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9397929 No.9397929 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think that in the classical times humanity had more purpose than nowadays?

>> No.9397942


In the sense that they had few goals beyond survival, yes.

It's very easy to live a purposeful life when your only realistic goal is your biological imperative.

>> No.9397966
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Obviously, before there was honor and god. Now there is but nihilism and satisfaction of our basest desires.

>> No.9397970

>Now there is but nihilism and satisfaction of our basest desires.
Not everyone is an autistic unlikable shut-in trying to rationalize his apathy through quasiphilosophical melancholy, anon.

>> No.9397973

>implying hedonism isn't the dominant philosophy of the West

>> No.9398033

Do you mean human civilization or how people felt in general? How do you quantify purpose?

If they only had one basic purpose, does that make their lives more purposeful than the people today who believe they have a "greater" purpose? Also classical times does not equal hunter gatherer times.

>> No.9398042

>Not everyone is an autistic unlikable shut-in trying to rationalize his apathy through quasiphilosophical melancholy, anon.
Precisely, the world would be better for it if they were. Instead all of western society is dominated by a mindless hedonism, nihilism is the default and unquestioned.

>> No.9398053

>Obviously, before there was honor and god
>Applying the ethics of an extreme regional elite to humanity in classical times

Yes, the line between life and death was much tighter.

>> No.9398058

Humans have never had a purpose.

>> No.9398068

>>Applying the ethics of an extreme regional elite to humanity in classical times
Your marxist cuckery is showing. Can you not even conceive of the non-elite knowing a sense of honor? A simple potter could have his pride in antiquity, not so anymore.

>> No.9398082

If honor is subsistence agriculture and getting murdered by banditry or soldiery, then yes, the great majority of humankind has experienced honor. The simple potter died at 35 from a badly lanced boil.

>> No.9398086

People have pride in their skills, creations and occupations today. Go outside sometimes.

>> No.9398087

People had a more clear idea of a purpose, now people realize that we have no purpose.

>> No.9398089
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>If honor is subsistence agriculture and getting murdered by banditry or soldiery, then yes, the great majority of humankind has experienced honor.

>> No.9398091

>Can you not even conceive of
I'll take that as a no. The very idea is alien and incomprehensible to modern man, he pities those who came before who would look upon him with such disdain if they could.

>> No.9398096

I see otherwise. Nice ad-hominem though, EXTREMELY convincing, and not at all suggestive of the sensitivity of the matter I've touched upon.

>> No.9398132

>mindless hedonism, nihilism is the default and unquestioned
Sure, if all the info of outside world you are getting comes through the lens of a forum filled with bitter autistic failures trying to explain their own deficiencies away by 'muh godlessness and degeneracy'. The real state of things is not quite as dystopian, though, and the world is full of virtuous people living fulfilling lives, caring and looking out for their communities. Of course to see that would require of you to abandon the whole 'misunderstood enlightened patrician in a sea of filthy hedonistic normie plebs' narrative and deal with reality, so I won't be expecting anything but ultra-edgy greentext and highest grade teenage redpills. At least gimme your best here, please.

>> No.9398142

>I see otherwise.
This isn't a matter of opinion. Many people do in fact have pride in what they today. Now fuck off with your babby-tier polemics.

>> No.9398150

>everyone's entitled to their own opinion
>have another ad-hominem you virgin baby
ok anon
I defer to your polemic mastery

>> No.9398179

Not him, but great reply bud, keep it up.

>> No.9398184

>the world is full of virtuous people living fulfilling lives, caring and looking out for their communities.
You mean working for their paycheck while being numbed in light entertainment and misinformation that destroys every concept of morality and society for individualism and nihilism? Which the future generations they work for are subjected even further due to increase of technology and society conditioning? If anything living in a catholic or a third world country with a culture that access to information or post-modernist values is somewhat dismissed for the local culture is the only way for your statement to be true

>> No.9398191
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The most plebian post I've ever seen on all of 4chan, including all its boards and all the otherwise valuable time I've pointlessly spent here.

I can't even refer you to reddit at this point.

>> No.9398208

Largely this. People live commercials at this point, unless they're lucky enough not to own a TV, in quasi-metaphorical sense that is. The underlying psychology of consumerism is fascinating, how totally we uproot and destroy people with constant conditioning is damn impressive.

>> No.9398214

>A simple potter could have his pride in antiquity, not so anymore
Evidence needed for both claims.

>> No.9398246

>stupid wagecucks reading pomo/YA trash and watching Big Bazinga Theory are manipulated and conditioned by (((fake news))) into degeneracy and lack of authenticity
Good Lord, my man. Take a walk outside, join a club, make some new acquaintances, talk to real people face to face. I'm not trying to denigrate you or win a random internet argument, but you have clearly overdosed on red pills. The world's not perfect, but it's far from your /r9pol/ fantasies.

>> No.9398260

Good. Your stupidity and desperate shying away is annoying. Choke on a dick.

>> No.9398337 [DELETED] 

I am pretty normie my friend. I usually fuck/kiss tons of different girls every month. And I live in one of the most normie countries of the world where everyone is up to have a talk and enjoy life and is known internationally by it. And I know what set apart my country from the rest of the world especially 1st world countries where no-fun is allowed and people are so miserable that hang on to anything that can get out of their miserable nihilistic lives like 4chan, Netflix series, facebook, media outlets and other shit thinking they are finding a purpouse for themselves while in the end they are just maintaining the status quo while thinking they are becoming better beings by being enriched with "knowledge". Nowadays society is diseased with information/entertainment that passes as knowledge and the "bettering" of our lives, and people are so conditioned by it that became addicted to it that are incapable of productivity of any kind without thinking it is boring and not appealing, the best thing to maintain the status quo. And that is a society spread disease not mattering if normie or not. Post-Modern Society got as an objective dehumanizing humans with technology and entertainment and complete destruction of human values and a total stable world society because of the fears of what Modern Society and the search for infinite knowledge has brought to the world, which is war and destruction. Mankind nowadays is trying to erase a part of itself instead of coping with it and trying to achieve greatness with it like in Modern Times

>> No.9398450

>I am pretty normie my friend. I usually fuck/kiss tons of different girls every month.
it's funny how virginal teenagers out themselves right away by immediately going to sex even if the conversation didn't call for it in any way.
>And I know what set apart my country from the rest of the world especially 1st world countries where no-fun is allowed and people are so miserable that
>it's a third worlder discussing the decay and degeneracy of the dying west and how much better his 'culturally intact' shithole is
wew. haven't heard that one before. your whole post is just sweeping generalizations and cookie cutter 'the world is shit' teenage rambling with some autistic 4chan flavor. unless you are underage this is pretty embarrassing and you should try and grow the fuck up.

>> No.9398464

okay now I know you are just baiting and acting stupid because you have nothing to do and want some (You)s thanks my friend :)

>> No.9398485

kek you are unironically an example of what he posted

>> No.9398512

>I can't defend my cookie-cutter 2deep4u sad teenager worldview filled with false assumptions, clichées and superficial observations
>better delete it and call him bait this way I win the internet again XDD
you forgot the meme fish picture, friendo.

>> No.9398526
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I thought pepe was more suitable to your rethoric filled with ad hominem but any ways here it goes, use it next time you want some (You)s

>> No.9398532
File: 78 KB, 620x465, the hitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is the usual level of rhetoric on this board now
>these people feel the need to post here

>> No.9398544
File: 64 KB, 800x800, fucking kikes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9398893

No, most of them were poor and uneducated