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/lit/ - Literature

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9407186 No.9407186 [Reply] [Original]

Does Nietzsche give any advice on how to shift from slave morality to master morality? How did the man himself measure up to his own philosophical system? Why is he loved more than any other philosopher on this board?

>> No.9407190

>Does Nietzsche give any advice on how to shift from slave morality to master morality?
Yeah, he advises you to take the redpill

>> No.9407199

I don't know the precise advice Nietzsche offered, but I'll offer you my own:

Merely take your time to observe larger gatherings, demonstrations, protests, that sort of thing. Take notice of and gauge the prevalent mentality among the participants of such gatherings and you'll see first hand what a slave morality is.

I think the "radical" leftists show this the most. There is an underlying, yet so very obvious reason as to why you can draw easy parallels behind your average "Marxist/Socialist/Communist" and a Christian.

>> No.9407205

Stop, please.

These are genealogical, historical categories, they are not guides for self-improvement.

>> No.9407210

You are either born a great man or you're not. Nietzsche's writings were not intended for people like you.

>> No.9407211

how the fuck do I stop resentment from eating me up like a monstrous woodworm

I feel like I'm in a physically degenerating state

>> No.9407213

The average Christian of today is a pharisee. The average atheist a sadducee.

>> No.9407218

Spooky, my dude.

>> No.9407219

Okay, great man.

>> No.9407224

what did he mean by this

>> No.9407230

Pharisees believed in oral tradition and in resurrection.

Sadducees were conservatives who rejected resurrection.

I don't know what the fuck he means.

>> No.9407248

kierkegaard is the official filosopher of /lit/ btw

>> No.9407292

You need to want to stop it. If you cannot muster that, then you need to want to WANT to stop it.

>> No.9407330

>Does Nietzsche give any advice
no, he is not a self-help author

>> No.9407332

Nietzsche doesn't advocate for either of those, he wants man to create new values that transcend both these categories.
And how do you do that? Well, nobody fucking knows. Nietzsche's writings are just an analysis/critic on morality, not a solution or guide to transcending them.

>> No.9407342

>Well, nobody fucking knows.
Can't we just do what we do now, but without resentment?

>> No.9407351

Submerge yourself in the deepest depths and climb the highest heights or some shit like that, idk lol.

>> No.9407367

The moment you can let a strong black bull fuck your wife in front of you without feeling ressentiment you have made the transition to master morality.

>> No.9407377

What do you do if you can't live up to the values of a particular morality?

Theoretically, the only way to transcend a value is to gain it and then reject it.
Basically, it's easy for someone not powerful to not be a brute or destroyer, or to say no to greed and hedonism if you're not a king.
So, the only way to transcend master morality is to become powerful, reject it and be a complete pacifist.
Or, become a billioner and live like Ghandi etc.

>> No.9407386

I think I've seen a chinese cartoon about that.

>> No.9407429

basically if u can successfully curve ressentiment youre halfway there to master mentality

>> No.9407444



>> No.9407463

By the way it's pronounced Neets-shuh.

>> No.9407469

>Not Nee-Che
Kill yourself senpai

>> No.9407470

Both slave and master morality were descriptions of past states. Anything modern is a mix.

Did you even read the book?

>> No.9407481


>> No.9407489

Welcome to /lit/ - Self-Help

>> No.9407535

lol yeah books shouldn't be about real life and shit i just want super cool stories with orcs and shit fuck yeah dude

>> No.9407547

Why not go all through it and suck his ger manic dick in his native tongue?

>> No.9407553



>> No.9407558

man yeah im sayin u right dawg like why self-help you should like pay a therapist^tm and be jewself like right? dawg

>> No.9407568

lol all this backlash against Nietzsche as self help. As if he didn't utilize a highly stylized rhetorical mode of communicating his genealogy to move his reader into self-examining themselves. This fact doesn't devalue Nietzsche as a philosopher, guys.

