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/lit/ - Literature

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9406663 No.9406663[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Dostevsky and Nabokov getting shit
>Smith, Friedman, and Heidegger getting shit
Why is there no respect for right wing literature on this board?

>> No.9406667

>Why is there no respect for right wing literature on this board?

cause it's shit

>> No.9406669

Are you the same autist who keeps posting retarded inflammatory Christ-chan threads? Just how mentally ill are you? Strongly consider suicide.

>> No.9406671

It must be tough being an undergraduate when Marxist theory is so prevalent.

>> No.9406684

I have but now's not the right time

>> No.9406686

That doesn't make any sense, Marxist theory being prevalent has made it easier that ever to bullshit your way though a degree.

>> No.9406689



if it walks like a neocon, acts like a neocon, votes like a neocon, buys their groceries from Walmart like a neocon, and lives in the same houses neocons live in, it's basically a neocon

>> No.9406691
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Get a grip, see how much hate there is for traditional conservative authors.

>> No.9406697


not an argument

>> No.9406702

Everybody knows Spencer is controlled opposition.

>Why is there no respect for right wing literature on this board?

Honestly? most people on /lit/ are young, really young, most are just entering College.

>> No.9406708

I thought we had postgrads on this board?

>> No.9406710

Well neither was accusing op of being a delusional shit poster but whatever. As my dad used to say that's the price you pay when you dance that way.

>> No.9406712

Every board has postgrads, what's your point?

>> No.9406715


not an argument

>> No.9406716

Since when does that anything, any mediocrity can get a masters, myself included

>> No.9406717

Yes, post grads in disciplines that tend to attract people of the left's persuasion.

>> No.9406719

>Why is there no respect for right wing literature on this board?
Because people here don't buy books to put them on their shelves, rather they actually read books

>> No.9406723

You would think that they would have grown out of the childish left wing literature phase and matured into reading conservative literature

>> No.9406725

Lol is this supposed to trigger me or something? Fuck outta here til you have something to say Bartleby.

>> No.9406738

pro tip: the greatest literature ever written was produced by conservative thinkers

>> No.9406740

You don't need to grow up when your environment rewards petty politics and unchallenged opinions.

>> No.9406747
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>> No.9406751

> right wing

Read Wealth of Nations retard.

>> No.9406763


>> No.9406769


>> No.9406777

Nabokov is well respected here. Heidegger is shit on way less than Foucault and Derrida. Take your persecution complex somewhere else, retard.

>> No.9406778

>the greatest literature ever written was produced by conservative thinkers

>Poor people are losers
>People who are different are scary
>Authority is awesome
Which of these plots specifically do you think is genius?

>> No.9406789

To be fair Plato was basically a reactionary.

>> No.9406791

As with the rest of 4chan, it has been invaded by leftist shills from reddit.

>> No.9406831

>it has been invaded by leftist shills from reddit.
You should probably go back to your containment board

>> No.9406832

not an argument

>> No.9406838

you should probably go back to your cripple website

>> No.9406842

>you should probably go back to your cripple website
You do understand that hotwheels sold his website to the same guy that owns this site?

>> No.9406845

With the exception of like two books that most people don't even read Nabokov is basically apolitical.

>> No.9406848

I don't have the screencap but that definitely was planned and it was obvious at least /pol/ was invaded.

>> No.9406853

i just got out of prison i havent been able to keep up with the news

>> No.9406855

Are right wing authors accurate in their depiction of prison?

>> No.9406856

Still conservative in bent and obviously impactful. Hell, even Locke recycled his justification for the existence of a slave class.

>> No.9406858

If you think that anonymous image boards can get invaded by anonymous posters you don't understand anonymous image boards

>> No.9406861

Dostoievsky, Cervantes, and pretty much every poet from when poetry meant shit had to lick a king's balls every now and then

>> No.9406869

They can get invaded if a large number of posters are organized and posting the same things over and over in order to destabilize and change the overall content of the board.

>> No.9406874

What is it with "right wingers" and their victim complex on here? Nabokov not liked? Fuck off or lurk more, and stop getting triggered whenever your favourite author gets shat on once in a while.

>> No.9406876

>and change the overall content of the board.
Anonymous image boards are enjoyed because they change.

Change is the beauty, stagnation is stale and boring.

You should read more books

>> No.9406883

>criticize lefty author
>criticize conservative author
>stop getting triggered nice victim complex

>> No.9406885

Subjective judgments such as those are besides the point, don't try to bullshit me. The point is why someone wants to change 4chan by force.

>> No.9406888

Nice strawman who are you quoting?

>> No.9406900

>Subjective judgments such as those are besides the point
Actually that is the point.

>don't try to bullshit me.
I'm trying to help you

>The point is why someone wants to change 4chan by force
I think you lack a perspective on what "force" implies, if you read more, you would understand that dissenting opinions aren't "force"

>> No.9406902

Leftwing is vogue; people, although proclaiming otherwise, do not in fact enjoy the active search of truth "outside" of the box.
This is not to assert right-wing lit as outside of the box, only is it meant to identify the relativism within both parties and their subsequent readings. This, of course, is obvious. :p