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File: 175 KB, 900x440, Atheist-Beliefs-Rising-In-America-Says-2015-Pew-Poll-But-Atheism-Religion-Has-A-Spiritual-Church-Side-900x440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9402265 No.9402265 [Reply] [Original]

I need your opinion, /lit/.

I have grown up receiving a strictly religious education. During my teen years, I kinda dropped the ball and stopped giving a shit about religion (except for the occasional prayers and such). Then two years ago, at age 20, I went trough a full-fledged atheism phase.

Here's the problem: That phase is definitely over. It was empty and meaningless, and now that I dwell back on it, it was edgy and cringeworthy as fuck.

Now I am too mature to fall for the Atheism meme again, but too redpilled to believe in religion once again. I am literally stuck in a spiritual limbo.

What should I do next? For those of you who can relate, what did you do?

>> No.9402269

Join the agnostic master ace

>> No.9402274

Ecumenical Congregational Christianity. I dont need the feel good aspects, I just cant deal with being a secret hypocrite or heretic due to my beliefs.

>> No.9402279

>too redpilled

>for religion

I see you stopped your education halfway

>> No.9402282

go full mystic

>> No.9402297

I am a Sandnigger. I'd rather get fucked in the ass than become a Jesusfag.

>> No.9402299

Aristotle's got some neat shit on god if you wanna look for meaning without fucking with churches or whatever have you. Plenty of neat books out there on the philosophical god and the implications of being a piece of shit human. If that's not your boat, Albert Camus can probably throw you some neat stuff in terms of meaning

>> No.9402306

You have it easy


>> No.9402312

Just be. You don't have to even consider religion in your daily life. Focus on work, hobbies, self-improvement, relationships, etc.

>> No.9402320

Why do people think that value and meaning lie in religion?
>if you believe = 100% value
>if you're atheist = 0% value
You see this is retarded? You irrationally connect value to the presence or absence of God. You literally tie everything to one arbitrary concept. Why not finding meaning in something else? Why don't you build your own values system? What's really important for you? Just to give you an example, lovers don't give a shit about God – they literally forget him, because they have themselves. Their value is their love. Now what's your thing? Are you people actually so emply you need to project your research of value outside of you? God is one choice, but there are infinite others.

>> No.9402324

atheism is like straight edge it's for fucking morons who can't do something without proclaiming it to the world like you're making a statement.
LMAO makes sense go kill yourself

>> No.9402337

Or you know you could stop living in lables and just accept that being an atheist doesn't imply a Fedora-wearing internet-warrior lifestyle.

>> No.9402339

This will sound quite edgy, but:I am too abstract for that. I need some sort of spiritual code in my life. (I am a brainlet and I know it)

>> No.9402382

Not all atheists are vocal about it

>> No.9402406

>Implying sandniggers aren't the first and most based Christians
Try orthodoxy or Catholicism. They both are very structured with lots of tradition. Even legitimate philosophic tradition and all types of great texts to get into besides the Bible.

>> No.9402413

>this is good enough to bait /lit/
you might read books, but in many ways this is the dumbest board on 4chan

>> No.9402422

You don't have to be, why do you have to label yourself an atheist?
There are plenty of people who don't believe in a higher power who don't label themselves.

>> No.9402436

>is it a dumb thread?

Maybe. I just need serious responses and /lit/ is the only place I can get them. /his/ too would be serious but the issue at hand is unrelated to history.

>is it bait?

Definitely not. I posted this as a serious thread.

>> No.9402452

t. intelligent anon

>> No.9402473

>What should I do next? For those of you who can relate, what did you do?
Nothing. I went through a similar thing, though the "atheism" phase wasn't really a thing in my case, it was just a slow phasing out into the "spiritual limbo". The best thing to do is just nothing. Don't worry about it. If you really can't stop I suggest reading, quite literally, just Wikipedia articles, about space and the universe. Install Space Engine and mess around. This in itself is "really made me thingk" material about how small we are, but if it's not enough: read about the history of religions. I'm assuming you're from the West, so you grew up with Judaism/Islam/Christianity. Read a bit about their history and it will all seem so simplistically dumb how anyone even follows these religions in the West. Finally, I would say the best way to fill the "spiritual limbo", and what I would say is the proper way, is to read about and strive towards "the ideal". The ideal for the single person and the ideal for mankind. Reading about history and the heights, and depths, that mankind has gone to. That's the only thing you can ever really "believe" in, that we're all human, that we were all born and that we will all die. Start with the Greeks etc.

Might as well ask reddit, you'll get the same shit.

>> No.9402491


Anon, it seems as though it is time for you reconcile that the spiritual part of your personality that existed in your childhood with your rational and skeptical adult personality.