>> No.9407579

duuude I found out bout thisguy his name is neechee he talks bout god bein dead n shit its fuckin rad dude he tells to get your shit together and not care about morals, yeah like fuck man you're free, do whatever you want, like the uberman and shit you know, like get better at life and everythin yeah thats pretty cool dude

>> No.9407580

lol stfu dawg books are bout stories and shit like star wars and stuff like philosophy is just like r4ndum fun story ur mega retarded if u apply it 2 real life like lmao yeah

>> No.9407582
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>Why is he loved more than any other philosopher on this board?

>> No.9407587

daaaawwwwggg thats like mega rad like zelda sayin use the force lmao amirite yeah hella based fantasy trippy shit lol

>> No.9407590

yeah man I read this neechee you told me about, man he's waaay better than olsteen, ive figured it all out now, you just gotta chill and go with the flow you know, just relax and not care like people and morals try to tell you to do shit you know ? but you shouldnt have to right, cause god is dead dude, god is dead and we have to be like the uberman dude yeah thats means like superman in german no its not nazi or anything dude its about becoming a better yourself dude its fucking cool

>> No.9407600


I understand what slave morality is but I'm less clear on master morality. Are there any contemporary examples of the latter?

>> No.9407603

>tfw this is literally how 99% of people understand Nietzsche

>> No.9407611

With that said, check out the relevant section in the last chapter of BG&E. I think it adequately sums up the essence of master morality in a paragraph or so, perhaps better than the relevant sections in GoM.

>> No.9407618

>being a master is better than being a slave, so obviously nietzsche thought that master morality was better than slave morality!

>> No.9407622

>lol idk just read the book lmao

pseudo af tbqh

>> No.9407625

Self-help reading of Nietzsche ?
See >>9407607

>> No.9407643

He's not concerned with people born great.

>> No.9407645

lol yeah dawg ur mega retarded if u apply that shit to real life like lmao neetchee is GOAT fantasy wirter like dey even made a video game about his book lmao

>> No.9407665
File: 173 KB, 800x1133, neetshitee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woah bruh dat game was goat like i loved it when i finally leveled up from slave morality and took a shit in that church lmao

>> No.9408076

His "advice" was to live your life as if it were on endless repeat.

The "morality" he wants us to follow is the choices we make along the way.

>> No.9408127

Yes. Just b urself

>> No.9408507

youre a bitch

>> No.9408600
File: 71 KB, 500x463, dying-on-the-inside-dying-on-the-outside-never-existing-15863579.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he is a fucking pseud fucking shit who talks all about that non-sense bullshit of becoming an ubermensch but never was able to do it and instead died alone in a fucking forsaken asylum.
Anons like him because they dont understand him.

>> No.9408694

Basicly he says that you need to destroy all your morality and societies thoughts. With realizing the nature of humans and "good and evil" you will be objective and a part of the nature. So you can build new morals and thoughts for yourself. It goes like this- first a societes member-second a free man- then so called "ubermensch"

>> No.9408703

>Does Nietzsche give any advice on how to shift from slave morality to master morality?

read about the camel, lion, and child

>How did the man himself measure up to his own philosophical system?

considering his influence? extremely.

>Why is he loved more than any other philosopher on this board?

combination of most people here holding anti-realist philosophical positions and N. really being the "artist's philosopher." same reason Heidegger is so popular here, for example, although he's more the "poet's philosopher."

>> No.9408712

oh, and in reply to those telling you "don't bother, you aren't a great one anyway": they make a decent point, N. was a strict determinist, and it's true you're either born great or not. but somehow they miss the fact that a large reason N. wrote what he did isn't solely to offer a "historical, genealogical account" but to help the restrained, deficient potential aristocrats living in the slave morality and mass-ruled societies of his time and the future.

so yes, not everyone should read N., but he's not for the Napoleon's, Beethoven's, and Caesar's already in the prime of their lives either.

>> No.9408844

If you understand master morality, then why don't you "practice" it?
What's stopping you? What kind of advice do you need, you silly wanker?

>> No.9408849
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No. But Max Stirner does.

>> No.9408914


This, although I would call them mythological categories.

