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9407339 No.9407339 [Reply] [Original]

what are some books that explore bluecollar life or generally workingclass conditions that isnt commie propaganda but takes a politically disillusioned route and also has no romantic subplot thats what ruined notes from the underground

>> No.9407369

They might not fit in with the "politically disillusioned" thing, but you might enjoy a lot of the 80's minimalists/"dirty realists." Check out Wikipedia. Jump through some pages there.

Can't think of a book about being politically disillusioned specifically. I'm sure you could find something within that stuff though.

>> No.9407374

D H Lawrence?

>> No.9407389

If you aren't opposed to the idea of romance existing in the book, try An American Tragedy, maybe?

>> No.9407393

The Road to Wigan Pier

>> No.9407419

Winesburg Ohio - Sherwood Anderson
Knut Hamsen - Hunger
Raymond Carver - Cathedral
Richard Brautigan - Revenge of the Lawn

>> No.9407427


hunger has a pretty big romantic subplot near the end

>> No.9407434

Friday night lights

>> No.9407436

>has no romantic subplot thats what ruined notes from the underground
am I the only one who thinks there was nothing remotely romantic in that book? did I read it wrong?

>> No.9407440

how the steel is tempered
with a critical reading ofc

>> No.9407447

>that isnt commie propaganda

What's the point?

>> No.9407448


him with the prostitute at least to my understanding served as a bursting forth moment where he actually had to lower his misanthrope defense and come face to face with his failed idealism and his need for affection which turns into this lost love story with her running off with the doctor

im all good for using that as a plot device to get into his psyche but the whole lost love thing felt kind of lame

>> No.9407637

Dog of the South is a perfect snapshot of the American proletariat in the 1970s, even though it's about landowners and doesn't take place in America. It also has a romantic subplot that isn't in the least bit romantic. And there's nothing political about it at all.

But trust me, it's the perfect book for what you're looking for.

>> No.9407681


is there any non-edited version in english

in the serial he talks about being an invalid and his personal struggles but they edited it out for the propaganda aspect

>> No.9408582

Life at the Bottom: The Worldview That Makes the Underclass

I didn't read it, though.

>> No.9408588
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That one story about the miners

>> No.9408591

The Old Man and the Sea