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9395179 No.9395179 [Reply] [Original]

I'm looking for a copy of the arabian nights, one that has all the fantasy parts (especially the city of brass) and if possible some interesting annotations about the history and culture of the arab world prior it going to shit.

Also, I would prefer a good translation that at the very least doesn't sound unnatural. Pic related is complete horse shit

>> No.9395188

Husain Haddawy is massive and complete, thats the version i had in my grad lvl Arabic Studies course about 8 years ago.

>> No.9395206

>Pic related is complete horse shit
It's a pretty cover tho

>> No.9395211

Learn arabic pleb, duck off.

>> No.9395225

So so

>> No.9395273

Probably the best cover I've seen. I might get it if only as a decorative copy to show off and get another better translation for actual reading. I did the same thing with lovecraft

>> No.9395292

The copy I see on amazon doesn't look complete. its missing Sinbad, Aladdin and Ali Baba, not to mention the City of Brass

>> No.9395293

Which Lovecraft did you pick up?

>> No.9395309

>The first European version (1704–1717) was translated into French by Antoine Galland from an Arabic text of the Syrian recension and other sources. This 12-volume work, Les Mille et une nuits, contes arabes traduits en français ("Thousand and one nights, Arab stories translated into French"), included stories that were not in the original Arabic manuscript. "Aladdin's Lamp" and "Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves" (as well as several other, lesser known tales) appeared first in Galland's translation and cannot be found in any of the original manuscripts. He wrote that he heard them from a Syrian Christian storyteller from Aleppo, a Maronite scholar whom he called "Hanna Diab." Galland's version of the Nights was immensely popular throughout Europe, and later versions were issued by Galland's publisher using Galland's name without his consent.
>A notable recent version, which reverts to the Syrian recension, is a critical edition based on the 14th or 15th-century Syrian manuscript in the Bibliothèque Nationale, originally used by Galland. This version, known as the Leiden text, was compiled in Arabic by Muhsin Mahdi (1984) and rendered into English by Husain Haddawy (1990). Mahdi argued that this version is the earliest extant one (a view that is largely accepted today) and that it reflects most closely a "definitive" coherent text ancestral to all others that he believed to have existed during the Mamluk period (a view that remains contentious).[31][35][36] Still, even scholars who deny this version the exclusive status of "the only real Arabian Nights" recognize it as being the best source on the original style and linguistic form of the mediaeval work[29][30] and praise the Haddawy translation as "very readable" and "strongly recommended for anyone who wishes to taste the authentic flavour of those tales".[36] An additional second volume of Arabian nights translated by Haddawy, composed of popular tales not present in the Leiden edition, was published in 1995.

>> No.9395310

If comprehensiveness is your main concern, Penguin published the Arabian Nights in 3 volumes, with each volume containing 800+ pages.

>> No.9395316

>In 2008 a new English translation was published by Penguin Classics in three volumes. It is translated by Malcolm C. Lyons and Ursula Lyons with introduction and annotations by Robert Irwin. This is the first complete translation of the Macnaghten or Calcutta II edition (Egyptian recension) since Burton's. It contains, in addition to the standard text of 1001 Nights, the so-called "orphan stories" of Aladdin and Ali Baba as well as an alternative ending to The seventh journey of Sindbad from Antoine Galland's original French. As the translator himself notes in his preface to the three volumes, "[N]o attempt has been made to superimpose on the translation changes that would be needed to 'rectify' ... accretions, ... repetitions, non sequiturs and confusions that mark the present text," and the work is a "representation of what is primarily oral literature, appealing to the ear rather than the eye".[37] The Lyons translation includes all the poetry (in plain prose paraphrase) but does not attempt to reproduce in English the internal rhyming of some prose sections of the original Arabic. Moreover, it streamlines somewhat and has cuts. In this sense it is not, as claimed, a complete translation.

>> No.9395319


>> No.9395321
File: 23 KB, 192x300, 9781435162556_p0_v2_s192x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the decorative one, and believe me it's prettier in person. My reading copy is The Complete Collection of HP Lovecraft, the kindle edition, which has literally everything including his unfinished stories and original drafts for 99¢

I read volume 2 of that but last time I checked amazon didn't have volumes 1 or 3. maybe it does now

>> No.9395337

OP's Arabian Nights volume also looks much better in person

bretty gud Lovecraft

>> No.9395514