>> No.9410045


>> No.9410077
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>stirnerfags itt

>> No.9410081


This anon is right. The ubermensch, the one that transcends from both slave or master morality, can live life up his own moral, and is the truly happy one. Each one of them just cast a shadow of what life truly is, and altough he didnt really determine how historical and sociological events undermine you (like Sartre, for example), you are free to cast your own system of living, knowing that absolute truths are impossible and specialize in living life is what we should do. To me this sounds a lot like Buddhism (in each that pain and happiness exclude us from the real self) but in Nietzsche, "good" and "bad" morals exclude us from being truly human.

>> No.9410268

is nietzsche worth reading if I don't plan on studying his work intensely for years? or more to the point: is he worth studying if you're not a psychology student?

>> No.9410275

wait are saying that his mental illness was merely a state of mind and he could've over come it if he was of stronger stuff?

>> No.9410319
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Stop being a BwO

>> No.9410326
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>> No.9410329

hmm yes marxists show this trend the most and not The Alt Right(tm) ha ha

>> No.9410896

>N. really being the "artist's philosopher."
This shows how /lit/ is full of pretentious faggots. Nietzsche's compliments to artists are nothing but manipulation.

>> No.9411202

As he demonstrates in sections 20-23, Nietzsche is careful not to confuse Buddhism with Christianity in his criticisms. Though he believes that both religions are nihilistic and decadent, he regards Buddhism as a far healthier and more realistic approach. In contrast to the Christian, who is always trying to avoid sin, the Buddhist's main goal is to reduce suffering itself. The latter does not fall in to the same trap as Christianity does, according to Nietzsche, in that it does not carry with it any moral presuppositions. It has long abandoned them, seeing them as mere deceptions. The Buddhist is therefore not engaged in the practice of moralizing and making judgments about others. A Buddhist achieves this reduction of suffering by living a passive, non-compulsive lifestyle. He does not become angry or resentful, no matter what transgressions someone has performed against him. Neither does he worry about himself or others. He takes measures which will help him to avoid exciting his senses, while the Christian, on the other hand, does just the opposite through living an ascetic lifestyle and maintaining an emotionally charged relationship with his God through prayer. The Buddhist, in his avoidance of suffering, simply aims to maintain a steady peace, calm, and mildness in his lifestyle and temperament. It is a very important point that in pursuing this aim, the Buddhist actually succeeds, whereas the Christian does not succeed in removing sin, and is thus always in a state of wanting "redemption" and "forgiveness," never attaining the "grace" of God which he so desires. The Buddhist is therefore able to achieve a sort of peace and tranquillity on earth.

>> No.9411252

He had a Polish dick tho, pur sang

>> No.9411283

is NEET-Chan

>> No.9411289

Ass blasted christ tard samefag. Go back to reading gods not dead lol

>> No.9411669
File: 346 KB, 451x451, Ayn-Rand-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The term you're looking for is 'parasite'.

>> No.9411687

This is completely stupid and doesn't get Nietzsche's criticism at all. You're talking more about herd instinct than slave morality.

>> No.9411697

yeah how dare he mock mustache maaan christians hate him because he's so nihilistic just like me
god is dead

>> No.9411699

This is fucking gold.

>> No.9411706

Master morality isn't good either.

>> No.9411762
File: 67 KB, 540x534, pep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw wagies think themselves free Übermenschen

>> No.9411793

>He thinks the herd instinct and slave morality do not go hand in hand to the point of being synonymous

>> No.9411836

>lives with mother
>on welfare
>addicted to shitposting
Truly you are a master of your own destiny

>> No.9411845
File: 126 KB, 801x1000, alarmedstirner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know Freddy drew on and modified Max's ideas

>> No.9411855
File: 47 KB, 600x600, viper4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>confuses the appetite with the justification for that appetite

kys realist pseudocynic brainlet

>> No.9411865

>that reaction image

I think the one who should swing from the noose is you, fampalam

Be sure to record and stream it though

>> No.9411868
File: 129 KB, 500x522, viper3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no appreciation for meta-ironic viperposting

>> No.9411878


>> No.9411929

>don't think like x think like y
>My only knowledge of Nietzche is the School of Life video.