise around you?


> What's your most autistic reading habit?

I have to be in the mood for a certain book. I can't help it, even though I want to finish a single book, I often switch between upwards of 10 books at a time, of all different types. Non-fiction, genre fiction, classical lit. It's really aggravating.

I also try to avoid series, and even if I do start a series, I usually only read the first one.

If an author writes a really great book, I might avoid their other books, because I don't want their possibly less good books to infringe on the experience of that one books. I don't always do it, and I usually get over it, especially if I can't find another book to read, but it's still the first knee-jerk reaction I have.

>> No.9417607

>Where do you do most of your reading?

>Paper or E-book?
Paper but have nothing against ebooks

>Do you listen to something while reading(Music, whitenoise...)?
Of course not

>Can you read with noise around you?

>What's your most autistic reading habit?
I have to knock on wood whenever I read the word "chrome"

>> No.9417610

>Paper. Since ebooks would lead to too much temptation to browse the internet or some shit.
??? buy one without a browser? An e-book is not a tablet. Kindle Fire doesn't count.

>> No.9417709

This. I keep it with me in case I need to look something up, but if you're having trouble being distracted leave it somewhere out of arm's reach so you have to get up to use it. Presto, hours of reading.

>> No.9417790

That maybe the case. But there's also too much autism in my bloodstream so I love collecting things. Digital things just isn't the same.

>> No.9417883


>lay down on a bench innacity to read for an hour before work
>get harassed by security until I leave
>curse him out and spit at him
>black people laugh and give me thumbs up
>security cuck maaad as hell, can't do shit
>go back once in a while and lay on the bench just to make him get up and come outside, then I moonwalk out of there

Sitting up isn't comfy. Laying on belly is max comfy. But nooooo we all have to sit up like cucks.

Usually use a kindle and read outdoors, no music. I like reading in the park.

>most autistic

I read 75% nonfiction. I'm also a skimreader. I've killed 900 page history tomes in 3 days with high retention rate.


>reading while sniffing your own pot of shit

It takes me 40 seconds to take a shit. Fix your diet, faggot.

>> No.9417884

Unironically this.

>> No.9417984

>Where do you do most of your reading?

>Paper or E-book?
Paper is better, but I also like to read on the computer to copy/paste the good stuff.

>Do you listen to something while reading(Music, whitenoise...)?
Music but less and less.

>Can you read with noise around you?
Depends what kind of noise, but not really.

> What's your most autistic reading habit?
Unending backlog, focusing on page numbers, copy/pasting the good stuff on .txt files

>> No.9419347
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>> No.9419358

I like to read by looking up every
single. fucking. word. and. Its. etymology. then. reconstruct. the. novel. based. on. parallel. meanings. with. the. original. syntax. Then I come on 4chan and call everybody a pleb for a few minutes, then its back to simultaneously reading Ulysses, GR, and Infinite Jest, trying to find how all great novels are borne of a dice rolling game with a copy of Finnegans Wake.

Fuck you.

>> No.9419387

>Where do you do most of your reading?
on the bus
>Paper or E-book?
>Do you listen to something while reading(Music, whitenoise...)?
bus engines, people on the phone, crying babies
>Can you read with noise around you?
> What's your most autistic reading habit?
I don't have any

stop ritualizing reading you fucking pseuds. just absorb the content of the literature

>> No.9420745

>in bed
>no music
>can read around noise unless somone's having a stupid conversation close to me
>I smell the book and fan the pages a lot

>> No.9420869

>Where do you do most of your reading?
>Paper or E-book?
>Do you listen to something while reading(Music, whitenoise...)?
>Can you read with noise around you?
> What's your most autistic reading habit?
Subvocalizing difficult prose to better get a feel for it.

>> No.9421837

>>Where do you do most of your reading?
on the couch
>>Paper or E-book?
>>Do you listen to something while reading(Music, whitenoise...)?
>>Can you read with noise around you?
>> What's your most autistic reading habit?
laughing quietly to myself or saying something out loud and repeating the words over and over

>> No.9422042

>Where do you do most of your reading?

>Paper or E-book?
Paper, always.

>Do you listen to something while reading (music, whitenoise...)?

>Can you read with noise around you?
Not really.

>What's your most autistic reading habit?
I never use bookmarks.

>> No.9422161

>Where do you do most of your reading?
Bus>Library>Home is the order of quantity

>Paper or E-book?
I prefer paper.
But I read short stuff on e-paper.
It's cheaper in some cases,since I can't always get my hands on stuff.
I don't hate any method really,as long as I'm not force to use a bright screen.

>Do you listen to something while reading(Music, whitenoise...)?
Only did once when I was reading a manga.
Since I already knew the story, I used the soundtrack of the anime.
I think it completed the experience.

>Can you read with noise around you?
First few minutes are hard. Depends on my mood really.

> What's your most autistic reading habit?
I sit sideways in my armchair.
My legs almost touch a pile of books that are on top of a rather large cube.

>> No.9422233

>Paper if I have a copy, ebook if I don't.
>A Distant Realm, or Nier OST
>Nothing I don't think.