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/lit/ - Literature

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9400588 No.9400588 [Reply] [Original]

Be as honest as you can in one sentence.

>> No.9400591

"Those dogs are cute."

Apparently, honesty isn't worth much.

>> No.9400599

i'm a piece of garbage and i want to die.

>> No.9400602

I like feet

>> No.9400615

I am wasting my life, but I don't feel like changing anything

>> No.9400617

my housemate fucks his mother and I am incredibly jealous of the level of excitement he must get because my mum was an old hag and is also dead.

>> No.9400625

i'm just waiting around for something to happen

>> No.9400643

I'm sitting infront of a dam that would break any minute, convincing myself that it won't, because for some reason it hasn't yet.

>> No.9400647

I hate myself for my apathy and non-existent work ethic.

>> No.9400653

Those doggos are crazy haha

>> No.9400710

this post will get dubs.

>> No.9400724

No, but this post will

>> No.9400725

I don't hate myself as much as I hate other people

>> No.9400733


>> No.9400736

women aren't people

>> No.9400745
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Great bait mate.
Here is your (you).
Nearly got a reaction out of me.

>> No.9400748

Here is my (You)

happy now?

>> No.9400753
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>> No.9400772
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Everybody dies.

>> No.9400774

I drown on purpose even if I say I try my best, it's not to die, maybe it's to tempt death, or because I am afraid of success.

>> No.9400776

butthurt toasties detected

>> No.9400783

You got your (you). You can stop now.

>> No.9400788
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>Anonymous II
Is this faggotry another example of your self sabotage?

>> No.9400794

need another (You)?

>> No.9400800
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Prolly dudee whoa wow,

>> No.9400825

Fucking kikes need to be gassed.

>> No.9400864

not an argument. stop samefagging
Are you being so obnoxious because you know, deep down, that I'm right?

>> No.9400876
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Funnily enough its not only me.

>> No.9400884

you are using a vpn, it's clear as day. also, this image is clearly photoshopped. I've seen a lot of shops in my day, I can tell by the pixels.

>> No.9400890

to be fair it is edited, but only as much as cropping out tabs.
Also, what is a vpn?

>> No.9400908
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It's clear you're trying to get as many (You) as possible, so just know I'm gonna stop very soon. This is most likely the last one you get

>> No.9400911

I'm the other guy he is calling you.
This hive minding is actually scary right now.

>> No.9400914

Yeah, what a strange coincidence. Maybe we should have homosexual relations

>> No.9400916

Though likely not.
What about you become femanon and we have heterosexual relations

>> No.9400917

Born sunk in an ocean of lust, drunk off our airs, we rise to our death, with neither virtue nor care.

>> No.9400921

Are you homophobic? Trying dick at least once makes you smarter

>> No.9400924


>> No.9400925

Only mildly homophobic.
Not sure about that last part though, not sure how sexual orientation/experiences would/can effect smarts.

>> No.9400931

More experiences = more knowledge = more smartness

Embrace Variety.

>> No.9400933

This. Take the dick.

>> No.9400941

Variety is good and all, but homosex, if you are homophobic like myself, would serve to do nothing but cause self loathing.
>implying I haven't tried anal stimulation

>> No.9400942

i'm gay nigga <rich dollaz voice>

>> No.9400979

I am insecure about my height.

>> No.9400986

Manlets never learn.

>> No.9400997

His efficacy unwitness by his own eyes.

On a second note: is Darkest Dungeon the most /lit/ game nowadays?
>People are treated like shit
>That fucking awesome voice of Wayne June
>That Lovecraft inspired writing
>Those Lovecraftian monster
>The "unfairness RNGod" that makes casuals rage

>> No.9401000

I don't know about /lit/ as a whole, but that game got me obsessed for at least a month until I finished it. The DLC is gonna be great.

>> No.9401001

I miss her every day

>> No.9401003

I am

>> No.9401019

>black womyn crossbowman
>b*dass Viking womyn
>k*ckass black man at arms
Yeah it's totally radical my dude, Cthulhu ftagen amirite? haha, when does the narwhal bacon?

>> No.9401047

Good chat /lit/.
Have a good day everyone here.

>> No.9401050

I am unhappy,despite being objectively well-off.

>> No.9401052

I'm not sick but I'm not well.

>> No.9401056

Social media, late night comedians, and Disney are turning people into commodity obsessed sheep who think they're the good guys.

>> No.9401348
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me too anon

>> No.9401488

Oooh I remember you! It's not the first time you post those videos haha

>> No.9401491

William Faulkner

>> No.9401505
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I know watterson was taking the piss but I unironically agree with this cartoon

>> No.9401524
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>> No.9401553

grow up

>> No.9401561

god is the only reality, confounding all realities within him, and within. amen

>> No.9401633
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no but this post will

>> No.9401660

I'm only a decent person when it's easy to do good.

