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/lit/ - Literature

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9405947 No.9405947 [Reply] [Original]

A small indy publisher near where I live is looking for submissions, which never happens around here, so I checked it out:

>How does gender shape our destiny, our identity? What are the ways in which gender interacts and intersects with our other identities? How can we break the barriers imposed on us by binary gender roles? What happens when we transgress?

>We're looking for: Short stories, flash fiction, essays, poetry and comics that explore gender and transgress the gender binary, taking into account the intersectional influence of other identities on our perceptions and lived experiences of gender.

I live in a rainy town in Scotland, how is this relevant? Why do they force this?

>> No.9405951

It seems fucking weird to describe this as "forcing" anything. They're a small publisher. Apparently the people in charge of this particular small pub want to publish shit about gender. Surely the point of having small publishers at all is so that people can publish niche stuff that they're interested in. Sucks for you that this particular small publisher doesn't line up with your niche interests, but it's not a bigger thing than that.

>> No.9405955

You could write something that seems to confirm with the rubric on it's face, but is in fact subversive to the narrative. Like do a story about a boy who wishes to be a woman, gets operations, falls in love with a boy, boy accepts him, but the tranny kills himself anyways.

>> No.9405968
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That's one of those small pubs that has cosmopolitan pretensions that are actually self-defeating. Instead of acting as if they had the pick of all the writers in Scotland, and deciding which of them they like, they're way better off just saying "we want local talent." This'll let them find the talent early, instead of them trying to compete with all the huge publishers, who will snap up marketable, fashionable stuff like that quickly because that stuff gets easily represented.

That, or I guess if they're a niche publisher who primarily publishes stuff about that, then it makes sense: they just happen to be there. They also just happen to care about what everyone else cares about right now, but that's their prerogative. They better hope they have an interesting angle.

>> No.9405971

You should write a story about a man who is better at everything than a woman, including being a woman.

>> No.9405994
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Knight Errant Press are here to champion you – readers and writers – and to carry your voices, loud and proud, out into the world.

We want you to find the courage and inspiration, through writing and the gut-punching power of words, to become your own Knight in Shining Armour. Here we will armour you and your peers with the knowledge that difference is precious, essential and must be fought for and defended in these troublesome times.

We may be small but we are mighty! We believe that English language, the almighty global tycoon, despite its reputation, can serve some good in uniting people from the most unlikely places and diverse backgrounds. At the moment we are limited to two languages – Russian and Italian – that we can translate into English in-house. Feel free to submit your own translations!*

>> No.9406011

Take your logic an fuck off, we're trying to get angry about something here

>> No.9406019
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webcomic of one of the two editors

>> No.9406111
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Write a short story about gender that seems genuine to those brain dead mediocre cucks but is actually premium satire to anyone with an IQ above room temperature.

>> No.9406186

Why would gender not be relevant in a rainy town in Scotland?

>> No.9406194

...also The Wasp Factory is by a Scottish author who may well have lived in a small rainy town, and gender plays a very big role in that.

>> No.9406206


Well no surprise. You can't tell your women from your men, lad.

>> No.9406430

Write about Tralfamadorians, they know about all seven human genders.