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9402876 No.9402876 [Reply] [Original]

Suicide note, fresh off the (word)press
Isn't this a little bit too casual for a Political science prof.?


How to improve on this to not make the same mistake?

>> No.9402911

why would an academic, or even a rational adult, take Briggs-Meyer tests seriously.

>announcing your suicide on social media
>commodifying your own death

thats sad.

>> No.9402956

Why is the test result worse than any other self-descitpion. If he agrees with the collection of traits summarized in the 4 letter word (lol), then why not use the term. If you reject the result, you'd not care about it.

>> No.9402974

I don't think this is real.

The guys in his 40's/50's and talks like a teen.
the entire document is peppered with gems like "my brother has mad social skills"...... nobody over 18 speaks like that. the author has the mentality of someone who was raised on the internet and spent too much time on /r9k/.
I call fake......might be an elaborate fake, but fake nevertheless.

>> No.9402992

>How to improve on this
Have Courtney Love write it.

>> No.9403016
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>then why not use the term

because they're not meant for you to use to "classify" yourself as they're overtly abbreviated and reductionist. They will never encapsulate the complexities of yourself or the handful of other people that you will get to know with any detail in your life.......They're meant for demarcating a large amount of people you will never have the time to get to know intimately so that you can put them into some kind of functional narrative. So, for example, something like the briggs-meyers classification system would be handy if you were conducting some kind of social research project with a large amount of subjects and limited time.

any person with a modicum of intelligence (like an adult academic) should know this. Applying something like the briggs-meyers types to yourself and taking it seriously is submissive and pathetic

>> No.9403038

>I hope the roasties are happy with themselves. They did this.

what did they mean by this?

>> No.9403095

He should go on /pol/

>> No.9403140

You can't improve if you are an autist. Youre just a genetic accident ,cursed to live in pain. Thats all

>> No.9403454

Apparently he left his wife because he felt guilty about dicking his students

>> No.9403486


Too long didn't read; Also leaving ads in your suicide note is lazy as fuck.

>> No.9403507

No way! It's totally meta

>> No.9403541

Calm down there bud its just another label people use. Saying you're a leftist or a feminist or using any label to categorize yourself obviously does not encapsulate all of your views but people still use these terms because it does work for differentiation.