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940765 No.940765 [Reply] [Original]

what was the best book you read between the ages of 9-13

i teach 4th-6th graders and need to give them books to read besides harr potter, twilight, percy jackson, etc.

they read the giver, stargirl, the book thief, and i told a few to read catcher

>> No.940770

I loved Bruce Coville! Science fiction for kids.

>> No.940774

I read a lot of Roald Dahl.

>> No.940779

Sophie's World by Jostein Gaarder

>> No.940776

i know the my teacher series but tahts about it

>> No.940780

yeah i STILL read that, actually we read Danny the Champion of the World and it blew my mind; made me cry when i read it at home

>> No.940785

I remember Archer's Goon being amazing but can't remember anything else much about it.

>> No.940786

just read the wiki article on it; i must recommend this to them

>> No.940787

Ulysses by James Joyce

>> No.940791

Doctor Doolittle, by John Lofting (?) it's kind of long, but it's an awesome book. Don't get the stupid eddie murphy movie books though.

The Phantom Tollbooth, by Norton Justor. Escapist story for kids who think they're too smart for what they are placed in. Has a lot of math and language puns and jokes.

>> No.940796

farmer giles of ham by Tolkien but that would require lots of explanation of the references
no better yet school these snot nosed brats in the works of prose with Lolita

>> No.940798

Harriet the Spy
Phantom Tollbooth
Prydain books by Lloyd Alexander
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
The Hobbit

>> No.940799


...kidding, right?

>> No.940802
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>> No.940803 [DELETED] 

My nephew just finished The Diary of a Wimpy Kid. He's in third grade and he liked it.

>> No.940804
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Roald Dahl is awesome. I read all his stuff. Also liked Goosebumps, Scary Stories series by Alvin Schwartz.
I also really liked Julie of the Wolves

>> No.940806

this this this. I read Holes like five times.

>> No.940810

The Boy in the striped Pajamas

>> No.940811


Blazes Boylan really spoke to me at that age.

>> No.940817

Ender's Game

>> No.940820

OP i read alot of jack london at that age and i loved it

>> No.940823

'Lionboy' by Zizou Corder. favorite book when i was that age.

>> No.940824

tales of a forth grade nothing

>> No.940827

fuck ulysses i'll tell them to try finnegan's

>> No.940830

I'm just gonna list ones I remember really enjoying...

Hank the Cowdog (that might be for much younger kids, i dont remember)
Silverwing (probably my favorite, i read the whole series even though it continued into my teen years)
Wrinkle in Time
The Phantom Tollbooth
The House of Sixty Fathers
The Chronicles of Narnia
Vulpes, the Red Fox
My Side of the Mountain
Ascension, Reunion, Transformation ("Water" series)
Ella Enchanted

>> No.940831

i read tales of a fourth grade nothing to them this past year and they loved it; many started reading superfudge and the other judy blumes

>> No.940834

It's hard to say. I read a lot, in a lot of genres. Ten was when I started reading lesser works on quantum mechanics, and at eleven books on the occult, both of which are intensely entertaining and have some decent bullshit writing. I also read Grapes of Wrath, which I later found out isn't a tenth as good as East of Eden, and of course the entire Ender and Shadow series.

Imma have to say my favourite, though, was probably The Alchemist, by Paulo Coelho, which I read when I was twelve.

>> No.940838

I also liked a Redwall book I read.

>> No.940839

Hope these aren't too outdated:

The Silver Crown (found it randomly in the library, but i still remember how it made me feel 25 yrs later. sorta like fantasy/conspiracy set in then-present, young girl main character)

The Westing Game (a puzzle in prose--i think its in google books)

To Kill A Mocking Bird (assigned for 7th grade but I was still only 12.)

Ben and Me/Mr. Revere and I (american revolution historical fiction with cute animal narrators.)

Anpao (native american themed. the last chapter was especially heavy, for real)

I'm probably forgetting a bunch, but want to refresh thread now. will add if more are recalled

>> No.940845

the 6th graders read this book called Stargirl by Jerrey Spinelli that they love

really i'm just trying to get these kids off twilight and percy jackson. you can only tell so many kids to read LOTR and such before they start callign you a nerd (i could care less if they think im a nerd, i just dont want them calling the kid who's reading something nerdy (which we all know really means the coolest shit ever))

>> No.940848

The Adoration of Jenna Fox for light SF.

>> No.940849
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me again. seconding wrinkle in time, narnia (how could i forget) and judy blume, though I read them all a few grades earlier.

Also adding Bridge to Terebithia. I read The Hobbit then, but I was really into D&D and the density of the prose didn't put me off, but wouldn't recommend it to a general class like Anon above did

>> No.940852

Things not Seen

>> No.940856

>the kid who's reading something nerdy (which we all know really means the coolest shit ever)

your a pretty cool teacher

>> No.940866

i'd like to think so
it helps when you're a literature nerd yourself

i really, really want to show doctor who during indoor recess (remeber indoor recess?) for the 6th graders but i'm not allowed

>> No.940874

i remember they used to play cool runnings for us. i would sit at the back and smirk thinking 'nigger nigger nigger nigger'

>> No.940877
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>> No.940878

Roald Dahl. All of it. Still collecting his books, and spent a lot of time to find the exact same copy of 'the Twits', as the one I read as a child. I'm such a sentimental person.

>> No.940880

Where the Red Fern Grows was one of my favorites at that age, although girls may not get into it as much. Also, Eyes of the Dragon, by Stephen King, but the (very mild) sexuality in the beginning of the book may freak out the parents.

My other faves at that age have already been mentioned: The Hobbit, Roald Dahl (The Witches was my favorite of his), Chronicles of Narnia (until I realized what was really going on with those), etc.

>> No.940883

Now's the time to introduce them to The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings.

>> No.940890

The Once and Future King

>> No.940893

The Outsiders.

It might have been 8th grade for me, can't really remember but I still love it.

>> No.940901

Anne Rice

>> No.940906

Among The Hidden and Among The Impostors is great YA reading if you haven't already given them it.

>> No.940904
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The Last Book in the Universe. And I read The Westing Game at least three times between the fourth grade and the eighth.

Also, pic related, I liked that a lot.

>> No.940903 [DELETED] 

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>> No.940907

There's a bunch of different versions of The Odyssey for kids and it'll help them out a lot later on in high school when they have to read the actual poem.

>> No.940910


Second. How could I have forgotten?

>> No.940912

You could also get them started on Bulfinch's Mythology.

>> No.940919


Second! Great suggestion!

>> No.940928

you should, OP, but Edith Hamilton's is better.

>> No.940931

I think that's around the time I started reading the Belgariad and The Count of Monte Cristo.

>> No.940956

I remeber reading Victor Kelleher and John Marsden, and enjoying them, might be a bit old for some though. Also bump for Roald Dahl

>> No.940961

>and i told a few to read catcher
Kill yourself.

Tell them to read Redwall for the younger, and as they reach 11-12 move onto Magician etc.

>> No.940966

I think aside from Goosebums the only book I read was the first Harry Potter.
Obviously it was the best.