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/lit/ - Literature

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9408285 No.9408285 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /lit/, Barnes & Noble employee here, just had a quick question if you wouldn't mind chirping in.

I had a customer recently who I sold some books too, I was able to make some great recommendations for science fiction and some classics for her son, but she asked me for good recommendations for fantasy, and I just didn't know anything, its been so very long since I even tried to read anything fantasy (Brent Weeks), and I just couldn't get past the first half.

I ended up getting her to order Alamut by Bartol, but that's historical fiction, I'd have much preferred to know some great fantasy recommendations. I excel at selling older books (Neuromancer is my chosen handsell) and I just wanted to know what fantasy books you would recommend to a customer who really knew their shit

Thanks for your time

>> No.9408298

>ordering books for your wife's son

>> No.9408302

Well, there is always Lord of the Rings. Unfortunately most fantasy is written for a young audience. A Song of Fire and Ice would probably be a good recommendation. The Witcher books are also good, starting with Blood of Elves. By the way, i've been interested in working for Barnes and Noble and was wondering what your experience with them has been? How did you find yourself working for them?

>> No.9408306

Ishiguro's "Buried Giant" is a pretty solid deconstruction of fantasy, while still fitting into the fantasy genre.

>> No.9408329
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She was a heavy reader, and had moved way beyond classics in the fantasy genre, so I would have felt really stupid recommending LotR to her, as I just knew she had already read it to death somehow. She REALLY made it clear she didn't like George R. R. Martin's books, though she wouldn't really tell me why (they were too gross I think it was). I hadn't really ever thought of Weidzman, but I'm not exactly sure she was looking for explorations of morality, but rather looking for genre fiction. Thank you for your response though.

As for your question, its low pay, easy work as long as you can sell things. If you are the kind of person who doesn't want to push your interests on others (you know, a polite person?) you will have trouble starting out. They also demand that you work in cafe sometimes, so you need to be able to make coffee and handle food/get a food worker's card. Its great if you are in college though.

This is an excellent recommendation, and is exactly the kind of response I was hoping for. Thank you very much anon.

Any other recommendations would be more than appreciated. Thank you all so much.

>> No.9408360

Thanks for humoring my question. Sorry I couldn't help you with yours.

>> No.9408380

The Once and Future King is GOAT fantasy.

>> No.9408422

Its cool man, thanks for trying regardless

I'm noticing a pattern here haha

>> No.9408428

On that note, I suppose you could go for Mallory (Le Morte d'Arthur), and from there it's only a short jump to continental myths (Nibelungenlied, or even things like The Song of Roland), though those are getting less and less fantastical.

>> No.9408459

I think Song of Roland would be a recommendation for me, and I know its probably stupid to say this but when someone is interested in Norse mythology, I always sell them the Levine Metro Opera version of Wagner's Der Ring Des Nibelungen/Ring cycle on dvd, James Morris is really a perfect Wotan and the costumes are great

>> No.9408592

Le Morte d'Arthur is great but I feel like it has rather limited potential as a recommendation. You need to have fairly specific tastes to want to read it.

There's also the problem that pretty much every edition of it available is bad, or requires you to be willing to read middle english.

>> No.9409711


These are considered classics where I'm from, but some people may not have read them:

Robert Asprin "MythAdventures" series are good for the first 5-6 books. It's a humour/satire fantasy. Goes downhill.

Anne McCaffrey - Pern series - romantic fantasy with no magic, but with dragons and fantastic events. Turns out to be SciFi in the end.

I'm Russian and also worked at similar establishment here, but was "let go" because I have made no effort to push turds that our writers produce en masse (think pleb-powerfantasy-fiction that does not even get to fanfiction-tier), and instead asked customers for their favourite works to get points of reference and recommended stuff based on that.