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/lit/ - Literature

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9406549 No.9406549[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why did every art form (music, cinema, literature) after WW2 became so shallow? I mean everything is "happy" and there isn't one questioning how things work or trying to actually empower the listener. Is there a philosopher that talks about this?

>> No.9406554
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I'm new to /lit/ and can't figure out if this is what is considered bait around here or not

>> No.9406557

Try the pervert's guide to cinema, it's a start.

>> No.9406561
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>tfw le born in le wrong generashun

>> No.9406563

>Why did/ does [X thing that doesn't happen] happen?
These threads should be banned.

>> No.9406568
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>> No.9406571

>why don't you....... ...... ,anon
should be banned as well.

>> No.9406575

Cinema didn't become shallow until the 90s, and only Hollywood cinema.

>> No.9406576

I see you have come from the place called 9gag.

>> No.9406578

If anything the Vietnam War got a lot of mainstream good movies, there are tons of non-mainstream movies out there just like in every media. But overall, "pop art" kinda dominated mainstream post WW2 world

>> No.9406593

9gag is cool. Lol. Very underrated website.

>> No.9406595
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>> No.9406602
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>> No.9406610

Oh, kid..

>> No.9406615
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>pretending they don't browse 9gag

>> No.9406626

i remember thinking this kind of shit after getting my mind blown watching Fight Club when i was 14

>> No.9406628

I don't. Last time I've been there was two years ago, but before that I used to browse it every day.
That place is more cancerous than /tv/ and /v/, combined .

>> No.9406636

>"Gee, why don't people want to complain nonstop and be crybaby pussies after two world wars, the great depression, etc after the comforts of the industrial revolution and the rise of serial entertainment?!"

i dunt kno OP..

>> No.9406638

Idk if this is bait but I'll bite.

Factually untrue, postmodernism and high modernism came into swing post-WWII. Concrete poetry, Theatre of the Absurd, spoken word poetry. In visual art we had abstract expressionism. In music we had bepop, cool and west coast jazz, post-rock, hip-hop. In architecture post-modernism again, brutalism. I'm not a cinema fan because it's a pleb medium so I can't comment on movies. Of course there was the rise of pop art, that was to be expected with the diversification of entertainment mediums to the masses. But you're a fucking degenerate if you think true art is gone.

>> No.9406643
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>mfw you just admitted to ever browsing 9gag

>> No.9406652

Yes, because I was a poorfag high-school kid without Internet at home, and that was the only "funny page" I knew of.