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/lit/ - Literature

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9411642 No.9411642 [Reply] [Original]

Why is /lit/ so repetitive? Every day there's a new post about Graity's Rainbow, Lord of the Rings, Crime and Punishment.

With the millions of books available both in print and electronically, why do we continue to discuss the same handful of books? Are we that autistic or are we in a rut?

>> No.9411659

/lit/ is just American, that's it.

>> No.9411667

Thats not true. What you see as eveeyday lit is nothing more than this boards culture. Within it people are shaped into, dare I say it, the best way of discussing books. If you come daily youll find people discussing rare or unusual books all the time. We talk about Pinecones Law of Gravity and Crime and War because its a good pleb filter.

>> No.9411680

quick: name your favorite book you've never seen discussed on /lit/ before

hard mode: check the /lit/ archive before posting to make sure it was never discussed here

>> No.9411701

Robots and Empire by Isaac Asimov
I like Daneel and Giskard's weird non-relationship

>> No.9411708
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Maybe my favorite book and the one I've reread more than any other.

>> No.9411758
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>> No.9411778

>Why is /lit/ so repetitive?
Everyone is too worried about not being smart if they happen to like a book that isn't considered "cultured" by the board's circlejerk.

>> No.9411790

I try to meme mcelroy and gaddis all the time then people actually read gaddis and they are too stupid to understand it. So I just stopped.

>> No.9411912

>Pinecone's Law of Gravity
>Crime and War

I kekeled
You clever, person.

>> No.9411945
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Mcelroy and Gaddis are really hard

>> No.9411965
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Also anything by Marcel Shwob, with the exception of someone recomending the book of Monelle.

Aswell as I've been the only person in here to post the cover- in similar threads to your post- of Giovanni Papini's Gog (though I think this is because this book isn't translated to english, at least to my knowledge). And as much as anyone here circlejerks about Borges no one seem to have ever read his essay books such as "inquisiciones", "otras inquisiciones", "Historia de la Eternidad", etc. (he wrote more essays than stories, you know)

>> No.9412042

Regression to the mean.

Other books are posted about, but the threads that stay alive longer are about books that are more well-known and that more people have read.

>> No.9412044

It's those NSA meme psyop fucks. This is why we can't get anything done.

>> No.9412049

The Possessed is the superior novel of FD anyways.

>> No.9412054

The Death of Virgil by Broch. Seen it only once in a stack thread. Some anon copped it for a buck. Was totes jelly. And proud.

>> No.9412094

A good majority of 4chan boards are dominated by entry-level subject matter. For every person who has seen a hundred threads on Infinite Jest and decides to go elsewhere for more in-depth discussion, two first-year university students take his place.

>> No.9412135

It's truly everywhere

>> No.9412297

Glow by Ted Beauman. Got some TCoL vibes.

>> No.9412300

Might have to read this, sounds interesting.

>> No.9412346

w2c chair?

>> No.9412484


>> No.9412487

Very true.

>> No.9412496

Because nobody here actually reads, and what they do read they are horribly embarrassed of.

>> No.9412837

It was discussed here a few days ago, where by "discussed" I mean some anon complained that it was too boring.

>> No.9412862

I'm sorry, I misremembered: that discussion took place on Goodreads.

>> No.9412873

I heard about these books (and also Schwob's Imaginary Lives) for the first time on /lit/. It was years ago though, not sure if the archive covers that time span.

>> No.9412878

Is The Book of Monelle translated in English? Did you read Gog in Italian?

>> No.9412915

Simply because there are so many millions of books, the chances of having enough people who've read any given one online at any one time in order to have a discussion about it is fairly minimal. We need, actually need, meme books in order to have some things to shitpost about regularly, otherwise the board doesn't work. It's something to talk about while you wait for someone who has read the same non-/lit/canon books as you to surface.

It doesn't take a genius to realise this.

>> No.9412990

But this book so important, even Heidegger read this book, why anon never talk about it here?

>> No.9413019

there's also modern sex magic.
was there an ancient sex magic novel?