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/lit/ - Literature

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9400364 No.9400364 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/ I've read quite a bit of leftist literature, but I've never read anything truly opposing those views. Can you recommend some right-wing or otherwise opposite reading material?

Bear in mind that I'm not looking for someone from /pol/ to try and "red pill" me ITT. I'm just looking for book suggestions.

>> No.9400378

real life.

>> No.9400382

Poor contribution

>> No.9400391

probably read Leo Strauss I guess. I dunno. it's hard to find stuff that makes genuinely compelling arguments, & when you do find them they're usually about as cryptic as Strauss is.

I guess Strauss, Raymond Aron, and Ernest Gellner would be the three people I would recommend as being genuinely smart and making good arguments without being total fucks. Opium Of The Intellectuals is a pretty fair start I guess.

also, Hannah Arendt is hardly a conservative, but I would strongly encourage reading her for anyone interested in these topics, she's the best

>> No.9400425 [DELETED] 

i think the best starting point for right ring lit is MY DIARY DESU!!!!!!!!!!!! by ME!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.9400430

Alsadair MacIntyre is the arch-reactionary philosopher with wide influence today. After Virtue and Whose Justice Which Rationality are seminal works on politics, ethics and epistomology which everyone should read.

>> No.9400439

What is leftist literature? What are those views? Are you looking for literature that opposes ALL leftist views? You know that some peoples stance on religion might be considered leftist but his stance one immigration might be considered rightwing right? Why do you want to group people in those defined modes of thinking? It's almost like you can't think for yourself and are asking for what to think from the group of people you identify with.

>> No.9400455


The Road to Serfdom

>> No.9400462

I'm going to ignore the last portion of your post as it's pointlessly rude.

By leftist literature I meant things such as Marx, Engels, Lenin, Kropotkin, Proudhon, Goldman, Chomsky, etc.

I'm looking for classic political philosophy that isn't leftist in nature. Simple as that. I am trying to think for myself by being well rounded in what I've read, whereas currently I've just mainly read from the left.

>> No.9400467

Then you can read anything from Hobbes to Tocqueville, really.

>> No.9400470

For a kinda nice analytical (as opposed to, say, supporting or simple reporting) overview, check out "The Reactionary Mind: Conservatism from Edmund Burke to Sarah Palin."

That aside, check out Burke, De Maistre, Nietzsche, Heidegger, Benoist, MacIntyre, Nozick (although I see liberalism as a whole to be a left-wing revolutionary movement, he counts as right-wing for your purposes), and Schmidt.

>> No.9400667


This post makes me concerned you don't know what left wing is.

>> No.9400832
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>m not looking for someone from /pol/ to try and "red pill" me
Liar. How would you like to be redpilled? Would you like a suppository?

>> No.9401088

Earnest Gellner's daughter is a family friend. She rich. She gives his old books to people as birthday presents. Was weird going to uni and him coming up in readings. I studied anthropology.

>> No.9401095

Adam Smith

>> No.9401120

E. Michael Jones has lots of good books. Libido Dominandi, for example.

>> No.9401132
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This should be required reading. It's a fairly short essay, you could finish it in a day so you have no excuse. The Problem with Socialism by Thomas DiLorenzo is another good one.

>> No.9401193
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Here's my non-exhaustive list of either somewhat right wing or extremely right wing books.


>> No.9401207


Go away /pol/. You give conservatives a bad name.

>> No.9401216

Read Burckhardt's The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy and Spengler's Decline.

>> No.9401225


I'm only halfway through it right now, but he openly declares that unequal wealth is bad for civilization, and says each man should get exactly what he needs to do the job he is best at. He also says that the guardians get their pay from a tax on civilian commerce. This doesn't sound very right-wing, despite the totalitarian nature of the Republic. Wouldn't Plato's city place somewhere in the top-left quadrant of a political compass? Hoping somebody replies.

>> No.9401226

Dump the white identity shill, because identities are an inferior form of political discourse who should only belong to SJWs, and you're onto it.

Once you've become stronger, drop the anti-jewish shit as well as Evola.
You won't need it anymore.

>> No.9401245

You're thinking not only in modern terms, but in fact, in postmodern terms. You apply to Plato categories of thought which wouldn't be relevant at all on pre-20th century politics. Your analysis of politics makes no sense outside of the late 20th and early 21st century, and you wish to understand a work of the 5th century BC with it ?

My son, stop thinking in left and right ; for even this dichotomy, not only in the particular sense you are currently giving it (which is of the late 20th century), but also in its very existence --- I mean the terms themselves, 'left' and 'right' ---, is from the late 18th century. Plato is not.

You should read him again. It's good that you're focusing on the political aspects of his thought, because Plato's thought is mostly political in the end.

>> No.9401250


t. baby boomers and cuckservatives whomst've'd'll never read any of these books

>> No.9401264

If you want interesting modern right wing thought get into NRx. You can start here.

Here is another fairly well argued intro by someone who is not a NRxer. It's a very good overview of some key ideas. They also posted a long refutation which is ok in some parts but much of the argument demonstrates a fundamental misunderstanding of some core parts of NRx.

>> No.9401296

my absolute nigga

I know a great youtuber who uploads audiobooks with a bunch of NRx books, love studying the ideology

>> No.9401305

Completely incoherent, random and meme ruled, clearly you bought what fags from pol told you without thinking.

>> No.9401316
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go away shlomo.

>> No.9401497

I'm aware that right/left didn't exist before the National Assembly and that Marxist egalitarian politics didn't exist before Marx. I'm just curious about what makes Plato's Republic so appealing to these nrx/nazbols. Is it the system of monarchy? The notion that everybody should be educated to work for the good of the state? I'm only on Book V (Although I've read the other famous dialogues) and I've never taken any politics or philosophy courses, so this is the only place for me to voice my questions. What would you recommend I do to get a better understanding of ancient politics?

>> No.9401501

God and Man at Yale by William F Buckley Jr

>> No.9401527

The absolute moral system based in Forms. Universals.
It's not a work about politics as such, it's about ethics, metaphysics, politics at the same time as if they were one.

>> No.9401532

Rawl's Theory of Justice is probably the most prominent and successful counter to leftism in contemporary political philosophy. It's a beast though, if you're not a scholar, read his much more accessible volume Political Liberalism.