>> No.9401915

I don't think I'm a nigger.
the use of the racial slur makes it honest, right? no self-censorship

>> No.9401917
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>Also, what is a vpn?

>> No.9401941

I study French philosophy because I'm too stupid for analytical philosophy

>> No.9401977

Is French philosophy = continental philosophy? I honestly don't know

>> No.9401985


French philosophy is the continental philosophy of continental philosophy.

>> No.9401989


>> No.9401991

I want to be a poet but that's stupid. It's better to be an architect.
Another truth? I'm too frugal, and feel extreme shame when I need to buy new sneakers or professional clothing. Or anything else. I could live off of roots and moldy bread, but my flatmates would find that weird.

>> No.9402803

I have a BA in philisophy but I dont understand shit. So I'm doing my MA in Biology cuz im lazy and have enuf of that phil shit. Atleast bio is for brainlets and I might actualy make something of myself.

>> No.9402855

im addicted to the internet

>> No.9402856

I have never ever.

>> No.9402857

I am a pleb

>> No.9402862

I study french film criticism because I'm too dense for anything meaningful.

>> No.9402869

>tfw there's literally no difference between French film criticism and French philosophy anyway

>> No.9402877

I can't believe nobody's checked these yet

>> No.9402917

this anon gets it. Rancière is easily one of the densest writers I have ever tried to tackle.
I find it funny how its a study which both Philosophy and STEM majors equally treat with derision.

>> No.9402922

Marxism is cancer.

>> No.9402932

There haven't really been any marxists or socialists for over 20 years

>> No.9402933

Somebody will steal your current pen.

>> No.9402979

>literally anxiety disorder put into one sentence

Been there done that, m8. My advice: go see a therapist and don't consume any form of electronics before 6 PM and for more than two hours. you'll get plenty of time to think about the past, the present, and the future.

>> No.9402988

Communism is the most moral ideology / way of life humans developped and it was ruined by greedy Western capitalists putting immense pressure on Communists to wear them out.

>> No.9402995

I miss m00t.

>> No.9403020

I can feel that honesty is inside you OP. I can feel it. I can sense it via meme machines that transmit your internal state of qualitative affairs. Your honesty score ranks high. One could say that you have become Infinite Jest. Does anybode else hate DFW btw? He's poor man's Don DeLoli that is for sure. Don DeLoli? More like Ron ravioli lmao he's a talentless hack. But anyway i think that sometimes honesty is per se the wrong choice of ction. Sometimes. Under certain circumstances. Like when you sit down at a table and this incredibly incredibly fat chick sits in front of you because you swiped her into the iwanna fuck category based on her fake as fuck tindr photo and she sits there and you think ayy lmao me dude this is like a fucking jellyfish in triple-max size. She's 99% fat and 1% algae. And you hold kind of imaginary conversations with your friends inside your head in which you say stuff like "laughing my ass of me mane, so anyway there was this fat chiclk sitting in front of me and i said:Ajjjjjj sweet babygirl i gotta get the fuck outta here, because i think you will eat me ASAP. And i ran away across many streets which were lighted by electronic lamps inside phallocentric lampposts (dae read Das kapital?! xd) and then i met Tiny Josh, who is literally only 5'10 and i said: Tiny Josh, i just escaped the fucking abyss of fatness can you light me a cigarette. And he did so while reciting personal quotes from Josh Sawyers personal private diary. He said stuff like "my diari desu" and we both cuckled and winked knowingly at each other. But when my cigarette atlast was lighted i moved on with my life since this episode was really tiring me out and i felt no love anymore for this particular epissode and as Zarahustra says to his bpig you just gotta move on when you can't feel the love anymore. So i went through more streets until i realized i had just walked back to the cafe where tis disgustingly fat monstrum was sitting and there she was waving her goblin hands at me (meaning one hand was as fat as the warhammer goblins) I couldn't handle this anymore. My philosophical studies had taught me the value of kindness so i felt obliged to get in there and be nice but i just caouldn't handle it. here are my estimates. This girl must have weighted atleast 70kg. And i could see how the fat was literally fighting it's way through her vains. Next to me stood Tao Lin with hthis big fat grin and he said I have just thought of napkins with strawberry flavour which he then continued to tweet to his following cult of autistic folks. I said Tao Lin, i think you are underrated, i think your tweets ar egood. But now help me out, as i am in dire need of help. In return Tao Lin bowed and said: Indeed. then he smirked and said: Indeed you are in need of help and walked off." I was thinking this while this fat monstrum was eating KFC Chickenmacdonalds with her mouth. Dank de la stank was all i could say - then i started masturbating publicly. There was turmoil

>> No.9403071
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this post is out of context

>> No.9403092

I'm drunk.

