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/lit/ - Literature

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9410162 No.9410162 [Reply] [Original]

I want to read something current, what is your favorite book, preferably fiction, that came out in the last 12-16 months?

>> No.9410210

>reading contemporary shit
off urself

>> No.9410217

end ur laif

>> No.9410232

People who don't read contemporary literature are just afraid to take a stance on a book that doesn't have a historical consensus and established contrary position yet. Try cultivating your taste, and stop being so afraid of what future people think.

>> No.9410236

Or maybe all books now just suck. Did you ever htink of that?

>> No.9410251

Zero K by Don Delillo

>> No.9410258

>i read YA xD

>> No.9410264

That would be almost as bad as reading any of the recent Man Booker PRize winners or nominees

>> No.9410291
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I'm going to consider this, I really like Delillo but just realized I haven't read anything he's put out in over 2 decades. What did you like about it? the reviews are so mixed.

>> No.9410413
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>> No.9410418

just read any of above.
12-16 months is too short a timespan
and the 'best' book will probably be YA garbage. Don't waste your time OP

>> No.9410422

Pretty sure this pic is from more than 16 months ago

>> No.9410441

DeLillo is a genius and people who criticize him take life too seriously and literally. They probably though white noise is about consumerism

>> No.9410449
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>published in 1986

>> No.9410461

based shovel jap

>> No.9410464

Anything form the past 30-40 years could probably be called "contemporary"

>> No.9410491

the thread topic specifically asked for books from the past year and a half, so what is the point of posting a chart of 30 year old books?

>> No.9410505
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hey, i know everyone on here is really gay and secretly a nigger, so they won't be real with you, but that's a really cool incite man. I love you

>> No.9410551

Do you have Kindle Unlimited? All my books are on there, and all 5 (soon to be 6) have been written within the last 8 months. All fiction. I just heard /lit/ scream at me. Don't buy them; I'll be putting my first 4 books up for free soon, likely on the 26th, so in just 5 days.

>Living amongst the Dead
October 2016
Zombie survival novel, emphasis on realism and survivalism, and also has realistic usage and terminology for firearms. Been frequenting /k/ for years.

>When her 'No' means 'Yes'
November 2016
Erotica novel, so short it's practically a long novella. Easily my worst-selling book, but I think it's not bad. Can start copy/pasting it here if people want something to shit on.

>Firearm Valhalla
March 2017
Action novelette, this one was for /k/ pretty much, for fellow gun nuts in general.

>Another One Please, to Dull the Pain
March 2017
Drama novella, this is the one that came to mind when something 'current' was requested. It addresses how royally fucked men are in terms of going to divorce court, how we put our nuts in a metaphorical vice when we slip that ring over her finger. It also touches on potential ways of lessening the degree to which a man can get fucked over in court, things I've heard about.

>Living amongst the Dead: Dark Days
March 2017
Sequel to the first book. The most interesting thing I could probably mention about this book is, SPOILER ALERT, there's a rape/murder that goes on between a lesbian black woman in her early 20s, and a 17 year old red-headed white girl. Interracial lesbian rape/murder. Because fuck political correctness, and also because I thought it'd be a fun little thing to throw in her backstory.

Yes, last March was a very busy month for me, but to be fair I actually wrote the vast majority of LatD:DD in late August/early September 2016, so I merely edited the fuck out of it, topped it off with what I think it a pretty intense ending, and then before March was finished I started working on the book that I'm still working on now.

Also, yes, I get it, I'm a shill, but in my defence I have already informed OP that those first 4 books are going to be free VERY soon and LITERALLY said not to buy them. Also mentioned that they're all on Kindle Unlimited where they can be read for free.

>> No.9410570


I haven't read anything from that time, but I want to read:

Lincoln in the Bardo by George Sanders
Pachinko by Min Jin Lee
The Heart of What Was Lost by Tad Williams

and later in the year I want to read:

The Ministry of Utmost Happiness by Arundhati Roy
The Golden House by Salman Rushdie
The Witchwood Crown by Tad Williams

>> No.9411418

Just look at this pile of shit mong:
why will anyone read anything new?

>> No.9411486

holy shit i hope this is b8. do you also watch the highlights from SNL each week after sunday night hbo, read articles in the new yorker and listen to podcasts you middlebrow faggot

>> No.9411653

This is literally you

>> No.9411686


>> No.9411774

The Idiot by Elif Batuman was stronger than I expected. Hardly Dostoyevsky but definitely worth the read. It's been getting some buzz, haven't seen it mentioned on /lit/ (because it was written by a woman of color?). Pretty solid book imo.

>> No.9411806

The nix by Nathan hill.

>> No.9411810
File: 39 KB, 326x499, laurus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to be the sleeper hit of the century, its up there with One Hundred Years of Solitude as far as quality.

>> No.9411854


>because it was written by a woman of color?

Why do you use this term? It's so self consciously "correct" it hurts. I thought the liberal narrative was that Turks are European anyway.

>> No.9411890

Just the vocabulary I'm familiar/comfortable with, don't read too much into it. You can be European and not white I think. That wasn't really the point of my post, just an aside.

>> No.9412489

It's fun to write, and it's fun to read. Bernard Cornwell, for instance, blew me away. Could almost say it changed my life to discover his work in historical fiction; it took my already present interest in history and strengthened it tenfold. As for my books, there is evidently a market for realistic zombie survival out there; I've gotten about 10 ratings on my books thus far from a couple different sources, and I'm averaging probably around 4 stars. All the reviews are for Living amongst the Dead except for one review for its sequel which is 5-stars. I've spoken to one fellow who said that to him, I'm in the same league as Stephen King, in that he will buy anything I write no matter what it's about.

I realize that Stephen King is a meme as far as /lit/ in concerned but I don't care, that's fucking awesome. I've also been told that I'm like a Canadian Hunter S. Thompson which I believe to be a compliment on a whole other level, though the basis of this compliment is more in line with my passion for writing and my love of drinking. Oh, and firearms. I fucking love firearms, and Thompson was nutty about firearms too. I just don't do as many drugs and I'm nowhere near as lanky. Quite proud of my strength, though I could afford to lose a few pounds. Working on it.

>> No.9412504


Nobody on this website uses the phrase "people of colour." It's not part of our lexicon and using it makes you stick out. It reeks of reddit/tumblr.

>> No.9412515

>Turks are European
Go fuck yourself
t. Liberal

>> No.9412547

Check out which nobel laureates are still alive and see if they've written something in the past 16 months. It's usually a safe bet.

>> No.9412552

I'm sorry that the user didn't comply with the imaginary posting standards of /lit/