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/lit/ - Literature

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9404390 No.9404390 [Reply] [Original]

I just realized how autistic I am /lit/
I have around 225 books in my collection.
but I have only actually read around 25 front to back.
the rest are all either half read and unfinished. or never even been opened.
but yet I constantly buy more books. (though they are only 40 cents a piece at the thrift store I buy them from)
Am I becoming one of "those" people who buys books but doesn't actually read them?

>> No.9404391

You are not 'Becoming' that person.
You are that person.

>> No.9404393

Go somewhere where there is no internet access and bring a book with you.

>> No.9404401

Step 1: Stop buying books, you're getting high of the purchase for no reason since you'll never read it

Step 2: Read A book. Just one. Pick one at random if you have to, and read it. Page by page. Once you finish the first page, turn to the second page. Once you finish the second page, turn to the third page. And don't worry about not having enough time in your life to do this. There is all of eternity to waste before you. Allow yourself to read slowly yet consistently. That's the only way anyone ever does it.

Step 3. Finish that book, and pick another one.

Step 4. Do this until you've read all of the books you've already purchased. Then, buy another book. Just one more. And then read that one. And don't purchase another until you've read that.

Step 5. ???

Step 6. Profit

>> No.9404407

There is profit to be made in this?

>> No.9404418


Yes, you will save money from pausing your book purchasing and profit through reading gains and a better sense of satisfaction of having read what you own

>> No.9404426

Well, you can always claim you're following in the footsteps of Umberto Eco and building yourself an antilibrary.

>> No.9404427
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Sort yourself out. Stop acting like you have 10,000 years to live.

>> No.9404440

have this same problem op but it could be worse
you didn't buy shitty books did you? i think it's good to have a library of high quality stuff you should read
if you're selective enough after a while you'll have about everything you want

p good advice

>> No.9404497

>Step 5. ???
>Step 6. Profit


>> No.9405272

Very solid, sound advice

>> No.9405288

bu what if, during a page turning, I get the desire to , let's say, buy another book? I'm already halfway to the store by then, what now?

>> No.9405332
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You already are that person.

Get rid of the books that you haven't finished, because they most likely suck. Read the other books that you haven't read yet and get rid of the ones you don't like. Only keep the ones that you actually liked. Don't buy new books until you have at least tried to read them all.

>> No.9405340

ITT: people who walk into a library for the first time and think to themselves, "This place is useless. I've hardly read any of these!"

Seems backwards to me.

>> No.9405350

Don't listen to anyone in this thread who tells you how to be happy. Do what you want, don't submit to the judgment of these hypocrites.

>> No.9405359

If he didnt want comments from other people he wouldn't have made the thread

>> No.9405377


>Am I becoming one of "those" people who buys books but doesn't actually read them?

OP didn't ask anyone for advice.

>> No.9405390

Why am I not surprised that a tripfag is this autistic?

>> No.9405414

Don't worry too much about. I mean yeah you're a fag, but those books might get passed down to your kids or family/friends one day and they actually might enjoy them. Books are a transcendent investment.

>> No.9405482

Donate them all except of one book.

>> No.9405500

No sympathy, OP. Just read more.

>> No.9405524

I think it's perfectly fine to own a bunch of books. If the fancy strikes, you don't have to go order the one you want to read and wait for it to arrive to you online. Libraries have books stocked because they know that someone will eventually want to read it. I think of my collection of books as my own personal library, filled only with books that look interesting to me. That's why I have no problem ordering a few books and not getting around to reading them for a few years. It's nice to have the selection.

>> No.9405614

post collection pics

>> No.9405657

well, start reading you doofus

I do something kinda similar but its less because I don't read and more because I end up buying books from sales etc but might be more interested in something I have on my e-reader. so I might have 50 unread books and read one of them in 3 months while buying 5 more, while finishing 10 e-books

>> No.9405825

plenty of people like the idea of being a reader more than they like reading. ditto writers, artists, even people who play viddy gaem

>> No.9405922

I honestly think that for many, internet is partly at fault as well.

Its just such a really easy distraction. It is not like it is usually more enjoyable or in any way better than reading, playing, whatever: its just so damn easy yet provides sufficient entertainment. It is instant gratification.

I really advocate any people with hardships in their hobbies or creative pursuits to limit their internet use. Not to 0, but like, put some limit to it. Yank the cable or block the websites you use a lot (if you need to use the computer or the internet for your hobby/pursuit)

>> No.9406203

I think it's just people who are new to books who care about this desu. I bet most authors own hundreds of books they haven't read, days are busy. Just read when you can, you'll be surprised at how much you get through.

>> No.9406574
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I feel you
I was becoming this person as well.
not because I didn't read but because I would read one book then go out to buy 3 new ones, and so on every time instead of reading what I have.

now I've been trying to focus on my backlog more

>> No.9406655

Comfy bookshelf my dude

>> No.9406724

>Grand Strategy Byzantine Empire
sup /gsg/

>> No.9406746

/byz/lit is better than Roman/lit/

>> No.9406756
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>> No.9406803

Greeks cosplaying as Romans
read the Alexiad and tell me it doesn't sound like the Odyssey

also great poetry (secular and religious) and ecclesiastical stuff, the best the Orthodox church has to offer.

>> No.9406841

Constantinople was already the de facto capital of the Roman Empire prior to it's division, so they were indeed Romans, just not the same Romans people usually think of (i.e. late-Republic to early-Empire).

>> No.9406844

most of their literature is in Greek and has a distinctly Hellenic/oriental flavour to it

>> No.9406850

By that time Greek was the lingua franca of the Roman empire having replaced Latin. I'm not saying that the Byzantines weren't greekified as fuck but the whole of the Roman empire had a distinct Hellenic flavour to it by that time.

>> No.9407816

OP here, I think you guys are getting me wrong here.
I am in the middle of reading about 15 books.
I do read. Just not one book at once. which is really what my problem is.

>> No.9407850

I do the same, don't worry about it, maybe just buy fewer books at a time if it stresses you out to look at them.

>> No.9407886

Diffrent kind of profit Shlomo.

>> No.9407891


>> No.9407972

Why are you anguishing over this? Just read them at some point. Or don't. I own plenty of books I haven't read. That doesn't mean I'm not reading all the fucking time. There is plenty of stuff I want to read that I don't own.

>> No.9407991

I used to bulk buy but now I've read like 75% of my bookshelf. I was lucky that I enjoy about 80% of what I bought Now I only buy one or two books a month. You get more selective in your to buy taste when you read more. As another anon said you are just buying for the thrill of purchasing, I know I was. Running out of space was the best thing to happen to me bookwise

>> No.9408338
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OP here, This is my book shelf.

>> No.9408342
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>> No.9408351
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>> No.9408366

behind all of the books on the bottom right is some shitty stephen king books.

>> No.9408830

I can relate to that, I think I just enjoy spending time at the bookstore and picking up nonfiction for about $1-3 a book from their reduced price shelf, it's close to my house and is pretty comfy desu

>> No.9408839

>tfw just started reading my copy of GR that I bought a while back
>looked up how long ago I bought it
>8 years
fucking hell

>> No.9410328

Op here, don't worry. I have books that I bought ten years ago that I am just now getting to reading.