>> No.9403114


>> No.9403124

so you want me to be honest? First of: Who are you. WHO are you. I can tell you who you aren't you aren't my FUCKING mother or father. They are the only one's who tell me to condense the purity of sincerity into one sentence and even then... i may still refuse. This is due to my intelligence and rebellious nature. Oh yes, OP. I',m indeed a female. What? Are you surprised, that a female won't just let herself be ridiculed and play along as to not appear like a ruiner of good moods? I won't play along, because it's sexist. And it's degenerated and disgusting and it's most importantly: Sexist. And i'm a female. Let me tell you one thing though: And here i am now being sincere: I may say that i'm a female but what i'm truly saying is the following: I identify personally, with no further claim on what feminity and my gender orientation entails, with the term, coined by the discoursive mechanics of society, that is named female. "physically" i have a penis and a scrotum. But that's just physically. It's illusions as the BUddhavat Zitar has proven millenia ago. When the physical is illusion, this is truth, i am intellignt, if the physical is INDEED an illusion. Then we are all langu
age, no? So if you say: She is a female or a male you are indeed thinking in linguistic categories, which enforce several inds of powers and so on upon those which are categorized. This is how we are programmed, this is who we are. WE are t categories. But! But! If Bodies aren't Real Then How Can Genders Be Real? *smirks* yeah. So if we are language, then i can invent through modification of language. Like when i say: Banana juice. Banana Juice is love and it is life. And it is so because i am making use of advanced discoursive methods. This is reasonable and correct from a certain point of view. But sadly, i can't help but think that peple like you or YOU or you or maybe even *turns around wiftly* you don't believe me. Well here's a small presentation *starts power point presentaton* On the first slide you can see the introduction of the topic which is "Drugs - use or absue", underlined by a phot of a american young male with a beanie and a heroin-sque appearance that indicates that the answer is abuse. On the next slide we see the table of elemnts. This is done as to convey that chemistry is a priori not drugsaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHRGH. awooooo awooooooo oioioioioioioiooioioioi hehehehe tricked my little dudester. This wasn't me at all. It was instead Phantom-Me, my evil phantom from another dimension. Oh dear i can feel it inside me. The pain and acolades, the daunting river twists and marble kicks and terrifying terrier terror attacks on 9/11 memorial side. a rapid wind through my hair despair despair. Imagine if you love a girl and there's nothing to return. Leveling towers in supertowns. Making love to lanky doves and eating burgers on a bench. Allahu Ackbar.

>> No.9403126

This reply is a lie

>> No.9403131

I hate this website. I'm seriously thinking about quitting it, it's just too edgy, stupid, and mean-spirited.

Artists are the most important people of any society. Beauty is a precious thing, the hatred or disregard for art is a hatred of life itself, and those who scorn art should be treated with contempt.

The main issue with the contemporary world is that people can't resist stimuli. Information is so available that the only people who will ever get anywhere are those who know how to select and redirect their stimuli.

>> No.9403136

>that the only people who will ever get anywhere are those who know how to select and redirect their stimuli.

it's really visible how your world view is governed by notions of beauty.

>> No.9403211

420 my dudes.

This is sincereity... holy marioli. deep beneath that sea of lies, is what i call: Truth. And even then ... even then i can't acces it. Knowing is not good enough! Admitting isn't anything either. Oh no, my friend. Ohn no. You want the Truth, you have to swim. IYou will need lungs and fish-esque characteristics of behaviour when submerged in liquids like water or rain. Deep deep you will have to dive. And then you willfirstly meet my man Dr. Pavel here BUT ONLY ONE OF YOU. First one to talk gets to stay on my aircraft. Well congratulations you got yourselfed caught. What is the next step of your master plan. Crashing this Plane, with no SURVIVORS. And the crash fell down on earth and lo was the sky. It was a good day to die. Do you remember that old man from Japan. Yukio Mishima was his name and he would sit down in his zaibatsu doju and read Thomas mann and sometimes he would look at photographs of himself and say: Nandatebayo!!! I'm such a great novelist, now alli nedd is suicide as to be an even better novelist. And so he did just that the absolute madman. He actually did it, he cut open his stomach and there he went. Dead like a dead mouse after the cat has eaten it, if you catch my drift. These are the kind of stories i hear in the Tavern of Light moods and ireverent student-teacher relationsjips. It is somewhat of a heterosexual tavern with homoertoic elemts sprinkled inbetween. But it's not dirty you know. It's mor eakin to the kind of gay bar you'd find in a remote island. It would be decisively ungay and people would be called 2Iron Johnson" or "Sam Bigham" or "ason Statham" AND THERE WOULD BE JOKES ABOUT STUFF LIKE FOOTBALL AND TERRORIST ATTACKS AND ALSO POLITICIANS AND FEMALES WITH BIG TITS AND GRAND, EXCESSIVE VAGINAS. They would sit in circles and one man would fart and then everyone would fart and there would be joly laughter but also a strong stink . Underestimating the stink would be a fatal mistake, stink is rebellion. it is nature against Civilization. Intoxicated by their manly stink these man would sing traditional songs about maidens and pure love but all of them winking and implying invisibly that in truth they wanted to fuck the maiden hard. Only one man was not joing this spectacle. His name was Green-eyed Langusthine. He was thin but tall and his radius counted 50 cm. within his skull was a brain filled with books and thoughts. And he would take out a cigar and light it, unabashed and cool. He was ugly but he would think: my soul is beautiful. And thus he felt confident, hough behind this show of confidence was a great barren wasteland tormented by sandstorms, made of sandcorns of anxiety and paranoia. And when he moved his head he thought he was like a lighttower in th emidst of the sea. He saw nothing but his own light. And in the faces of the drooling fat pigs named man he saw just the beautiful and exquisite excess of existance itself. He promised to himself that all of this would be in his next novel.

