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9396808 No.9396808[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Who's your favorite black philosopher?

>> No.9396814


>> No.9396815

is that gucci mane

>> No.9396830

Frantz Fanon

>> No.9396837


>> No.9396846
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>> No.9396879

Blackie Black, the wise older black man with the soothing voice and who coincidentally shares every opinion of the white east coast and californian upper middle class.

>> No.9396886
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>> No.9396922

>Blackie Black
>At all superior to Ben Rubin's estranged, black brother Darkie Coon
How's that white guilt, cuck?

>> No.9396927



>> No.9396935

What is are the /lit/terati's opinions on Achille Mbembe?

>> No.9397047


>> No.9397115

Tyrone "lil nigga" Demarveon

>> No.9397124

Adolph Reed, but he's more of a political and social theorist than philosopher.

>> No.9397132

Jayden Smith

>> No.9397161

Black people aren't capable of deep though

>> No.9397246

Marcus Aurelius

>> No.9397268


>> No.9397277

This is a good one

>> No.9397444


>> No.9397497


>> No.9397654

Cassuis Marcellus Clay

>> No.9397809

Frantz Fanon.

>> No.9397813

Ayyy my man.

>> No.9397814

je deteste les niggeres

>> No.9397823
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>> No.9397825

Ooga Booga

>> No.9397932
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Obongo desu

>> No.9397994

Cornel West

Then again my knowledge on this is limited and too many black thinkers are too local in their concerns. As a white male I can't relate.

>> No.9398003

Also, am I on /b/ by accident?

>> No.9398014

and yet he's still smarter than trump

>> No.9398020


No, but if you like Cornel West and feel the need to identify yourself as a "white male" you're probably not going to have a good time here.

>> No.9398028
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Well @realDonaldTrump, at least I will go down as a president!

Ooga booga if if if uhh uhh ahh ahh if if if

Okie doke!

>> No.9398052


>> No.9398078

>people like this actually exist

>> No.9398093
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>kill whitey the philosopher
you fucked up son

>> No.9398105
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>> No.9398116

Sheepshagger here, that's not how it's pronounced

>> No.9398160

>I'm young, I'm pretty, and I can't possibly be beat.

>> No.9398168

I'm quite fond of Mr. Negro Niggerson.

>> No.9398197
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the OG

>> No.9398200

This thread is why I love 4chan.
Normies and women will never understand how funny this thread is.
Keep up the good work, white brothers. Deus Vult

>> No.9398210
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>> No.9398222
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>> No.9398226

did you mean that to be so cringy?

>> No.9398233

>t. bluepilled idiot who's triggered by redpilled opinions

go back

>> No.9398234
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>> No.9398239


>> No.9398264


>> No.9398354
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>Her father loved me and used to invite me to his house often, continually asking me about my life and all the battles I’ve fought. I told him everything, from my boyhood up until the time when I was talking to him. I told him about unfortunate disasters, hair-raising adventures on sea and on land, and near-catastrophes and dangerous adventures I’ve been through. I told him how I was captured and sold as a slave, how I bought my freedom, and how I wandered through caves and deserts. I was able to tell him about cannibals who eat each other, and men with heads growing below their shoulders. When I talked about all these things, Desdemona used to listen attentively. If she had to go do some household chore, I noticed that she’d always come back quickly to hear more of my stories
>When I was relaxing, she’d pull me aside and ask to hear some part of a story she had missed. Her eyes would fill with tears at the bad things I went through in my younger years. When my stories were done, she’d sigh and tell me how strangely wonderful and sad my life had been. She said she wished she hadn’t heard it, but she also wished there was a man like me for her. She thanked me and told me that if a friend of mine had a story like mine to tell, she’d fall in love with him. I took the hint and spoke to her. She said she loved me for the dangers I’d survived, and I loved her for feeling such strong emotions about me. That’s the only witchcraft I ever used. Here comes my wife now. She’ll confirm everything.

>> No.9398399

lol he didn't.

>> No.9398409


>> No.9398424

I teach a class on Hegel in clicktalk.

>> No.9398480


>> No.9398879
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unironically malik obama

>> No.9399383

adam lanza

>> No.9400438

I don't feel the need for anything. It is a fact that I am male and caucasian, it doesn't make local issues (racial and otherwise) any more interesting if the minoritarian situation was reversed or if I was black.

At least Cornel West, despite his mannerisms and connections to his community, still talks about culture in a universal sense. He talks about Goethe's work rather than his white privilege.

>> No.9400441


>> No.9400444
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>kill whitey the philosopher

Fanon was more pic related than actual malevolence. Black Skin, White Masks felt like just pure frustration, exhaustion and exasperation at the topic of race and being black especially. I thought it well written.