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9406517 No.9406517 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone ever bought multiple copies of the same book for any particular reason?

>> No.9406529
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>> No.9406534

MFA ex-gf put out a poetry chapbook, i bought some copies.

>> No.9406536

why yes, I have.

>> No.9407815

some dude bought like 28 copies of the john green book or some shit

>> No.9407819

Was his name John Green?

>> No.9407821

I have two copies of the complete works of Milton and two copies of The Consolation of Philosophy.

>> No.9407832

Does it count if it's original and translation?

>> No.9407839

My fwb's dad has hundreds of copies of State of Fear. He gives them out to anyone who will take them in an attempt to curb environmentalism.

>> No.9407964

I've bought different translations of the same work before, but I've never bought more than one copy of actually the same book.

>> No.9408025

Yes, a paperback for use and a 1st edition for my collection

>> No.9408028

/r/ing the screencap of this thread

>> No.9408038

Americans are droll creatures

>> No.9408041



>> No.9408159

i've bought less fucked up copies of old books and then sold the more fucked up copies.

>> No.9408178

Yes, my parents bought several copies of my novel.

>> No.9408199

No, but I've checked out multiple copies of a book I already owned because I didn't want anyone else at my library to be able to read it.

>> No.9408210
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I bought the recent Penguin Classics Moby Dick because it was nicer than my other copy, a 70s Penguin edition, and I think there's also some corrections to the text (I bought them both second-hand)

>> No.9408222

I have a couple different "selected poems" of Blake, but they're different publishers/editions.

>> No.9408246

I have two sets of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings.

The first set is a box set that my dad bought in high school. This was the set I first read. The bindings are getting pretty worn, so I bought a second copy for rereadings. I'd like the old set to still be in usable shape when I give it to my son, once he's old enough.

>> No.9408388

Yeah sometimes with books I really enjoy and re read a fair bit I'll buy one copy for my collection and a copy I can just take with me in my bag and trash the cover/pages etc.

>> No.9408401

i sort of do the same but i carry the new one. i dont like the idea of having books on my shelf that i havent read even if ive read another copy of that edition.

>> No.9408431

If I find a smaller, or older print of a book I already have I will buy it if it is cheap.

>> No.9408437
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Here, but I'm pretty sure OP said "for any particular reason"

>> No.9408540

I bought a second copy of Dune because it had a cool cover.

>> No.9408549

I got an anxiety tick a while back. I bought about 10-15 books of Schiller. Not the same book, but always of Schiller. I didn't even read them, I just needed to buy them.

This was a while ago. Before I stopped buying books at full price.

I wanted to buy multiple copies of Howl's Moving Castle for my relatives, but apparently, they stopped printing it in german, so a used copy is ~40€. Fuck that.

>> No.9408639
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Yes, I remember having printed around a dozen of copies of the Tractatus at home (with my printer) and then having them bound and have given them to my university's professors like a complete autist. AMA

>> No.9408659
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But old penguins are /fa/ as fuck

>> No.9408676
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Yes, because I lost the first copy I bought and then the copy I borrowed from my exgf. So I had to buy it again (even got the signature from the author again, because he was an acquaintance of both my exgf and I) in order to return it.

>> No.9408684

I have three copies of Ulysses, all different editions

>> No.9408691
File: 62 KB, 720x960, 1491643868319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This video is so fucking dumb.

>> No.9408720

She's like a non brand Emma Stone

>> No.9408829

I've got multiple bibles but they're all different translations

>> No.9408833

23 copies of TFiOS, for my own personal reasons

>> No.9408867
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if you include different editions then yes. i have several different editions of the alice books, all illustrated by different artists.
tenniel remains original and best tho

>> No.9409181

I have bought two different editions of Ulysses if that counts

>> No.9410142

I have two copies of the stranger because I ran into them at a couple thrift stores. If it's something that I really like I'll always get it so I can trash a copy by taking it every where or just give it away

>> No.9410159
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>> No.9410190

Of course.

When i see a cheap 1st edition
When i book i loan to multiple friends gets tattered, and i want a nice personal copy.
When i want to do a close reading and plan on marking the book.

>> No.9410245

A friend of mine liked Das Glasperlenspiel by Hermann Hesse that he bought an entire case of it (25 copies or something) and hands them out to people whenever they visit. He lives in a tiny studio apartment which is already pretty full of stuff and now you have to climb over this box of brand new books to get to the bathroom. He's a pretty well adjusted guy for the most part but sometimes he does some pretty weird shit.

>> No.9410330

Good shit

>> No.9410989

I liked the manipulative pictures of people and animals dying. 10/10 propaganda tier. Too bad to, because her initial point is good.

>> No.9411556

do you have a pdf link? pls no bully

>> No.9412129

No but I did buy three copies of Demon's Souls

>> No.9412193

To be fair, that is a fantastic book.

>> No.9412505

lmao learn tuscan

>> No.9412512

she is pretty right desu, and at least this image shit works for normies

>> No.9413075

>you are in the top 10%
>you have clean water and food

I can't believe people fall for this rhetorical bullshit

Less than 10% are in extreme poverty

>> No.9413179
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Any book that I come across with Baudelaire's poetry in it is an instant buy for me.

>> No.9413318

I bought 3 copies of the once and future king because I like to give it as a gift