>> No.9403262

>Artists are the most important people of any society. Beauty is a precious thing, the hatred or disregard for art is a hatred of life itself, and those who scorn art should be treated with contempt.

The problem with this statement is the existence of Dada and Postmodernism.

>> No.9403349
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>Artists are the most important people of any society

>> No.9403371

All I have done is empty myself for other people but nobody cares to even pray for my sake.

>> No.9403436

All my writing is shitty and derivative of other people's writing.

>> No.9403441

I am insecure about being smart

>> No.9403450
File: 161 KB, 859x578, empty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just told my girlfriend i was writing my deepest thoughts when i in fact was not writing at all.

>> No.9403468

This is nothing new, people love the feeling of being the good guy, religion has been doing this for centuries. Note: I'm not being an edgy atheist, I'm just saying people used to buy their "ticket" for heaven or gave money to church to feel "good".

>> No.9403478

t. 15 years old edgelord

>> No.9403481

That is all writing tho.

>> No.9403495

I like big butts and I cannot lie.

>> No.9403501
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Me too, anon. Just check my tennis.

>> No.9403513

>Too frugal
Nah man society is too frivolous.

>> No.9403752

I like pussy.

>> No.9403790

I want to be a writer, but I'm no good.

>> No.9404633

You're planning to do that? Or are you already doing it?

>> No.9404645
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>> No.9404654

In Italy it's the same with art criticism. From Vasari to Longhi, they're all dense writers and philosophers

>> No.9404657

Sorry, I meant to reply to >>9402869

>> No.9404663

I'm lazy in every way that one could be lazy; intellectually, career-wise, in everyday life. I do just enough to be able to say that I'm doing anything at all. I've become very good at finding that exact spot.
Otherwise I could never claim that I'm lazy, which is just a front for my being overwhelmed with doing anything but the barest of minimums. Doing this I can silently and arrogantly pride myself on my, relative to the "work" I put in, acceptable results, delude myself that there's more waiting in me that I just need to coax out, but my damn laziness is stopping me.

Also, I've read a lot, both in english and in my native language, but I haven't mastered the grammar of either, much less so developed the ability to express myself in a way that comes anywhere close to artistic.

These are the same problems I've had 3 years ago, and nothing has changed

>> No.9404668

and im too dense to read on past "Be as honest as you can"

>> No.9404720

Hey Beter yall mind if I THOT patrol vaporwave

>> No.9404724

It was but people weren't ready. Now we have identity politics
Kill me

>> No.9404777
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I'll never be intelligent. Also, I want to marry a british sports shooter.

>> No.9405536

I'm a lazy piece of shit and I pee in the shower

>> No.9405545

I'm starting to hate my gf

>> No.9405579

nobody has a personality, they have influences

>> No.9405600


Truth is a bloody sword, some things are better left unsaid.

>> No.9405615

oi mate watch the edge

>> No.9405635

I came here years ago to discuss books with people who also love to read, but I still haven't found any.

>> No.9405765

I've only lied whenever I could get away with it, but I've always lied whenever I could get away with it.

>> No.9405837


>> No.9406124

This world is Evil.

>> No.9406154

I love the smell of my own dookie.

>> No.9406160
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>> No.9406166

I'm not who I want to be. I'm not who I could be. I'm wasting my life. I don't know what to do.

>> No.9406169

gas the kike race war now

>> No.9406180

But, anon, that's wrong. They just are much less interesring than their forebears.

>> No.9406237

I'm not sure if everyone hates me or it's I who hates myself.

>> No.9406937

OP is a fag

>> No.9406940


>> No.9407275
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