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9406953 No.9406953[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

red-pill me on Buddhism

>> No.9406959

Unfalsifiable nonsense.

>> No.9406960


>> No.9406963

It's a hollow philosophy that doesn't really try to explain anything.

>> No.9406968

tool of globalist cultural marxists to brainwash people into their consumerist atheistic "spirituality".avoid at all costs

>> No.9406972
File: 83 KB, 630x836, buddhist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buddhism is the redpill.


>> No.9406976

there are seven meaningless buzzwords in your post.

>> No.9406978

fpbp. Eastern philosophy only exists to laugh at now

>> No.9406981

"meaningless buzzwords" has become a meaningless buzzword

>> No.9406984

Empiricism is unfalsifiable.

Checkmate atheists.

>> No.9406997

Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda wrote on his meditations on the bhagavad-gītā that Siddhartha Gautama was a stinking nihilist and good ridance getting his doctrine out of india, land of knowledge. Om Tat Sat

(Basically, he was to brahamanism, what le edgy fedora to christianity)

>> No.9407003

Look into Theravada. The rest is bullshit. This thread is utter shit too.

>> No.9407045

Its one of the best wisdom teachings in the world. If put to action it will really make you much happier and calm. But in the end you must come and see it for yourself. Dont believe in anyone just because they say so. Read the right books, start meditating every day and you will see the difference in a few months (or even weeks). Buddha was a great human being and his teachings are real jewels, but only by doing it you will truly understand.

>> No.9407048

>he bought into the 'theravada is the original buddhism' meme

>> No.9407050

>When you count to check

>> No.9407061
File: 8 KB, 229x220, The+rarest+pepe+is+the+one+you+don+t+post+_d572d8eb827b20db6530064083ffc89b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

taoism is literally goodbuddhism prove me wrong (you can't)

>> No.9407064
File: 19 KB, 374x400, 11117921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't take religious advice from bald pasty-faced white guys. Don't become one of them. Meditation is great, that's what the rosary is for.

>> No.9407090

they both influenced one another so to say one is better than the other is missing the point and misconstruing Chinese religiosity by using western notions of religion.

>> No.9407107

No, and fuck you.

Buddhism in the west is literal, actual cultural appropriation. It is ill-suited to a westerner's psyche. Buddhism would destroy the ego to find the self. This is a fallacy at odds with the western world, but accepted as adequate social conditioning for people who value the selfless dogma of a Gautama or Confucius.

This is not the same selflessness of Christ, incidentally. Where the mythic figure of Christ led as an example and sacrificed and endured pain to spare his brother -- a relatable scapegoat whose lessons of forgiveness are clear -- the Buddha tempts the practitioner's ego with spiritual power and superhuman compassion. It places an inordinate burden on the individual to negate himself and his human nature in favor of the tribe's greater good. It is a system RIPE for abuse.

>t. a former Buddhist

>> No.9407120

>t. a former Buddhist
With your poor grasp of Buddhism, I highly doubt that. It's much more likely you had to take an intro to religions class and decided you didn't like buddhism in order to prop up your fragile identity with some ill-defined affiliation with western "culture" and religion. I also doubt you're a Christian, it's much more likely you shitpost on /pol/ and /his/ and call it a day. If you even paid attention in that into course you would understand that Buddhism in no way is a selfish, "ego tempting" faith. How you even came to that conclusion is beyond me.