I would recommend that you begin digging into works by Tolstoy (Confessions), Dostoevsky (The Brothers Karamazov, Crime and Punishment), Nietzsche (Beyond Good and Evil, Twilight of the Idols, and Ecce Homo), and some of Carl Jung's work related to the process of individuation. Also, I'd recommend reading Rilke's Letters to a Young Poet.

These readings will give you some kind of compass through your spiritual limbo but the answers you are searching for are already within you. These books that I've recommended will provide you with some insight as to where to go next. The answer to some of the deepest questions that life presents to us can often only be found by excavating through the depths of our own self.

>> No.9402551

I am speaking out of experience. Fuck stereotypes.

Plus, muslim stereotypes are way worse than atheist stereotypes so your point is totally invalid in my case.

>> No.9402585
File: 114 KB, 225x528, pepetarotmage.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright well supposing this isn't a bait thread to make normies and edgelords mad I'll give you an honest answer.

Consider that humanity needs religion, and its existence as a science of the spirit is a crutch used to support parts of our brain that we don't fully understand yet with the scientific method. If you were raised in religion, your head is swimming in myths and symbols so pervasive they are inescapable. So why try to escape them?

I would recommend you read the comparative mythology work of Campbell and Frazer, Mircea Eliade's The Sacred and the Profane, and research Jung's idea of individuation and collective unconscious. You will soon form your own opinion about the human need for faith, religion, and its place in your life. This is something you can't be told.

ps Atheism is for edgelords and agnosticism is for pseuds. Hitchens and Dawkins are very sad cases, sadder than true believers who live and die without ever understanding why the symbols they worship have such power over them.

>> No.9402598

>sadder than true believers who live and die without ever understanding why the symbols they worship have such power over them
>it's better to look at the muddy ground your whole life than to take a peek at the sky and spend the rest of your tiny life wondering what it's all about
damn you're convincing bro, atheists and agnostics really are brainlets to be h

>> No.9402619

>too redpilled to believe in religion once again
>stuck in spiritual limbo

Belief in spirituality, belief in a greater-than-physical existence, and/or belief in a transcendent function to reality are all distinct and separate from religion.

Decide how you feel about it instead of letting some other entity or organization decide for you. If you can't do that, you might as well just go back to religion.

This guy is a faggot, don't listen to him. Any construction of man can be dismissed by man without justification.

>> No.9402646


Fuck off, shill samefag.

>> No.9402651

Yep I'm in limbo as well. Honestly I've learned to be happy being agnostic and to embrace being a fence-sitter. I'm prepared to accept religion once again if I ever feel the need to though.

>> No.9402659


I did a quick reading on Carl Jung's individuation process and I must say I am interested. Any recommended reads?

>> No.9402669
File: 5 KB, 365x131, retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you retarded?

>> No.9402682

You clearly painted over the top (you)

post a gif and I will believe you. samefagging shill

>> No.9402692

Just kill yourself, please, you fucking retard. You're not even posting anything, just telling me and the other guy, who I disagreed with, that we're samefagging, you fucking worthless faggot.

>> No.9402695

Read Peterson

He draws on Carl Jung BTW.

>> No.9402734
File: 36 KB, 544x397, pepesleep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ones >>9402491 recommended. Individuation means just what this other anon said: getting to know yourself. Conscious, unconscious. Pay attention to your dreams, it is your unconscious self speaking to you in symbols. Learn what those symbols mean to you. Listen to yourself. Figure out what your fears are, what drives you, and why you are into granny porn.

The works that anon recommended will stir you, and your reaction to them will give you a reflection of your whole self back to you. It's a process of reflection that susses out an image of a whole you. Your view will never be complete, but it can get close.

You are wasting your time.

>> No.9402815

Oh and a good cheap introduction to Jung is Man and His Symbols.

>> No.9402841

Just become a Christian as a reaction to liberal society like everyone else on this board.

>> No.9402975

I think that was last year.

>> No.9403218

This, you were too used to finding value in some outside value (religion) and when you stopped giving a fuck about it you didn't make an effort on replacing it with self love or whatever bullshit you want, then you blame atheism for your own failures, when the problem isn't atheism or religion, it's you.

>> No.9403304

Go directly to the German idealists, my friend.

>> No.9403365

>Self love as a philosophy

>> No.9403511

>spiritual limbo.
its called agnosticism

>> No.9403532

Nietzsche. You'll probably create things to worship or dedicate your life to the fantasy version of regardless, but it's helpful for meaning making in some cases while less so in others.

You could also go for Frankl's Man Search for Meaning route, if you're not looking to re-read several books several times to fully comprehend the material.

If you're interested in Nietzsche though, and have enough background in philosophy, he will keep you in books for longer and has far more fun prose.

>> No.9403549

Read the power of now.

>> No.9403569

Good post my man. Any reccs for history of Christianity and ideals of mankind?

>> No.9403591

>What did you do?
Looked to Hinduism. That stuff is turbo-charged religion/spirituality/science/philosophy all wrapped up in a nice curry smelling blanket.